Filter results1250 paper(s) found. |
1. A Step Towards Precision Irrigation: Plant Water Status Detection With Infrared ThermographyThe increasing demand for water all over the world calls for precision agriculture which accounts globally about 70 percent of all water withdrawal. Therefore, there is a need to optimizing water use efficiency and making the best use of available water for irrigation. Plant water status detection for advanced irrigation scheduling is frequently done by predawn leaf water potential (ΨPD) or leaf stomata conductance (gL) measurements. However, these measurements are time and labour consumi... S. Zia |
2. Performance Evaluation Of A Prototype Variable Rate Sprayer For Spot- Application Of Agrochemicals In Wild Blueberry FieldsWild blueberry yields are highly dependent on agrochemicals for adequate weed control. The excessive use of agrochemicals with uniform application in significant bare spots and plant areas has resulted in increased cost of production. A cost-effective automated prototype variable rate (VR) sprayer was developed for spot-application (SA) of agrochemicals in a specific section of the sprayer boom where the weeds have been detected. The weed patches were mapped with an RTK-... Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, S.M. Read |
3. Saltmed Model As An Integrated Management Tool For Precision Management Of Water, Crop, Soil, And FertilizersSALTMED-2009: A modelling tool for Precision Agriculture R. Ragab Centre for Ecology and H... R. Ragab |
4. Nugis: The Development Of A Nutrient Use Geographic Information SystemNuGIS is a project of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). The goal was to examine sources of nutrients (fertilizers and manure) and compare this to crop removal. The project used GIS and database analysis to create maps at the state and county level and then used GIS to migrate the budget analysis to the local watershed and regional watershed levels. This paper will cover the sources of data used, how the data was processed to generate county level numbers, and how GIS was use... Q. Rund, R. Williams |
5. Using GPS-RTK In Crop Variety And Hybrid EvaluationsThe traditional methods used by many to conduct research in crop variety and hybrid evaluations is to blank plant the area, flag the area, or use a physical marker. All of these have disadvantages. In blank planting it may be difficult to plant exactly in the same rows, and can dry the soil and affect seed germination if soil water is limited. Blank planting also destroys crop residues and with skip-row residues are destroyed in the unplanted rows.This method is used for many plots in c... R.N. Klein, J.A. Golus |
6. Timely, Objective, And Accurate Crop Area Estimations And Mapping Using Remote Sensing And Statistical Methods For The Province Of Prince Edward Island, CanadaThe provincial government of Prince Edward Island, Canada, required timely, objective, and accurate annual crop area statistics and mapping for 2006 to 2008. Consequently, Statistics Canada conducted a survey incorporating medium- resolution satellite imagery (10 to 30 m) and statistical survey methods. The objective was to produce crop area estimates with a coefficient of variation (CV) as a measure of accuracy, and to produce maps showing the distribution and location of different crops and... F. Bedard, G. Reichert, R. Dobbins, M. Pantel, J. Smith |
7. Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy Applied To Citrus DiseasesDiseases are one of the most serious threats for citrus production worldwide. Sao Paulo, Brazil and Florida, USA, are the most important citrus producers and, both, are making efforts for citrus diseases control. Citrus canker is one of the serious diseases, caused by the Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri bacteria, that infects citrus trees and relatives, causing a large economic loss in the citrus juice production. Another important disease affecting the citrus production worldwide is the Huang... C. Wetterich, J. Belasque jr., L. Marcassa |
8. Low Cost High-resolution Aerial Photogrammetric Techniques For Precision Agriculture In Latin American CountriesOne of the first steps in precision agriculture is to obtain aerial images of an area of interest to determine soil units and management zones. Aerial and remote sensing information, digital elevation models and other spatial data are often inexistent in planning offices in Latin American countries and, up to now, enhancement and modifications have not been integrated into smaller scaled planning operation such as farming. High resolution remote sensing images from scanning satellites like Qu... J.S. Perret, O.E. arriaza, M.E. D, J. Aguilar |
9. Near Real-time Meter-resolution Airborne Imagery For Precision Agriculture: AerocamPrecision agriculture often relies on high resolution imagery to delineate the variability within a field. Airborne Environmental Research Observational Camera (AEROCam) was designed to meet the needs of agriculture producers, ranchers, and researchers, who require meter-solution imagery in a near real-time environment for rapid decision support. AEROCam was developed and operated through a unique collabor... X. Zhang, C.R. Streeter, H. Kim, D.R. Olsen |
10. Developing And Teaching A Site-specific Crop/soil Management CourseSite-specific crop/soil management technologies have been available for over fifteen years. Consequently, there is a demand for classroom and laboratory education across a variety of agricultural disciplines in the University community. To meet this demand, a course was developed in 1998 to teach the basic concepts of site-specific crop/soil management. This class is designed as a upper level undergraduate and graduate class and generally has between 1... M. Cox, D. Roberts |
11. Precision Weed Management Research Advancement In The Near EastPrecision weed control research received considerable attention since the introduction of global positioning systems (GPS). GPS and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies may assist with field monitoring, particularly; in deciding what weed species to monitor? What weed densities are bypassing critical thresholds? and where? While advancements in precision agricultural research could be detected through the intensive publications in the developed world,... H. Ghosheh |
12. Determination Of Crop Injury From Aerial Application Of Glyphosate Using Vegetation Indices And GeostatisticsInjury to crops caused by off-target drift of glyphosate can seriously reduce growth and yield, and is of great concern to farmers and aerial applicators. Determining an indirect method for assessing the levels and extent of crop injury could support management decisions. The objectives of this study were to evaluate multiple vegetation indices (VIs) as surrogate variables for glyphosate injury identification and to evaluate the combined use of Geostatistical methods and the VIs to asse... B. Ortiz, S.J. Thomson, Y. Huang, K. Reddy |
13. Optical Based Sugarcane Yield MonitorsSeveral different optical sensors were investigated to detect sugarcane yield on a billet type sugarcane harvester. These sensors included an over-head optical sensor and a below-the-conveyor sensor. Both sensors indicated mass flow rate from a volume measurement of the cane on the conveyor slats. Both systems gave good results with linear line calibration equations and adjusted R-square values from 0.96 to 0.97. Weight wagon weights in the 0.6 to 1.6 metric ton range were estimated to 7.5% o... R. Price, R.M. Johnson, R.P. Viator |
14. Profitability Of RTK Autoguidance And Its Influence On Peanut ProductionEfficient harvest of peanuts (Arachis hypogea L.) requires that the digging implement be accurately positioned directly over the target rows. Small driving... K. Balkcom, B. Ortiz, J. Shockley, J.P. Fulton |
15. Variable Rate Application Of Nematicides On Cotton Fields: A Promising Site-specific Management StrategyThe impact of two nematicides [ 1,3 – Dichloropropene (Telone® II) and Aldicarb (Temik)] applied at two rates on RKN population density and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lint yield were compared across previously determined RKN management zones (MZ) in commercial fields between 2007 and 2009. The MZ were delineated using fuzzy clustering of various surrogate data for soil texture. All treatments were randomly allocated a... B. Ortiz, C. Perry, D.G. Sullivan, R.C. Kemerait, R.F. Davis, P. Lu, A. Smith |
16. A Comparison Of Conventional And Sensor-based Lime Requirement MapsSuccessful variable-rate applications of agricultural inputs, such as lime, rely on quality of input data. Systematic soil sampling is... A.K. Jonjak, V.I. Adamchuk, C.S. Wortmann, C.A. Shapiro, R.B. Fergugson |
17. Hyperspectral Imaging Of Sugar Beet Symptoms Caused By Soil-borne OrganismsThe soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and the plant parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii are the most important constraints in sugar beet production worldwide. Symptoms caused by fungal infection are yellowing of leaves and rotting of the beet tuber late in the cropping season. Nematode afflicted plants show stunted growth early in the cropping season and also leaf wilting late in the season when water stress often sets in. Due to the low mobility of soil-borne organisms, they are ide... C. Hillnhuetter, A. Mahlein, R.A. Sikora, E. Oerke |
18. Designing Variable-width Filter Strips Using GIS And Terrain AnalysisFilter strips are a widely-used practice for reducing the load of pollutants that leave agricultural fields in overland runoff. They are typically designed to intercept uniformly-distributed runoff with a constant width strip along a field margin. Non-uniform runoff flow, however, can reduce the effectiveness of a constant-width filter strip. Non-uniform flow is created by topographic undulations and swales in fields that concentrate runoff into certain loca... M.G. Dosskey, T.G. Mueller |
19. Using An Active Crop Sensor To Detect Variability Of Nitrogen Supply On Sugar Cane FieldsNitrogen management has been intensively studied on several crops and recently associated with variable rate application on-the-go based on crop sensors. On sugar cane those studies are yet scarce and as a biofuel crop the input of energy matters, looking for a high positive balance of biofuel production and low carbon emission on the whole production system. This paper shows the first results obtained using a nitrogen and biomass sensor (N-SensorTM ALS, Yara International ASA) aiming to indi... J. Molin, G. Portz, J. Jasper |
20. Comparative Analysis Of Different ApproachesThe efficiency of variable rate seeding (VRS) was confirmed in various crops. It is proven that corn requires increasing seeding rates in high-yielding zones, whereas soybeans need lower rates. However, the data for wheat appeared to be controversial. The aim of our experiment was to determine the most efficient strategy for variable rate fertilization and seeding in spring wheat in the conditions of Canadian Prairies. Two approaches were tested: based on Normalize Difference Vegetation Index... A. Melnitchouck |
21. Development Of A System For Site-specific Nematicide Placement In CottonNematode distribution varies significantly in cotton fields. Population density throughout a field is highly correlated to soil texture. Field-wide application of a uniform nematicide rate results in the chemical being applied to areas without nematodes or where nematode densities are below an economic threshold, or the application of sub-effective levels in areas with high nematode densities. The investigators have developed a “Site- Specific Nematicide Placement”... A. Khalilian, W. Henderson, J. Mueller, T. Kirkpatrick, S. Monfort, C. Overstreet |
22. Primary Framework Of Diagnosis And Management For Wheat Production Based On The Online Telemonitoring NetworksPRIMARY FRAMEWORK OF DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT FOR WHEAT PRODUCTION BASED ON THE ONLINE TELEMONITORING NETWORKS Sun Zhong-fu, Du Ke-ming, Zhang Yan, Liang Ju-bao Inst. of Environ. & Sustainable Develop. in Agriculture£¨IEDA£© Chinese... Z. Sun, , |
23. Quantifying Spatial Variability Of Indigenous Nitrogen Supply For Precision Nitrogen Management In North China Plain... Y. Miao, Q. Cao, Z. Cui, F. Li, T.H. Dao, R. Khosla, X. Chen |
24. On-the-go Condition Mapping For Harvesting MachineryIn recent years control systems have been used to alleviate the task of harvesting machinery operators. Automation allows the operator to spend more time on other tasks such as coordinating transport. Moreover, such control systems guarantee constant performance throughout the day whereas an operator gets tired. The perfect control system anticipates on the harvest condition, just like an experienced operator would. The operator makes a visual assessment of the condition in terms of... T. Coen, J. De baerdemaeker, W. Saeys |
25. Sectioning And Assessment Remote Images For Precision Agriculture: The Case Of Orobanche Crenate In Pea CropThe software SARI® has been developed to implement precision agriculture strategies through remote sensing imagery. It is written in IDL® and works as an add-on of ENVI®. It has been designed to divide remotely sensed imagery into “micro-images”, each corresponding to a small area (“micro-plot”), and to determine the quantitative agronomic and/or environmental biotic (i.e. weeds, pathogens) and/or non-biotic (i.e. nutrient levels) indicator... L. Garcia-torres, D. Gomez-candon, J.J. Caballero-novella, M. Gomez-casero, J.M. Pe, M. Jurado-exp, F. Lopez-granados, I. Castillejo-gonz, A. Garc |
26. A Clustering Approach For Management Zone Delineation In Precision AgricultureIn recent years, an increasing amount of research has been devoted to the delineation of management zones. There have been quite a number of approaches towards using small-scale data for subdividing the field into a small number of zones, usually three or four. However, these zones are usually static, often require multi-year data sets and are based on low-resolution sampling methods for data acquisition. Furthermore, existing research into th... G. Ru, M. Schneider, R. Kruse |
27. Thematic And Profitability Maps For Precision AgricultureYield maps became economically feasible to farmers with the technological advances in precision agriculture. The evidence of its profitability, however, is still unknown and, rarely, yield variability has been correlated to profitable variability. Differently ... E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, M.A. Uribe-opazo |
28. Developing An Active Crop Sensor-based In-season Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast ChinaCrop sensor-based in-season N management strategies have been successfully developed and evaluated for winter wheat around the world, but little has been reported for rice. The objective of this study was to develop an active crop sensor-based in-season N management strategy for upland rice in ... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M.L. Gnyp, R. Jiang, X. Chen, G. Bareth |
29. Spatial Modelling Of Agricultural Crops For Parallel Loading OperationsThere is a trend in agricultural engineering towards high-performance harvesting machines with growing operating width and throughput. As much as performance and throughput are rising, the transportation units are characterized by increasing transportation volume. If harvesting and transport are combined in parallel operation (e.g. self-propelled forage harvester), the driver of the harvesting machine and the driver of the transport unit has to pay highest attention to the loading p... G. Happich, T. Lang, H. Harms |
30. Multi, Super Or Hyper Spectral Data, The Right Way From Research Toward Application In AgricultureRemote sensing provides opportunities for diverse applications in agriculture. One consideration of maximizing the utility of these applications, is the need to choose the most efficient spectral resolution. Picking the optimal spectral resolutions (multi, super or hyper) for a specific application is also influenced by other factors (e.g., spatial and temporal resolutions) of the utilized device. This work focuses mainly ... D.J. Bonfil, I. Herrmann, A. Pimstein, A. Karnieli |
31. Weeds Detection By Ground-level Hyperspectral ImagingWeeds are a severe pest in agriculture, causing extensive yield loss. Weed control of grass and broadleaf weeds is commonly performed by applying selective herbicides homogeneously all over the field. As presented in several studies, applying the herbicide only where needed has economical as well as environmental benefits. Combining remote sensing tools and techniques with the concept of precision agriculture has the potential to auto... U. Shapira , I. Herrmann, A. Karnieli, D.J. Bonfil |
32. Assessment Of Field Crops Leaf Area Index By The Red-edge Inflection Point Derived From Venus BandsThe red-edge region of leaves spectrum (700-800 nm) corresponds to the spectral region that connects the chlorophyll absorption in the red and the amplified reflectance caused by the leaf structure in the near infrared (NIR) parts of the spectrum. At the canopy level, the inflection point of the red-edge slope is influenced by the plant’s condition that is related to several properties, including Leaf Area Index (LAI) and plant nutritional ... I. Herrmann, A. Pimstein, A. Karnieli, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis , D.J. Bonfil |
33. Economic Profitability Of Site-specific Pesticide Management At The Farm Scale For Crop Systems In Haute-Normandie (France)Modern agriculture requires decision making criteria applicable to different scales of territory in order to reconcile productivity and respect of the environment, particularly for pest management. Taking into account the recent ... O. Bourgain, C. Duval, J. Llorens |
34. Site-specific Management For Biomass Feedstock Production: Development Of Remote Sensing Data Acquisition SystemsEfficient biomass feedstock production supply chain spans from site-specific management of crops on field to the gate of biorefinery. Remote sensing data acquisition systems have been introduced for site-specific management, which is a part of the engineering solutions for biomass feedstock production. A stand alone tower remote sensing platform was developed to monitor energy crops using multispectral imagery. The sensing system was capable of collecting RGB and CIR images during the crop gr... T. Ahamed, L. Tian, Y. Zhang, Y. Xiong, B. Zhao, Y. Jiang, K. Ting |
35. Precision Agriculture Education Program In NebraskaWith the cost of agricultural inputs and the instability of commodity prices increasing, demand is growing for training in the essential skills needed to successfully implement site-specific crop management. This set of skills is uniquely interdisciplinary in nature. Thus, it is essential for potential users of precision agriculture to understand the basics of geodetic and electronic control equipment, principles of geographic information systems, fundamenta... V.I. Adamchuk, R.B. Ferguson |
36. Interest Of 3D Modeling For Lai Retrieval From Canopy Transmittance Measurements: The Cases Of Wheat And VineyardRemote sensing techniques are now widely used in agriculture, for cultivar screening as well as for decision making tools. Empirical methods relate directly the remote sensing measured values to crop characteristics. These methods are limited by the important amount of ground data necessary for their calibration. Their validity domain is generally not very well defined as well as the associated uncertainties. Conversely, radiative transfer models allow simulating a wide range of conditions, a... B. De solan, R. Lopez lozano, K. Ma, F. Baret, B. Tisseyre |
37. Interpretation Of Thinking Process In Farmer’s DecisionAn idea of knowledge management is composed of (1) defining the four steps of recognition: data, information, knowledge and wisdom, (2) decision-make actions of evidence mining and context making, (3) system makeup of input and output on management. In simulating expert farmers’ practiced, five factors of farming system and eleven units of thinking were derived. The five factors are crop, field, techno... S. Shibusawa |
38. Pasture Yield Measurement With The C-DAX Pasture MeterA system of pasture yield measurement was developed for New Zealand’s pasture based, rotationally grazed farming systems. Pasture yield measurement is complex because the pasture biomass has to be measured in-situ, pre and post grazing so that pasture consumption and utilisation can be calculated. The “Pasture Meter” was initially developed by Massey University and subsequently commercialised b... I.J. Yule |
39. Monitoring Dairy Cow Activity With GPS-tracking And Supporting TechnologiesNutrient loss from dairy farms is an issue of serious concern to most dairy farmers around the world. On grazed systems such as those practiced in New Zealand animal excreta has been identified as a major source of nutrient loss, which for nitrogen (N) relates to cattle urine in particular. A study was commissioned to examine nutrient transfer around dairy farms associated with the cows with a view to developing improved precision nutrient application... I. Draganova, I.J. Yule, K. Betteridge, M.J. Hedley, K.J. Stafford |
40. Using Multiplex® And GreenseekerTM To Manage Spatial Variation Of Vine Vigor In ChampagneSébastien Debuisson1, Marine Le Moigne2, Mathieu Grelier1, Sébastien Evain2, Laurent Panigai1, Zoran G. Cerovic3 1CIVC, 5 rue Henri-Martin, boîte postale 135, Epernay, France 2Force-A, Université Paris Sud, Bât 503, Orsa... S. Debuisson, L. Marine |
41. Road Map For Precision Agriculture In The Punjab, North-west IndiaAgricultural experimentation is both expensive and time consuming. It is necessary to reduce site-specific research and capitalize on the agricultural experience gained elsewhere by using soil maps and GIS-GPS (Geographic Information System - Global Positioning System) technology. Since in an agro-eco-subregion, soils in the same family require essentially the same management practices, maximum production results obtained in one soil family can be used as production targets for all soils belo... R. Kumar |
42. Application Of Algebra Hyper-curve Neural Network In Soil Nutrient Spatial InterpolationStudy on spatial variability of soil nutrient is the basis of soil nutrient management in precision agriculture. For study on application potential and characteristics of algebra hyper-curve neural network(AHNN) in delineating soil properties spatial variability and interpolation, total 956 soil samples were taken for alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen measurement from a 50 hectares field using 20m*20m grid sampling. The test data set consisted of 100 random samples extracti... L. Chen, C. Zhao, W. Huang, T. Chen, J. Wang |
43. Spatial Mapping Of Penetrometer Resistance On Turfgrass Soils For Site-specific CultivationSite-specific management requires site-specific information. Soil compaction at field capacity is a major stress on recreational turfgrass sites that requires frequent cultivation. Spatial mapping of penet... K. Rice, T. Carson, J. Krum, I. Flitcroft, V. Cline, R. Carrow |
44. Inversion Of Vertical Distribution Of Chlorophyll Concentration By Canopy Reflectance Spectrum In Winter WheatThe objective of this study was to investigate the inversion of foliage chlorophyll concentration(Chl) vertical-layer distribution by bidirectional reflectance difference function (BRDF) data, so as to provide guidance on the application of fertilizer. The ratio of transformed chlorophyll absorption reflectance index (TCARI) to optimized soil adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) was named as canopy chlorophyll inversion index (CCII) ... W. Huang, C. Zhao |
45. Remote Estimation Of Gross Primary Production In MaizeThere is a growing interest in the estimation of gross primary productivity (GPP) in crops due to its importance in regional and global studies of carbon balance. We have found that crop GPP was closely related to its total chlorophyll content, and thus chlorophyll can be used as a proxy of GPP in crops. In this study, we tested the performance of various vegetation indices for estimating GPP. The indices were derived from spectral data collected remotely but at close-range over a period of e... A.A. Gitelson |
46. Comparative Performance Of Different Remote Sensing (RS) And Geographic Information System (GIS) Techniques Of Wheat Area And Production EstimatesThe major wheat producing countries in the world are India, China, USA, France, Russia, Canada and Australia. Global demand for wheat is growing @ 1% per year. Crop growth and productivity are determined by a large number of factors such as genetic potential of crop cultivar, soil, weather and management variables, which vary significantly across time and space. Early prediction of crop yield is important for planning and taking various policy decisions. Many countries use th... V.C. Patil, K.A. Al-gaadi |
47. SPOT5 Multispectral Data Potentialities To Monitor Potato Crop Nitrogen Status At Specific Field ScaleThe many challenges facing European agriculture and farm of tomorrow are such that they increasingly require the setting up of Decision Support Systems (DSS) that favour integrated crop management at farm or regional level. A valuable DSS for management of split fertilizer N applications was developed in Belgium for potato crop. It combines total N recommendation based on field predictive balance-sheet method along with Crop Nitrogen Status (CNS) monitoring through hand-held chlorophyll meter... J. Goffart, A. Leonard, D. Buffet, P. Defourny, L. Van den wyngaert |
48. Comparison Of Different Vegetation Indices And Their Suitability To Describe N-uptake In Winter Wheat For Precision FarmingTo avoid environment pollution and to minimize the costs of using mineral fertilizers an efficient fertilization system, tailored to the plant needs becomes more and more important. For that, the essential information can be determined by detecting certain crop parameters, like dry matter of the plant biomass above ground, N-content and N-uptake. By using fluorescence and reflectance measurements of the canopy and the mathematical analysis these parameters are appreciable. In three ... M. Strenner, F. Maidl |
