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Griffin, S
Graff, N
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Griffin, S
Darr, M.J
Sela, S
Graff, N
Mizuta, K
Miao, Y
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Assessment Of The Success Of Variable Rate Seeding Based On EMI Maps

  Good plant establishment is the critical first step in growing a crop. To achieve this, the correct seed rate must be calculate. This is done by assessing the optimum target plant population per m² and then making an estimate of any  losses over winter. Losses will depend on the quality of seedbed created which is related to texture, stoniness and compaction of the soil. If there is any variation in these field characteristics then the correct seed... S. Griffin, M. Darr

2. Spatially Explicit Prediction of Soil Nutrients and Characteristics in Corn Fields Using Soil Electrical Conductivity Data and Terrain Attributes

Site specific nutrient management (SSNM) in corn production environments can increase nutrient use efficiency and reduce gaseous and leaching losses. To implement SSNM plans, farmers need methods to monitor and map the spatial and temporal trends of soil nutrients. High resolution electrical conductivity (EC) mapping is becoming more available and affordable. The hypothesis for this study is that EC of the soil, in conjunction with detailed terrain attributes, can be used to map soil nutrients... S. Sela, N. Graff, K. Mizuta, Y. Miao