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Prueger, J.H
Paraforos, D
Webber III, C.L
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Webber III, C.L
Taylor, M.J
Shrefler, J.W
Hatfield, J.L
Prueger, J.H
Tsoulias, N
Paraforos, D
Brandes, N
Fountas, S
Zude-Sasse, M
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Vegetative Indices in Crop Production
Precision Horticulture
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Placement of Corn Gluten Meal for Weed Control in Organic Vegetable Production

Organic vegetable producers rank weeds as one of their most troublesome, time consuming, and costly production problems. As a result of the limited number of organically approved weed control herbicides, the precision placement of these materials increases their potential usefulness in organic production systems. As a non-selective preemergence or preplant-incorporated herbicide, corn gluten meal (CGM) inhibits root development; decreases shoot length, and reduces plant survival. The development... C.L. Webber iii, M.J. Taylor, J.W. Shrefler

2. Seasonal Patterns of Vegetative Indices Over Cropping Systems

Remote sensing of reflectance in the visible and near-infrared portions of the spectrum has been used for agronomic applications for a number of years. The combination of different wavelengths into vegetative indices have proven useful for a variety of applications that range from biomass, leaf area, leaf chlorophyll, yield, crop residue, and crop damage. To help refine our understanding of vegetative indices studies were conducted on corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), wheat... J.L. Hatfield, J.H. Prueger

3. Calculating the Water Deficit of Apple Orchard by Means of Spatially Resolved Approach

In semi-humid climate, spatially resolved analysis of water deficit was carried out in apple orchard (Malus x domestica 'Pinova'). The meteorological data were recorded daily by a weather station. The apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) was measured at field capacity, and twenty soil samples in 30 cm were gathered for texture, bulk density, and gravimetric soil water content analyses. Furthermore, ten trees were defoliated in different ECa regions in order to estimate the leaf... N. Tsoulias, D. Paraforos, N. Brandes, S. Fountas, M. Zude-sasse