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Scharf, P
Sornapudi, S
Seielstad, G
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Bean, G
Kitchen, N.R
Franzen, D.W
Miles, R.J
Ransom, C
Scharf, P
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R.B
Fernandez, F.G
Laboski, C
Nafziger, E
Sawyer, J
Shanahan, J
Scharf, P
Scharf, P
Scharf, P
Shannon, K
Sudduth, K
Kitchen, N
Zhang, X
Helgason, C
Seielstad, G
Shi, L
Sridharan, S
Sornapudi, S
Hu, Q
Kumpatla, S
Bier, J
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Modifying the University of Missouri Corn Canopy Sensor Algorithm Using Soil and Weather Information

Corn production across the U.S. Corn belt can be often limited by the loss of nitrogen (N) due to leaching, volatilization and denitrification. The use of canopy sensors for making in-season N fertilizer applications has been proven effective in matching plant N requirements with periods of rapid N uptake (V7-V11), reducing the amount of N lost to these processes. However, N recommendation algorithms used in conjunction with canopy sensor measurements have not proven accurate in making N recommendations... G. Bean, N.R. Kitchen, D.W. Franzen, R.J. Miles, C. Ransom, P. Scharf, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan

2. Sensor-based Variable-rate N on Corn Reduced Nitrous Oxide Emissions

More nitrogen fertilizer is applied to corn than to all other U.S. crops combined, contributing to atmospheric heat trapping when nitrous oxide is produced.  Higher nitrogen rate is well known to increase nitrous oxide emissions, and earlier N application time may increase the window during which nitrous oxide can form.  An experiment was initiated in 2012 comparing nitrogen management and drainage effects on corn yield and nitrous oxide emissions.  Two nitrogen treatments... P. Scharf

3. Aerial Photographs to Predict Yield Loss Due to N Deficiency in Corn

Nitrogen fertilizer is a crucial input for corn production, and in the U.S. more nitrogen is applied to corn than to all other crops combined.  In wet weather, nitrogen can be lost from soil by leaching and by denitrification.  Which process predominates depends largely on soil drainage.  Nitrogen deficiency in nearly any plant is expressed by a lighter green color of leaves than in nitrogen-sufficient plants.  Nitrogen deficiency in corn can be easily seen from the air. ... P. Scharf

4. Sensor-based Nitrogen Applications Out-performed Producer-chosen Rates for Corn in On-farm Demonstrations

Optimal nitrogen fertilizer rate for corn can vary substantially within and among fields.  Current N management practices do not address this variability.  Crop reflectance sensors offer the potential to diagnose crop N need and control N application rates at a fine spatial scale.  Our objective was to evaluate the performance of sensor-based variable-rate N applications to corn, relative to constant N rates chosen by the producer.  Fifty-five replicated on-farm demonstrations... P. Scharf, K. Shannon, K. Sudduth, N. Kitchen

5. Zone Mapping Application for Precision-farming: a Decision Support Tool for Variable Rate Application

We have developed a web-based decision support tool, Zone Mapping Application for Precision Farming (ZoneMAP, http://zonemap.umac.org), which can automatically determine the optimal number of management zones and delineate them using satellite imagery and field survey data provided by users. Application rates, say for fertilizer, can be prescribed for each zone and downloaded in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with GPS-enabled farming applicators. ZoneMAP is linked to Digital Northern... X. Zhang, C. Helgason, G. Seielstad, L. Shi

6. A Generative Adversarial Network-based Method for High Fidelity Synthetic Data Augmentation

Digital Agriculture has led to new phenotyping methods that use artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions on image and video data collected from lab, greenhouse, and field environments. The availability of accurately annotated image and video data remains a bottleneck for developing most machine learning and deep learning models. Typically, deep learning models require thousands of unique samples to accurately learn a given task. However, manual annotation of a large dataset will... S. Sridharan, S. Sornapudi, Q. Hu, S. Kumpatla, J. Bier