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Dela Rue, B.T
Fiorentino, C
Trevisan, R.G
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Jago, J
Burke, J
Kamphuis, C
Dela Rue, B.T
Dela Rue, B.T
Jago, J
Kamphuis, C
Dela Rue, B.T
Kamphuis, C
Jago, J.G
Burke, C.R
Basso, B
Fiorentino, C
Cammarano, D
D'Errico, A
Vilanova Jr., N.
Molin, J.P
Portz, C
Posada, L.V
Portz, G
Trevisan, R.G
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Remote Collection of Behavioral and Physiological Data to Detect Lame Cows

Authors of abstract: C. Kamphuis, J. Burke, J. Jago ... J. Jago, J. Burke, C. Kamphuis, B. Dela rue

2. Two On-Farm Tests to Evaluate In-Line Sensors for Mastitis Detection

To date, there is no independent and uniformly presented information available regarding detection performance of automated in-line mastitis detection systems. This lack of information makes it hard for farmers or... B. Dela rue, J. Jago, C. Kamphuis

3. Field Evaluation of Automated Estrus Detection Systems - Meeting Farmers' Expectation

Automated systems for oestrus detection are commonly marketed as a suitable, or in some cases, a higher performing alternative to visual observation. Farmers, particularly those with larger herds relying on less experienced staff, view the perceived benefits of automated systems as both economic and physical, with expectations of improved oestrus detection efficiency with lower labour input. There is little evidence-based information available on the field performance of these systems to... B.T. Dela rue, C. Kamphuis, J.G. Jago, C.R. Burke

4. Understanding Spatial and Temporal Variability of Wheat Yield: An Integrated System Approach

Spatial variation in soil water and nitrogen are often the causes of crop yield spatial variability due to their influence on the uniformity of plant stand at emergence and for in-season stresses. Natural and acquired variability in production capacity or potential within a field causes uniform agronomic management practices for the field to be correct in some parts and inappropriate in others. To achieve... B. Basso, C. Fiorentino, D. Cammarano, A. D'errico

5. Cotton Field Relations Of Plant Height To Biomass Accumulation And N-Uptake On Conventional And Narrow Row Systems

Although studied for decades, cotton field management remains a challenge for growers, especially due to spatial variability of soil conditions and crop growth, which demands the use of variable rate application technology (VRT) for nitrogen and growth regulators to improve yields and quality and/or save inputs. Canopy optical reflectance sensors are being studied as an option to detect infield variability but may have some limitations due to the known effect of signal saturation when used... N. . Vilanova jr., J.P. Molin, C. Portz, L.V. Posada, G. Portz, R.G. Trevisan