49. Is A Nitrogen-rich Reference Needed For Canopy Sensor-based Corn Nitrogen Applications?The nitrogen (N) supplying capacity of the soil available to support corn (Zea mays L.) production can be highly variable both among and within fields. In recent years, canopy reflectance sensing has been investigated for in-season assessment of crop N health and fertilization. Typically the procedure followed compares the crop in an area known to be non-limiting in N (called a N-rich area) to the crop in areas inadequately fertilized. Measurements from the two areas are used to ... N.R. Kitchen, K.S. Suddth, S.T. Drummond |
50. Innovative Optical Sensors For Diagnosis, Mapping And Real-time Management Of Row Crops: The Use Of Polyphenolics And FluorescenceForce-A’s Dualex® leaf-clips and Multiplex® proximal optical sensors give rapid and quantitative estimations of chlorophyll and polyphenolics of crops by measuring the fluorescence and absorption properties of these molecules. The in vivo and real-time assessments of these plant compounds allow us to define new indicators of crop nitrogen status, health and quality. The measurements of these indicators allow consultants and farmers to monitor the nitrogen status of row crop... V. Martinon, , C. Duval, J. Fumery |
51. The Cost Of Dependence Upon GPS-enabled Navigation TechnologiesThe adoption of global positioning system (GPS) technology to fine-tune agricultural field operations over the last decade has been unprecedented relative to other agricultural technologies. Resultantly, as agricultural machinery size and capacity increased, field operations have become much more precise due to the synergistic relationship between farm machinery and GPS-enabled guidance technology. With increased dependence upon GPS technology, one must ask “What are the risks associate... C. Lee, T. Griffin |
52. Use Of Spectral Distance, Spectral Angle, And Plant Abundance Derived From Hyperspectral Imagery To Characterize Crop Growth VariationVegetation indices (VIs) derived from remote sensing imagery are commonly used to quantify crop growth and yield variations. As hyperspectral imagery is becoming more available, the number of possible VIs that can be calculated is overwhelmingly large. The objectives of this study were to examine spectral distance, spectral angle and plant abundance derived from all the bands in hyperspectral imagery and compare them with eight widely used two-band or three-band VIs based on selected waveleng... C. Yang |
53. Precision Agriculture In New Zealand’s Farming SystemsTo date New Zealand farmers do not realize how involved they are in Precision Agriculture (PA). As arable farmers we know how many kilograms of nitrogen (N) it takes to grow a tonne of wheat, how many kilograms of seed we can produce for every millimetre of water that is applied (through irrigation and/or rainfall) and yet we don’t believe we are involved in PA. As dairy farmers we are matching feed requirements to the specific production level of individual cows. We ar... C. Mackenzie, C. Mackenzie |
54. Analysis Of Water Use Efficiency Using On-the-go Soil Sensing And A Wireless NetworkAn efficient irrigation system should meet the demands of the growing crops. While limited water supply may result in yield reduction, excess irrigation is a waste of resources. To investigate water use efficiency, on-the-go sensing technology was used to reveal soil spatial variability relevant to water holding capacity (in this example, field elevation and apparent electrical conductivity). These high-density data layers were used to identify strategic sites where monitoring water availabil... L. Pan, V.I. Adamchuk, D.L. Martin, M.A. Schroeder, R.B. Fergugson |
55. Recision Management For Enhancing Farmer Net Returns With The Conservation Reserve ProgramYield maps have successfully been combined with economic principles in establishing precision guided recommendations for enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). This can and has resulted in greater net returns for farmers than not enrolling in CRP or enrolling all eligible land in CRP without the consideration of foregone economic opportunities (Stull et al. 2004). This study expands these concepts by recognizing the adaptive behavior of the farmer and opportunities resulting fr... C. Dillon, J. Shockley |
56. GNSS Tracking Of Livestock: Towards Variable Fertilizer Strategies For The Grazing IndustryThis study reveals the potential for GPS tracking in the grazing industry. By monitoring the locations and movement of livestock, times of peak grazing activity can be identified and these can in turn produce maps of preferred grazing areas, and by examining residency times provide an indication of spatial variability in grazing pressure. A comparison of grazing preference can be made to similarly inferred camping areas to understand the potential redistribution of nutrients within a paddock.... M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, G.N. Hinch, C.N. Guppy |
57. Ultra Low Level Aircraft (ULLA) As A Platform For Active Optical Sensing Of Crop BiomassCrop producers requiring crop biomass maps to support timely application of in-season fertilisers, pesticides or growth regulators rely on either on-ground active sensors or airborne/satellite imagery. Active crop sensing (for example using Yara N-SensorTM, GreenseekerTM or CropcircleTM) can only be used when the crop is accessible by person or vehicle, and extensive, high-resolution coverage is time consuming. On the other hand, airborne or satellite imaging ... D.W. Lamb, M.G. Trotter, D. Schneider |
58. New Power-leds Based Illumination System For Fertilizer Granule Motion EstimationEnvironmental problems have become more and more pressing in the past twenty years particularly with the fertilization operation, one main contributor to environmental imbalance. The understanding of the global centrifugal spreading process, most commonly used in Europe, can contribute to provide essential information about fertiliser granule deposition on the soil. This last one can be predicted using a ballistic flight model and several fertilizer characteristic’s determinat... F. Cointault, B. Hijazi, J. Dubois, J. Vangeyte, M. Paindavoine |
59. Mepiquat Chloride Application On Cotton At Variable RateMepiquat chloride (1,1-dimethylpiperidinium chloride) are used to control excessive vegetative growth in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) broadcast sprayed by ground or air. As proven by previous researches the variability of the cotton plants height in the field is large enough to justify the application of Mepiquat at variable rate. The major advantages of it are: (i) yield increase; (ii) economy of the applied input; (iii) reducing the potential of environmental pollution. The main objective... P.S. Magalhaes, , |
60. Typology Of Farms And Regions In EU States Assessing The Impacts Of Precision Farming-technologiesA typology is developed describing the typical farms and the agricultural regions in Europe which presumably would apply Precision Farming technologies (PFT) and how. The typology focuses on the potential agronomic (cropping practices) benefits of PFT in crop production. Precision Farming covers a wide range of technologies for different sectors in agriculture. They differ in techniques, equipment and procedures and form core elements of information oriented production of various cr... L. Herold, B. Poelling, A. Wurbs, A. Werner |
61. Assessment Of Climate Variability On Optimal Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates For Precision AgricultureYield response functions... B. Basso, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac |
62. Developing Of A Monitoring System Of Cutting, Carrying, And Transportation Of Sugar Cane In Order To Manage FleetIn the productive process for obtaining sugar cane products, the costs associated to the activities of harvesting (cut), carrying and transport (CCT), represent great part of the final cost of the product. In order to reduce this costs new technologies should be adopted in the agricultural mechanization using precision agriculture methods. The use of the information technology combined with the use of intelligent components can help to improve the performance of machines and equipments ... D.G. Cerri, P.S. Magalh |
63. Spatial Variability Analyse And Correlation Between Physical Chemical Soil Attributes And Sugarcane Quality ParametersWith the high increment in the ethanol demand, the trend is that the planted area with sugar cane in Brazil will increase from the actual 7 million ha up to 12 million ha in 15 years. The sugar cane expansion demands, beyond the enlargement of the boundaries with the installation of new industrial units, better use of the production areas and improvement of the yield and quality, together with production costs reduction. In such a way, the adoption of Precision Ag... F. Rodrigues jr, P.S. Maglh, D.G. Cerri |
64. Dozen Parameters Soil Mapping Using The Real-time Soil SensorA Real-time soil sensor (RTSS) can be predicted soil parameters using near-infrared underground soil reflectance sensor in commercial farms. ... M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa, K. Ninomiya |
65. A Comparison Of Spectral Reflectance And Laser-induced Cholorphyll Fluorescence Measurements To Detect Differences In Aerial Dry Weight And Nitrogen Update Of WheatChlorophyll fluorescence and spectral reflectance analysis are both powerful tools to study the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of plants` biomass and nitrogen status. Whereas reflectance techniques have intensively been tested for their use in precision fertilizer application, laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence has been tested to a lesser degree, and there are hardly any... B. Mistele, U. Schmidhalter |
66. Performance Evaluation Of Off-shelf Range Sensors For In-field Crop Height MeasurementAbstract: In-season plant height is a good predictor of yield potential, which needs to be measured with techniques of high spatial resolution and accuracy. In this study, systematic performance evaluations were conducted on three types of commercial range sensors, an ultrasonic sensor, a laser range finder and a range camera on plant height measurement, under laboratory and field conditions. Results showed that the average errors between the measured heigh... N. Wang, Y. Shi, R.K. Taylor |
67. Spatial-temporal Management Zones For Biomass MoistureBiomass handling operations (harvesting, raking, collection, and transportation) are critical operations within the agricultural production system since they constitute the first link in the biomass supply chain, a fact of substantial importance considering the increasingly involvement of biomass in bio-refinery and bio-energy procedures. Nevertheless, the inherent uncertainty, imposed by the interaction between environmental, biological, and machinery factors, makes the available sched... S. Fountas, D. Bochtis, C. Sorensen, O. Green, R. J, T. Bartzanas |
68. Early Identification Of Leaf Rust On Wheat Leaves With Robust Fitting Of Hyperspectral SignaturesEarly recognition of pathogen infection is of great relevance in precision plant protection. Disease detection before the occurrence of visual symptoms is of particular interest. By use of a laserfluoroscope, UV-light induced fluorescence data were collected from healthy and with leaf rust infected wheat leaves of the susceptible cv. Ritmo 2-4 days after inoculation under controlled conditions. In order to evaluate disease impact on spectral characteristics 215 wavelengths in the range of 370... C. R, T. Rumpf, K. B, M. Hunsche, L. Pl, G. Noga |
69. Worldwide Adoption Of Precision Agriculture Technology: The 2010 UpdatePrecision agriculture technology has been on the market for nearly two decades; and the question remains regarding how and to what extent farmers are making the best use of the technology. Yield monitors, GPS-enabled guidance technology, farm-level mapping and GIS software, on-the-go variable rate applications, and other spatial technologies are being used by thousands of farmers worldwide. The USDA Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and the annual CropLife/Purdue University Preci... T. Griffin, J. Lowenberg-deboer |
70. Comparison Of Three Canopy Reflectance Sensors For Variable-rate Nitrogen Application In CornIn recent years, canopy reflectance sensing has been investigated for in-season assessment of crop nitrogen (N) health and subsequent control of N fertilization. The several sensor systems that are now commercially available have design and operational differences. One difference is the sensed wavelengths, although these typically include wavelengths in both the visible and near-infrared ranges. Another difference is orientation – the sensors most commonly used in the US are designed to... K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, S.T. Drummond |
71. Extending The Concept Of Precision Conservation To Restoration Of Rivers And StreamsComprehensive water quality management in watersheds involves management of upland and riparian environments. Efforts to optimize environmental performance of agriculture through field-scale precision conservation should be complemented with riparian restorations to enhance capacities to ass... M. Tomer, T.M. Isenhart, D.E. James |
72. Decision Making And Operational PlanningIn order to automatize crop farming and its processes, a number of technological and other problems have to be solved. Agricultural field robots are in our vision to fulfill operations in fields. Robots involve number of technological challenges in order to be functional and reliable, but also systems controlling these robots are to be developed. In this paper automatic crop farming is the vision, and decision making models and operational planning is discussed. Study is carried out with simu... T. Oksanen, , |
73. Assessment Of Pod Ceal Dc™ Effect On Grain Yield In Beans Using Multi-spectral Satellite Imagery And Yield DataPod Ceal DC™ from BrettYoung creates an elastic membrane over pods in canola, beans etc., which results in controlling shatter before combining. To carry out this on-farm experiment, an irrigated field was divided in two parts according to the yielding potential and topographical characteristics to ensure equal conditions for both variants of the experiment. Grain beans were grown in the field using conventional technology. Pod Ceal DC™ was applied three weeks before harvesting on... A. Melnitchouck |
74. Wheat Growth Stages Discrimination Using Generalized Fourier Descriptors In Pattern Recognition Context... F. Cointault, A. Marin, L. Journaux, J. Miteran, R. Martin |
75. Precision Conservation: Using Precision Agriculture Technology To Optimize Conservation And Profitability In Agricultural LandscapesUSDA Farm Bill conservation programs provide landowner incentives to remove marginal lands from agricultural production and reestablish them to natural vegetation (e.g., native grasses, trees, etc.). However, removal of arable land from production imposes an opportunity cost associated with loss in revenue from commodities that otherwise would have been produced. Northern bobwhite (bobwhite) populations have shown a positive response to numerous conservation programs implemented in agricultur... M.D. Mcconnell, L.W. Burger, W. Givens |
76. Spatial Variability Of Crop And Soil Properties In A Crop-livestock Integrated SystemThe knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the site specific application of lime and fertilizer. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the spatial variability of the crop, soil chemical and physical properties. The study was conducted in 2 areas of 6.9 and 11.7 ha of a Typic Haplustox in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil. The summer crops corn and sorghum were sowed together to the forage crop Brachiaria brizantha in the system of cro... A.C. Bernardi, C.R. Grego, R.G. Andrade, C.M. Vaz, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamasu |
77. Experiencs Of Extension Education Via Online Delivery Of Programming Related To Precision Agriculture TechnologiesThis paper will describe the content and experiences teaching an extension education course on precision agriculture technologies via online delivery. The course was developed to be delivered in 16 weeks meeting one time a week online. There was also a one-day face-to-face hands-on session focused around 4 lab type activities related to GPS guidance, diagnosis, and setup and maximizing the usefulness of precision agriculture technologies. This course focuses on agricultura... D.K. Shannon |
78. Development And Application Of Gully Erosion Components Within The USDA Annagnps Watershed Model For Precision ConservationA watershed scale assessment of the effect of conservation practices on the environment is critical when recommending conservation management practices to agricultural producers. The identification of all sources of sediment and subsequent tracking of the movement of sediment downstream is a necessary part of this assessment including the often overlooked contributions from gully erosion sources. Pollutant loading allocations established with comprehensive studies of all sediment so... R.L. Bingner, R.R. Wells, F.D. Theurer |
79. Comparison Of Spectral Indices Derived From Active Crop Canopy Sensors For Assessing Nitrogen And Water Status... L. Shiratsuchi, R.B. Ferguson, J.F. Shanahan, V.I. Adamchuk, G. Slater |
80. An Inter-connection Model Between Standard Zigbee And Isobus Network (ISO11783)The typical five-step cyclical process of precision agriculture includes soil and environment data collection, diagnosis, data analysis, precision field correction operation and evaluations. Usually, some steps are executed in field, others in the farm office and others in both. This can result in a complex system and consequently in waste of time and high cost in equipment, tools and workmanship. To simplify this process, the challenge is ... M.F. Barros, C.E. Cugnasca, J. Congona benavente |
81. Revisited: A Case Study Approach For Teaching And Applying Precision AgricultureCurrent agricultural students understand and are excited about new technologies, but often do not understand how precision agriculture can be applied to farming operations. A case-study approach that requires students to develop precision agriculture management practices which includes selecting equipment and assessing the financial feasibility could help students understand and apply precision agriculture. This paper revisits a case-study approach to teaching precision agriculture and descri... J.D. Williams, S.D. Mcgary, M. Waits |
82. HLB Detection Using Hyperspectral RadiometryThe need for sustainable agriculture requires the adoption of low input, long-term and cost-effective strategies to overcome the adverse impact of disease and nutritional deficiencies on citrus groves. In this context, early detection of diseased trees has become an important topic in the citrus industry. Multiple factors make field assessment of disease conditions a challenging task: the non-specific nature of many symptoms, the possibility of having localized affections in only certain area... J. Gonzalez-mora, C. Vallespi gonzalez, R. Ehsani, C.S. Dima, G. Duhachek |
83. Development Of Ground-based Sensor System For Automated Agricultural Vehicle To Detect Diseases In Citrus PlantationsAn integrated USDA-funded project involving Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, Cornell University and John Deere is ongoing, to develop an autonomous tractors for sustainable specialty crop farming. The research teams have come together to develop an automated system for detecting plant stress, estimating yields, and reducing chemical usage through precision spraying for specialty crops. The goals of the automation process are to reduce the tractor-related labor costs, r... S. Sankaran, R. Ehsani, A. Mishra, C. Dima |
84. Tools For Evaluating The Potential Of Automatic Section ControlOne of the newest technologies in precision agriculture is automatic section control on application equipment. This technology has tremendous potential to reduce wasted inputs, especially on irregularly shaped fields. Paybacks are not necessarily as great on rectangular fields. Producers considering adoption of the technology need to decide whether they will receive sufficient payback for their field shapes. They must also d... T. Stombaugh, R.S. Zandonadi, J.D. Luck, T.P. Mcdonald, T. Mcgraw |
85. Rhizosphere Moisture Modulation By Water Head Precision ControlAbstract: A digital irrigation microcomputer system, designed to modulate rhizosphere moisture using ... M. Ohaba, S. Shibusawa |
86. Application Rate Stability When Implementing Automatic Section Control Technology On Agricultural SprayersAutomatic section control (on and off) technology of sprayer boom sections is an intelligent solution to maximize spray application efficiency during field operations. This technology can reduce over-application of products. Spray controllers available with this technology attempt to maintain the set target rate by adjusting system flow rate based on ground speed and application width. Therefore, as sections are turned on or off, the flow regulating hardware must respond to m... A. Sharda, J.D. Luck, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, S.A. Shearer, D. Mullenix, M. Vanacht |
87. Determining Whole-farm Conservation Solutions For Small Farms In Northeastern United StatesOptimal water quality pollution control comes from locating critical nonpoint source pollution areas within a watershed and applying site-specific conservation practices. However, management decisions are implemented at the farm-level. While site-specific conservation practices are crucial for environmental protection, reduction strategies must have economic benefit to the producer if they are to be implemented and maintained. Increased fuel, fertilizer, and grain prices are greatly impacting... T.L. Veith, L.T. Ghebremichael |
88. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Approaches To Estimate The Vitality Of PlantsChlorophyll fluorescence is a now well-established technique for the analysis of photosynthesis in plants and algae. Fluorescence transients (Kautsky curves), exhibited by photosynthetic organisms under different conditions provide detail information about the structure, conformation and function of the photosynthetic apparatus, especially of photosystem II. The analysis of the so-called OJIP-curve and of the pulsed-aplitude-modulated fluorometry in conjunction with the satur... R. Valcke, D. Bierman |
89. Assessment Of The Success Of Variable Rate Seeding Based On EMI MapsGood plant establishment is the critical first step in growing a crop. To achieve this, the correct seed rate must be calculate. This is done by assessing the optimum target plant population per m² and then making an estimate of any losses over winter. Losses will depend on the quality of seedbed created which is related to texture, stoniness and compaction of the soil. If there is any variation in these field characteristics then the correct see... S. Griffin, M. Darr |
90. A Comparison Of Alternative Methods For Prioritizing Buffer Placement In Agricultural Watersheds For Water Quality ImprovementConservation buffers are a widely used best management practice for reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Various governmental programs and community initiatives have been implemented to adopt conservation buffers for water quality improvement. Since there is substantial cost for installing conservation buffers in watersheds, cost-effectiveness would be improved by targeting buffers to locations where they would produce greater benefit and to avoid location... Z. Qiu, M.G. Dosskey, D. Frieberg |
91. Spatio-temporal Analysis Of Atrazine Degradation And Associated Attributes In Eastern Colorado SoilsAtrazine catabolism is an example of a rapidly evolved soil microbial adaptation. In the last 20 years, atrazine-degrading bacteria have become globally distributed, and many soils have developed enhanced capacities to degrade atrazine, reducing its half-life from 60 to a few days or less. While the presence of atrazine-degrading bacteria determine a soil's potential to catabolize at... M. Stromberger, R. Khosla, D. Shaner, D. Zach |
92. The Effect Of Variable-Rate Fertilizer Nitrogen Decision-Making On Winter Wheat... J. Guo, L. Chen, X. Wang, R. Zhang, L. Zotarelli |
93. Matching Nitrogen To Plant Available Water For Malting Barley On Highly Constrained Vertosol SoilCrop yield monitoring, high resolution aerial imagery and electromagnetic induction (EMI) soil sensing are three widely used techniques in precision agriculture (PA). Yield maps provide an indication of the crop’s response to a particular management regime in light of spatially-variable constraints. Aerial imagery provides timely and accurate information about photosynthetically-active biomass during crop growth and EMI indicates spatial variability in soil texture, salinity and/o... B. Sauer, C.N. Guppy, M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, J.A. Delgado |
94. Energy-efficient Wireless Sensor Network System For Soil Moisture Information CollectingCollecting field soil moisture information is the foundation of auto-irrigation. This paper introduced a soil moisture information collecting system based on wireless sensor network (WSN) technology and with application background of automatic drip irrigation for cotton field. Firstly, application background was analyzed and application requirement was defined. The system worked together with a drip irrigation system in cotton field. After study, it was found that the output of soil moisture ... R. Zhang, L. Chen, J. Guo, J.G. Warren, J.G. Warren |
95. Development Of Batch Type Yield Monitor For Small FieldsAbstract The yield monitor is intended to give the user an accurate assessment of yield variations y within a field. A yield monitor can assist grain producers in many aspects of crop management. A yield monitor by itself can provide useful information and enhance on-farm research. Yield data c... M. Singh, A. Sharma, G. Singh, P. Fixen |
