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Jalem, R.S
Johann, A.L
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Araujo, A.G
Toledo, A.D
Hirakawa, A.R
Johann, A.L
Sharma, A
Jalem, R.S
Dash, M
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Smart Weather for Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Control System Applied To No-Till Seeding For High-Quality Operation

A high quality crop seeding operation should enable a rapid and uniform establishment of a desired plant population. Therefore, a no-till seeder must provide a seeding environment that allows the absorption of water by seeds and appropriate temperature and aeration conditions for germination and emergence processes. To stimulate these processes, the seed needs full contact with soil in order to accelerate the absorption of water and oxygen. Covering the furrow with straw is another important... A.G. Araujo, A.D. Toledo, A.R. Hirakawa, A.L. Johann

2. Micro-climate Prediction System Using IoT Data and AutoML

Microclimate variables like temperature, humidity are sensitive to land surface properties and land-atmosphere connections. They can vary over short distances and even between sections of the farm. Getting the accurate microclimate around the crop canopy allows farmers to effectively manage crop growth. However, most of the weather forecast services available to farmers globally, either by the meteorological department or universities or some weather app,  provide weather forecasts for larger... A. Sharma, R.S. Jalem, M. Dash