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Amaral, L.R
Ascough II, J.C
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Amaral, L.R
Portz, G
Rosa, H
Molin, J
Amaral, L.R
Molin, J.P
Taubinger, L
Amaral, L.R
Molin, J.P
Jasper, J
Portz, G
Delgado, J.A
Ascough II, J.C
Fontenelli, J.V
Amaral, L.R
Demattê, J.M
Magalhães, P.G
Sanches, G
Sanches, G.M
Amaral, L.R
Pitrat, T
Brasco, T
Magalhaes, P.S
Duft, D.G
Franco, H.C
Michelon, G.K
Sanches, G.M
Valente, I.Q
Bazzi, C.L
de Menezes, P.L
Amaral, L.R
Magalhaes, P.G
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Conservation and Carbon Management
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Use of Active Crop Canopy Reflectance Sensor for Nitrogen Sugarcane Fertilization

Researches about the use of ground-based canopy reflectance sensors aiming the nitrogen management fertilization on variable-rate over the sugarcane crop have been conducted in São Paulo, Brazil since 2007. Sugarcane response to nitrogen is variable, making difficult the development of models to estimate its demands.... L.R. Amaral, G. Portz, H. Rosa, J. Molin

2. Vegetation Indices from Active Crop Canopy Sensor and Their Potential Interference Factors on Sugarcane

Among the inputs usually used in the sugarcane production the nitrogen (N) is the most significant. With the use of ground-based canopy sensors to obtain vegetation indexes (VI), it is possible to obtain recommendations of nutrient supply in... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, L. Taubinger

3. Optimum Sugarcane Growth Stage for Canopy Reflectance Sensor to Predict Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake

The recent technology of plant canopy reflectance sensors can provide the status of biomass and nitrogen nutrition of sugarcane spatially and in real time, but it is necessary to know the right moment to use this technology aiming the best predictions of the crop parameters... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, J. Jasper, G. Portz

4. A New Version of the Nitrogen Trading Tool (NTT) To Assess Nitrogen Management across the USA

A recent study from the USDA Economic Research Service (September 2011) reported that about one-third of U.S. cropland was found to meet the requirements for nutrient... J.A. Delgado, J.C. Ascough ii

5. Soil Attributes Estimation Based on Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Topographic Variability

The local management of crop areas, which is the basic concept of precision agriculture, is essential for increasing crop yield. In this context, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and digital elevation modelling (DEM) appears as an important technique for determining soil properties, on an adequate scale to agricultural management, enabling faster and less costly evaluations in soil studies. The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of DRS together with topographic parameters for... J.V. fontenelli, L.R. Amaral, J.M. Demattê, P.G. Magalhães, G. Sanches

6. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Sensors and Their Relationship with Soil Properties in Sugarcane Fields

One important tool within the technological precision agriculture (PA) package are the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensors. This kind of sensor shows the ability in mapping soil physicochemical variability quickly, with high resolution and at low cost. However, the adoption of this technology in Brazil is not usual, particularly on sugarcane fields. A major issue for farmers is the applicability of ECa, how to convert ECa data in knowledge that may assist the producer in decision-making... G.M. Sanches, L.R. Amaral, T. Pitrat, T. Brasco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft, H.C. Franco

7. Optimized Soil Sampling Location in Management Zones Based on Apparent Electrical Conductivity and Landscape Attributes

One of the limiting factors to characterize the soil spatial variability is the need for a dense soil sampling, which prevents the mapping due to the high demand of time and costs. A technique that minimizes the number of samples needed is the use of maps that have prior information on the spatial variability of the soil, allowing the identification of representative sampling points in the field. Management Zones (MZs), a sub-area delineated in the field, where there is relative homogeneity in... G.K. Michelon, G.M. Sanches, I.Q. Valente, C.L. Bazzi, P.L. De menezes, L.R. Amaral, P.G. Magalhaes