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Lacasa, J
Lu, Y
Lexow, T
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Lovejoy, K
Ludewig, U
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Weinmann, M
Nkebiwe, M
Weber, N
Bradacova, K
Morad-Talab, N
Ludewig, U
Müller, T
Neumann, G
Raupp, M
Bradacova, K
Leininger, A
Verhoff, K
Lovejoy, K
Thomas, A
Davis, G
Emmons, A
Fulton, J.P
Tasissa, A
Li, L
Murphy, J.M
Hernandez, C
Correndo, A
Lacasa, J
Magalhaes Cisdeli, P
Nocera Santiago, G.N
Ciampitti, I
Wang, Y
Lu, Y
Morris, D
Benjamin, M
Lavagnino, M
McIntyre, J
Xu, J
Lu, Y
Xu, J
Lu, Y
Balboa, G
Tobaldo, B
Lexow, T
Luck, J.D
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Drone Spraying
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Decision Support Systems
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
Robotics and Automation with Row and Horticultural Crops
International Symposium on Robotics and Automation
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Bio-Effectors As a Promising Tool for Precision Agriculture and Integrated Plant Nutrition

Bio-effectors, such as microorganisms and active natural compounds, are of increasing interest as promising alternatives or substitutes to precarious agrochemicals. European and global markets (valued at 14.6 billion US$ in 2023) for agricultural biologicals (bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, and bio-stimulants) are predicted to grow at rates of more than 13.5 % per year. Improved availability and use efficiency of mineral nutrients, tolerance to abiotic stresses, yield and quality traits, as well... M. Weinmann, M. Nkebiwe, N. Weber, K. Bradacova, N. Morad-talab, U. Ludewig, T. Müller, G. Neumann, M. Raupp, K. Bradacova

2. Deposition Characteristics of Different Style Spray Tips at Varying Speeds and Altitudes from an Unmanned Aerial System

The application of pesticides with a UAS has become a popular practice over the past few years within crop production. The ability to carry larger volumes of liquid i onboard, reduced costs, and simple operation has attributed to the increased popularity. Additionally, the increased number of fungicide applications in corn due to the tar spot disease has shown that the demand for aerial applications of all types has increased with UAS pesticide application technology providing the opportunity... A. Leininger, K. Verhoff, K. Lovejoy, A. Thomas, G. Davis, A. Emmons, J.P. Fulton

3. Sparse Coding for Classification Via a Locality Regularizer: with Applications to Agriculture

High-dimensional data is commonly encountered in various applications, including genomics, as well as image and video processing. Analyzing, computing, and visualizing such data pose significant challenges. Feature extraction methods become crucial in addressing these challenges by obtaining compressed representations that are suitable for analysis and downstream tasks. One effective technique along these lines is sparse coding, which involves representing data as a sparse linear combination of... A. Tasissa, L. Li, J.M. Murphy

4. From Scientific Literature to the End User: Democratizing Access to Data Products Through Interactive Applications

In recent years, the sustained advance in the creation of powerful programming libraries is allowing not only the creation of complex models with predictive capabilities but also revolutionizing visualization processes and the deployment of interactive applications. Some of these tools, such as Streamlit or Shiny frameworks in languages such as Python or R, allow us to create from simple applications with friendly interfaces to complex tools. These interactive digital decision dashboards allow... C. Hernandez, A. Correndo, J. Lacasa, P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti

5. 3D Computer Vision with a Spatial-temporal Neural Network for Lameness Detection of Sows

The lameness of sows is one of the biggest concerns for swine producers, which can lead to considerable economic losses due to reduced productivity and welfare. There is a real need for early detection of lameness in sows to enable timely intervention and minimize loss. Currently, lame detection relies on visual observation and locomotion scoring of sows, which is subjective, labor-intensive, and difficult to conduct for large groups of animals within a short time. This study presents 3D computer... Y. Wang, Y. Lu, D. Morris, M. Benjamin, M. Lavagnino, J. Mcintyre

6. Automated Detection and Length Estimation of Green Asparagus Towards Selective Harvesting

Green asparagus is an important vegetable crop in the United States (U.S.). Harvesting the crop is notoriously labor-intensive, accounting for over 50% of production costs. There is an urgent need to develop harvesting automation technology for the U.S. asparagus industry to remain sustainable and competitive. Despite previous research and developments on mechanical asparagus harvesting, no practically viable products are available because of their low harvest selectivity and significant yield... J. Xu, Y. Lu

7. Development of a Multispectral Vision-based Automated Sweetpotato Grading System

Quality evaluation and grading of sweetpotatoes is a manual operation that requires significant labor input. Machine vision technology offers a promising solution for automated sweetpotato grading and sorting. Although color imaging is widely used for quality evaluation of various horticultural commodities, a multispectral vision technique that acquires color and near-infrared (NIR) images simultaneously is a potentially more effective modality for fruit grading, especially for defects, while... J. Xu, Y. Lu

8. Driving Growth Through Precision Agriculture: the Evolution of the Nebraska On-farm Research Network

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network (NOFRN), allows farmers to answer production, profitability and sustainability questions in their own field. The University of Nebraska (USA) sponsors the NOFRN and provides technical support in the experimental design, execution, data analysis and results dissemination. In recent years, precision agriculture technologies have expanded network capabilities through an increasing ​number of experiments and provided new avenues for data analyses. The goal is... G. Balboa, B. Tobaldo, T. Lexow, J.D. Luck