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Wilson, R
Yuncai, H
Naime, J.D
Namdarian, I
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Baresel, P
Mistele, B
Yuncai, H
Schmidhalter, U
Hackl, H
Nino, P
Vanino, S
Lupia, F
Altobelli, F
Vuolo, F
Namdarian, I
De Michele, C
Naime, J.D
Queiros, L.R
Resende, A.V
Vilela, M.D
Bassoi, L.H
Perez, N.B
Bernardi, A.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Cushnahan, M.Z
Yule, I.J
Wood, B.A
Wilson, R
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. A Comparison of Plant Temperatures as Measured By Thermal Imaging and Infrared Thermometry

... P. Baresel, B. Mistele, H. Yuncai, U. Schmidhalter, H. Hackl

2. Applications for Precision Agriculture: the Italian Experience of SIRIUS Project

    This paper reports the results of the project SIRIUS (Sustainable Irrigation water management and River-basin... P. Nino, S. Vanino, F. Lupia, F. Altobelli, F. Vuolo, I. Namdarian, C. De michele

3. Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network

The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian Precision... J.D. Naime, L.R. Queiros, A.V. Resende, M.D. Vilela, L.H. Bassoi, N.B. Perez, A.C. Bernardi, R.Y. Inamasu

4. Surplus Science and a Non-linear Model for the Development of Precision Agriculture Technology

The advent of ‘big data technologies’ such as hyperspectral imaging means that Precision Agriculture (PA) developers now have access to superabundant and highly  heterogeneous data.  The authors explore the limitations of the classic science model in this situation and propose a new non-linear process that is not based on the premise of controlled data scarcity. The study followed a science team tasked with developing highly advanced hyperspectral techniques for a ‘low... M.Z. Cushnahan, I.J. Yule, B.A. Wood, R. Wilson