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Fulton, J
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Colley III, R
Fulton, J
Douridas, N
Port, K
Colley III, R
Fulton, J
Virk, S
Hawkins, E
Colley III, R
Lin, Y
Fulton, J
Shearer, S
Lee, J
Fulton, J
Port, K
Colley III, R
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. On-Farm Digital Solutions and Their Associated Value to North American Farmers

Digital tools and data collection have become standard in a wide variety of present day agricultural operations. An array of digital tools, such as high resolution operational mapping, remote sensing, and farm management software offer solutions to many of the problems in modern agriculture. These technologies and services can, if implemented correctly, provide both immediate and long term agronomic value. A growing number of producers in Ohio and around North America question the proper method... R. Colley iii, J. Fulton, N. Douridas, K. Port

2. Field Level Management and Data Verification of Variable Rate Fertilizer Application

Increased cost efficiencies and ease of use make spinner-disc spreaders the primary method of applying fertilizers throughout much of the United States. Recently, advances in spreader systems have enabled multiple fertilizer products to be applied at variable application rates. This provides greater flexibility during site-specific management of in-field fertility. Physical and aerodynamic properties vary for fertilizer granules of different sources and densities, these properties in turn affect... R. Colley iii, J. Fulton, S. Virk, E. Hawkins

3. Development of a Graphical User Interface for Spinner-Disc Spreader Calibration and Spread Uniformity Assessment

Broadcast fertilizer distribution through spinner-disc spreaders remain the most cost-effective, and least time consuming process to apply the needed soil amendments for the next crop. Spreaders currently available to producers enable them to apply a variety of granular products at varying rates, blends, and swath widths. In order to uniformly apply granular fertilizer or lime, the spreader should be calibrated by standard pan testing with any change in spreader settings, application rate, or... R. Colley iii, Y. Lin, J. Fulton, S. Shearer

4. Overview and Value of Digital Technologies for North American Soybean Producers

In the current state of digital agriculture, many digital technologies and services are offered to assist North American soybean producers.  Opportunities for capturing and analyzing information related to soybean production methods are made available through the adoption of these technologies.  However, often it is difficult for producers to know which digital tools and services are available to them or understand the value they can provide.  The objective of this... J. Lee, J. Fulton, K. Port, R. Colley iii