96. Extension: Precision Ariculture On The InternetThis session will include an overall description of the new eXtension precision agriculture Web site. eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from land-grant university across America. Session participants will learn about the Website, and how to participate in the continued site development. The precision agriculture eXtension Web site is a virtual platform for engage... J. Nowatzki, T. Brase |
97. Management Of Remote Imagery For Precision AgricultureSatellite and airborne remotely sensed images cover large areas, which normally include dozens of agricultural plots. Agricultural operations such as sowing, fertilization, and pesticide applications are designed for the whole plot area, i.e. 5 to 20 ha, or through precision agriculture. This takes into account the spatial variability of biotic and of abiotic factors and uses diverse technologies to apply inputs at variable rates, fitted to the needs of each small defined area, i.e. 25 to 200... L. Garcia-torres, D. Gomez-candon, J.J. Caballero-novella, J.M. Pe, M. Jurado-exp, I. Castillejo-gonz, A. Garc, F. Lopez-granados, L. Prassack |
98. An Overview of Soil Carbon, Management, and Agricultural SystemsTopics to be covered include a discussion of what soil carbon sequestration is, how and where in the soil it occurs, and its role in maintaining important soil properties. The author draws upon his experience and that of others about practices for various parts of the US to describe on-farm and experimental agricultural systems and their degree of success to sequester carbon and improve soil quality. Included is an overview of carbon sequestration strategies and pos... R. Follett, E. Short |
99. Soil Organic Carbon Maintenance Requiremnets And Mineralizatyion Rate Constants: Site Specific CalcuationsOver the past 100 years numerous studies have been conducted with the goal of quantifying the impact of management on carbon turnover. It is difficult to conduct a mechanistic evaluation of these studies because each study was conducted under unique soil, climatic, and management conditions. Techniques for directly comparing data from unique studies are needed. This study discusses techniques for comparing data collected... D.E. Clay, G. Carlson, J. Tatge |
100. Nitrogen And Water Stress Impacts Hard Red Spring Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Canopy ReflectanceRemote sensing-based in-season N recommendations have been proposed as a technique to improve N fertilizer use efficiency. Remote sensing estimation of South Dakota hard red spring wheat N requirements needs assessment. Research objectives were: (1) determine the effect of an in-season N application on grain yield, yield loss to nitrogen stress (YLNS), and grain protein; and (2) assess if remote sensing collected at different growth stages may be used to predict yie... C.L. Reese, D.E. Clay, D.L. Beck, S.A. Clay, D.S. Long, M. Shahinian |
101. Precision Livestock Management: An Example Of Pasture Monitoring In Eastern Australian Pastures Using Proximal And Remote Sensing ToolsPasture monitoring Australian rangelands by Remote Sensing G.E.Donald. CSIRO Livestock Industries, Locked Bag 1, Armidale NSW, 2350 Australia A series of spatial models and datasets were jointly developed to estimate pasture biomass as feed on offer (FOO®) and pasture growth rate (PGR®) in the so... G.E. Donald, M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, G. Levow, H.M. Van es |
102. Traceability And Management Information System Of Agricultural Product Quality Safety In ChinaAgricultural product quality safety is the hot topic in the world. From the technical view, the agricultural production management and traceability are the key measurement for insuring the quality safety. From 2005 until now, we have been investig... X. Yang, M. Li, C. Sun, J. Qian, Z. Ji |
103. Not Possible In Real Life: Precision Agriculture’s Future In 3D Virtual WorldsImmersive 3D virtual worlds may be several years away from mainstream adoption, but thousands of scientists, educators, and visionary thinkers are already using these environments to network with colleagues, conduct research, create engaging simulations, and develop instructional models that can reach global audiences. Virtual reality offers the potential to create dynamic content that is either not possible to build in real life, or prohibitively expensive. Travel costs can be reduced by bri... L. Phillips |
104. Land Information System Of Precision Farming In Mongolia Using Remote Sensing And Geographical Information SystemRemote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies have been of great use to planners in planning for efficient use of natural resources at national, sub region and rural levels. RS can be used for precision farming in a number of ways for providing input supplies and variability management through decision support system. GIS is the principal technology used to integrate spatial data... B. Erdenee, B. Batbayar, R. Tateishi |
105. Using A Surface Energy Model (reset) To Determine The Spatial Variability Of ET Within And Between Agricultural FieldsRemote sensing algorithms are currently being used to estimate regional surface fluxes (e.g. evapotranspiration (ET)). Many of these surface energy balance models use information derived from satellite imagery such as aircraft, Landsat, AVHRR, ASTER, and MODIS to estimate ET. The remote sensing approach to estimating ET provides advantages over traditional methods. One of the most important advantages is that it can provide estimates of actual ET for each pixel in the image. Most conventional... L. Garcia, A. Elhaddad |
106. Development Of A Sensor Suite To Determine Plant Water PotentialThe goal of this research was to develop a mobile sensor suite to determine plant water status in almonds and walnuts. The sensor suite consisted of an infrared thermometer to measure leaf temperature and additional sensors to measure relevant ambient conditions such as light intensity, air temperature, air humidity, and wind speed. In the Summer of 2009, the system was used to study the relationship between leaf temperature, plant water status, and relevant microclimatic information in an al... V. Udompetaikul, S. Upadhyaya, B. Lampinen, D. Slaughter |
107. GPS Guidance Of Mechanized Site Preparation In Forestry Plantations: A Precision Forestry ApproachApplication of GPS guidance to mechanized site preparation in forestry plantations: a precision forestry approach By Steve Husband (Paper proposed for 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture 2010) ... S.C. Husband |
108. The Scholarship Of eXtensioneXtension (www.extension.org) is an interactive on-line learning environment delivering "best of the best," researched-based knowledge from the top minds across the land-grant university system. It is a space where university content providers can collaborate to gather and produce new educational and information resources on wide-ranging topics while continually interacting with their customers to help solve real-life problems in real time. The works of ... M. Lambur |
109. Evaluation Of The Multiplex® Fluorescence Sensor For The Assessment Of Corn Nitrogen StatusThe Multiplex® is a new hand-held optical fluorescence sensor for non-destructive measurement of about 20 parameters descriptive of plant physiological status. The Multiplex is of potential value for in-season assessment of crop nitrogen status, but no evaluation has been released for that matter as of yet. An experiment was therefore conducted which consisted of four nitrogen fertilization treatments with 0, 20, 5... Y. Zhang, N. Tremblay |
110. On-combine Sensing Technique For Mapping Straw Yield Within Wheat FieldsStraw from production of wheat is available for conversion to bioenergy. However, not all of this straw is available for conversion because a certain amount must be returned to the soil for conservation. County and state-wide inventories do not account for variation within farm fields. In this study, a technique is described that applies information from on-combine crop sensors into estimation of straw yield across fields. Straw yiel... D.S. Long, , |
111. Accounting For Spatial Correlation Using Radial Smoothers In Statistical Models Used For Developing Variable-rate Treatment PrescriptionsVariable-rate treatment prescriptions for use on commercial farms can be developed from embedded field trials on those farms. Such embedded trials typically involve non-random, high-density sampling schemes that result in large datasets and response variables exhibiting spatial correlation. In order to accurately evaluate the significance of the effects of the applied treatments and the measured field characteristics on the response of interest, this spatial correlation must be accounted for ... K.S. Mccarter, E. Burris |
112. Economic Potential Of Monitoring Protein Content At Harvest And Blending Wheat GrainPrecision agriculture has been primarily focused on the management of inputs but recently developed technologies that monitor grain quality at harvest create the opportunity to manage outputs spatially. Provided specific product qualities achieve higher prices, monitoring, separation and blending may be economically justified. This paper analyzes the potential economic effects of blending different grain qualities at the farm level. We estimated sub-field spec... A. Meyer-aurich, M. Gandorfer, A. Weersink, P. Wagner |
113. Isobus Demonstrator And Working Environment For Agricultural Engineering EducationISOBUS is the international standard for communication on agricultural equipment. In practice, however, a manufacturer independent tractor-implement communication is still a significant problem. This aspect has been identified as a major hindrance for the transfer of research results into products for precision farming. As a consequence the ISOBUS standard should strongly be included in education and research, which is the focus of this work. &nb... A. Ruckelshausen, T. Dzinaj, T. Kinder, D. Bosse, R. Klose |
114. Sensor And System Technology For Individual Plant Crop ScoutingSensor and system technologies are key components for automatic treatment of individual plants as well as for plant phenotyping in field trials. Based on experiences in research and application of sensors in agriculture the authors have developed phenotyping platforms for field applications including sensors, system and software development and application-specific mountings. Sensor and data fusion have a high potential by compensating varying s... A. Ruckelshausen, K.V. Alheit, L. Busemeyer, R. Klose, A. Linz, K. Moeller, F. Rahe, M. Thiel, D. Trautz, U. Weiss |
115. Does Pasture Longevity Under Direct Grazing Affect Field-scale Sorghum Yield Spatial Variability In Crop-pasture Rotation Systems?Crop yield spatial variability is usually related to terrain attributes and soil properties. In pasture systems, soil properties are affected by animal grazing. However, soil and terrain attributes relation with crop yield variability has not been assessed in crop-pasture rotat... V. Pravia, J.A. Terra, Roel |
116. Vision Of Farm Of Tomorrow... K. Charvat, P. Gnip |
117. Adoption Of N-application Rates In Different Broccoli Cultivars By Reflectance MeasurementsTo date many sensors have been solely developed and tested for arable crops. This project aims to develop the means to rapidly map N-demand in broccoli plants on a site-specific, plant-by-plant basis using reflectance measurements. The aim of this specific study was to monitor nitrogen status in six different broccoli cultivars using reflectance measurements and to derive suitable N-fertilization strategies based on the sensor measurements.... S. Graeff, J. Pfenning, W. Claupein |
118. New Geospatial Technologies For Precision Farming... K. Charvat, J. Cepicky, P. Gnip |
119. Vlite Node – New Sensor Technology For Precision Farming... K. Charvat, J. Jezek, M. Musil, Z. Krivanek, P. Gnip |
120. Application Of A Canopy MultisensorThe MobilLas mobile canopy sensor was initially developed for variable rate fertilisation and plant protection. Because of the several canopy variables sensed the sensor has wider application in crop and soil variability studies, detailed crop water balance studies, spatial modelling of p... A. Thomsen, K. Schelde |
121. Integrated Land Management – ICT Solutions & Business ModelsPROGIS and Adcon have developed a comprehensive solution to address the major challenges of our time: improve daily agricultural practice on all levels, increase and secure food supplies, take care of the environment and manage ever increasing risks, while last not least assist in fighting global warming. In all of the above agriculture is playing a key role, but the methods of the past will no longer be adequate. Information technology is the n... W. Mayer, B. Pacher |
122. Analysis Of Principles For Adaptive Knowledge Management On Pilot FarmsCollected data, which are used in this research, are coming from several different data sources and time periods (soil test, satellite images, airborne pictures, soil type’s maps, yield predictions maps and other agronomist data). According to above mentioned data was calculate also variable rate for application of Nitrogen, Potash, Phosphor and Calcium and applied time table during the 10 years period. Main goal of this... P. Gnip |
123. Spatial And Vertical Distribution Of Soil P, K, And Mg Content In A Vineyard Of The Do Ca Rioja Using Grid And Target Sampling MethodsKnowledge of spatial variability of soil nutrient contents is very important to design a fertilization strategy based on the needs of the vine. Matching fertilization and nutritional plant needs is very important due to the influence of nutritional status of vineyards on productive and qualitative factors. The aim of this work was to study the spatial and vertical variability of P, K and Mg in a vineyard soil by two methods: (i) the grid sampling at three depth ranges (... O. Unamunzaga, A. Castell, G. Besga, R. Perez-parmo, A. Aizpurua |
124. Is Precision Agriculture Feasible In Cocoa Production In Ghana? : The Case Of Cocoa High Technology Programme In The Eastern Region Of GhanaGhana is the second largest producer of cocoa in the world supplying 25% of the world’s cocoa, thus cocoa production contributes significantly to the economy of ... M. Bosompem, J.A. Kwarteng, E. Ntifo-siaw |
125. Modeling Soil Carbon Spatial Variation: Case Study In The Palouse RegionSoil organic carbon (Cs) levels in the soil profile reflect the transient state or equilibrium conditions determined by organic carbon inputs and outputs. In areas with strong topography, erosion, transport and deposition control de soil carbon balance and determine strong within-field differences in soil carbon. Carbon gains or losses are therefore difficult to predict for the average field. Total Cs ranged from 54 to 272 Mg C ha-1, with 42% (range 25 to 78%) of Cs in the top 0.3-m of the so... A.R. Kemanian, D.R. Huggins, D.P. Uberuaga |
126. We Want You: Contributing Your Expertise To A Community Of Practice (COP)eXtension Communities of Practice (CoP’s) are online collaborative networks of subject matter experts. Community of Practice as a method are not new, almost everyone has come across one by now, but you may not have realized what you were looking at was a collaborative effort. CoP’s exist on sites like Consumer Reports, in CNET, and many other places where groups of experts work to create the content that populates a website. Communities are self-... A. Hays |
127. Performance Of The Veris Nir Spectrophotometer For Mapping Soil C In The Palouse Soils Of Eastern WashingtonRecent advances in sensing technology have made measuring and mapping the dynamics of important soil properties that regulate carbon and nutrient budgets possible. The Veris Technologies (Salinas, KS) Near Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer is one of the first sensors available for collecting geo-referenced NIR soil spectra on-the-go. Field studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of the Veris NIR in wheat grown under both conventional and no-till management in the Palouse region of easter... F. Pierce, E.M. Perry, S.L. Young, H.P. Collins, P.G. Carter |
128. Landscape Position And Climatic Gradient Impacts On Carbon Turnover in Dryland Cropping Systems in ColoradoSoil organic carbon has decreased in cultivated wheat-fallow systems due to increased carbon oxidation, low carbon input and soil erosion. Implementation of more intensive cropping with no-till management has reversed the trend in soil carbon loss. Our objective in this presentation is to review the effects of landscape position on soil carbon status as related to intensification of cropping system. Our analysis wi... G. Peterson, D. Westfall, L.A. Sherrod |
129. Proper Implementation Of Precision Agricultural Technologies For Conducting On-farm ResearchPrecision agricultural technologies provide farmers, practitioners and researchers the ability to conduct on-farm or field-scale research to refine farm management, improve long term crop production decisions, and implement site-specific management strategies. However, the limitations of these technologies must be understood to draw accurate and meaningful conclusions from such investigations. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to outline the limitations of seve... J.P. Fulton, M.J. Darr, R.K. Taylor, T.P. Mcdonald |
130. C And N Coupling Through Time: Soil C, N, And Grain Yield In A Long-term Continuous Corn TrialGains and losses of both C and N are important in agricultural landscapes. Temporal changes in the pattern of crop yield response to tillage and fertilizer input are commonly observed; often weakly interpreted, in long-term research. A 38-year-long monoculture corn (Zea mays L.) tillage (moldboard plow, no-tillage) by N rate (0, 84, 168, 336 kg N per hectare) trial was sampled to a depth of 100 cm, as was the surround... J. Grove, E.M. Pena-yewtukhiw |
131. A Computer Decision Aid For The Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment DecisionThis article introduces the Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid (CPAIDA), a software decision tool for analyzing the precision agriculture investment decision. CPAIDA was developed to provide improved educational information about precision farming equipment ownership costs, and the required returns to pay for their investment. The partial budgeting and breakeven analysis framework is documented along with use of the decision aid. With care in specifying values, program users... J.A. Larson, D.F. Mooney, R.K. Roberts, B.C. English |
132. Estimating Soil Productivity And Energy Efficiency Using Websoil Survey, Soil Productivity Index Calculator, And Biofuel Energy Systems SimulatorSoils have varying production capacities for a specific plant or sequence of plants under defined management strategies. The production capacity or “productivity” can be quantified as a mathematical function of a soils ability to sufficiently sustain plant ... K.D. Reitsma, T.E. Schumacher |
133. Variability Of Carbon Sequestration In The Tidewater Region Of The Southeastern U.S.In the southeastern US climatic conditions favor long periods of plant growth. This combined with intense rainfall and poor drainage provides idea conditions for the conversion of plant biomass into organic matter. This study combines the results of field experiments designed to examine crop management practices that favor the development of soil organic carbon and organic matter with an examination of the causes for the extreme variability... R. Heiniger |
134. Cotton Precision Farming Adoption In The Southern United States: Findings From A 2009 SurveyThe objectives of this study were 1) to determine the status of precision farming technology adoption by cotton producers in 12 states and 2) to evaluate changes in cotton precision farming technology adoption between 2000 and 2008. A mail survey of cotton producers located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia was conducted in February and March of 2009 to establish the use of precision farming tec... M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, R.K. Roberts, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, D.M. Lambert, S.L. Larkin, M.C. Marra, R. Rejesus, S.W. Martin, K.W. Paxton, A. Mishra, C. Wang, E. Segarra, J.M. Reeves |
135. Citrus Greening Disease Detection Using Airborne Multispectral And Hyperspectral ImagingCitrus greening disease (Huanglongbing or HLB) has become a major catastrophic disease in Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry since 2005, and continued to be spread to other parts of the U.S. There is no known cure for this disease. As of October 2009, citrus trees in 2,702 different sections (square mile) in 34 counties were infected in Florida. A set of hyperspectral imageries were used to develop disease detection algorithms using image-derived spectral library, the mixture tu... W. Lee, A. Kumar, R. Ehsani, C. Yang, L.G. Albrigo, |
136. Adoption And Perceived Usefulness Of Precision Soil Sampling Information In Cotton ProductionSoil testing assists farmers in identifying nutrient variability to optimize input placement and timing. Anecdotal evidence suggests that soil test information has a useful life of 3–4 years. However, perceived usefulness may depend on a variety of factors, including field variability, farmer experience and education, farm size, Extension, and factors indirectly related to farming. In 2009, a survey of cotton farmers in 12 Southeastern states collected information... D.C. Harper, D.M. Lambert, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, S.L. Larkin |
137. Site-specific Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilization Of Alfalfa: Fertilizer Usage And Sampling Density ComparisonAlfalfa accounts for the largest cropping area in both the High Desert and Intermountain regions in California, and the use of site-specific management (SSM) can potentially improve farmers’ fertilization practices and crop nutritional status. These areas have limited to no studies regarding nutrient SSM, and variable rate (VR) fertilizer application has not been commonly used by farmers in either area. Considerable range of soil nutrient levels have... A. Biscaro, S. Orloff |
138. Crop Rotation Impacts ‘Temporal Sampling’ Needed For Landscape-defined Management ZonesYield and landscape position are used to delineate management zones, but this approach is confounded by yield’s weather dependence, causing yield to evidence temporal variability/lack of yield stability. Management options (e.g. crop rotation) also influence yield stability. Our objective was to build a model that would describe the influence of crop rotation on the temporal yield stability of landscape defined management zones. Corn (Zea mays L.) yield data for two rotat... E.M. Pena-yewtukhiw, J. Grove |
139. Spatial Livestock Research In Australia And New Zealand: Towards A Cooperative Research ModelA number of researchers in Australia and New Zealand are working in the area of animal tracking as an important technological step to gaining a deeper understanding of animal behavior in various farmed and natural environments. The ultimate goals of the research vary from simply trying to understand how animals can be farmed more effectively to how animals could be controlled without fences. There are a number of parallels with the development of c... I.J. Yule |
140. Impact Of Winter Grazing On Forage Biomass Topography Soil Strength Spatial RelationshipsSpatial relationships between soil properties, forage productivity, and landscape can be used to manage site-specific grazing. Soil penetration resistance and forage biomass were collected for three years in winter grazing experiment. The three ha experimental area was divided into six paddocks, hay was cut twice per year in the months of May and June, and forage stockpiled after the second cutting. Animals were admitted to paddocks at the end of November, at a stocking r... E.M. Pena-yewtukhiw, D. Mata-padrino, W. Bryan |
141. Evaluation Of A Controlled Release N-P Fertilizer Using A Modified Drill For Variable Rate FertilizationBase NP or NPK fertilization is a common practice in cereal production in Chile. Usually, a physical NPK blend is band applied with the seed at planting with the drill. Normal fertilizer rates vary from 400 to 500 kg ha-1; however, there is a tendency in the market to move from physical blend towards chemical blends (monogranule) and, more recently, to controlled release fertilizers (CRF). The CRF are usually recommended at very low rates, varying from 70 to 120 kg ha-1, however this rates ar... R.A. Ortega, J.F. Reyes, W. Esquivel, J. Orellana |
142. Spatial Variability Of Spikelet Sterility In Temperate Rice In ChileSpikelet sterility (blanking) causes large economic losses to rice farmers in Chile. The most common varieties are susceptible to low air and water temperatures during pollen formation and flowering, which is the main responsible for the large year to year variation observed in terms of blanking and, therefore, of grain yield. The present work had for objective to study the spatial variability of spikelet sterility within two rice fields, during two consecutive seasons, and relate it to water... R.A. Ortega, D.E. Del solar, E. Acevedo |
143. Yield Limiting Factors In The Conditions Of Southern AlbertaThe main goal of our experiment was to determine the main factors determining yield of green biomass of spring barley in the conditions of Southern Alberta. To analyze soil properties in the field, grid sampling was conducted at 1-ha grid. Soil samples were collected from the depths of 0…15 and 15…60 cm and analyzed for over 20 different characteristics including soil organic matter content, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the concentrations of macro- and micronutrients.... A. Melnitchouck |
144. A Preliminary Evaluation Of Proximity Loggers To Detect Oestrus Behaviour In Grazing Dairy Cows... D. Mcneill, G.J. Bishop-hurley, L. Irvine, M. Freeman, R. Bellenguez |
145. Optimizing N, P, K, And S Application Across Landscapes In The Northern Great Plains Using The Plant Root Simulator (PRS™ ) Technology.Early papers on precision farming focused on variable rate fertilization and variable spraying technology (Roberts, 1996). The adoption of this 1st round of precision farming was acknowledged to be a “dead horse” (Mangold, 2000). These authors put forward the notion that farmers needed better tools to decide if the intensive management of fertilizer would result in a significant reduction in input costs, or a significant increase in crop yie... K. Greer |
