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An, X
Ashraf, E
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Meng, Z
Wang, Z
Wu, G
Fu, W
An, X
Ashraf, E
Shurjeel, H.K
Rasheed, R
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. The Spatial And Temporal Variability Analysis Of Wheat Yield in suburban of Beijing

  Abstract: The yield map is the basis of the fertilization maps and plant maps. In order to diagnose the cause of variation accurately, not only the spatial variation of annual yield data, but also the successive annual yield data of temporal variability should be understood.The introduction of yield monitor system, global positioning system (GPS), and geographic information system have provided new methods to obtain wheat yield in precision agriculture.... Z. Meng, Z. Wang, G. Wu, W. Fu, X. An

2. Precision Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Espousal of Advanced Farming Practices Among Progressive Farmers in Punjab –Pakistan

Precision agriculture provides innovative farm information tools for improved decision making regarding crop growth and yield. Creating awareness for future applications of precision agriculture among progressive farmers in Pakistan was an instrumental force to conduct this study. The purpose was to appraise the awareness level of the respondents for applications of precision agriculture in the field. The objectives such as assessing the awareness level, available information sources, future needs,... E. Ashraf, H.K. Shurjeel, R. Rasheed