Filter results200 paper(s) found. |
1. GIS Mapping of Soil Compaction and Moisture Distribution for Precision Tillage and Irrigation ManagementSoil compaction is one of the forms of physical change of soil structure which has positive and negative effects, in agriculture considered to make soil degradation. The undisciplined use of heavy load traffic or machinery in modern agriculture causes substantial soil compaction, counteracted by soil tillage that loosens the soil. Higher soil bulk densities affect resistance to root penetration, soil pore volume and permeability to air, and thus, finally the pore space habitable... H.P. Jayasuriya, M. Al-wardy, S. Al-adawi, K. Al-hinai |
2. Using Airborne Imagery To Monitor Cotton Root Rot Infection Before And After Fungicide TreatmentCotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is a severe soilborne disease that has affected cotton production for over a century. Recent research has shown that a commercial fungicide, flutriafol, has potential for the control of this disease. To effectively and economically control this disease, it is necessary to identify infected areas within the field so that variable rate technology can be used to apply fungicide only to th... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, R.R. Minzenmayer, R.L. Nichols, T. Isakeit, A. Thomasson |
3. 3-Dimension Reconstruction Of Cactus Using Multispectral ImagesUsing 3D reconstruction result to investigate plant morphology has been a focus of virtual plant. And multispectral imaging has proved to carried biological information in quite a lot work. This paper present a idea to investigate chlorophyll spatial variability of cactus using a bunch of multispectral images. 46 multispectral images are taken at equally distributed angles surrounding the tree and have over 80% overlap. Structure from motion approach has been u... F. Liu, Y. He, Y. Zhang, L. Tan, Y. Zhang, L. Jiang |
4. 3D Map in the Depth Direction of Field for Precision AgricultureBy a change in eating habits with economic development and the global population growth, we have been faced with the need for increased food production again. In order to solve the food problem in the future, the introduction of agriculture organization is progressing in emerging countries as well as developed countries. However, the occurrence of natural disasters and abnormal weather, which is becoming a worldwide problem at present, is further weakening the crops of far... H. Umeda, S. Shibusawa, Q. Li, K. Usui, M. Kodaira |
5. A Comparison Of Performance Between UAV And Satellite Imagery For N Status Assessment In CornA number of platforms are available for the sensing of crop conditions. They vary from proximal (tractor-mounted) to satellites orbiting the Earth. A lot of interest has recently emerged from the access to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones that are able to carry sensors payloads providing data at very high spatial resolution. This study aims at comparing the performance of a UAV and satellite imagery acquired over a corn nitrogen response trial set-up. The nitrogen (N) r... P. Vigneault, N. Tremblay, M.Y. Bouroubi, C. Bélec, E. Fallon |
6. A Comprehensive Model for Farmland Quality Evaluation with Multi-source Spatial InformationFarmland quality represents various properties, including two parts of natural influencing factors and social influencing factors. The natural factors and social factors are interrelated and interaction, which determine the developing direction of farmland system. In order to overcome the limitation of subjective factors and fuzzy incompatible information, a more scientific evaluation method of farmland quality should be developed to reflect the essential characteristic of farml... Y. Dong, Y. Wang, X. Song, X. Gu |
7. A Dual Motor Actuator Used To Detach Fruit By Shaking Limbs Of Fruit TreesMechanizing the fruit removal operation during fresh-market apple harvesting will result in considerable cost savings for fruit growers. This study introduces a mechanical fruit removal technique that uses a unique limb shaking mechanism called a Dual Motor Actuator (DMA). The DMA was developed as an infinitely variable end-effector that applies rhythmic motions to a fruiting limb to remove fruit. The novelty of the DMA design is the use of two eccentrics mounted to electric mot... M. De kleine, M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, K. Lewis |
8. A Five Year Study Of Variable Rate Fertilization In CitrusCitrus is a major crops in Brazil, especially in the São Paulo state, which is the main citrus production region in the world. Yet, site specific technology is still in early stages of adoption. Variable rate application of inputs is the most important tool in a Precision Agriculture system, however its effect on citrus agronomical aspects are still unknown, especially during long periods of observation. Thus, variable rate fertilizer application has been tested in citrus... J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço |
9. A Method For Sampling Scab Spots On Apple Leaves In The Orchard Using Machine VisionIntroduction One of the largest threats in apple orchards is scab. Current procedures involve models based on weather data that predict the likelihood of scab attacks. In case of alarm the orchard is sprayed with preventive pesticides and this typically happens 25-30 times per season. The scab attacks the leaves and stays on fallen leaves that reinfect the trees with rainwater, making it an advantage to include a-priori knowledge on previous... M.G. Bertelsen, K. Nielsen, M.R. Nielsen |
10. A Method To Estimate Irrigation Efficiency With Evapotranspiration DataIrrigation efficiency is defined as the ratio of irrigation water consumed by the crops to the water diverted (Wg) from a river or reservoir or wells. This terminology serves for better irrigation systems designation and irrigation management practices improvement. But it is hard or high cost with labor intensity to estimate irrigation efficiency from field measurement. This paper proposes an estimating method of irrigation efficiency at the scale of irrigat... H. Zeng, B. Wu, N. Yan |