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Ameglio, L
Albrigo, L.G
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Lee, W
Kumar, A
Ehsani, R
Yang, C
Albrigo, L.G
Ameglio, L
Darrozes, J
Dreyer, J
Ameglio, L
Dreyer, J.G
Ameglio, L
Ameglio, L
Stettler, E
Eberle, D
Precision Horticulture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Citrus Greening Disease Detection Using Airborne Multispectral And Hyperspectral Imaging

Citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing or HLB) has become a major catastrophic disease in Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry since 2005, and continued to be spread to other parts of the U.S. There is no known cure for this disease. As of October 2009, citrus trees in 2,702 different sections (square mile) in 34 counties were infected in Florida. A set of hyperspectral imageries were used to develop disease detection algorithms using image-derived spectral library, the mixture tuned... W. Lee, A. Kumar, R. Ehsani, C. Yang, L.G. Albrigo,

2. Farm Soil Moisture Mapping Using Reflected GNSS SNR Data Onboard Low Level Flying Aircraft

Soil moisture/water content monitoring (spatial and temporal) is a critical component of farm management decision primarily for crop/plant growth and yield improvement, but also for optimization of practice such as tillage and field treatments. Satellite humidity probes do not deliver the relevant resolution for farming purposes. Ground moisture probes only provide punctual measurements and do not reflect the true spatial variability of soil moisture. Previous studies have demonstrated... L. Ameglio, J. Darrozes, J. Dreyer

3. Review of Developments in Airborne Geophysics and Geomatics to Map Variability of Soil Properties

Over the past 40 years, airborne geophysics and geomatics has become an effective and accepted technology for mapping various signatures on the Earth’s surface and sub-surface. But so far, its airborne application in agriculture is perceived as sub-practical and/or its real value unknown to most stakeholders. In this paper, we are reviewing major technical and commercial achievements and latest developments to date, but also potentials for new developments and applications, of airborne... L. Ameglio

4. Gamma-ray Spectrometry to Determine Soil Properties for Soil Mapping in Precision Agriculture

Soil maps are critical for various land use applications and form the basis for the successful implementation of precision agriculture in crop production. Soil maps provide the spatial distribution of important soil physical and chemical properties to a farmer. The farmer uses this information to make critical management decisions for profitable and sustainable food production. South Africa is a water scarce country where rainfall is mainly seasonal and unreliable. Under these circumstances, knowing... J.G. Dreyer, L. Ameglio

5. Soil Variability Mapping with Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Magnetics

The knowledge of spatial distribution of agricultural soils physical and chemical properties is critical for profitable and sustainable crop and food production. The collection of soil data presents however obvious problems arising from sampling a dense, opaque and very heterogeneous medium. Conventional methods consisting of ground-based grid survey are laborious, expensive and lack appropriate spatial resolution to allow best farm management decision. Over the past 50 years, airborne geophysics... L. Ameglio, E. Stettler, D. Eberle