146. Investigating Profile And Landscape Scale Variability In Soil Organic Carbon: Implications For Process-oriented Precision ManagementMitigation of rising greenhouse gases concentrations in the atmosphere has focused attention on agricultural soil organic C (SOC) sequestration. However, field scale knowledge of the processes and factors regulating SOC dynamics, distribution and variability is lacking. The objectives of this study are to characterize the pr... D.R. Huggins, |
147. Precision Conservation: Site-specific Trade-offs Of Harvesting Wheat Residues For Biofuel FeedstocksCrop residues are considered to be an important lignocellulosic feedstock for future biofuel production. Harvesting crop residues, however, could lead to serious soil degradation and loss of productivity. Our objective was to evaluate trade-offs associated with harvesting residues including impacts on soil quality, soil organic C and nutrient removal. We used cropping systems data collected at 369 geo-referenced points on the 37-ha Washington ... D.R. Huggins, |
148. Spatial And Temporal Changes In Atrazine Degradation Rates In SoilAtrazine is a widely used soil-applied herbicide to control many broadleaf and grassy weeds in corn, sugarcane, and non-cropland areas. Atrazine is also found as a contaminant in surface and ground water. One of the strengths and weaknesses of atrazine has been the long residual activity in the soil that provides good weed control but also increases the leaching of the herbicide. In the las... D. Shaner |
149. Impact of Crop Yield Limits and Precision Agriculture on Global Food Security and Conservation of Natural Resourcesblank... K. Cassman |
150. Application of Indirect Measures for Improved Nitrogen Fertilization Algorithmsblank... W.R. Raun |
151. NDVI 'Depression' In Pastures Following GrazingPasture biomass estimation from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) using ground, air or space borne sensors is becoming more widely used in precision agriculture. Proximal active optical sensors (AOS) have the potential to eliminate the confounding effects of path radiance and target illumination conditions typically encountered using passive sensors. Any algorithm that infers the green fraction of pasture from NDVI must factor in plant morphology and live/dead plant ratio, irrespe... J.S. Stanley, D.W. Lamb, M.G. Trotter, M.M. Rahman |
152. Multitemporal Satellite Imaging To Support Near Real-Time Precision FarmingThis paper presents a 2014 update on the DMC constellation of optical satellite sensors and how they are exploited for various types of agricultural monitoring. Thousands of farmers around the world are exploiting this powerful data source for the management of crops, enabled by specialist service providers which convert the imagery into meaningful biophysical measurements and spatially variable nitrogen/irrigation recommendations. The paper also looks ahead to future ... G. Holmes |
153. Development Of Variable Rate System For Soil Disinfection Based On Injection TechniqueAbstract: A variable rate system injection of soil pesticide was developed for control of soil pesticide amount by PWM. The paper analyzes the input and output conditions of control system, and designed hardware, algorithm and control of soil pesticide, mainly software flow and a feedback control way. In the paper, the variable-rate control system consisted of time delay, interface module, micro controller, speed sensor, PWM valve, and hyd... W. Ma, X. Wang |
154. Rapidscan And CropCircle Radiometers: Opportunities And Limitation In Assessing Wheat Biomass And NitrogenRemote sensing is a promising technology that provides information about the crop's physiological and phenological status. This information is based on the spectral absorption and scattering features of the plants. Many different vegetation indices (VI) have been developed, and are in use to estimate quantitatively the relationship between multi and hyper-spectral reflectance and effective crop physiological parameters, i.e. nitrogen (N) content, biomass, leaf area index (LAI). The C... A.A. Gitelson, D.J. Bonfil |
155. Toward More Precise Sugar Beet Management Based On Geostatistical Analysis Of Spatial Variabilty Within FieldsAbstract: Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yields in England are predicted to increase in the future, due to the advances in plant breeding and agronomic progress, but the intra-field variations in yield due to the variability in soil properties is considerable. This paper explores the within-field spatial variation in environmental variables and crop development during the growing season and their link to spatial variation in sugar beet y... A.J. Murdoch, S.A. Mahmood |
156. Applications Of Small UAV Systems For Tree And Nursery Inventory ManagementUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) systems could provide low-cost and high spatial resolution aerial images. These features and ease of operation make it a practical tool for applications in precision agriculture and horticulture. This paper highlights the application of UAV systems in tree counting, which is vital for tree inventory management and yield estimation. In this paper, two types of trees were discussed. One type is with non-uniform canopy area (e.g. container plants and ... Y. She, R. Ehsani, J. Robbins, J. Owen, J.N. Leiva |
157. Active Optical Sensor Algorithms For Corn Yield Prediction And In-Season N Application In North DakotaA recent series of seventy seven field N rate experiments with corn (Zea mays, L.) in North Dakota was conducted. Multiple regression analysis of the characteristics of the data set indicated that segregating the data into those with high clay soils and those with medium textures increased the relationship between N rate and corn yield. However, the nearly linear positive slope relationship in high clay soils and coarser texture soils with lower yield productivity indic... L. Sharma, H. Bu, R. Ashley, G. Endres, J. Teboh, D.W. Franzen |
158. Predicting Winter Wheat Biomass And Grain Protein ContentDynamic crop models such as EPIC [1], SALUS [2], and STICS [3] are non-linear models that describe the growth and development of a crop interacting with environmental factors (soil and climate) and agricultural practices (crop species, tillage type, fertilizer amount…). They are developed to predict crop yield and quality or to optimize the farming practices in order to satisfy agricultural objectives, as the reduction of nitrogen lixiviation. More recently, crop... M.M. Mansouri |
159. Development And Evaluation Of A Leaf Monitoring System For Continuous Measurement Of Plant Water Status In Almond And Walnut CropsAbstract: Leaf temperature measurements using handheld infrared thermometers have been used to predict plant water stress by calculating crop water stress index (CWSI). However, for CWSI calculations it is recommended to measure canopy temperature of trees under saturated, stressed and current conditions simultaneously, which is not very practical while using handheld units. An inexpensive, easy to use sensing system was developed to predict plant water status for tree crops by ... F. Rojo, J. Roach, R. Coates, S. Upadhyaya, M. Delwiche, C. Han, R. Dhillon |
160. Estimating Spatial Variation In Annual Pasture YieldYield mapping is an essential tool for precision management of arable crops. Crop yields can be measured once, at harvest, automatically by the harvesting machinery, and be used to inform a wide range of activities. However yield mapping has had minimal adoption by pastoral farmers. Yield mapping is also a potentially valuable tool for precision management of pastures. However it is difficult to practically map yields on pastures, as they... S.J. Dennis, W. Clarke-hill, A. Taylor, R. Dynes, K. O'neill, T. Jowett |
161. Strategies For Scientific Communication Of Precision Agriculture In BrazilScientific knowledge popularization is the way to the society access technical scientific advances. The challenge is to increase the means, channels and processes of information and relationship with society and decode scientific issues into a format that makes knowledge accessible. The Embrapa Precision Agriculture Network has been used scientific communication strategies at the traditional and new media, as a way of approach with various stakeholders, contributing to the const... C.V. fragalle, J.C. Silva, E.P. fragalle, R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi |
162. Spatial Variability Of Soil Properties And Yield Of An Alfalfa Pasture Under Grazing In BrazilAlfalfa is extremely demanding in fertility, and an adequate supply of nutrients is important for forage production and is essential to maintain high forage quality and profitable yields. Tropical acid soils are naturally poor in plant nutrients, therefore, soil liming and balanced nutrient supply essential to ensure high yields and high alfalfa forage quality. The knowledge of soil properties spatial variability and forage yield is useful for the rational use of inputs, as in the variab... A. Bernardi |
163. Detection Of Fruit Tree Water Status In Orchards From Remote Sensing Thermal ImageryIn deciduous fruit trees there is a growing need of using water status indicators for scheduling irrigation and adopt regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies taking into account spatial variability of orchards. RDI strategies have been successfully adopted for many fruit trees as a means for reducing water use and because yield and quality at harvest are not sensitive to water stress at some developmental stages. Although water status is generally monitored by measuring tr... P.J. Zarco-tejada, V. Gonzalez-dugo, J. Girona, E. Fereres, J. Bellvert |
164. Precision Design Of Vegetative BuffersPrecision agriculture techniques can be applied at field margins to improve performance of water quality protection practices. Effectiveness of vegetative buffers, conventionally designed to have uniform width along field margins, is limited by spatially non-uniform runoff from fields. Effectiveness can be improved by placing relatively wider buffer at locations where loads are greater. A GIS tool was developed that accounts for non-uniform flow and produces more-effective, vari... T. Mueller, S. Neelakantan, M. Helmers, M. Dosskey |
165. Precision Agriculture Use In Selected Agricultural Regions In BrazilInvestment in technology brought Brazil to the position among the top agricultural producers in the world. Brazilian agricultural production has increased drastically as a result of productivity growth instead expansion in area. In this scenario the use of Precision Agriculture (PA) in the farm management, considering the spatial variability for maximizing economic return and minimizing the risk of damage to the environment can be decisive. However, the adoption of PA by Brazili... R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi |
166. Development Of An Enterprise Level Precision Agriculture SystemDevelopment of an Enterprise Level Precision Agriculture System James Ellingson, Chih Lai University of St. Thomas, School of Engineering 2115 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN USA elli4729@stthomas.edu; Abstract – In this paper, a plan for the development of an Enterprise Level system for Precision Agriculture (PA) is described. The ... J.L. Ellingson, B.K. Holub, S.E. Morgan, B.K. Werkmeister |
167. Perspectives For Site Specific Application Of Soil Herbicides In Arable FarmingSoil herbicides kill plants via root uptake. The use of soil herbicides can be made more sustainable by adjusting the dosage to the local soil condition. This so called Variable Rate Application (VRA) is the core of Precision Farming. Soil herbicides often play an important role in weed control strategies in conventional arable farming. Broad field uniform application is by far the most common application method. However, with increasing advances in sensing and ... S. Heijting, C. Kempenaar |
168. First Results Of Development Of A Smart Farm In The NetherlandsGNSS technology has been introduced on about 20 % of the Dutch arable farms in The Netherlands today. Use of sensor technology is also slowly but gradually being adopted by farmers, providing them large amounts of digital data on soil, crop and climate conditions. Typical data are spatial variation in soil organic matter, crop biomass, crop yield, and presence of pests and diseases. We still have to make major steps to use all this data in a way that agriculture becomes more sus... T. Feher, C. Kocks, C. Kempenaar, K. Westerdijk |
169. Using Airborne Imagery To Monitor Cotton Root Rot Infection Before And After Fungicide TreatmentCotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is a severe soilborne disease that has affected cotton production for over a century. Recent research has shown that a commercial fungicide, flutriafol, has potential for the control of this disease. To effectively and economically control this disease, it is necessary to identify infected areas within the field so that variable rate technology can be used to apply fungicide only to th... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, R.R. Minzenmayer, R.L. Nichols, T. Isakeit, A. Thomasson |
170. Detection Of Fruit In Canopy Night-Time Images: Two Case Studies With Apple And MangoReliable estimation of the expected yield remains a major challenge in orchards. In a recent work we reported the development of an algorithm for estimating the number of fruits in images of apple trees acquired in natural daylight conditions. In the present work we tested this approach with night-time images of similar apple trees and further adapted this approach to night-time images of mango trees. Working with the apple images required on... R. Linker, A. Payne, K. Walsh, O. Cohen |
171. Weed Identification From Seedling Cabbages Using Visible And Near-Infrared Spectrum AnalysisTarget identification is one of the main research content and also a key point in precision crop protection. The main purpose of the study is to choose the characteristic wavelengths (CW for short) to classify the cabbages and the weeds at their seedling stage using different data analysis methods. Using a handheld full-spectrum FieldSpec-FR, the canopies of the seedling plants, cabbage ‘8398, cabbage ‘zhonggan’, Barnyard grass, green foxtail, goosegr... W. Deng, X. Wang, C. Zhao, Y. Huang |
172. Optimizing Site-Specific Adaptive Management Using A Probabilistic Framework: Evaluating Model Performance Using Historic DataAgricultural producers are tasked with managing crop yield responses to nitrogen (N) within systems that have high levels of spatial (biophysical), climatic, and price uncertainty. To date, the outcome of most variable rate application (VRA) research has focused on the spatial dimension, proposing optimal fertilizer prescription maps that can be applied year after year. However, temporally static prescriptions can result in suboptimal outcomes, particularly if they do... L.J. Rew, B.D. Maxwell, P.G. Lawrence |
173. An Evaluation Of HJ-CCD Broadband Vegtation Indices For Leaf Chlorophyll Content EstimationLeaf chlorophyll content is one of the most important biochemical variables for crop physiological status assessment, crop biomass estimation and crop yield prediction in precision agriculture. Vegetation indices were considered effective for chlorophyll content estimation. Although hyperspectral reflectance is proven to be better than multispectral reflectance for leaf chlorophyll content retrieval, the scarcity of available data from satellite hyperspectra... T. Dong, J. Shang, J. Meng, J. Liu |
174. Detection Of Nitrogen Deficiency In Potatoes Using Small Unmanned Aircraft SystemsSmall Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) are recognized as potentially important remote-sensing platforms for precision agriculture. A nitrogen rate experiment was established in 2013 with ‘Ranger Russet’ potatoes by applying four rates of nitrogen fertilizer (112, 224, 337, and 449 kg N/ha) in a randomized block design with 3 replicates. A Tetracam Hawkeye sUAS and Agricultural Digital Camera Lite sensor were used to collect imagery with near-infra... D.A. Horneck, D.J. Gadler, A.E. Bruce, R.W. Turner, C.B. Spinelli, J.J. Brungardt, P.B. Hamm, E. Hunt |
175. Near-Real-Time Remote Sensing And Yield Monitoring Of Biomass CropsThe demand for bioenergy crops production has increased tremendously by the biofuel industry for substitution of traditional fuels due to the economic availability and environmental benefits. Pre-Harvest monitoring of biomass production is necessary to develop optimized instrumentation and data processing systems for crop growth, health and stress monitoring; and to develop algorithms for field operation scheduling. To cope with the problems of missing criti... Y. Zhao, L. Li, K.C. Ting, L.F. Tian, T. Ahamed |
176. Evaluating Different Nitrogen Management Strategies For The Intensive Wheat-Maize System In North China PlainThe sustainable agricultural development involves both environmental challenges and production goals to meet growing food demand. However, excessive nitrogen (N) applications are threatening the sustainability of intensive agriculture in the North China Plain (NCP). Improved N management should result in greater N use efficiency (NUE) and producer profit while reducing the risk of environmental contamination. Therefore, developing and disseminating feasible N management strategi... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, G. Feng, F. Li, B. Liu, X. Gao, Y. Liu |
177. Pesticide Application Manager (PAM) - Decision Support In Crop Protection Based On Terrain-, Machine-, Business- And Public DataIntroduction Pesticide Application Manager (PAM) is a project, co-financed by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) that aims to develop solutions for automating important processes in crop protection. Due to a series of rules and legal requirements for planning, implementation and documentation, crop protection is one of the ... B. Kleinhenz, M. Röhrig, M. Scheiber, J. Feldhaus, B. Hartmann, B. Golla, C. Federle , D. Martini |
178. Evaluating Soil Nutrition Status With Remote Sensing Derived Land ProductivityAvailable nitrogen is the amount of this nutrient available to plants in the soil and the amount of nitrogen provided by fertilizers. Compared to total nitrogen, nitrogen availability is a more useful tool for determining how much fertilizer you need and when to apply it. Determining the level of nitrogen available in field soil is also a useful method to increase the efficiency of fertilizer. Most soil properties are time-consuming and costly to measure, and also change over ti... Z. Chen, J. Meng, X. You |
179. Design, Development And Application Of A Satellite-Based Field Monitoring System To Support Precision FarmingThe factual base of precision agriculture (PA) - the spatial and temporal variability of soil and crop factors within or between different fields has been recognized for centuries. Field information on seeding suitability, soil & crop nutrition status and crop mature date is needed to optimize field management. How to acquire the spatially and temporally varied field parameters accurately, efficiently and at affordable cost has always been the focus of the researches in the ... Z. Li, B. Wu, J. Meng |
180. The TOAS Project: UAV Technology For Optimizing Herbicide Applications In Weed-Crop SystemsSite-specific weed management refers to the application of customised control treatments, mainly herbicide, only where weeds are located within the crop-field. In this context, the TOAS project is being developed under the financial support of the European Commission with the main objective of generating georeferenced weed infestation maps of certain herbaceous (corn and sunflower) and permanent woody crops (poplar and olive orchards) by using aerial images collected by an unmanned aeria... J.M. Peña, J. Torres-sanchez, A.I. De castro, J. Dorado, F. Lopez-granados |
181. Sustainable Grain Production With Continuous Improvements And Lean ProductionFew farmers are dedicated to critically examine their production processes. When something needs to be improved, the focus is on production with a concentration on the biological. But the profitability of a company is created by the production (what I do) and organization (how I do it). Agricultural advisory services are well developed in Sweden with services related to biological production (crop production planning, soil mapping, etc.) but there are no corresponding activities... B. Sundström, H. Åström, A. Rydberg, J. Olsson |
182. Nitrogen Fertilisation Recommendations : Could They Be Improved Using Stochastically Generated Climates In Conjunction With Crop Models ?In the context of precision nitrogen (N) management, to ensure that the yield potential could be reached each year, farmers have too often applied quantities of fertilizers much larger than what was strictly required. However, since 2002, the Belgian Government transposed the European Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC in the Belgian law, with the aim to maintain the productivity and the revenue of Belgian's farmers while reducing the environmental impact of excessive N management... B. Basso, J. Destain, B. Bodson, M. Destain, B. Dumont |
183. Fungiprecise - A German Project For Precise Real-Time Fungicide Application In Winter WheatRegarding to real-time or online technologies in recent years, new technologies has been introduced into practical farming especially in the field of nitrogen application. These technologies are based on sensors mainly detecting the canopy reflectance. In the field of plant protection, although few sensor-based real-time technologies in weed control and growth regulator application are marked available, solutions for fungicide application are mostly missing currently. Amongst ot... P. Leithold, T. Volk, K. Dammer |
184. A Dual Motor Actuator Used To Detach Fruit By Shaking Limbs Of Fruit TreesMechanizing the fruit removal operation during fresh-market apple harvesting will result in considerable cost savings for fruit growers. This study introduces a mechanical fruit removal technique that uses a unique limb shaking mechanism called a Dual Motor Actuator (DMA). The DMA was developed as an infinitely variable end-effector that applies rhythmic motions to a fruiting limb to remove fruit. The novelty of the DMA design is the use of two eccentrics mounted to electric mot... M. De kleine, M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, K. Lewis |
185. In-Season Nitrogen Requirement For Maize Using Model And Sensor-Based Recommendation ApproachesNitrogen (N), an essential element, is often limiting to plant growth. There is great value in determining the optimum quantity and timing of N application to meet crop needs while minimizing losses. Low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has been attributed to several factors including poor synchrony between N fertilizer and crop demand, unaccounted for spatial variability resulting in varying crop N needs, and temporal variances in crop N needs. Applying a portion... L.J. Stevens, R.B. Ferguson, D.W. Franzen, N.R. Kitchen |
186. Evaluating Decision Systems For Using Variable Rates In Planting SoybeanIncreased interest in managing seeding rates within soybean fields is being driven by the advances in technologies and the need to increase productivity and economic returns. A wealth of previous research was focused on studying how different seeding rates affect soybean yields at small-plot scales. However, little is known how different site-specific factors influence the responsiveness of soybean to higher or lower plant population densities at field levels, especially across geographi... P. Reeg, P.M. Kyveryga, T.A. Mueller |
187. Modeling Canopy Light Interception For Estimating Yield In Almond And Walnut TreesA knowledge of spatio-temporal variability in potential yield is essential for site-specific nutrient management in crop production. The objectives of this project were to develop a model for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted by almond and walnut trees based on data obtained from respective tree(s) and estimate potential crop yield in individual trees or in blocks of five trees. This project uses proximally sensed PAR interception data measured using a lightb... R. Dhillon, S. Upadhyaya, J. Roach, K. Crawford, B. lampinen, S. Metcalf, F. Rojo |
188. Post-Harvest Quality Evaluation System On Conveyor Belt For Mechanically Harvested CitrusRecently, a machine vision technology has shown its popularity for automating visual inspection. Many studies proved that the machine vision system can successfully estimate external qualities of fruit as good as manual inspection. However, introducing mechanical harvesters to citrus industry caused the following year’s yield loss due to the loss of immature young citrus. In this study, a machine vision system on a conveyor belt was developed to inspect mechanica... W. Lee, R. Ehsani, F. Roka, D. Choi, C. Yang |
189. Visible And Near-Infrared Spectroscopy For Monitoring Potentially Toxic Elements In Reclaimed Dumpsite Soils Of The Czech RepublicDue to rapid economic development, high levels of potentially harmful elements and heavy metals are continuously being released into the brown coal mining dumpsites of the Czech Republic. Elevated metal contents in soils not only dramatically impact the soil quality, but also due to their persistent nature and long biological half-lives, contaminant elements can accumulate in the food chain and can eventually endanger human health. Conventional methods for investigating potentia... L. Borùvka, M. Saberioon, R. Vaát, A. Gholizadeh |
190. Spatial Variation And Correlation Between Electric Conductivity (EM38), Penetration Resistance And CO2 Emissions From A Cultivated Peat SoilPeatlands in their natural state accumulate organic matter and bind large quantities of carbon (5 - 50 g C/m2/year). The drainage and cultivation of peat soils increase the aeration of the soil, which increase the brake down of the organic matter. The degradation of the organic material release greenhouse gases such as CO2, N2O and CH4. CO2 emissions dominate when the soil has high oxygen levels, while CH4 mainly ... &.E. Berglund |
