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Hüging, H
Hinch, G.N
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Trotter, M.G
Lamb, D.W
Hinch, G.N
Guppy, C.N
Bareth, G
Jenal, A
Hüging, H
Precision Livestock Management
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. GNSS Tracking Of Livestock: Towards Variable Fertilizer Strategies For The Grazing Industry

This study reveals the potential for GPS tracking in the grazing industry. By monitoring the locations and movement of livestock, times of peak grazing activity can be identified and these can in turn produce maps of preferred grazing areas, and by examining residency times provide an indication of spatial variability in grazing pressure. A comparison of grazing preference can be made to similarly inferred camping areas to understand the potential redistribution of nutrients within a paddock.... M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, G.N. Hinch, C.N. Guppy

2. N-management Using Structural Data: UAV-derived Crop Height As an Estimator for Biomass, N Concentration, and N Uptake in Winter Wheat

In the last 15 years, sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been intensively investigated for crop monitoring. Besides known remote sensing approaches based on multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, photogrammetric methods became very important. Structure for Motion (SfM) and Multiview Stereopsis (MVS) analysis approaches enable the quantitative determination of absolute crop height and crop growth. Since the first paper on UAV-derived crop height was published by Bendig et... G. Bareth, A. Jenal, H. Hüging