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Sedinina, N
Sanchez, S
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Sedinina, N
Kotlyarov , D
Kotlyarov, V
Osann, A
Campos, I
Calera, M
Plaza, C
Bodas, V
Calera, A
Villodre, J
Campoy, J
Sanchez, S
Jimenez, N
Lopez, H
Precision Crop Protection
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. New Technologies in Biological Plant Protection and Its Localization

The sharp increase in the use of pesticides in agrobiocenosis in the background of no-till and minimum tillage called: the growth of costs, the decline of soil fertility, the occurrence of resistance in harmful organisms and change in species composition, a number of other pressing environmental problems. In this regard, the most preferred and safe bipolarization of plant protection. The use of microorganisms in plant protection can reduce the number of harmful organisms in anthropogenic ecosystems,... N. Sedinina, D. Kotlyarov , V. kotlyarov

2. Practical Prescription of Variable Rate Fertilization Maps Using Remote Sensing Based Yield Potential

This paper describes a practical approach for the prescription of variable rate fertilization maps using remote sensing data (RS) based on satellite platforms, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 constellation. The methodology has been developed and evaluated in Albacete, Spain, in the framework of the project FATIMA (http://fatima-h2020.eu/). The global approach considers the prescription of N management prior to the growing season, based on a spatially distributed N balance. Although the diagnosis of N... A. Osann, I. Campos, M. Calera, C. Plaza, V. Bodas, A. Calera, J. Villodre, J. Campoy, S. Sanchez, N. Jimenez, H. Lopez