191. Applying Conventional Vegetation Vigor Indices To UAS-Derived Orthomosaics: Issues And ConsiderationsIn recent years, unmanned airborne systems (UAS) have gained a lot of interest for their potential use in precision agriculture. While the imagery from near-infrared (NIR) enabled off-the-shelf cameras included in UAS can be directly used to facilitate crop scouting, the application in quantitative analyses remains cumbersome. The ultimate goal is to calculate (nitrogen) prescription maps from vegetation indices obtained from UAS imagery, but two main issues hamper this workflow: (1) the... J. Quaderer, J. Coonen, A. Lange, K. Pauly |
192. Evaluation Of The Temporal And Operational Stability Of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity MeasurementsMeasuring apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), using galvanic contact resistivity (GCR) and electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques is frequently used to implement site-specific crop management. Various research projects have demonstrated the possibilities for significant changes in the measured quantities over time with relatively stable spatial structure representations. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of temporal drift and operational noise for three... V.I. Adamchuk, A. Mat su |
193. Penetration Resistance And Yield Variation At Field ScaleIn order to better explain spatial variations within fields, soil physical properties need to be studied in more depth. Relationships between soil physical parameters and yield, especially in the subsoil, are seldom studied since the characterization of soil variability at field or subfield scale using conventional methods is a labor intensive, very expensive, and time-consuming procedure, particularly when high-resolution data is required. However, soil physical prope... E. Bölenius, J. Arvidsson |
194. Development Of An On-The-Spot Analyzer For Measuring Soil Chemical PropertiesProximal soil sensing (PSS) is a growing area of research and development focusing on the use of sensors to obtain information on the physical, chemical and biological attributes of soil when they are placed in contact with, or at a distance of less than 2 m, from the target. These sensor systems have been used to 1) make measurements at specific locations, 2) produce a set of measurements related to soil depth profiles, or 3) monitor changes in soil properties over time. In eac... V.I. Adamchuk, N. Dhawale, F. Rene-laforest |
195. Soil Compaction: Impact Of Tractor And Equipment On Corn Growth, Development And YieldThis project looks at the impact of soil compaction on corn emergence, growth and development, and yield. This is a two-year study, begun in the in the spring of 2013, it will be completed after the 2014 growing season. Corn was produced in the field both years. The project hypotheses are to: 1) Soil compaction does impact corn growth, development and yield; 2) Soil compacted in the fall season by farm equipment is measurable the followin... S. Sivarajan, S. Bajwa, J. Nowatzki |
196. Verify The Effectiveness Of UAS-Mounted Sensors In Field Crop And Livestock Production Management IssuesThis research project is a “proof-of-concept” demonstrating specific UAS applications in production agriculture. Project personnel will use UAS-mounted sensors to collect data of ongoing crop and livestock research projects during the 2014 crop season at the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Carrington Research Extension Center (CREC). Project personnel will collaborate with NDSU research scientists conducting research at the CREC. During the first year of the pro... S. Bajwa, J. Nowatzki, W. Harnisch, B. Schatz, V. Anderson |
197. Using Precision Agriculture And Remote Sensing Techniques To Improve Genotype Selection In A Breeding ProgramPrecision Agriculture (PA) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies are increasingly being used as tools to assess crop and soil properties by breeders and physiologists. These technologies are showing potential to improve genotype selections over their traditional field measurements, by providing quick access to crop properties throughout the crop cycle and yield estimation. The objective of this work was to use vegetation indices (VIs) and soil apparent electrical conductivi... F.A. Rodrigues junior, I. Ortiz-monasterio, P.J. Zarco-tejada, K. Ammar, B.G. Gérard |
198. Application Of Hyperspectral Imaging For Rapid And Non-Invasive Quantification Of Quality Of Mulberry FruitThis study investigated the potential of using hyperspectral imaging working in visible and short-wave near infrared region (380-1030 nm) for rapid and non-invasive determination of the total flavonoid in mulberry fruit. Mulberry fruit with its sweet flavor is widely used in jam, pies, tarts, wines, and liquor, and is a delicacy among humans and birds alike. The quality evaluation of mulberry is usually determined by chemical or sensory analysis. However these methods are not ca... L. Huang, H. Jin, Y. He, F. Liu, Y. Zhou |
199. Tomato Development Monitoring In An Open Field, Using A Two-Camera Acquisition SystemIntroduction Optimal harvesting date and predicted yield are valuable information when farming open field tomatoes, making harvest planning and work at the processing plant much easier. Monitoring growth during tomato?s early stages is also interesting to assess plant stress or abnormal development. Yet, it is very challenging due to the colours and the high degree of ... F. Rossant, I. Bloch, J. Orensanz, D. Boisgontier, U. Verma, M. Lagarrigue |
200. NIRS Sensor Controlled Total-Mixed-Ration For Nutrient Optimized Feeding Of Dairy CattleThe exact regulation of dry matter, energy and ingredients in fodder rations provides a large advantage in order to optimize an economical animal nutrition. Feed mixer wagons are used to feed Gras and Maize silage together with other components. It can be used in combination with a transponder system for feed concentrate as well as for feeding of a total mixed ration. The online measurement system based on NIR-spectrometric sensors to measure DM-content and other nutrients shoul... P. Büscher, P. Twickler, D. Marquering, M. Müller, D. Maack |
201. Autonomous Service Robots For Orchards And Vineyards: 3D Simulation Environment Of Multi Sensor-Based Navigation And ApplicationsIn order to fulfill economical as well as ecological boundary conditions information technologies and sensor are increasingly gaining importance in horticulture. In combination with the reduced availability of human workers automation technologies thus play a key role in the international competition in vinicultures and orchards and have the potential to reduce the costs as well as environmental impacts. The authors are working in t... J. Hertzberg, A. Ruckelshausen, E. Wunder, A. Linz |
202. Thermal Sensing Of Roses Affected By Downy MildewDowny mildew caused by the oomycete Peronospora sparsa affects roses and is a serious problem in nurseries and cut roses in commercial greenhouses, especially in those without heating systems. The disease, which affects the quality and the yield of roses, develops fast under suitable environmental conditions. Currently it is controlled mainly by the application of foliar fungicides and removal of symptomatic plant material due to the limited availability of resistant cu... E. Oerke , H. Dehne, S. Gómez, U. Steiner |
203. Development Of An Index-Based Insurance Product: Validation Of A Forage Production Index Derived From Medium Spatial Resolution fCover Time SeriesAn index-based insurance solution is developed by Pacifica Crédit Agricole Assurances and Astrium GEO-Information to estimate and monitor the near real-time forage production in France. In this system, payouts are indexed on an indicator, called Forage Production Index (FPI), calculated using a biophysical characterization of the grassland from medium spatial resolution remote sensing time series. We used the Fraction of green Vegetation Cover (fCover) integral ... A. Jacquin, G. Sigel, O. Hagolle, B. Lepoivre, A. Roumiguié, H. Poilvé |
204. The Performance Of Mobile Devices' Inertial Measurement Unit For The Detection Of Cattle's Behaviors On PastureOver the past decade, the Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) concept has taken a considerable place in the development of accurate methods for a better management of farm animals. The recent technological improvements allow the raising of numerous motion sensors such as accelerometers and GPS tracking. Several studies have shown the relevancy of these sensors to distinguish the animals’ behavior using various classification techniques such as neuronal networks or ... A. Andriamandroso, B. Dumont, F. Lebeau, J. Bindelle |
205. Automatic Soil Penetrometer Measurements And GIS-Based Documentation With The Autonomous Field Robot Platform BoniRobFor a sustainable agriculture, reliable measurements of soil properties and its interpretation are of highest relevance. Until today most of the measurements are carried out manually or by integrating off-line laboratories. Moreover, the number and density of measurement points is always an important aspect with respect to the statistical significance of the results. In this work a fully automatic measurement system has been developed and applied for the first time with free sel... M. Göttinger, S. Hinck, K. Möller, A. Ruckelshausen, C. Scholz |
206. New Innovation Approaches In Precision Farming The Example Of The Base Fertilization ProcessNowadays, innovations in Precision Farming are mostly bound to further developments and new solution approaches on the technical level. However, for efficient service provision it is important to work on strategies for application of these technologies. To satisfy customers’ demands for highly specialized methods and detailed results collaboration between various companies in service consortiums is often required. In doing so, every company can provide its proven and evidentially e... J. Friedrich, M. Becker, M.F. Schneider, S. Klingner |
207. Optimization Of Maize Yield: Relationship Between Management Zones, Hybrids And Plant PopulationCorn is highly sensitive to variations in plant population and it is one of the most important practices influencing in grain yield. Knowledge about plant physiology and morphology allow understanding how the crop interacts with plant population variation. Considering that for each production system there is a population that optimizes the use of available resources it is necessary to manage plant population to reach maximum grain yield on each particular environment. This study... A.A. Anselmi, J.P. Molin, R. Khosla |
208. Production And Conservation Results From A Decade-Long Field-Scale Precision Agriculture SystemResearch is needed that simultaneously evaluates production and conservation outcomes of precision agriculture practices. From over a decade (1993-2003) of yield and soil mapping and water quality assessment, a multi-faceted, “precision agriculture system” (PAS) was developed and initiated in 2004 on a 36-ha field in Central Missouri. The PAS assessment was accomplished by comparing it to the previous decade of conventional corn-soyb... C. Baffaut, K. Sudduth, J. Sadler, R. Kremer, R. Lerch, N. Kitchen, K. Veum |
209. Row-Crop Planter Requirements To Support Variable-Rate Seeding Of MaizeCurrent planting technology possesses the ability to increase crop productivity and improve field efficiency by precisely metering and placing crop seeds. Growing high yielding crops not only requires using the right seed variety and rate but also achieving optimal performance with available planter technology. Planter performance depends on using the correct planter and technology (display and rate controller system) setup which consists of determining optimal settings for different pla... J.P. Fulton, K.S. Balkcom, B.V. Ortiz, T.P. Mcdonald, G.L. Pate, S.S. Virk, A. Poncet |
210. Recognition And Classification Of Weeds In Sugarcane Using The Technique Of The Bag Of WordsThe production of sugar and ethanol in Brazil is very prominent economically and the reducing costs and improving the production system being necessary. The management crops operations of sugarcane and the control of weed is one of the processes that cause the greatest increase in production costs; because the competition that exists between cane plants and weed, for water, nutrients and sunlight is big, contribute to the loss of up to 20% of the useful cane. The use of image processing ... W.E. Santiago, A.R. Barreto, D.G. Figueredo, R.C. Tinini, B.T. Mederos, N.J. Leite |
211. Factors Related To Adoption Of Precision Agriculture Technologies In Southern BrazilThe adoption of technologies which allow the increase of food production with improving quality in addition to reduce the foot prints in the environment is important for agribusiness development. Precision Agriculture (PA) stands out as an option to aid the achievement of these goals. Brazil plays an important role to supply agricultural products and to demand technologies. However, research has focused on technical and economic implementation of PA technologies. Therefore, more informat... A.A. Anselmi, L.C. Federizzi , C. Bredemeier, J.P. Molin |
212. Sustainable Use Of Irrigation WaterThe water footprint of irrigation systems can be reduced significantly by combining data from Electromagnetic (EM) soil survey with variable rate technology on irrigators. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) is providing annual irrigation water savings of between 25 -50% on farms throughout NZ. Flow-on benefits include reduced pumping costs, improved crop yields and soil health along with reduced nutrients leaching to groundwater. ... C. Mackenzie |
213. Water And Nitrogen Use Efficiency Of Corn And Switchgrass On Claypan Soil LandscapesClaypan soils cover a significant portion of Missouri and Illinois crop land, approximately 4 million ha. Claypan soils, characterized with a pronounced argilic horizon at or below the soil surface, can restrict nutrient availability and uptake, plant water storage, and water infiltration. These soil characteristics affect plant growth, with increasing depth of the topsoil above the claypan horizon having a strong positive correlation to grain crop production. In the case of low... A. Thompson, D.L. Boardman, N. Kitchen, E. Allphin |
214. Measuring And Mapping Sugarcane GapsSugarcane is an important crop in tropical regions of the world and especially for Brazil, the largest sugar supplier in the market, also running a domestic fleet of flex-fuel driven vehicles based on ethanol. Site specific production management can impact sugarcane production by increasing yield and reducing cost. Sugarcane fields are planted each five years, in average, and an important parameter that is measured after the planting operation is the gaps caused by problems during planti... J.P. Veiga, D.S. Cavalcante, J.P. Molin |
215. Detection Of Drainage Failure In Reconstructed Cranberry Soils Using Time Series AnalysisA cranberry farm is often a semi-closed water system, where water is applied by means of irrigation and drained using an artificial drainage system. Cranberry bogs must be drained to the water level inside the surrounding ditches in order to maintain an optimal pore pressure within the root zone, which is important for a number of reasons. First of all, Phytophthara causing root rot are commonly associated with irrigation with contaminated surface water (Oudemans, 1999)... S.J. Gumiere, Y. Périard, J. Caron, D.W. Hallema, J.A. Lafond |
216. Heavy Metal PB2+ Pollution Detection In Soil Using Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy For Precision AgricultureSoil is an important natural resource for human beings. With the rapid development of modern industry, heavy metals pollution in soil has made prominent influences on farmland environment. It was reported that, one fifth of China's cultivated lands and more than 217,000 farms in the US have been polluted at different levels by heavy metals. The crop grows in the polluted soil and the heavy metal ions transfer from soil to the plant and agro-products. As a result, the crop yi... C. Zhao, B. Li |
217. Development Of Online Soil Profile Sensor For Variable Depth TillageIntroduction First introduced in the early 1990s, precision agriculture technologies, or site-specific management, were considered by many to be perhaps the most significant development in production agriculture focused on improving farm profitability. The initial focus was on fertility, and treating the variability that we all knew existed from our experiences with soil sampling. However, to a large extent this application stil... A.B. Tekin, H. Yalcin |
218. Comparison Of Calibration Models Developed For A Visible-Near Infrared Real-Time Soil SensorThe visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR) based real-time soil sensor (RTSS) is found to be a great tool for determining distribution of various soil properties for precision agriculture purposes. However, the developed calibration models applied on the collected spectra for prediction of soil properties were site-specific (local). This is found to be less practical since the RTSS needs to be calibrated separately for every field. General calibration approach is expected to ... S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira, I. Kana, S.N. Baharom |
219. Climate Change And Sustainable Precision Crop Production With Regard To Maize (Zea Mays L.)Precision crop production research activities were started during the mid-‘90s at the Institute of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of West Hungary. On the basis of the experiences with DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) the impact of climate change on maize yield (three soil types) was investigated until 2100. DSSAT crop growth model is used worldwide. The coupled model intercomparison ... A.J. Kovács, A. Nyéki, G. Milics, M. Neményi |
220. Precision Nutrient Management In Cotton At Different Yield Targets In Northern Transitional Zone Of KarnatakaNutrient management in cotton is complex due to the simultaneous production of vegetative and reproductive structures during the active growth phase. Lot of spatial variation in soil available nutrients is observed under similar management situation. In view of this an experiment ... C.C. Pgowda |
221. Cotton Field Relations Of Plant Height To Biomass Accumulation And N-Uptake On Conventional And Narrow Row SystemsAlthough studied for decades, cotton field management remains a challenge for growers, especially due to spatial variability of soil conditions and crop growth, which demands the use of variable rate application technology (VRT) for nitrogen and growth regulators to improve yields and quality and/or save inputs. Canopy optical reflectance sensors are being studied as an option to detect infield variability but may have some limitations due to the known effect of signal saturation when us... N. . Vilanova jr., J.P. Molin, C. Portz, L.V. Posada, G. Portz, R.G. Trevisan |
222. Economically Optimized Site Specific Nitrogen Application Using Data Mining ToolsAgricultural production in terms of economic and environmental demand requires increasingly efficient utilization of resources. Excessive use of nutrients may cause leaching, whereas deficits could lead to impediments in tapping full yield potential. Due to heterogeneity of fields, small-scale application of fertilizer provides means to encounter challenges that could arise and to improve resource efficiency. As part of an ongoing research project, we have investigated the abilit... P. Wagner, B. Burges |
223. Evaluation Of A Sensor-Based Precision Irrigation System For Efficiency And To Monitor And Control Groundwater Over-Pumping In OmanOman is a country with a total area of 309,500 km2. However, cultivable land in Oman is estimated to be less than 2%, which amounts to about 6100 km2. More than 50 percent of the arable lands located in the northern coastal belt of Al Batinah region. The country with average annual rainfall around 100 mm, has limited natural fresh water resources and has been facing the serious problem of sea water intrusion into the scarce groundwater reserves due to undis... H.P. Jayasuriya, S. Zekri, R. Zaier, H. Al-buasidi, A. Teirab, N. Hamza |
224. GIS Mapping of Soil Compaction and Moisture Distribution for Precision Tillage and Irrigation ManagementSoil compaction is one of the forms of physical change of soil structure which has positive and negative effects, in agriculture considered to make soil degradation. The undisciplined use of heavy load traffic or machinery in modern agriculture causes substantial soil compaction, counteracted by soil tillage that loosens the soil. Higher soil bulk densities affect resistance to root penetration, soil pore volume and permeability to air, and thus, finally the pore space habitable... H.P. Jayasuriya, M. Al-wardy, S. Al-adawi, K. Al-hinai |
225. Spectral High-Throughput Assessments Of Phenotypic Differences In Spike Development, Biomass And Nitrogen Partitioning During Grain Filling Of Wheat Under High Yielding Western European ConditionsSingle plant traits such as green biomass, spike dry weight, biomass and nitrogen (N) transfer to grains are important traits for final grain yield. However, methods to assess these traits are laborious and expensive. Spectral reflectance measurements allow researchers to assess cultivar differences of yield-related plant traits and translocation parameters that are affected by different genetic material and varying amounts of available N. In a field experiment, six high-yielding wheat c... U. Schmidhalter, K. Erdle |
226. Diagnosis Of Sclerotinia Infected Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L) Using Hyperspectral Imaging And ChemomtricsAbstract: Brassica napus L leaf diseases could cause seriously reduction in crop yield and quality. Early diagnosis of Brassica napus L leaf diseases plays a vital role in Brassica napus L growth. To explore an effective methodology for diagnosis of Sclerotinia infected Brassica napus L plants, healthy Brassica napus L leaves and Brassica napus L leaves infected by Sclerotinia were prepared in a controlled circumstance. A visible/short-wave near infrared hyperspect... N. Chen, F. Liu, L. Jiang, L. Feng, Y. He, Y. Bao |
227. 3-Dimension Reconstruction Of Cactus Using Multispectral ImagesUsing 3D reconstruction result to investigate plant morphology has been a focus of virtual plant. And multispectral imaging has proved to carried biological information in quite a lot work. This paper present a idea to investigate chlorophyll spatial variability of cactus using a bunch of multispectral images. 46 multispectral images are taken at equally distributed angles surrounding the tree and have over 80% overlap. Structure from motion approach has been u... F. Liu, Y. He, Y. Zhang, L. Tan, Y. Zhang, L. Jiang |
228. Study On The Automatic Monitoring Technology For Fuji Fruit Color Based On Machine VisionFruit color is one of the important indicators of quality and commodities. Three kinds of the traditional methods are used to evaluate fruit color, including artificial visual identification, fruit standard color cards and color measurement instrument. These methods are needed to be conducted in the field by persons, which are time-consuming and labored, and also difficult to obtain the dynamic color information of the target fruits in the growth process. This study ... M. Chen, M. Li, J. Qian, W. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Yang |
229. A Method For Sampling Scab Spots On Apple Leaves In The Orchard Using Machine VisionIntroduction One of the largest threats in apple orchards is scab. Current procedures involve models based on weather data that predict the likelihood of scab attacks. In case of alarm the orchard is sprayed with preventive pesticides and this typically happens 25-30 times per season. The scab attacks the leaves and stays on fallen leaves that reinfect the trees with rainwater, making it an advantage to include a-priori knowledge on previous... M.G. Bertelsen, K. Nielsen, M.R. Nielsen |
230. Using A Potable Spectroradiometer For In-Situ Measurement Of Soil Properties In A Slope Citrus FieldIn precision agriculture, rapid, non-destructive, cost-effective and convenient soil analysis techniques are needed for crop and soil management. However, the spatial variability of soil properties is consider to be high cost and time consuming to characterize using traditional soil analysis method. To achieve cost and time reduction, the potential benefits of in-situ measurement of soil spectra have been recognized. ... S. Shibusawa, H. Umeda, K. Usui, M. Kodaira, Q. Li |
231. Precision Thinning Of Fruit CropsL. Damerow, C. Seehuber and M. Blanke University of Bonn, Germany Correspondence: damerow@uni-bonn.de Abstract for o r a l Thinning is a pre-requisite in the majority of fruit crops worldwide in order to overcome or prevent alternate bearing (change of years with large and low yields) and to provide regular yields of high qu... M.M. Blanke, L. Damerow, C. Seehuber |
232. Conditioning Factors For Decision-Making Regarding Precision Agriculture Techniques UsageThe eventual goal of using the techniques of precision agriculture (described as inputs applied at varied rates) is to get one of the following results: (a) lowering cost by reducing inputs, (b) decreasing the pollution of water, soil and the atmosphere and (c) increasing agricultural productivity by the more efficient use of inputs. However, studies on these techniques do not reach similar conclusions. This could be expected, since the effectiveness of these techniques would de... H.L. Burnquist, C.C. Costa |
233. Economics Of Site Specific Liming - Comparison Of On-The-Go And Grid-Based Soil Sampling To Determine The Soil pHAn important base for adequate liming is the recording of the soil pH. Several studies indicated a large heterogeneity of soil pH within fields. Recently technological improvements facilitate an on-the-go determination of the soil pH in a much higher sampling density compared to the conventional, time consuming and costly laboratory method. The “Veris soil pH sensor” allows georeferenced on-the-go mapping of the soil pH. But the “Veris soil pH sensor” and... T. Leithold, P. Wagner |
