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Ashworth, A
Abd-Elrahman, A
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Gan, H
Lee, W.S
Alchanatis, V
Abd-Elrahman, A
Ashworth, A
Kharel, T
Owens, P
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. An Active Thermography Method for Immature Citrus Fruit Detection

Fast and accurate methods of immature citrus fruit detection are critical to building early yield mapping systems. Previously, machine vision methods based on color images were used in many studies for citrus fruit detection. Despite the high resolutions of most color images, problems such as the color similarity between fruit and leaves, and various illumination conditions prevented those studies from achieving high accuracies. This project explored a novel method for immature citrus fruit detection... H. Gan, W.S. Lee, V. Alchanatis, A. Abd-elrahman

2. Evaluating How Operator Experience Level Affects Efficiency Gains for Precision Agricultural Tools

Tractor guidance (TG) improve environmental gains relative to non-precision technologies; however, studies evaluating how tractor operator experience for non-guidance comparisons impact gains are nonexistent. This study explores spatial relationships of overlaps and gaps with operator experience level (0-1; 2-3; 6+ years) during fertilizer and herbicide applications based on terrain attributes.  Tractor paths recorded by global navigation satellite systems were used to create overlap polygons.... A. Ashworth, T. Kharel, P. Owens