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Kulczycki, G
Vilela, M.D
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Naime, J.D
Queiros, L.R
Resende, A.V
Vilela, M.D
Bassoi, L.H
Perez, N.B
Bernardi, A.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Grocholski, P
Stepien, P
Kulczycki, G
Michalski, A
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Precision Nutrient Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network

The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian Precision... J.D. Naime, L.R. Queiros, A.V. Resende, M.D. Vilela, L.H. Bassoi, N.B. Perez, A.C. Bernardi, R.Y. Inamasu

2. Comparison Of The Variable Potassium Fertilization On The Light And Heavy Soils

Introduction. Determination of the spatial variability of the nutrient levels in soil facilitated adaptation of the fertilizer doses to the soluble forms availability. Nowadays, an increasing use of this method of the fertilizer application is observed, with this being associated with both economical and environmental advantages, as well as, with growing assortment of the purpose-built agricultural instrumentation. An accurate determination of the spatial distribution... P. Grocholski, P. Stepien, G. Kulczycki, A. Michalski