234. Effect Of Starch Accumulation In Huanglongbing Symptomatic Leaves On Reflecting Polarized LightHuanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening disease is an extremely dangerous infection which has severely influenced the citrus industry in Florida. It was also recently found in California and Texas. There is no effective cure for this disease reported yet. The infected trees should be identified and removed immediately to prevent the disease from being spread to other trees. The visual leaf symptoms of this disease are green islands, yellow veins, or vein corking; howeve... W. Lee, A. Pourreza |
235. Developing A High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation And Forecast System For Agricultural Decision SupportTechnological advances in weather and climate forecasting and land surface and hydrology modeling have led to an increased ability to predict soil temperature, and soil moisture, near-surface weather elements. These variables are critical building blocks to the development of high-level agriculture-specific models such as pest models and crop yield models. The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has developed a high-resolution agriculture-oriented land-data assimilat... W. Mahoney, M. Barlage, D. Gochis, F. Chen |
236. A Five Year Study Of Variable Rate Fertilization In CitrusCitrus is a major crops in Brazil, especially in the São Paulo state, which is the main citrus production region in the world. Yet, site specific technology is still in early stages of adoption. Variable rate application of inputs is the most important tool in a Precision Agriculture system, however its effect on citrus agronomical aspects are still unknown, especially during long periods of observation. Thus, variable rate fertilizer application has been tested in citrus... J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço |
237. Management Zones Delineation In Brazilian Citrus OrchardsPrecision Agriculture (PA) is in its first steps in Brazil citrus production. Variable rate fertilization based on soil grid sampling and yield maps has been tested in São Paulo orchards. In a long term study results showed potential on increasing fertilizer use efficiency and improving soil fertility management. Despite the good results, in some cases it is noticed that systematic methods of investigation (grid sampling and yield data) and prescription (standardized prescription ... M. Ruiz, D. Yida, J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço |
238. An Inexpensive Aerial Platform For Precise Remote Sensing Of Almond And Walnut Canopy TemperatureCurrent irrigation practices depend largely on imprecise applications of water over fields with varying degrees of heterogeneity. In most cases, the amount of water applied over a given field is determined by the amount the most water-stressed part of the field needs. This equates to over-watering most of the field in order to satisfy the needs of one part of the field. This approach not only wastes resources, but can have a detrimental effect on the value of that crop. A system t... K. Crawford, S. Upadhyaya, R. Dhillon, F. Rojo, J. Roach |
239. Fusion Of Multi Exposure Stereo Images And Thermography For Obstacle Detection On Agricultural VehiclesIntroduction Over the years agricultural vehicles become increasingly automated with trajectory row tracking and master-slave vehicle configurations, and autoguided vehicles. Safety is an important aspect. Auto guided vehicles exist in industry, where the surroundings are semistructured and flat. Sopme cars have collision sensors. But in agriculture the ground is not flat. The vehicles are meant to be driven into crops, and there are certain paths... K. Nielsen, M.R. Nielsen |
240. Automatic Detection And Mapping Of Irrigation System Failures Using Remotely Sensed Canopy Temperature And Image ProcessingToday there is no systematic way to identify and locate failures of irrigation systems mainly because of the labor costs associated with locating the failures. The general aim of this study was to develop an airborne thermal imaging system for semi - automatic monitoring and mapping of irrigation system failures, specifically, of leaks and clogs. Initially, leaks and clogs were simulated by setting controlled trials in table grapes vineyards and olive groves. Airborne ther... V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen, M. Sprinstin, A. Cohen, I. Zipori, A. Dag, A. Naor |
241. Development Of An Hydraulic Penetrometer Data Acquisition SoftwareCurrently , in addition to increased production , the costs reduction are focused in order to increase efficiency in production, so the modern agriculture intent to find planting methods which extract the maximum possible data about the used area for making possible to do this preparation in the most appropriate manner, considering the shortcomings of evaluating these data. This method is contained in the concepts of an agricultural practice that has been steadily growing,  ... I. Marasca, D.P. Casiero, S.P. Guerra, K.P. Lanças, E.R. Spadim |
242. Are Thermal Images Adequate For Irrigation Management?Thermal crop sensing technologies have potential as tools for monitoring and mapping crop water status, improving water use efficiency and precisely managing irrigation. As thermal sensors and imagers became more affordable, various platforms were examined to allow for canopy- and field-scale acquisitions of canopy temperature and to extract maps of water status variability. Various canopy temperature statistics and crop water stress index (CWSI) were used to estimate water stat... O. Rosenberg, V. Alchanatis, Y. Saranga, A. Bosak, Y. Cohen |
243. Assessing Definition Of Management Zones Trough Yield MapsYield mapping is one of the core tools of precision agriculture, showing the result of combined growing factors. In a series of yield maps collected along seasons it is possible to observe not only the spatial distribution of the productivity but also its spatial consistency among different seasons. This work proposes the study of distinct methods to analyze yield stability in grain crops regarding its potential for defining management zones from a historical sequence of yield maps. Two ... M.T. Eitelwein, J.P. Molin, M. Spekken, R.G. Trevisan |
244. Design, Error Characterization And Testing Of A System To Measure Locations Of Fruits In Tree CanopiesMapping the variability of fruit size and quality within tree canopies in commercial orchards is an important tool for implementing precision horticulture. To do so at a reasonably fast rate requires localization technologies that offer sufficient speed and accuracy, at a range long enough to cover entire trees – or several trees at a time. Existing approaches for measuring fruit locations include: manual (centimeter accuracy and measurement time in the order of minutes pe... S.G. Vougioukas, F.J. Jimenez, F. Khosro anjom, R. Elkins, C. Ingels, R. Arikapudi |
245. Value Of Connectivity In Rural Areas: Case Of Precision Agriculture DataThe introduction of precision agricultural technologies in the early 1990’s was made possible through the utilization of global positioning system (GPS). However, unlike GPS which has worldwide coverage allowing field-level precision agricultural activities to occur. Collecting spatial and machinery data into a repository efficiently is not currently feasible in real-time due to lack of broadband and wireless connectivity in many rural areas even in developed counties. Lac... T. Griffin, T. Mark |
246. Advances In Automating Individual Plant Care Of Vegetable CropsAutomation of individual crop plant care in commercial vegetable crop fields has increased practical feasibility and improved efficiency and economic benefit if a systems approach is taken in the engineering design to mechanization that incorporates precision planting techniques. In addition to the optimization in the biological productivity of crop plants when the spatial distribution of crop plants allows their uniform access to nutrients, water and light in an optimum u... M. Pérez ruiz, D.C. Slaughter |
247. Evaluation Of In-Field Sensors To Monitor Nitrogen Status In SoybeanIn recent years, active optical crop sensors have been gaining importance to determine in-season nitrogen (N) fertilization requirements for on-the-go variable rate application. Although most of these active in-field crop sensors have been evaluated in corn and wheat crops, they have not yet been evaluated in soybean production systems in North Dakota. Recent research from both South Dakota and North Dakota indicate that in-season N application in soybean can increase soybean yield... J. Nowatzki, S. Bajwa, S. Sivarajan, M. Maharlooei, H. Kandel |
248. Agribot: Development Of A Mobile Robotic Platform To Support Agricultural Data CollectionPrecision Agriculture and agricultural practices that take into account environment protection, leads to several research challenges. Sampling scale and the precision required by these new agricultural practices are often greater than those required by traditional agriculture, raising the costs of production. This whole process requests an expressive number of researches in developing automation instruments. Amongst them, the use of remote sensing techniques based on On-the-Go s... R. Tabile, A. Porto, R. Inamasu, R. Sousa |
249. Estimation Of Nitrogen And Chlorophyll Content In Wheat Crop Using Hand Held SensorsA Field experiment was conducted to estimate crop nitrogen (N) status and chlorophyll content in wheat crop by using chlorophyll content meter(Apogee’s CCM-200) and N-Tester® (Make YARA International). The experiment was conducted by sowing university recommended wheat variety viz. PBW 550 with 5 nitrogen levels i.e. 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 & 150 kg N/ha. It was found that at tillering stage when nitrogen rates were increased from 0 to 150 kg ha-1 , the... M.S. Makkar, A. Kaul, R. Kumar, A. Sharma, B.S. Sekhon, C.S. Pannu |
250. Multilayer And Multiyear Data Analysis In Precision Yield PlanningThis work covers two separate field experiments. In the first one, the results of 1-ha grid soil analysis for soil organic matter (OM), pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), nitrate N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg and soluble salts were compared with the results of yield mapping, biomass index from optical on-the-go sensors, as well as multispectral imagery analysis for the last 30 years. As a result, it was found that none of the analyzed soil characteristics was predominant for determining yiel... A. Melnitchouck |
251. Effect Of A Variable Rate Irrigation Strategy On The Variability Of Crop Production In Wine Grapes In CaliforniaPruning and irrigation are the cultural practices with the highest potential impact on yield and quality in wine grapes. In particular, irrigation start date, rates and frequency can be synchronized with crop development stages to control canopy growth and, in turn, positively influence light microclimate, berry size and fruit quality. In addition, canopy management practices can be implemented in vineyards with large canopies to ensure fruit zone microclima... L.A. Sanchez, L.J. Klein, A. Claassen, D. Lew, M. Mendez-costabel, B. Sams, A. Morgan, N. Hinds, H.F. Hamann, N. Dokoozlian |
252. A Method To Estimate Irrigation Efficiency With Evapotranspiration DataIrrigation efficiency is defined as the ratio of irrigation water consumed by the crops to the water diverted (Wg) from a river or reservoir or wells. This terminology serves for better irrigation systems designation and irrigation management practices improvement. But it is hard or high cost with labor intensity to estimate irrigation efficiency from field measurement. This paper proposes an estimating method of irrigation efficiency at the scale of irrigat... H. Zeng, B. Wu, N. Yan |
253. Crop Circle Sensor-Based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast ChinaGreenSeeker (GS) sensor-based precision N management strategy for rice has been developed, significantly improved N fertilizer use efficiency. Crop Circle ACS-470 (CC) active sensor is a new user configurable sensor, with a choice of 6 possible bands. The objectives of this study were to identify important vegetation indices obtained from CC sensor for estimating rice yield potential and rice responsiveness to topdressing N application and evaluate their potential improvements over GS no... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, J. Shen, S. Cheng, R. Khosla, F. Liu |
254. Rapid Sensing For Water Stress Detection In Foxtail Millet (Setaria Italica)In recent years, the drought conditions due to changing climate patterns have adversely affected the U.S. agriculture. The 2012 drought that damaged major crops in Midwest was one of the most severe in last 25 years. It has resulted in losses of production, revenue, livestock and jobs, and has increased food prices. Under these circumstances, farmers are focused to use the water resources carefully. The researchers are working together to develop new crop varieties resistant to ... S. Sankaran, M. Wang, P. Ellsworth, A. Cousins |
255. Effect Of Time Of Application On Spray Coverage Using Solid Set Canopy Delivery SystemPermanent or solid set canopy delivery system can be used for foliar application in tree fruit orchards. The emitters are placed along the tree rows and are very close to tree canopy. During spray application droplets quickly get deposited on tree canopy and coverage of up to 90% could be achieved. However concerns still exist regarding critical time required to achieve target coverage using SSCD system. This knowledge of selecting an appropriate application time could help grow... M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, A. Sharda |
256. CANopen Implementation To Wireless Sensor NetworkField buses are widely applied in the control of mobile machines. They enable us to build embedded control systems, where the sensors and actuators are connected to each other by the bus. The most commonly used bus standard for Control Area Network (CAN) between tractors and implements in agriculture and forestry is ISOBUS. Once the number of sensors and actuators increases in the implement side, a combination of ISOBUS and CANopen can be applied. CANopen is a communication prot... R. Virrankoski, M. Madetoja |
257. GNSS Positioning Techniques For AgricultureBroadacre, row crop and high value crops each have different positioning needs. Within these agricultural groups, individual practices such as mapping, guidance and machine control for tillage, application and harvest each have their own Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) needs for an optimal price/performance and value equation. New research and algorithm development by NovAtel has resulted in a significant simplification of positioning methodology with incr... P.M. Casiano, T.G. Morley, Z. Sadeque |
258. Trials Of Precision Restoring Agriculture In JapanThe objective of the paper is to describe a tentative scheme of precision restoring agriculture in Japan. “3.11” in 2011 is the day the northeast Japan was attacked by the tri-disaster; a M 9.0 super earthquake, 10-m–high huge Tsunami, and explosions of Fukushima nuclear power station. Huge damage has been confirmed across the cities and rural communities, including agriculture and industry sectors along the coastline of more than 500 km. In th... S. Shibusawa |
259. Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping Approach For Soybean Plant ImprovementThe continued development of new, high yielding cultivars needed to meet the world’s growing food demands will be aided by improving the technology to rapidly phenotype potential cultivars. High-throughput phenotyping (HTP) is essential to maximize the greatest value of genetics analysis and to better understand the plant biology and physiology in view of a “Feed the World in 2050” theme. Field-based high-throughput&nb... L. Li, D. Jiang, R.P. Campos, Z. Lu, L.F. Tian |
260. Response Of Rhodes Grass (Chloris Gayana Kunth) To Variable Rate Application Of Irrigation Water And Fertilizer NitrogenRhodes grass is cultivated extensively in Saudi Arabia under center pivot sprinkler irrigation system. The research work was carried out to optimize irrigation water and fertilizer nitrogen levels for the crop. The objectives of the study were: 1. To delineate the field in to management zones, 2. To study the effects of variable rate application (VRA) of irrigation water and fertilizer nitrogen on the yield of Rhodes grass. A field experiment was carried out fro... V. Patil, R. Madugundu, E. Tola, S. Marey, D.J. Mulla, S.K. Upadhyaya, K.A. Al-gaadi |
261. Multivariate Geostatistics As A Tool To Estimate Physical And Chemical Soil Properties With Reduced Sampling In Area Planted With SugarcanePrecision Agriculture (PA) can be described as a set of tools and techniques applied to agriculture in order to enable localized production management, considering the spatial and temporal variability of crop fields. Among the numerous existing tools, one of the most important ones is the use of geostatistics, whose main objective is the description of spatial patterns and estimation data in non-sampled places. Nowadays, one of the most limiting factors to t... G.M. Sanches, P.S. Graziano magalhaes, H.C. Franco, A.Z. Remacre |
262. Precision Agriculture In Sugarcane Production. A Key Tool To Understand Its Variability.Precision agriculture (PA) for sugarcane represents an important tool to manage local application of fertilizers, mainly because sugarcane is third in fertilizer consumption among Brazilian crops, after soybean and corn. Among the limiting factors detected for PA adoption in the sugarcane industry, one could mention the cropping system complexity, data handling costs, and lack of appropriate decision support systems. The objective of our research group ha... P.S. Graziano magalhães, G.M. Sanches, O.T. Kolln, H.C. Franco, O.A. Braunbeck, C. Driemeier |
263. Optical Sensors To Predict Nitrogen Demand By SugarcaneThe low effectiveness of nitrogen (N) from fertilizer is a substantial concern in worldwide which has been threatening the sustainability of sugarcane production. The increment of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by sugarcane genotypes associated to the best practices of fertilizer management and nutritional diagnosis methods have higher potential to reduce environment impacts of nitrogen fertilization. Due to the difficult to determine N status in soil test as well as there is not... O.T. Kolln, G.M. Sanches, J. Rossi neto, S.G. Castro, E. Mariano, R. Otto, R. Inamasu, P.S. Magalhães, O.A. Braunbeck, H.C. Franco |
264. Design And Construction Of An Ultrasonic Cutting Width Sensor For Full-Feed Type Mid-Sized Multi-Purpose CombinesPrecision agriculture analyzes the spatial variability according to the characteristics of an optimum setting of agricultural materials. To raise the profitability of agriculture and to reduce the environmental impact, technological research and development of precision agriculture has been conducted. In Asian countries such as Ja... Y. Huh, S. Chung, Y. Chae, J. Lee, S. Kim, M. Choi, K. Jung |
265. Basic Tests Of pH And EC Probes For Automatic Real Time Nutrient Control In Protected Crop ProductionResearch on greenhouse and plant factory has been actively conducting to provide a stable growth environment. In plant factory, EC concentration (EC) and acidity (pH) of nutrient have a significant impact on physiological and morphological of plant. Therefore, EC and pH are important element for automatic control of nutrient solution. In this study, performance pH and EC sensors was evaluated for the responsiveness, accuracy and displacement. This study includes development of e... Y. Choo, S. Chung, Y. Huh, Y. Kim, S. Jang, K. Jung |
266. Evaluating Leaf Fluorescence Sensor Dualex 4 For Estimating Rice Nitrogen Status In Northeast ChinaReal-time non-destructive diagnosis of crop nitrogen (N) status is crucially important for the success of in-season site-specific N management. Chlorophyll meter (CM) has been commonly used to non-destructively estimate crop leaf chlorophyll concentration, and indirectly estimate crop N status. Dualex 4 is a newly developed leaf fluorescence sensor that can estimate both leaf chlorophyll concentration and polyphenolics, especially flavonoids. When N is deficient, N stress can in... W. Yu, Y. Miao, S. Hu, J. Shen, H. Wang |
267. Biological Soil Mapping - Infesttion By Plasmodiophora Brassicae And Soil CharacteristicsClubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a soilborne pathogen that causes severe yield losses in many Brassica crops. It is a increasing problem in many Brassica growing countries. The spores survive for 15-20 years and might cause significant yield losses (>10%), already when 20% of plant are infected. An infestation with a couple of thousands spores/g soil is considered to have the potential to give such significant losses... C. Aberger, A. Wallenhammar, A. Jonsson |
268. Site Specific Drip FertigationTwo test plots, one from high fertility zone and one from low fertility zone were identified and delineated with the help of GPS for raising the test crop. Soil samples were collected from the experimental sites one month before planting. The samples were analyzed for available N, P and K. Site specific nutrient recommendations were made using the Decision Support System for Integrated Fertilizer Recommendation (DSSIFER) software (Murugappan et al. 2004) for optimum yie... A.H. V.m. |
269. The Central China Agricultural High-Tech Industry Development ZoneThis is a presentation on precision ag opportunities in China. ... E. You fu |
270. Selection Of Fluorescence Indices For The Proximal Sensing Of Single And Multiple Stresses In Sugar BeetThe use of fluorescence indices for sensing the impact of abiotic and biotic stresses in agricultural crops is well documented in the literature. Pigment fluorescence gives a precise picture about the plant physiology and its changes following the occurrence of stresses. In general, alterations in such optical signals is caused either by the stress-induced accumulation of one or more fluorophores, or the degradation of specific molecules like chlorophyll. Unfortunately, many str... G. Leufen, G. Noga, M. Hunsche |
271. Unmanned Aerial System Applications In Washington State AgricultureThree applications of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) based imaging were explored in row, field, and horticultural crops at Washington State University (WSU). The applications were: to evaluate the necrosis rate in potato field crop rotation trials, to quantify the emergence rates of three winter wheat advanced yield trials, and detecting canker disease-infection in pear. The UAS equipped with green-NDVI imaging was used to acquire field aerial images. In the first appli... L. Khot, S. Sankaran, D. Johnson, A. Carter, S. Serra, S. Musacchi, T. Cummings |
272. Use Of Active Radiometers To Estimate Biomass, Leaf Area Index, And Plant Height In CottonActive radiometers have been tested extensively as tools to assess in-season nitrogen (N) status of crops like wheat (Triticum aestivum), corn (Zea mays), and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Fewer studies target in-season plant growth parameters such as biomass, plant height or leaf area index (LAI). Uses of this plant data include simulation modeling, total N uptake measurements, evapotranspiration (ET) estimates and irrigati... K.R. Thorp, J.W. White, M.M. Conley, J. Mon, K.F. Bronson |
273. Capturing, Demonstrating And Delivering Value From Integrating Real-Time On-Farm Sensing With External Information FlowsThe requirement for significant productivity gains in the agricultural sector is undeniable. Sustainable, viable industries must be capable of consistently producing a margin above the base costs of production. This is particularly challenging for the extensive grazing enterprises in Australia as the operating environment has become increasingly complex, dynamic and challenging and there is a continual and increasing need to demonstrate improved efficiency to the wider community... G. Bishop-hurley, L. Overs, S. Brosnan, A. Krumpholz, D. Henry |
274. Weed Seedlings Detection In Winter Cereals For Site-Specific Control: Use Of UAV Imagery To Overcome The ChallengeWeed management is an important part of the investments in crop production. Cost of herbicides accounts for approximately 40% of the cost of all the chemicals applied to agricultural land in Europe. In order to increase the profitability of crop production and to reduce the environmental concerns related to chemicals application, it is needed to develop site-specific weed management strategies in which herbicides are only applied in the crop zones were weeds spread. Moreover, th... J. Peña, A. De castro, F. López-granados, J. Torres-sánchez |
275. Estimation of Vegetative Biomass Using On-the-Go Mobile SensorsNon-destructive methods for estimation of vegetative biomass have been developed using several remote sensing strategies as well as physical measurement techniques. An effective method for estimating biomass must be at least as accurate as the accepted standard for destructive removal measurement techniques such as a forage harvester or quad harvest strategies. In large part vegetative biomass is considered a function of canopy or plant height. Subsequently, a method o... J. Pittman |
276. A Novel Portable System For Improving Accuracy Of Reimbursement For Fruit PickingVarious methods for reimbursing pickers have been employed worldwide, with most fruit growers now paying a piece-rate to small picking teams for bins (e.g. for pome fruit) or for buckets (e.g. for sweet cherries, blueberries). Regardless, paying piece-rate is beset with inaccuracies that cause significant financial losses. Our tests in commercial sweet cherry and apple orchards revealed variability of 25 – 30% of final weight among bins and buckets. For example, in s... Y.G. Ampatzidis, M.D. Whiting |
