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Taylor, A
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Dennis, S.J
Clarke-Hill, W
Taylor, A
Dynes, R
O'Neill, K
Jowett, T
King, W
Dynes, R
Laurenson, S
Zydenbos, S
MacAuliffe, R
Taylor, A
Manning, M
Roberts, A
White, M
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Site-Specific Pasture Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Estimating Spatial Variation In Annual Pasture Yield

Yield mapping is an essential tool for precision management of arable crops. Crop yields can be measured once, at harvest, automatically by the harvesting machinery, and be used to inform a wide range of activities. However yield mapping has had minimal adoption by pastoral farmers.   Yield mapping is also a potentially valuable tool for precision management of pastures. However it is difficult to practically map yields on pastures, as they... S.J. Dennis, W. Clarke-hill, A. Taylor, R. Dynes, K. O'neill, T. Jowett

2. Through the Grass Ceiling: Using Multiple Data Sources on Intra-Field Variability to Reset Expectations of Pasture Production and Farm Profitability

Intra-field variability has received much attention in arable and horticultural contexts. It has resulted in increased profitability as well as reduced environmental footprint. However, in a pastoral context, the value of understanding intra-field variability has not been widely appreciated. In this programme, we used available technologies to develop multiple data layers on multiple fields within a dairy farm. This farm was selected as it was already performing at a high level, with well-developed... W. King, R. Dynes, S. Laurenson, S. Zydenbos, R. Macauliffe, A. Taylor, M. Manning, A. Roberts, M. White