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1. Incorporating Return on Investment for Profit-driven Management ZonesAdopting site-specific management practices such as profitability zones can help to stabilize long-term profit while also favoring the environment. Profitability maps are used to standardize data by converting variables into economic values ($/ha) for different cropping systems within a field. Thus, profitability maps can be used to define management zones from several years of data and show the regions within a field which are more profitable to invest in for production, or those that can be... A.A. Boatswain jacques, A.B. Diallo, A. Cambouris, E. Lord, E. Fallon |
2. Deep Learning for Predicting Yield Temporal Stability from Short Crop RotationsInvestigating the temporal stability of yield in management zones is crucial for both producers and researchers, as it helps in mitigating the adverse impacts of unpredictable disruptions and weather events. The diversification of cropping systems is an approach which leads to reduced variability in yield while improving overall field resilience. In this six-year study spanning from 2016 to 2021, we monitored 40 distinct fields owned by 10 producers situated in Quebec, Canada. These... E. Lord, A.A. Boatswain jacques, A.B. Diallo, M. Khakbazan, A. Cambouris |