277. Introducing Precision Agriculture To High School Students In AustraliaThere is a growing need for tertiary qualified graduates in the Australian agricultural industry with only 7% of those employed in the sector holding a tertiary qualification compared to over 25% for the national workforce. With the need to greatly increase food and fibre production to feed and clothe a growing global population, and the adoption of precision agriculture technologies playing a huge part in this task, it is worrying that the demand for tertiary courses in agriculture in A... M.G. Trotter, A.M. Cosby |
278. Precision Nutrient Management For Enhancing The Yield Of Groundnut In Peninsular IndiaGroundnut is an important oil seed crop grown in an area of around 8 lakh hectares in Karnataka state of India under rainfed conditions. In these situations farmers applied inadequate fertilizer without knowing the initial nutrient status of the soil which resulted in low nutrient use efficiency that intern lead to low productivity of groundnut in these areas. Soil fertility deterioration due to... M. Giriyappa, T. Sheshadri, D. Hanumanthappa, M. Shankar, S.B. Salimath, T. Rudramuni, N. Raju, N. Devakumar, G. Mallikaarjuna, M.T. Malagi, S. Jangandi |
279. Instrumented Blades With Automated Control Used In Chisel Plough Acting In Variable DepthsSoil compaction is a problem that affects most of the tilled areas of Brazil, being caused by several factors, such as overloading and intense machine traffic, use of unsuitable tires for applied load and inflation pressures outside the recommendation, machines in the field with the water content of the soil not recommended and several other problems. There are available several models and systems of measuring soil compaction in Brazil; however, the sensors of t... K.P. Lanças, J. Testa, B.B. Fernandes, T.M. Machado |
280. Precision Agriculture As Bricolage: Understanding The Site Specific FarmerThere is an immediate paradox apparent in precision farming because it applies all of it ‘s precision and recognition of variability to the land, yet operates under the assumption of idealism and normative notions when it comes to considering the farmer. Precision Agriculture (PA) systems have often considered the farmer as an optimiser of profit, or maximiser of efficiency, and therefore replaceable with mathematical constructs, so that although at the centre of dec... I.J. Yule, B.A. Wood |
281. Exploiting The Variability In Pasture Production On New Zealand Hill Country.New Zealand has about four million hectares in medium to steep hill country pasture to which granular solid fertiliser is applied by airplane. On most New Zealand hill country properties where cultivation is not possible the only means of influencing pasture production yield is through the addition of fertilizers and paddock subdivision to control grazing and pasture growth rates. Pasture response to fertilizer varies in production zones within the farm which can be modell... M.Q. Grafton, P.J. Mcveagh, R.R. Pullanagari, I.J. Yule |
282. Application of Semantic Sensor Web in AgricultureIn July 2013, heavy rainstorms across the Midwestern region of the US caused many rivers to breach their banks. Residents of Valley Park, a small town along the Meramec River, Missouri, had to decide whether to rely on a newly constructed levee or abandon their homes for higher ground. Although the levee held, many chose the latter option and fled their homes; it was a chaotic situation that might have been avoided through access to better situational knowle... Y. Zhang, T. Chen |
283. Study Of Spatio-Temporal Variation Of Soil Nutrients In Paddy Rice Planting FarmIt is significant to analysis the spatial and temporal variation of soil nutrients for precision agriculture especially in large-scale farms. For the data size of soil nutrients grows once after sampling which mostly by the frequency of one year or months, to discover the changing trends of exact nutrient would be instructive for the fertilization in the future. In this study, theories of GIS and geostatistics were used to characterize the spatial and temporal variability of soi... C. Wang, T. Chen, J. Dong, C. Li |
284. Towards Automated Pneumatic Thinning Of Floral Buds On Pear TreesThinning of pome and stone fruit is an important horticultural practice that is used to enhance fruit set and quality by removing excess floral buds. As it is still mostly conducted through manual labor, thinning comprises a large part of a grower’s production costs. Various thinning machines developed in recent years have clearly demonstrated that mechanization of this technique is both feasible and cost effective. Generally, these machines still lack sufficient selectivi... N. Wouters, R. Van beers, B. De ketelaere, T. Deckers, J. De baerdemaeker, W. Saeys |
285. Control System Applied To No-Till Seeding For High-Quality OperationA high quality crop seeding operation should enable a rapid and uniform establishment of a desired plant population. Therefore, a no-till seeder must provide a seeding environment that allows the absorption of water by seeds and appropriate temperature and aeration conditions for germination and emergence processes. To stimulate these processes, the seed needs full contact with soil in order to accelerate the absorption of water and oxygen. Covering the furrow with straw is another impor... A.G. Araujo, A.D. Toledo, A.R. Hirakawa, A.L. Johann |
286. Unmanned Aerial System To Determine Nitrogen Status In MaizeMaize field production shows spatial variability during vegetative crop growth that could be used to prescribe nitrogen variable rates. The use of portable sensors mounted on high-clearance applicators is well documented, however new UAS vehicle equipped with high resolution digital cameras could be used to determine crop spatial variability with the advantage of survey extensive field areas. To our knowledge, comparisons between vegetation indices obtained by a modified digital camera a... A.C. Kemerer, S.M. Albarenque, R.J. Melchiori |
287. Nutrient Expert Software For Nutrient Management In Cereal CropsMany countries in Asia have started replacing blanket fertilizer recommendations for vast areas of rice, maize, or wheat with more site-specific guidelines adapted to local needs. This process has been accompanied with a shift from traditional on-station research to on-farm development and evaluation of novel practices. A key challenge faced by the local extension agencies remains the complex nature of factors influencing nutrient requirements. To aid in this process, the ... M. Pampolino, K. Majumdar, S. Phillips |
288. Prediction Of Cation Exchange Capacity Using Visible And Near Infrared SpectroscopyCation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil is a measure of the soil ability to hold positively charged ions and is an important indicator of soil physicochemical characteristic. It is an important property for site specific management of soil nutrients in precision agriculture. The conventional analytical methods used for the determination of CEC are expensive, difficult and time consuming, because different cations must be extracted and determined. Visible and near infrared (vis-NIR) sp... Y. Ulusoy, Z. Tümsavas, A.M. Mouazen, Y. Tekin |
289. sUAVS Technology For Better Monitoring Crop Status For Winter CanolaThe small-unmanned aircraft vehicles (sUAVS) are currently gaining more popularity in agriculture with uses including identification of weeds and crop production issues, diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, detection of chemical drift, scouting for pests, identification of biotic or abiotic stresses, and prediction of biomass and yield. Research information on the use of sUAVS have been published and conducted in crops such as rice, wheat, and corn, but the development of... I.A. Ciampitti, K. Shroyer, V. Prasad, A. Sharda, M.J. Stamm, H. Wang, K. Price, D. Mangus |
290. A Novel Hyperspectral Feature Extraction Algorithm Based On Waveform Resolving For Raisin ClassificationNear infrared hyperspectral imaging technology was adopted in the paper to determine the variety of raisins produced in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. There are 2 varieties of raisins taking part in the research and the wavelengths of the hyperspectral images are from 900nm to 1700nm. A novel waveform resolving method was proposed in the paper to reduce the hyperspectral data and extract features. The waveform resolving method compresses the original hyperspectral data for one ... Y. Zhao, X. Xu, Y. Shao, Y. He, Q. Li |
291. Assessing Impact Of Precision On Agricultural Energy Requirements: Weed Control Case StudyThe anticipated world population increase demands growth in sustainable food production. The current trend is to use more efficient agricultural processes in order to increase food production. Precision agriculture (PA) technology provides the means to increase equipment productivity and field and input efficiency. The concept of small modular and scalable intelligent machines tries to address the challenge of more productivity with the goal of reduced cost and power. In additio... S. Brian, O.M. Toledo, L. Tang |
292. Site-Specific Variability Of Grape Composition And Wine QualityPrecision Viticulture (PV) is the application of site-specific tools to delineate management zones in vineyards for either targeting inputs or harvesting blocks according to grape maturity status. For the creation of management zones, soil properties, topography, canopy characteristics and grape yield are commonly measured during the growing season. The majority of PV studies in winegrapes have focused on the relation of soil and vine-related spatial data with grape co... S. Fountas, Y. Kotseridis, A. Balafoutis, E. Anastasiou, S. Koundouras, S. Kallithraka, M. Kyraleou |
293. A Comparison Of Performance Between UAV And Satellite Imagery For N Status Assessment In CornA number of platforms are available for the sensing of crop conditions. They vary from proximal (tractor-mounted) to satellites orbiting the Earth. A lot of interest has recently emerged from the access to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones that are able to carry sensors payloads providing data at very high spatial resolution. This study aims at comparing the performance of a UAV and satellite imagery acquired over a corn nitrogen response trial set-up. The nitrogen (N) r... P. Vigneault, N. Tremblay, M.Y. Bouroubi, C. Bélec, E. Fallon |
294. Hand-Held Sensor For Measuring Crop Reflectance And Assessing Crop Biophysical CharacteristicsCrop vigor is difficult enough to define, let alone characterize and conveniently quantify. The human eye is particularly sensitive to green light, but quantifying subtle differences in plant greenness is subjective and therefore problematic in terms of making definitive management decisions. Plant greenness is one component of crop vigor and leaf area index or the relative ability o... J.S. Schepers, K.H. Holland |
295. Airborne Active Optical Sensors (AOS) For Photosynthetically-Active Biomass Sensing: Current Status And Future OpportunitiesThe first published deployment of an active optical reflectance sensor (AOS) in a low-flying aircraft in 2009 catalyzed numerous developments in both sensor development and sensor platform integration. Integral to these sensors is a modulated light source composed of high power LED technology that emits high radiance polychromatic light. The sensor easily mounts to agricultural aircraft and can sense agricultural landscapes at altitudes from a few meters to altitudes exceeding 40 meters ... K.H. Holland, D.W. Lamb |
296. Comparison Of The Variable Potassium Fertilization On The Light And Heavy SoilsIntroduction. Determination of the spatial variability of the nutrient levels in soil facilitated adaptation of the fertilizer doses to the soluble forms availability. Nowadays, an increasing use of this method of the fertilizer application is observed, with this being associated with both economical and environmental advantages, as well as, with growing assortment of the purpose-built agricultural instrumentation. An accurate determination of the spatial distri... P. Grocholski, P. Stepien, G. Kulczycki, A. Michalski |
297. Rapid Data Acquisition For In-Field Plant PhenomicsHigh throughput sensing is necessary for the rapid acquisition of plant canopy physical and physiological parameters on field scales. Simultaneous measures of these descriptive parameters will provide a clearer picture of plant response to biotic and abiotic stressors. Information obtained can assist in early identification of desired genetic traits and the degree to which they are expressed. Identifying these traits and their expression can provide higher efficiency in genetic selection... M.R. Sclemmer, K.H. Holland |
298. Using Imagery As A Proxy Yield Map And Scouting ToolCombine yield maps represent a post-mortem quantification of the spatial variability in crop vigor that occurred during the growing season. The spatial resolution of yield maps is defined by the width of the combine header but the length of the cell depends on the ground-speed of the implement and how long it takes for the grain t... J.S. Schepers, A.R. Schepers |
299. Beyond The 4-Rs Of Nutrient Management In Conjunction With A Major Reduction In TillageAgribusiness and government agencies have embraced the 4-R concept (right form, rate, time, and place) to improve nutrient management and environmental quality. No-ti... J.S. Schepers, B. Mclure, G. Swanson |
300. The Use Of A Multirotor And High-Resolution Imaging For Precision Horticulture In Chile: An Industry PerspectiveAs part of the prototype development of a yield forecasting and precision agriculture service for Chilean horticulture, we evaluated the use of an eight-rotor Mikrokopter for high-resolution aerial imaging to support ground-based surveys. Specific considerations for UAV and communications performance under Chilean conditions are windy conditions, limited space for take-off and landing in orchards, tree height and plantation density, and the presence of high metal contents in soils. We di... I. Zamora, D. Wulfsohn |
301. Use Of Quality And Quantity Information Towards Evaluating The Importance Of Independent Variables In Yield PredictionYield predictions based on remotely sensed data are not always accurate. Adding meteorological and other data can help, but may also result in over-fitting. Working with American Crystal Sugar, we were able to demonstrate that the relevance of independent variables can be tested much more reliably when not only yield but also quality attributes are known, such as the sugar content and the s... E. Momsen, J. Xu, D.W. Franzen, J.F. Nowatzki, K. Farahmand, A.M. Denton |
302. Introducing An Integrated Framework To Optimize Cotton Variable Rate Irrigation In Humid RegionsManagement of supplemental irrigation in humid regions is critical because both over and under estimation of the irrigation water requirement can cause cotton lint yield reduction. Spatial variation of the soil physical characteristics is significant in west Tennessee hence precision irrigation strategies should be applied to achieve the optimum lint yield. Despite the significant enhancement in instrumentation and measurements, there are several challenges that need t... A. Haghverdi, B.G. Leib |
303. Use Of Vegetation Indices In Variable Rate Application Of Potato Haulm Killing HerbicidesVariable rate application (VRA) of pesticides based on measured spatial variation in crop biomass is possible with currently available crop reflection sensors (remote and proximity), GNSS technology and modern field sprayers. VRA has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable use of pesticide. Dose rates are optimized based on local requirements at a scale of about 5-50 m2, leading to less adverse side effects, less costs and higher yields. In the longer term, ... C. Kempenaar, T. Been, F.V. Evert |
304. DuPont Pioneer EncircaSM Next Generation ServicesEncirca Services, by DuPont Pioneer, helps growers improve their productivity and profitability through personalized intelligence. It helps unlock the full potential of their land. Encirca Services provides peace-of-mind by working with growers to use their data in real-time, to help them make insightful decisions, when they matter most to their business. Bob Gunzenhauser is a Services Application Manager for Encirca Services with responsibility... B. Gunzenhauser |
305. Agronomic Decision Support for Precision AgricultureMonsanto Sponsor Showcase ... M. Brega |
306. Standards Needs for Precision Ag - Open to All AttendeesSeveral attendees will give short presentations on their standards activities, followed by a general discussion of the need for precision agriculture standards and what the role of ISPA should be in that regard. This session is open to all attendees interested in engineering and data standards for precision agriculture. ... K. Sudduth |
307. Statistical Variability of Crop Yield, Soil Test N and P Within and Between Producer’s FieldsSoil test N and P significantly affect crop production in the Canadian Prairies, but vary considerably within and between producer's fields. This study describes the variability of crop yield, soil test N and P within and between producer's fields in the context of variable fertilizer rates. Yield, terrain attribute, soil test N and P data were collected for 10 fields in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Canada in 2014 and 2015. The influence of ... A. Moulin, M. Khakbazan |
308. Understanding Complex Soil Variability: the Application of Archaeological Knowledge to Precision Agriculture Systems in the UK.As higher resolution datasets have become more available and more accessible within commercial agriculture, there has been an increasing expectation that more data will bring more answers to questions surrounding soil, crop and yield variability. When this does not happen, trust and confidence in data can be lost, affecting the uptake and use of precision agriculture. This research presents a novel approach for understanding complex soil variability at a variety of different scales.... H. Webber |
309. Determinants of Ex-ante Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technologies by Cocoa Farmers in GhanaThe study was to identify the best predictors of cocoa Farmers willingness to adopt future Precision Agriculture Technology (PAT) Development in Ghana. Correlational research design was used. The target population was all cocoa farmers who benefited from Cocoa High Technology Programme (an initiative of distributing free fertilizer by government to cocoa farmers) in Ghana. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 422 out of 400,000 cocoa farmers in the six (6) out of the seven (7) coc... M. Bosompem, J.A. Kwarteng, H.D. Acquah |
310. Selection and Utility of Uncooled Thermal Cameras for Spatial Crop Temperature Measurement Within Precision AgricultureSince previous research used local, single-point measurements to indicate crop water stress, thermography is presented as a technique capable of measuring spatial temperatures supporting its use for monitoring crop water stress. This study investigated measurement accuracy of uncooled thermal cameras under strict environmental conditions, developed hardware and software to implement uncooled thermal cameras and quantified intrinsic properties that impact measurement accuracy and repeatability... D.L. Mangus, A. Sharda |
311. Memory Based Learning: A New Data Mining Approach to Model and Interpret Soil Texture Diffuse Reflectance SpectraSuccessful estimation of spectrally active soil texture with Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR, 400-1200 nm) and Short-Wave-Infrared (SWIR, 1200-2500 nm) spectroscopy depends mostly on the selection of an appropriate data mining algorithm. The aims of this paper were: to compare different data mining algorithms including Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), which is the most common technique in soil spectroscopy, Support Vector Machine Regression (SVMR), Boosted Regression Trees (BRT), and ... A. Gholizadeh, M. Saberioon, L. Borůvka |
312. Site-specific Scale Efficiency Determined by Data Envelopment Analysis of Precision Agriculture Field DataSince its inception and acceptance as a benchmarking tool within the economics literature, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been used primarily as a means of calculating and ranking whole-farm entities marked as decision making units (DMU) against one another. Within this study, instead of ranking the entire farm operation against similar peers that encompass the study, individual data points from within the field are evaluated to analyze the site-specific technical efficiencies esti... J.L. Maurer, T.W. Griffin, A. Sharda |
313. Detection of Nitrogen Stress on Winter Wheat by Multispectral Machine VisionHand-held sensors (SPAD meter, N-Tester, …) used for detecting the leaves nitrogen concentration (Nc) present several drawbacks. The nitrogen concentration is gained by an indirect way through the chlorophyll concentration and the leaves have to be fixed in a defined position for the measurements. These drawbacks could be overcome by an imaging device that measures the canopy reflectance. Hence, the objective of the paper is to analyse the potential of multispectral imaging for d... M. Destain, V. Leemans, G. Marlier, J. Goffart, B. Bodson, B. Mercatoris, F. Gritten |
314. Estimating Environmental Systems Using Iterated Sigma Point Techniques: a Biomass Substrate Hypothetical SystemThis paper addresses the problem of biomass substrate hypothetical system estimation using sigma points kalman filter (SPKF) methods. Various conventional and state-of-theart state estimation methods are compared for the estimation performance, namely the unscented Kalman filter(UKF), the central difference Kalman filter (CDKF), the square-root unscented Kalman filter (SRUKF), the square-root central difference Kalman filter (SRCDKF), the iterated unscented Kalman filter (IUKF), the iterated ... I. Baklouti, M. Mansouri, M. Destain, A. Hamida |
315. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Inform Herbicide Drift AnalysisA primary advantage of unmanned aerial vehicle-based imaging systems is responsiveness. Herbicide drift events require prompt attention from a flexible collection system, making unmanned aerial vehicles a good option for drift analysis. In April 2015, a drift event was documented on a Mississippi farm. A combination of corn and rice fields exhibited symptomology consist with non-target injury from a tank mix of glyphosate and clethodim. An interesting observation was t... J.M. Prince czarnecki, D.B. Reynolds, R.J. Moorhead |
316. In-field Plant Phenotyping Using Multi-view Reconstruction: an Investigation in EggplantRapid methods for plant phenotyping are a growing need in agricultural research to help accelerate improvements in crop performance in order to facilitate more efficient utilization of plant genome sequences and the corresponding advancements in associated methods of genetic improvement. Manual plant phenotyping is time-consuming, laborious, frequently subjective, and often destructive. There is a need for building field-deployable systems with advanced sensors that have both high-speed and h... T. Nguyen, D. Slaughter, B. Townsley, L. Carriedo, J. Maloof, N. Sinha |
317. Spectral Vegetation Indices to Quantify In-field Soil Moisture VariabilityAgriculture is the largest consumer of water globally. As pressure on available water resources increases, the need to exploit technology in order to produce more food with less water becomes crucial. The technological hardware requisite for precise water delivery methods such as variable rate irrigation is commercially available. Despite that, techniques to formulate a timely, accurate prescription for those systems are inadequate. Spectral vegetation indices, especially Normalized Differenc... J. Siegfried, R. Khosla, L. Longchamps |
318. Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Nitrogen Within Winter Wheat Growth SeasonThis study aims to explore the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of soil ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen within winter wheat growth season. A nitrogen-rich strip fertilizer experiment with eight different treatments was conducted in 2014. Soil nitrogen samples of 20-30cm depth near wheat root were collected by in-situ Macro Rhizon soil solution collector then soil ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen content determined by SEAL AutoAnalyzer3 instrument. Classical statisti... X. Song, G. Yang, Y. Ma, R. Wang, C. Yang |
319. Yield, Residual Nitrogen and Economic Benefit of Precision Seeding and Laser Land Leveling for Winter WheatRapid socio-economic changes in China, such as land conversion and urbanization etc., are creating new scopes for application of precision agriculture (PA). It remains unclear the application effective and economic benefits of precision agriculture technologies in China. In this study, our specific goal was to analyze the impact of precision seeding and laser land leveling on winter wheat yield,... J. Chen , P.L. Chen, J.C. Zhao, S.Y. Wang, J.C. Li, Q. Zhang, T.H. Hu, G.L. Shi |
320. A Precise Fruit Inspection System for Huanglongbing and Other Common Citrus Defects Using GPU and Deep Learning TechnologiesWorld climate change and extreme weather conditions can generate uncertainties in crop production by increasing plant diseases and having significant impacts on crop yield loss. To enable precision agriculture technology in Florida’s citrus industry, a machine vision system was developed to identify common citrus production problems such as Huanglongbing (HLB), rust mite and wind scar. Objectives of this article were 1) to develop a simultaneous image acquisition system using multiple c... D. Choi, W. Lee, J.K. Schueller, R. Ehsani, F.M. Roka, M.A. Ritenour |
321. High Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery to Assess Wheat Grain Protein in a Farmer's FieldThe agricultural research sector is working to develop new technologies and management knowledge to sustainably increase food productivity, to ensure global food security and decrease poverty. Wheat is one of the most important crops into this scenario, being among the three most important cereal commodities produced worldwide. Precision Agriculture (PA) and specially Remote Sensing (RS) technologies have become in the recent years more affordable which has improved the availability and flexi... F.A. Rodrigues jr., I. Ortiz-monasterio, P.J. Zarco-tejada, F.H. Toledo, U. Schulthess, B. Gérard |
