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Hanks, J.E
Hopkins, B.G
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Thomson, S.J
DeFauw, S.L
English, P.J
Hanks, J.E
Fisher, D.K
Foster, P.N
Zimba, P.V
Flint, E.A
Yost, M
Hopkins, B.G
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Thermal Characterization and Spatial Analysis of Water Stress in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) and Phytochemical Composition Related to Water Stress in Soybean (Glycine Max)

Studies were designed to explore spatial relationships of water and/or heat stress in cotton and soybeans and to assess factors that may influence yield potential. Investigations focused on detecting the onset of water/heat stress in row crops using thermal and multispectral imagery with ancillary physicochemical data such as soil moisture status and photosynthetic pigment concentrations. One cotton field with gradations in soil texture showed distinct patterns in thermal imagery, matching patterns... S.J. Thomson, S.L. Defauw, P.J. English, J.E. Hanks, D.K. Fisher, P.N. Foster, P.V. Zimba

2. Variable Rate Nitrogen Approach in a Potato-wheat-wheat Cropping System

Nitrogen application in agriculture is a vital process for optimal plant growth and yield outcomes. Different factors such as topography, soil properties, historical yield, and crop stress affect nitrogen (N) needs within a field. Applying variable N within a field could improve precision agriculture. Optimal N management is a system that involves applying a conservative variable base rate at or shortly after planting followed by in-season assessment and, if needed, variable rate application—with... E.A. Flint, M. Yost, B.G. Hopkins