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Liu, X
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Macura, J
Langovskis, D
Snevajs, H
Kubickova, H
Horakova, S
Charvat Jr., K
Charvat, K
Kepka, M
Berzins, R
Zadrazil, F
Langovskis, D
Musil, M
Ashworth, A
Kharel, T
Owens, P
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Geospatial Data
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Active-Optical Sensor to Monitor Growth Indices and Nitrogen Nutrition of Winter Wheat

Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing monitoring system can rapidly and cost-effectively provide crop canopy information for growth diagnosis and precision fertilizer regulation. RapidScan CS-45 (Holland, Lincoln, NE, USA) is a portable active-optical sensor designed for timely, non-destructive obtaining plant canopy information without being affected by weather condition. UAV equipped with RapidScan, is of great significant for rapidly monitoring crop growth and nitrogen (N) status.... X. Liu, Q. Cao, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu, Z. Zhang, W. Cao

2. Map Whiteboard As Collaboration Tool for Smart Farming Advisory Services

Precision agriculture, a branch of smart farming, holds great promise for modernization of European agriculture both in terms of environmental sustainability and economic outlook.  The vast data archives made available through Copernicus and related infrastructures, combined with a low entry threshold into the domain of AI-technologies has made it possible, if not outright easy, to make meaningful predictions that divides  individual agricultural fields into zones where variable rates... K. Charvat, R. Berzins, R. Bergheim, F. Zadrazil, J. Macura, D. Langovskis, H. Snevajs, H. Kubickova, S. Horakova, K. Charvat jr.

3. SmartAgriHubs FIE20 - Groundwater and Meteo Sensors and Earth Observation for Precision Agriculture

The solution developed under the SmartAgriHubs project in the scope of the Flagship Innovation Experiment FIE20 Groundwater and meteo sensors is an expert system to support farmers in decision-making process and planning process of field interventions. This FIE20 solution integrates various data sources and different analytical processes in a complete system and provides users an easy-to-use web map application as a common user interface. The FIE20 system integrates components developed during... K. Charvat, M. Kepka, R. Berzins, F. Zadrazil, D. Langovskis, M. Musil

4. Evaluating How Operator Experience Level Affects Efficiency Gains for Precision Agricultural Tools

Tractor guidance (TG) improve environmental gains relative to non-precision technologies; however, studies evaluating how tractor operator experience for non-guidance comparisons impact gains are nonexistent. This study explores spatial relationships of overlaps and gaps with operator experience level (0-1; 2-3; 6+ years) during fertilizer and herbicide applications based on terrain attributes.  Tractor paths recorded by global navigation satellite systems were used to create overlap polygons.... A. Ashworth, T. Kharel, P. Owens