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Pfenning, J
Poelling, B
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Herold, L
Poelling, B
Wurbs, A
Werner, A
Graeff, S
Pfenning, J
Claupein, W
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Precision Horticulture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Typology Of Farms And Regions In EU States Assessing The Impacts Of Precision Farming-technologies

A typology is developed describing the typical farms and the agricultural regions in Europe which presumably would apply Precision Farming technologies (PFT) and how. The typology focuses on the potential agronomic (cropping practices) benefits of PFT in crop production. Precision Farming covers a wide range of technologies for different sectors in agriculture. They differ in techniques, equipment and procedures and form core elements of information oriented production of various crops .... L. Herold, B. Poelling, A. Wurbs, A. Werner

2. Adoption Of N-application Rates In Different Broccoli Cultivars By Reflectance Measurements

 To date many sensors have been solely developed and tested for arable crops. This project aims to develop the means to rapidly map N-demand in broccoli plants on a site-specific, plant-by-plant basis using reflectance measurements. The aim of this specific study was to monitor nitrogen status in six different broccoli cultivars using reflectance measurements and to derive suitable N-fertilization strategies based on the sensor measurements.A... S. Graeff, J. Pfenning, W. Claupein