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N.L., R
Nagel, P
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Shanwad, U
H, V
N.L., R
Kanannnavar, P.S
Swamy, S
Patil, M.B
Nagel, P
Fleming, K
Fleming, K
Schottle, N
Nagel, P
Koch, G
Precision Nutrient Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Nutrient Management in Cotton- A Case Study from India

Cotton is being one of the important commercial crops in India, farmers have adopted cultivating hybrid cotton to achieve higher yield. In this context, cotton is becoming input intensive crop... U. Shanwad, V. H, R. N.l., P.S. Kanannnavar, S. Swamy, M.B. Patil

2. Changing the Cost of Farming: New Tools for Precision Farming

Accurate prescription maps are essential for effective variable rate fertilizer application.  Grid soil sampling has most frequently been used to develop these prescription maps.  Past research has indicated several technical and economic limitations associated with this approach.  There is a need to keep the number of samples to a minimum while still allowing a reasonable level of map quality.  As can be seen, precision agriculture management... P. Nagel, K. Fleming

3. You Can Not Manage What You Dont Measure

The problem of variability in soil nutrient analysis has been studied for years by a number of industry experts; unable to decipher and commercialize hyperspectral soil sensing. Many studies have taken years of testing to account for variability thathas a dramatic impacts on precision of recommendations. The main tradeoff we have identified is between accuracy and precision. Large quantities of raw data are required... K. Fleming, N. Schottle, P. Nagel, G. Koch