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Andrae, J
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Maja, J.M
Blocker, A.K
Stuckey, E.G
Sell, S.G
Tuttle, G
Mueller, J
Andrae, J
Jayasuriya, H
Al-Busaidi, A
Ahmed, M
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Development of a Small Tracking Device for Cattle Using IoT Technology

The US is the largest producer of beef in the world. Last year alone, it produces nearly 19% of the world’s beef.  This translate to about almost $90 billion in economic impact in the country. Aside from being a producer, the US also consumed more than 26 billion pounds of beef which have a retail value of the entire beef industry to more than $74B. For this level of production and consumption, each rancher in the US must produce a herd size of at least 100 or more to sustain the current... J.M. Maja, A.K. Blocker, E.G. Stuckey, S.G. Sell, G. Tuttle, J. Mueller, J. Andrae

2. Precision Irrigation Management Through Conjunctive Use of Treated Wastewater and Groundwater in Oman

Agriculture under arid environment is always become a challenge due to water scarcity and salinity problems.  With average rainfall of 100 mm, agriculture in Oman is limited due to the arid climate and limited arable lands. More than 50 percent of the arable lands are located in the 300 km northern coastal belt of Al-Batinah region. In addition, country is facing severe problem of sea water intrusion into the groundwater aquifers due to undisciplined excessive groundwater (GW) abstraction... H. Jayasuriya, A. Al-busaidi, M. Ahmed