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1. A Case Study Comparing Machine Learning and Vegetation Indices for Assessing Corn Nitrogen Status in an Agricultural Field in MinnesotaCompact hyperspectral sensors compatible with UAV platforms are becoming more readily available. These sensors provide reflectance in narrow spectral bands while covering a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, because of the narrow spectral bands and wide spectral range, hyperspectral data analysis can benefit greatly from data mining and machine learning techniques to leverage its power. In this study, rainfed corn was grown during the 2017 growing season using four nitrogen ... A. Laacouri, T. Nigon, D. Mulla, C. Yang |
2. A Comparative Study of Field-Wide Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Compressive SensingIn precision agriculture, monitoring of soil moisture plays an essential role in correct decision making. In practice, regular mesh installation, or large random deployment of moisture sensors over a large field is not possible due to cost and maintenance prohibitions. Consequently, direct measurement of moisture is possible at only a few points in the field. A value for the moisture may then be estimated for the remaining areas using a variety of algorithms. It is shown that althou... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti |
3. A Comparison of Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition Methods for Phenotyping ApplicationsCurrently Phenotyping is primarily performed using two-dimensional imaging techniques. While this yields interesting data about a plant, a lot of information is lost using regular cameras. Since a plant is three-dimensional, the use of dedicated 3D-imaging sensors provides a much more complete insight into the phenotype of the plant. Different methods for 3D-data acquisition are available, each with their inherent advantages and disadvantages. These have to be addressed depending on the parti... O. Scholz, F. Uhrmann, S. Gerth, K. Pieger, J. Claußen |
4. A Comprehensive Stress Index for Evaluating Plant Water Status in Almond TreesThis study evaluated a comprehensive plant water stress index that integrates the canopy temperature and the environmental conditions that can assist in irrigation management. This index—Comprehensive Stress Index (CSI)—is based on the reformulation of the leaf energy balance equation. Specifically, CSI is the ratio of the temperature difference between a dry leaf (i.e. a leaf with a broken stem) and a live leaf (on the same tree) [i.e. Tdry-Tleaf] and the difference between the v... K. Drechsler, I. Kisekka, S. Upadhyaya |
5. A Gap Analysis of Broadband Connectivity and Precision Agriculture Adoption in Southwestern Ontario, CanadaIn Southwestern Ontario (Canada), the availability of broadband, or high-speed internet, likely influences the adoption of precision agriculture (PA) technologies and functions of these technologies which enable real-time data sharing between the field and the digital cloud, and back again to the farm-level user. This paper examines the reasons why PA technologies are, or are not adopted, and adoption in relation to varying levels of broadband access. Broadband access is defined here with var... H. Hambly, M. Chowdury |
6. A Long-Term Precision Agriculture System Maintains ProfitabilityAfter two decades of availability of grain yield-mapping technology, long-term trends in field-scale profitability for precision agriculture (PA) systems and conservation practices can now be assessed. Field-scale profitability of a conventional or ‘business-as-usual’ system with an annual corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max [L.]) rotation and annual tillage was assessed for 11 years on a 36-ha field in central Missouri during 1993 to 2003. Following this, a ‘precision a... M.A. Yost, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S.T. Drummond, R.E. Massey |
7. A Pilot Study on Monitoring Drinking Behavior in Bucket Fed Dairy Calves Using an Ear-Attached Tri-Axial AccelerometerAccelerometers support the farmer with collecting information about animal behavior and thus allow a reduction in visual observation time. The milk intake of calves fed by teat-buckets has not been monitored automatically on commercial farms so far, although it is crucial for the calves’ development. This pilot study was based on bucket-fed dairy calves and intended (1) to evaluate the technical feasibility of using an ear-attached accelerometer (SMARTBOW, Smartbow GmbH, Weibern, Austri... L. Roland, L. Lidauer, G. Sattlecker, F. Kickinger, W. Auer, V. Sturm, D. Efrosinin, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger |
8. A Precision Management Strategy on Soil MappingWith the experience of field mapping practice during the last decade, a simple conclusion of four-level-field-management strategy was summarized. Level 1 was to describe the spatio-temporal variability of the fields, such as soil mapping and yield/quality mapping, and then to recognize the evidence in the field. Level 2 was to understand why the variability came out with help of farmers’ experience, such as mushing up of the date, memorizing the work history and the environmental condit... S. Shibusawa |
9. A Tool for Monitoring Genetic Selection Differentials in Dairy Herds in CanadaA software tool was developed to allow a dairy producer and/or agricultural advisor to monitor the genetic selection differentials (GSD) that a dairy farm is making. The objectives of this study were (i) to monitor GSD in individual farms, over years, so that producers can be advised as to whether or not they are achieving their selection objectives (and hence optimizing productivity and profitability); (ii) the development of a prototype software tool and visualization model to assist produc... B.A. Hagan, R.I. Cue |
10. Accelerating Precision Agriculture to Decision Agriculture: Enabling Digital Agriculture in AustraliaFor more than two decades, the success of Australia’s agricultural and rural sectors has been supported by the work of the Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs). The RDCs are funded by industry and government. For the first time, all fifteen of Australia’s RDC’s have joined forces with the Australian government to design a solution for the use of big data in Australian agriculture. This is the first known example of a nationwide approach for the digital transfor... J. Trindall, R. Rainbow |