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Goeringer, P
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Goeringer, P
Ellixson, A
Moyle, J
Ellixson, A
Goeringer, P
Griffin, T
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Standards & Data Stewardship
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Privacy Issues and the Use of UASs/Drones in Maryland

 According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the lawful use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or more commonly as drones, are currently limited to military, research, and recreational applications. Under the FAA’s view, commercial uses of drones are illegal unless approved by the Federal government.  This will change in the future.  Congress authorized the FAA to develop regulations for the use of drones by private... P. Goeringer, A. Ellixson, J. Moyle

2. Ownership and Protections of Farm Data

Farm data has been a contentious point of debate with respect to ownership rights and impacts when access rights are misappropriated. One of the leading questions farmers ask deals with the protections provided to farm data. Although no specific laws or precedence exists, the possibility of trade secret is examined and ramifications for damages discussed. Farm management examples are provided to emphasize the potential outcomes of each possible recourse for misappropriating farm data. ... A. Ellixson, P. Goeringer, T. Griffin