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Arias, A.C
Alfonso, F
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Berger, A.G
Hoffman, E
Fassana, N
Alfonso, F
Goodrich, P.J
Baumbauer, C
Arias, A.C
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Wireless Sensor Networks
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Active Canopy Sensors for the Detection of Non-Responsive Areas to Nitrogen Application in Wheat

Active canopy sensors offer accurate measurements of crop growth status that have been used in real time to estimate nitrogen (N) requirements. NDVI can be used to determine the absolute amount of fertilizer requirement, or simply to distribute within the field an average rate defined by decision models using other diagnostics. The objective of this work was to evaluate the capacity of active canopy sensors to determine yield and N application requirements within a site at jointing stage (Feeks... A.G. Berger, E. Hoffman, N. Fassana, F. Alfonso

2. A Passive-RFID Wireless Sensor Node for Precision Agriculture

Accurate soil data is crucial for precision agriculture.  While existing optical methods can correlate soil health to the gasses emitted from the field, in-soil electronic sensors enable real-time measurements of soil conditions at the effective root zone of a crop. Unfortunately, modern soil sensor systems are limited in what signals they can measure and are generally too expensive to reasonably distribute the sensors in the density required for spatially accurate feedback.  In this... P.J. Goodrich, C. Baumbauer, A.C. Arias