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Dosskey, M.G
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Qiu, Z
Dosskey, M.G
Dosskey, M.G
Mueller, T.G
Qiu, Z
Dosskey, M.G
Frieberg, D
Precision Conservation and Carbon Management
Precision Conservation
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Designing Variable-width Filter Strips Using GIS And Terrain Analysis

Filter strips are a widely-used practice for reducing the load of pollutants that leave agricultural fields in overland runoff. They are typically designed to intercept uniformly-distributed runoff with a constant width strip along a field margin. Non-uniform runoff flow, however, can reduce the effectiveness of a constant-width filter strip. Non-uniform flow is created by topographic undulations and swales in fields that concentrate runoff into certain locations... M.G. Dosskey, T.G. Mueller

2. A Comparison Of Alternative Methods For Prioritizing Buffer Placement In Agricultural Watersheds For Water Quality Improvement

Conservation buffers are a widely used best management practice for reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Various governmental programs and community initiatives have been implemented to adopt conservation buffers for water quality improvement. Since there is substantial cost for installing conservation buffers in watersheds, cost-effectiveness would be improved by targeting buffers to locations where they would produce greater benefit and to avoid locations... Z. Qiu, M.G. Dosskey, D. Frieberg

3. Indexes for Targeting Buffer Placement to Improve Water Quality

Targeting the placement of vegetative buffers may increase their effectiveness to improve watershed water quality. Several GIS-based indexes have been developed to help planners identify relatively better locations for placing buffers. Conservation planners require consistent and clear recommendations on which index should be used in a given planning... Z. Qiu, M.G. Dosskey