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Unruh, R
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Joshi, R
Khosla, R
Mandal, D
Unruh, R
Admasu, W.A
Unruh, R
Admasu, W.A
Mandal, D
Joshi, R
Khosla, R
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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1. Delineation of Site-Specific Management Zones using Sensor-based Data for Precision N management

Nitrogen is a critical nutrient influencing crop yield, but the common practice of uniform application of nitrogen fertilizer across a field often results in spatially variable nitrogen availability for the crop, leading to over-application in some areas and under-application in others. This imbalance can cause economic losses and significant environmental issues. Precision nitrogen application involves application of N fertilizers based on soil conditions and crop requirements. One approach for... R. Joshi, R. Khosla, D. Mandal, R. Unruh, W.A. Admasu

2. Delineating Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Management Zones

Agriculture irrigation strategies have traditionally been made without accounting for the natural small-scale variability in the field, leading to uniform applications that often over-irrigate parts of the field that do not need as much water. The future success of irrigated agriculture depends on advancements in the capability to account for and leverage the natural variability in croplands for optimum irrigation management both in space and time. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) management offers... R. Unruh, W.A. Yilma, D. Mandal, R. Joshi, R. Khosla