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Francis, D
Flores, P
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Shaver, T
Schmer, M
Irmak, S
Van Donk, S
Wienhold, B
Jin, V
Bereuter, A
Francis, D
Rudnick, D
Ward, N
Hendrickson, L
Ferguson, R.B
Adamchuk, V.I
Mayer, J
Flores, P
Stenger, J
Denton, A.M
Hokanson, G.E
Flores, P
Das, A
Flores, P
Zhang , Z
Friskop, A
Mathew, J
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Crop Protection
Geospatial Data
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Landscape Influences on Soil Nitrogen Supply and Water Holding Capacity for Irrigated Corn

... T. Shaver, M. Schmer, S. Irmak, S. Van donk, B. Wienhold, V. Jin, A. Bereuter, D. Francis, D. Rudnick, N. Ward, L. Hendrickson, R. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk

2. Using Prescription Maps for in Field Evaluations of Parameteres Affecting Spraying Accuracy of Self-propelled Sprayer

Weed presence continues to reemerge year over year, chemical costs continue to increase, and chemical usage continuing to face increasing government oversight, are just a few of the challenges that site-specific weed management intends to address by minimizing wasted application of chemicals and reducing environmental load of active ingredients. Thus, sprayer system manufacturers have developed precision spray systems that allow the individual spray nozzles to be controlled precisely. These spray... J. Mayer, P. Flores, J. Stenger

3. Scaling Up Window-based Regression for Crop-row Detection

Crop-row detection is a central element of weed detection and agricultural image processing tasks. With the increased availability of high-resolution imagery, a precise locating of crop rows is becoming practical in the sense that the necessary data are commonly available. However, conventional image processing techniques often fail to scale up to the data volumes and processing time expectations. We present an approach that computes regression lines over... A.M. Denton, G.E. Hokanson, P. Flores

4. Assessment of Goss Wilt Disease Severity Using Machine Learning Techniques Coupled with UAV Imagery

Goss Wilt has become a common disease in corn fields in North Dakota.  It has been one of the most yield-limiting diseases, causing losses of up to 50%. The current method to identify the disease is through visual inspection of the field, which is inefficient, and can be subjective, with misleading results, due to evaluator fatigue. Therefore, developing a reliable, accurate, and automated tool for assessing the severity of Goss's Wilt disease has become a top priority. The use of unmanned... A. Das, P. Flores, Z. Zhang , A. Friskop, J. Mathew