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Kósa, A
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Kulmany, I.M
Horváth, B
Kukorelli, G
Zsebő, S
Stencinger, D
Borbás, Z
Pecze, R
Bede, L
Varga, Z
Kósa, A
Pinke, G
Hashim, Z.K
Hegedűs, G
Abdinoor, J.A
Agampodi, G.S
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results1 paper(s) found.

1. Evaluation of the Effect of Different Herbicide Treatments by Using UAV in Maise (Zea mays L.) Cultivation – First Experiences in a Long-term Experiment at Széchenyi István University, Hungary

As part of the Green Deal, the European Union has set a goal to reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 50 percent until 2030. To achieve this goal, in addition to reducing the amount of pesticide used, attention must also be paid to monitoring the temporal and spatial effects of pesticides on weeds during the cultivation of various crops. Hence, Syngenta Ltd., collaborating with researchers, aimed to monitor the effect of five different types of herbicides by UAV in two tillage treatments (CN... I.M. Kulmany, B. Horváth, G. Kukorelli, S. Zsebő, D. Stencinger, Z. Borbás, R. Pecze, L. Bede, Z. Varga, A. Kósa, G. Pinke, Z.K. Hashim, G. Hegedűs, J.A. Abdinoor, G.S. Agampodi