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Real-Time Control of Spray Drop Application
1S. Post, 2N. Kabaliuk, 2M. Jermy, 2P. Gaynor, 3A. Werner
1. Lincoln Agritech Ltd., PO Box 69 133, Lincoln, Canterbury 7640, New Zealand
2. University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8041, New Zealand
3. Lincoln Agritech

Electrostatic application of spray drops provides unique opportunities to precisely control the application of pesticides due to the additional electrostatic force on the spray drops, in addition to the normally seen forces of aerodynamic drag, gravity, and inertia. In this work, we develop a computational model to predict the spray drop trajectories. The model is validated through experiments with high speed photography of spray drop trajectories, and quantification of which trajectories lead to the "wrap-around effect", which results in drop deposition on the back side of the target leaf or fruit surface.

Keyword: Pesticide spraying, electrostatic spraying, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), precision spraying
S. Post    N. Kabaliuk    M. Jermy    P. Gaynor    A. Werner    Precision Crop Protection    Oral    2018