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Adolwa, I
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Adolwa, I
Phillips, S
Akorede, B.A
Suleiman, A.A
Murrell, T
Zingore, S
Muthamia, J
Adolwa, I
Mutegi, J
Zingore, S
Phillips, S
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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1. Operationalization of On-farm Experimentation in African Cereal Smallholder Farming Systems

Past efforts have concentrated on linear or top-down approaches in delivering precision nutrient management (PNM) practices to smallholder farmers. These deliberate attempts at increasing adoption of PNM practices have not yielded the expected outcomes, that is, increased productivity and nutrient use efficiency, at scale. This is because technologies generated by scientists with minimal farmer involvement often are not well tailored to the attendant agro-ecological, socio-economic, and cultural... I. Adolwa, S. Phillips, B.A. Akorede, A.A. Suleiman, T. Murrell, S. Zingore

2. Harnessing Farmers’, Researchers’ and Other Stakeholders’ Knowledge and Experiences to Create Shared Value from On-farm Experimentation: Lessons from Kenya

Achieving greater sustainability in farm productivity is a major challenge facing smallholder farmers in Kenya. Existing technologies have not solved the challenges around declining productivity because they are one-size-fits-all that doesn’t account for the diverse smallholder contexts. A study was carried out in Kenya by a multi-disciplinary team to assess the value of On-Farm Experimentation (OFE) to tailor technologies to local conditions. The OFE process begun with identification of... J. Muthamia, I. Adolwa, J. Mutegi, S. Zingore, S. Phillips