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Arnall, D
Ahrends, H.E
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Mills, B
Brorsen, B
Arnall, D
Ahrends, H.E
Lajunen, A
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. The Profitability of Variable Rate Lime in Wheat

Grid sampling allows a variable rate of lime to be applied and has been marketed as a cost saver to producers. However, there is little research that shows if this precision application is profitable or not. Previous research on variable-rate lime has considered only a small number of fields. This paper uses soil sampling data from 170 fields provided by producers in Oklahoma and Kansas. We compare net returns of variable rate to uniform rate lime for grain only wheat production, dual-purpose... B. Mills, B. Brorsen, D. Arnall

2. Proximal Sensing of Penetration Resistance at a Permanent Grassland Site in Southern Finland

Proximal soil sensing allows for assessing soil spatial heterogeneity at a high spatial resolution. These data can be used for decision support on soil and crop agronomic management. Recent sensor systems are capable of simultaneously mapping several variables, such as soil electrical conductivity (EC), spectral reflectance, temperature, and water content, in real-time. In autumn 2021, we used a commercial soil scanner (Veris iScan+) to derive information on soil spatial variability for a permanent... H.E. Ahrends, A. Lajunen