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Aikes Junior, J
Aberger, C
Araujo, A.G
Ali, U
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Aberger, C
Wallenhammar, A
Jonsson, A
Araujo, A.G
Toledo, A.D
Hirakawa, A.R
Johann, A.L
Aikes Junior, J
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C
Sobjak, R
Hachisuca, A
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N
Schenatto, K
Moreira, W
Mercante, E
Rodrigues, M
Ali, U
Esau, T
Farooque, A
Zaman, Q
Precision Crop Protection
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Biological Soil Mapping - Infesttion By Plasmodiophora Brassicae And Soil Characteristics

Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a soilborne pathogen that causes severe yield losses in many Brassica crops. It is a increasing problem in many Brassica growing countries. The spores survive for 15-20 years and might cause significant yield losses (>10%), already when 20% of plant are infected. An infestation with a couple of thousands spores/g soil is considered to have the potential to give such significant losses.... C. Aberger, A. Wallenhammar, A. Jonsson

2. Control System Applied To No-Till Seeding For High-Quality Operation

A high quality crop seeding operation should enable a rapid and uniform establishment of a desired plant population. Therefore, a no-till seeder must provide a seeding environment that allows the absorption of water by seeds and appropriate temperature and aeration conditions for germination and emergence processes. To stimulate these processes, the seed needs full contact with soil in order to accelerate the absorption of water and oxygen. Covering the furrow with straw is another important... A.G. Araujo, A.D. Toledo, A.R. Hirakawa, A.L. Johann

3. Web Application for Automatic Creation of Thematic Maps and Management Zones - AgDataBox-Fast Track

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture (DA) has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. DA enables information to flow from used agricultural... J. Aikes junior, E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, R. Sobjak, A. Hachisuca, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, W. Moreira, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues

4. Integration of High Resolution Multitemporal Satellite Imagery for Improving Agricultural Crop Classification: a Case Study

Timely and accurate agriculture information is vital for ensuring global food security. Satellite imagery has already been proved as a reliable tool for remote crop mapping. Planet satellite imagery provides high cadence, global satellite coverage with higher temporal and spatial resolution than the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2. This study examined the potential of utilizing high-resolution multitemporal imagery along with and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to map the agricultural crops... U. Ali, T. Esau, A. Farooque, Q. Zaman