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De Waele, T
Destain, M
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Arno, J
Escolà, A
Company, J
Vancutsem, F
Leemans, V
Ferrandis Vallterra, S
Bodson, B
Destain, J
Destain, M
Dumont, B
Basso, B
Destain, J
Bodson, B
Destain, M
Dumont, B
Destain, M
Leemans, V
Marlier, G
Goffart, J
Bodson, B
Mercatoris, B
Gritten, F
Baklouti, I
Mansouri, M
Destain, M
Hamida, A
De Waele, T
Peralta, D
Shahid, A
De Poorter, E
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Precision Nutrient Management
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Mapping the Leaf Area Index In Vineyard Using a Ground-Based LIDAR Scanner

The leaf area index (LAI) is defined as the one-sided leaf area per unit ground area and is probably the most widely used index to characterize grapevine vigour. However, direct LAI measurement requires the use of destructive leaves sampling methods which are costly and time-consuming and so are other indirect methods. Faced with these techniques, vineyard leaf area can be indirectly estimated using ground-based LIDAR sensors that scan the vines and get information about the geometry and/or structure... J. Arno, I. Del moral, A. Escolà, J. Company, J.A. MartÍnez-casasnovas, J. Masip, R. Sanz, J.R. Rosell

2. Assessing the Potential of an Algorithm Based On Mean Climatic Data to Predict Wheat Yield

In crop yield prediction, the unobserved future weather remains the key point of predictions. Since weather forecasts are limited in time, a large amount of information may come from the analysis of past weather data. Mean data over the past years and stochastically generated data are two possible ways to compensate the lack of future data. This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to predict... F. Vancutsem, V. Leemans, S. Ferrandis vallterra, B. Bodson, J. Destain, M. Destain, B. Dumont

3. Nitrogen Fertilisation Recommendations : Could They Be Improved Using Stochastically Generated Climates In Conjunction With Crop Models ?

In the context of precision nitrogen (N) management, to ensure that the yield potential could be reached each year, farmers have too often applied quantities of fertilizers much larger than what was strictly required. However, since 2002, the Belgian Government transposed the European Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC in the Belgian law, with the aim to maintain the productivity and the revenue of Belgian's farmers while reducing the environmental impact of excessive N management... B. Basso, J. Destain, B. Bodson, M. Destain, B. Dumont

4. Detection of Nitrogen Stress on Winter Wheat by Multispectral Machine Vision

Hand-held sensors (SPAD meter, N-Tester, …) used for detecting the leaves nitrogen  concentration (Nc) present several drawbacks. The nitrogen concentration is gained by an indirect way through the chlorophyll concentration and the leaves have to be fixed in a defined position for the measurements. These drawbacks could be overcome by an imaging device that measures the canopy reflectance. Hence, the objective of the paper is to analyse the potential of multispectral imaging for detecting... M. Destain, V. Leemans, G. Marlier, J. Goffart, B. Bodson, B. Mercatoris, F. Gritten

5. Estimating Environmental Systems Using Iterated Sigma Point Techniques: a Biomass Substrate Hypothetical System

This paper addresses the problem of biomass substrate hypothetical system estimation using sigma points kalman filter (SPKF) methods. Various conventional and state-of-theart state estimation methods are compared for the estimation performance, namely the unscented Kalman filter(UKF), the central difference Kalman filter (CDKF), the square-root unscented Kalman filter (SRUKF), the square-root central difference Kalman filter (SRCDKF), the iterated unscented Kalman filter (IUKF), the iterated central... I. Baklouti, M. Mansouri, M. Destain, A. Hamida

6. Supervised Feature Selection and Clustering for Equine Activity Recognition

In this paper we introduce a novel supervised algorithm for equine activity recognition based on accelerometer data. By combining an approach of calculating a wide variety of time-series features with a supervised feature significance test we can obtain the best suited features using just 5 labeled samples per class and without requiring any expert domain knowledge. By using a simple cluster assignment algorithm with these obtained features, we get a classification algorithm that achieves a mean... T. De waele, D. Peralta, A. Shahid, E. De poorter