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Akhter, F
Abdelghafour, F
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Keresztes, B
Da Costa, J
Randriamanga, D
Germain, C
Abdelghafour, F
Hodge, K
Bainard, L
Smith, A
Akhter, F
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Real-Time Fruit Detection Using Deep Neural Networks

Proximal imaging using tractor-mounted cameras is a simple and cost-effective method to acquire large quantities of data in orchards and vineyards. It can be used for the monitoring of vegetation and for the management of field operations such as the guidance of smart spraying systems for instance. One of the most prolific research subjects in arboriculture is fruit detection during the growing season. Estimations of fruit-load can be used for early yield assessments and for the monitoring of... B. Keresztes, J. Da costa, D. Randriamanga, C. Germain, F. Abdelghafour

2. Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Multispectral with RGB Sensors to Analyze Canola Yield in the Canadian Prairies

In 2017 canola was planted on 9 million hectares in Canada surpassing wheat as the most widely planted crop in Canada.  Saskatchewan is the dominant producer with nearly 5 million hectares planted in 2017.  This crop, seen both as one of the highest-yielding and most profitable, is also one of most expensive and input-intensive for producers on the Canadian Prairies.   In this study, the effect of natural and planted shelterbelts on canola yield was compared with canola yield... K. Hodge, L. Bainard, A. Smith, F. Akhter