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Khalid, M.B
Masiero, F.C
Milic, D
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Zainal Abidin, M.B
Shibusawa, S
Ohaba, M
Li, Q
Kodaira, M
Khalid, M.B
Marasca, I
Masiero, F.C
Fiorese, D.A
Guerra, S.S
Lancas, K.P
Masiero, F.C
Fernandes, B.B
Guerra, S.P
Lanças, K.P
Tagarakis, A.C
van Evert, F
Milic, D
Crnojevic, V
Crnojevic-Bengin, V
Kempenaar, C
Ljubicic, N
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Conservation Management
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Transient Water Flow Model in a Soil-Plant System for Subsurface Precision Irrigation

The spatial variability of plant-water characteristic in the soil is still unclear. This limits the attempt to model the soil-plant-atmosphere system with this factor. Understanding the non-steady water flow along the soil-plant component is essential to understand their spatial variability.... M.B. Zainal abidin, S. Shibusawa, M. Ohaba, Q. Li, M. Kodaira, M.B. Khalid

2. Spatial Dependence Of Soil Compaction In Annual Cycle Of Different Culture Of Cane Sugar For Sandy Soil

The Currently practiced mechanization for the production of sugar cane involves a heavy traffic of machinery and equipment. Studying the culture in its development environment generates a huge amount of information to fit the top managements and varieties for specific environments. The sugar cane cultivation has a heavy traffic of machinery and equipment, having more than 20 operations per cycle, and being more intense during harvest, providing increasing... I. Marasca, F.C. Masiero, D.A. Fiorese, S.S. Guerra, K.P. Lancas

3. Spatial Variability Of Soil Compaction In Annual Cycle Of Different Culture Of Cane Sugar Land Clay Sandy

The assessment of soil compaction levels and choosing the best management system are very important in modern agriculture, aiming to prevent or at least restore their physical conditions to a satisfactory level. The renewal of sugar cane plantation happens on average every 5 or 6 years. The current way repeats a sequence compaction and decompaction events during successive cycles of sugarcane, which promotes breakdown of soil structure. During the harvesting and transportation, the... F.C. Masiero, B.B. Fernandes, S.P. Guerra, K.P. Lanças, I. Marasca

4. Opportunities for Precision Agriculture in Serbia

The aim of this paper is to analyze the factors leading to low adoption rate of precision farming in Serbia and to describe steps being taken by BioSense institute to increase it. The majority of the arable land in Serbia is grown by small family owned and operated farms most of which are in the range of 2 to 5 ha making them highly unsustainable. Only 16% of the arable land is managed by agricultural companies and cooperatives. We believe that the adoption of advanced technologies with the currently... A.C. Tagarakis, F. Van evert, D. Milic, V. Crnojevic, V. Crnojevic-bengin, C. Kempenaar, N. Ljubicic