322. Site Specific Costs Concerning Machine Path OrientationComputer algorithms have been created to simulate in advance the orientation/pattern of a machine operation on a field. Undesired impacts were obtained and quantified for these simulations, like: maneuvering and overlap of inputs in headlands; servicing of secondary units; and soil loss by water erosion. While the efforts could minimize the overall costs, they disregard the fact that these costs aren’t uniformly distributed over irregular fields. The cost of a non-productive machine pro... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin, T.L. Romanelli, M.N. Ferraz |
323. A Multi Sensor Data Fusion Approach for Creating Variable Depth Tillage Zones.Efficiency of tillage depends largely on the nature of the field, soil type, spatial distribution of soil properties and the correct setting of the tillage implement. However, current tillage practice is often implemented without full understanding of machine design and capability leading to lowered efficiency and further potential damage to the soil structure. By modifying the physical properties of soil only where the tillage is needed for optimum crop growth, variable depth tillage (... D. Whattoff, D. Mouazen, D. Waine |
324. Field Tests and Improvement of Sensor and Control Interface Modules with Improved Compatibility for GreenhousesNumber of greenhouses has been increased in many countries to control the cultivation conditions and improve crop yield and quality. Recently, various sensors and control devices, and also wireless communication tools have been adopted for efficient monitoring and control of the greenhouse environments. However, there have been farmers’ demands for improved compatibility among the sensors and control devices. In the study, sensor and control interface modules with improved compatibility... K. Han, S. Chung |
325. Considering Farmers' Situated Expertise in AgriDSS Development to Fostering Sustainable Farming Practices in Precision AgricultureAgriculture is facing immense challenges and sustainable intensification has been presented as a way forward where precision agriculture (PA) plays an important role. More sustainable agriculture needs farmers who embrace situated expertise and can handle changing farming systems. Many agricultural decision support systems (AgriDSS) have been developed to support farm management, but the traditional approach to AgriDSS development is mostly based on knowledge transfer. This has resulted in te... C. Lundström, J. Lindblom |
326. Proximal Sensing of Leaf Temperature and Microclimatic Variables to Implement Precision Irrigation in Almond and Grape CropsIrrigation decisions based on traditional soil moisture sensing often leads to uncertainty regarding the true amount of water available to the plant. Plant based sensing of water stress decreases this uncertainty. In specialty crops grown in California’s Central Valley, precision deficit irrigation based on plant water stress could be used to decrease water use and increase water use efficiency by supplying the necessary quantity of water only when it is needed by the plant. However, th... E. Kizer, S.K. Upadhyaya, F. Rojo, S. Ozmen, C. Ko-madden, Q. Zhang |
327. Privacy Issues and the Use of UASs/Drones in MarylandAccording to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the lawful use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or more commonly as drones, are currently limited to military, research, and recreational applications. Under the FAA’s view, commercial uses of drones are illegal unless approved by the Federal government. This will change in the future. Congress authorized the FAA to develop regulations for the use of drones by priva... P. Goeringer, A. Ellixson, J. Moyle |
328. Modifying the University of Missouri Corn Canopy Sensor Algorithm Using Soil and Weather InformationCorn production across the U.S. Corn belt can be often limited by the loss of nitrogen (N) due to leaching, volatilization and denitrification. The use of canopy sensors for making in-season N fertilizer applications has been proven effective in matching plant N requirements with periods of rapid N uptake (V7-V11), reducing the amount of N lost to these processes. However, N recommendation algorithms used in conjunction with canopy sensor measurements have not proven accurate in making N reco... G. Bean, N.R. Kitchen, D.W. Franzen, R.J. Miles, C. Ransom, P. Scharf, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan |
329. High Resolution 3D Hyperspectral Digital Surface Models from Lightweight UAV Snapshot Cameras – Potentials for Precision Agriculture ApplicationsPrecision agriculture applications need timely information about the plant status to apply the right management at the right place and the right time. Additionally, high-resolution field phenotyping can support crop breeding by providing reliable information for crop rating. Flexible remote sensing systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can gather high-resolution information when and where needed. When combined with specialized sensors they become powerful sensing systems. Hyp... H. Aasen |
330. Positioning Strategy of Maize Hybrids Adjusting Plant Population by Management ZonesChoice of hybrid and accurate amount of plants per area determines grain yield and consequently net incomes. Local field adjustment in plant population is a strategy to manage spatial variability and optimize environmental resources that are not under farmer control (like soil type and water availability). This study aims to evaluate the response of hybrids by levels of plant population across management zones (MZ). Six different hybrids and five rates of plant populations were analyzed start... A.A. Anselmi, J.P. Molin, M.T. Eitelwein, R. Trevisan, A. Colaço |
331. Remote Sensing Inversion of Canopy Chlorophyll Content and Its Application in Evaluating Crop Condition and Predicting Crop Mature DateChlorophyll is one of the most significant biochemical parameters for evaluating crop status. It can be used as an index of photosynthetic potential as well as crop productivity. Crop chlorophyll content has been widely used in identifying crop growth condition, physiological status and health. Crop growth condition monitoring and prediction of crop optimal harvest date are both important to the crop final yield. Crop growth monitoring help farmer take measures in time when the crop is suffer... J. Meng, J. Xu |
332. The Device of Air-assisted Side Deep Precision Fertilization for Rice TransplanterRice is the most important crop in China, which has the largest plant area. Fertilization is an important process of rice production, which directly affects the yield of crops, reasonable and effective use of chemical fertilizer can improve the yield of crops. At present, the mechanization level of rice fertilization is very low in China, and the artificial fertilization requires a large amount of fertilizer which caused the uneven distribution. The rice side deep fertilizing is an ideal way ... C. Zhao, G. Wu, Z. Meng, W. Fu, L. Li, X. Wei |
333. Mapping Spatial Production Stability in Integrated Crop and Pasture Systems: Towards Zonal Management That Accounts for Both Yield and Livestock-landscape Interactions.Precision farming technologies are now widely applied within Australian cropping systems. However, the use of spatial monitoring technologies to investigate livestock and pasture interactions in mixed farming systems remains largely unexplored. Spatio-temporal patterns of grain yield and pasture biomass production were monitored over a four-year period on two Australian mixed farms, one in the south-west of Western Australia and the other in south-east Australia. A production stability index ... P. Mcentee, S. Bennett, M. Trotter, R. Belford, J. Harper |
334. Design of a Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on GSM TechnologiesNowadays, internet and mobile technologies are developing and being used in everyday life. Systems based on mobile technologies and IoT (Internet of Things) are being popular in every area of life and science. Innovative IoT applications are helping to increase the quality, quantity, sustainability and cost effectiveness of agricultural production. In this study; a system which monitors temperature, relative humidity and PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) and warns the farmer... G.T. Seyhan, U. Yegul, M. Ayık |
335. Comparing Adapt-N to Static N Recommendation Approaches for US Maize ProductionLarge temporal and spatial variability in soil N availability leads many farmers across the US to over apply N fertilizers in maize (Zea Mays L.) production environments, often resulting in large environmental N losses. Static N recommendation tools are typically promoted in the US, but new dynamic model-based tools allow for more precise and adaptive N recommendations that account for specific production environments and conditions. This study compares two static N recommendation tools... H. Van es, S. Sela, R. Marjerison, B. Moebiu-clune, R. Schindelbeck, D. Moebius-clune |
336. 'Spatial Discontinuity Analysis' a Novel Geostatistical Algorithm for On-farm ExperimentationTraditional agronomic experimentation is restricted to small plots. Under appropriate experimental designs the effects of uncontrolled environmental variables are minimized and the measured responses (e.g. in yields) are compared to controllable inputs (seed, tillage, fertilizer, pesticides) using well-trusted design-based statistical methods. However, the implementation of such experiments can be complex and the application, management, and harvesting of treated areas might have to... S. Rudolph, B.P. Marchant, V. Gillingham, D. Kindred, R. Sylvester-bradley |
337. Robustness of Pigment Analysis in Tree FruitThe non-destructive application of spectrophotometry for analyzing fruit pigments has become a promising tool in precise fruit production. Particularly, the pigment contents are interesting to the growers as they provide information on the harvest maturity and fruit quality for marketing. The absorption of chlorophyll at its Q band provides quantitative information on the chlorophyll pool of fruit. As a challenge appears the in-situ measurement at varying developmental stage of the fruit due ... M. Zude-sasse, C. Regen, J. Käthner |
338. Comparison Between Tractor-based and UAV-based Spectrometer Measurements in Winter WheatIn-season variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application needs a fast and efficient determination of nitrogen status in crops. Common sensor-based monitoring of nitrogen status mainly relies on tractor mounted active or passive sensors. Over the last few years, researchers tested different sensors and indicated the potential of in-season monitoring of nitrogen status by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in various crops. However, the UAV-platforms and the available sensors are not yet accepted t... M. Gnyp, M. Panitzki, S. Reusch, J. Jasper, A. Bolten, G. Bareth |
339. Development of a Multiband Sensor for Citrus Black Spot Disease DetectionCitrus black spot (CBS), or Guignardia citricarpa, is known as the most destroying citrus fungal disease worldwide. CBS causes yield loss as a result of early fruit drop, and it leaves severely blemished and unmarketable fruit. While leaves usually remain symptomless, CBS generates various forms of lesions on citrus fruits including hard spot, cracked spot, and virulent spot. CBS lesions often appear on maturing fruit, starting two months before maturity. Warm temperature and sunlight exposur... A. Pourreza, W. Lee, J. Lu, P. Roberts |
340. Surplus Science and a Non-linear Model for the Development of Precision Agriculture TechnologyThe advent of ‘big data technologies’ such as hyperspectral imaging means that Precision Agriculture (PA) developers now have access to superabundant and highly heterogeneous data. The authors explore the limitations of the classic science model in this situation and propose a new non-linear process that is not based on the premise of controlled data scarcity. The study followed a science team tasked with developing highly advanced hyperspectral techniques for a &lsquo... M.Z. Cushnahan, I.J. Yule, B.A. Wood, R. Wilson |
341. Accuracy of Differential Rate Application Technology for Aerial Spreading of Granular Fertiliser Within New ZealandAerial topdressing of granular fertilizer is common practice on New Zealand hill country farms because of the challenging topography. Ravensdown Limited is a New Zealand fertilizer manufacturer, supplier and applicator, who are funding research and development of differential rate application from aircraft. The motivation for utilising this technology is to improve the accuracy of fertilizer application and fulfil the variable nutrient requirements of hill country farms. The capability ... I.J. Yule, S.E. Chok, M.C. Grafton, M. White |
342. Delineation of Site-specific Management Zones Using Spatial Principal Components and Cluster AnalysisThe delineation of site-specific management zones (MZs) can enable economic use of precision agriculture for more producers. In this process, many variables, including chemical and physical (besides yield data) variables, can be used. After selecting variables, a cluster algorithm like fuzzy c-means is usually applied to define the classes. Selection of variables comprise a difficult issue in cluster analysis because these will often influence cluster determination. The goal of this study was... A. Gavioli, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, N.M. Betzek, K. Schenatto, H. Beneduzzi |
343. Measuring Pasture Mass and Quality Indices Over Time Using Proximal and Remote SensorsTraditionally pasture has been measured or evaluated in terms of a dry matter yield estimate, which has no reference to other important quality factors. The work in this paper measures pasture growth rates on different slopes and aspects and pasture quality through nitrogen N% and metabolizable energy and ME concentration. It is known that permanent pasture species vary greatly in terms of quality and nutritional value through different stages of maturity. Pasture quality decreases as grass t... I.J. Yule, M.C. Grafton, L.A. Willis, P.J. Mcveagh |
344. Proximal Hyperspectral Sensing in Plant BreedingThe use of remote sensing in plant breeding is challenging due to the large number of small parcels which at least actually cannot be measured with conventional techniques like air- or spaceborne sensors. On the one hand crop monitoring needs to be performed frequently, which demands reliable data availability. On the other hand hyperspectral remote sensing offers new methods for the detection of vegetation parameters in crop production, especially since methods for safe and efficient detecti... H. Lilienthal, P. Wilde, E. Schnug |
345. EZZone - An Online Tool for Delineating Management ZonesManagement zones are a pillar of Precision Agriculture research. Spatial variability is apparent in all fields, and assessing this variability through measurement devices can lead to better management decisions. The use of Geographic Information Systems for agricultural management is common, especially with management zones. Although many algorithms have been produced in research settings, no online software for management zone delineation exists. This research used a ... G. Vellidis, C. Lowrance, S. Fountas, V. Liakos |
346. Using the Adapt-N Model to Inform Policies Promoting the Sustainability of US Maize ProductionMaize (Zea mays L.) production accounts for the largest share of crop land area in the U.S. It is the largest consumer of nitrogen (N) fertilizers but has low N Recovery Efficiency (NRE, the proportion of applied N taken up by the crop). This has resulted in well-documented environmental problems and social costs associated with high reactive N losses associated with maize production. There is a potential to reduce these costs through precision management, i.e., better application timing, use... S. Sela, H. Van-es, E. Mclellan, J. Melkonian, R. Marjerison , K. Constas |
347. Multispectral Imaging and Elevation Mapping from an Unmanned Aerial System for Precision Agriculture ApplicationsAs the world population continues to grow, the need for efficient agricultural production becomes more pressing. The majority of farmers still use manual techniques (e.g. visual inspection) to assess the status of their crops, which is tedious and subjective. This paper examines an operational and analytical workflow to incorporate unmanned aerial systems (UAS) into the process of surveying and assessing crop health. The proposed system has the potential to significantly red... C. Lum, M. Dunbabin, C. Shaw-feather, M. Mackenzie, E. Luker |
348. Non-destructive Plant Phenotyping Using a Mobile Hyperspectral System to Assist Breeding Research: First ResultsHybrid plants feature a stronger vigor, an increased yield and a better environmental adaptability than their parents, also known as heterosis effect. Heterosis of winter oilseed rape is not yet fully understood and conclusions on hybrid performance can only be drawn from laborious test crossings. Large scale field phenotyping may alleviate this process in plant breeding. The aim of this study was to test a low-cost mobile ground-based hyperspectral system for breeding research to e... H. Gerighausen, H. Lilienthal, E. Schnug |
349. First Experiences with the European Remote Sensing Satellites Sentinel-1A/ -2A for Agricultural ResearchThe Copernicus program headed by the European Commission (EC) in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) will launch up to twelve satellites, the so called “Sentinels” for earth and environmental observations until 2020. Within this satellite fleet, the Sentinel-1 (microwave) and Sentinal-2 (optical) satellites deliver valuable information on agricultural crops. Due to their high temporal (5 to 6 days repeating time) and spatial (10 to 20 m) resolutions a continuous monit... H. Lilienthal, H. Gerighausen, E. Schnug |
350. Maize Seeding Rate Optimization in Iowa Using Soil and Topographic Characteristics.The ability to collect soil, topography, and productivity information at spatial scales has become more feasible and more reliable with many advancement in precision technologies. This ability, combined with precision services and the accessibility farmers have to equipment capable implementing precision practices, has led to continued interest in making site-specific crop management decisions. The objective of this research was to utilize soil and topographic parameters to optimize seeding r... M.A. Licht, A. Lenssen, R. Elmore |
351. Steering Strategy Selection of a Robotic Platform for Bin Management in Orchard EnvironmentFor a robotic bin-managing system working in an orchard environment, especially in modern narrow row spaced orchards in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region of the U.S., path planning is an essential function to achieve highly efficient bin management. Unlike path planning for a car-like vehicle in an open field, path planning for a four-wheel-independent-steered (4WIS) robotic bin-managing platform in orchard environment is much more challenging due to the very confined working space between t... Y. Ye, L. He, Q. Zhang |
352. Should One Phosphorus Extraction Method Be Used for VRT Phosphorus Recommendation in the Southern Great Plains?Winter Wheat has been produced throughout the southern Great Plains for over 100 years. In most cases this continuous production of mono-culture lower value wheat crop has led to the neglect of the soils, one such soil property is soil pH. In an area dominated by eroded soils and short term leases, Land-Grant University wheat breeders have created lines of winter wheat which are aluminum tolerant to increase production in low productive soils. Now the fields in this region can hav... D.B. Arnall, S. Phillips, C. Penn, P. Watkins, B. Rutter, J. Warren |
353. The Daily Erosion Project - High Resolution, Daily Estimates of Runoff, Detachment, Erosion, and Soil MoistureRunoff and sediment transport from agricultural uplands are substantial threats to water quality and sustained crop production. Farmers, conservationists, and policy makers must understand how landforms, soil types, farming practices, and rainfall affect soil erosion and runoff in order to improve management of soil and water resources. A system was designed and implemented a decade ago to inventory precipitation, runoff, and soil erosion across the state of Iowa, United States. That system u... B.K. Gelder, R. Cruse, D. James, D. Herzmann, C. Sandoval-green, T. Sklenar |
354. Weather Impacts on UAV Flight Availability for Agricultural Purposes in OklahomaThis research project analyzed 21 years of historical weather data from the Oklahoma Mesonet system. The data examined the practicality of flying unmanned aircraft for various agricultural purposes in Oklahoma. Fixed-wing and rotary wing (quad copter, octocopter) flight parameters were determined and their performance envelope was verified as a function of weather conditions. The project explored Oklahoma’s Mesonet data in order to find days that are acceptable for fly... P. Weckler, C. Morris, B. Arnall, P. Alderman, J. Kidd, A. Sutherland |
355. Safety and Certification Considerations for Expanding the Use of UAS in Precision AgricultureThe agricultural community is actively engaged in adopting new technologies such as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to help assess the condition of crops and develop appropriate treatment plans. In the United States, agricultural use of UAS has largely been limited to small UAS, generally weighing less than 55 lb and operating within the line of sight of a remote pilot. A variety of small UAS are being used to monitor and map crops, while only a few are being used to apply agricul... H. Verstynen, K. Hayhurst, J. Maddalon, N. Neogi |
356. Planet Labs' Monitoring Solution in Support of Precision Agriculture PracticesSatellite imagery is particularly useful for efficiently monitoring very large areas and providing regular feedback on the status and productivity of agricultural fields. These data are now widely used in precision farming; however, many challenges to making optimal use of this technology remain, such as easy access to data, management and exploitation of large datasets with deep time series, and sharing of the data and derived analytics with users. Providing satellite imagery through a cloud... K.J. Frotscher, R. Schacht, L. Smith, E. Zillmann |
357. Early Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn Using High Resolution Remote Sensing and Computer VisionThe continuously growing need for increasing the production of food and reducing the degradation of water supplies, has led to the development of several precision agriculture systems over the past decade so as to meet the needs of modern societies. The present study describes a methodology for the detection and characterization of Nitrogen (N) deficiencies in corn fields. Current methods of field surveillance are either completed manually or with the assistance of satellite imaging, which of... D. Mulla, D. Zermas, D. Kaiser, M. Bazakos, N. Papanikolopoulos, P. Stanitsas, V. Morellas |
358. Field Evaluation of a Variable-rate Aerial Application SystemVariable rate aerial application systems are becoming more readily available; however, aerial applicators typically only use the systems for constant rate application of materials, allowing the systems to compensate for upwind and downwind ground speed variations. Much of the resistance to variable rate application system adoption pertains to applicator’s trust in the systems to turn on and off automatically as desired. If an application system operating in an automatic mode ... D.E. Martin, C. Yang |
359. Comparison Between High Resolution Spectral Indices and SPAD Meter Estimates of Nitrogen Deficiency in CornLow altitude remote sensing provides an ideal platform for monitoring time sensitive nitrogen status in crops. Research is needed however to understand the interaction between crop growth stage, spatial resolution and spectral indices derived from low altitude remote sensing. A TetraCam camera equipped with six bands including the red edge and near infrared (NIR) was used to investigate corn nitrogen dynamics. Remote sensing data were collected during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons at four... D. Mulla, A. Laacouri, D. Kaiser |
360. Estimation of Soil Profile Properties Using a VIS-NIR-EC-force ProbeCombining data collected in-field from multiple soil sensors has the potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of soil property estimates. Optical diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has been used to estimate many important soil properties, such as soil carbon, water content, and texture. Other common soil sensors include penetrometers that measure soil strength and apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensors. Previous field research has related those sensor measuremen... Y. Cho, K.A. Sudduth |
361. A Photogrammetry-based Image Registration Method for Multi-camera SystemsIn precision agriculture, yield maps are important for farmers to make plans. Farmers will have a better management of the farm if early yield map can be created. In Florida, citrus is a very important agricultural product. To predict citrus production, fruit detection method has to be developed. Ideally, the earlier the prediction can be done the better management plan can be made. Thus, fruit detection before their mature stage is expected. This study aims to develop a thermal-visible camer... H. Gan, W. Lee, V. Alchanatis |
362. Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients and Precision Nutrient Management for Targeted Yield Levels of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)A field study was conducted during rabi / summer 2014-15 to know the spatial variability and precision nutrient management practices on targeted yield levels of groundnut. The experimental field has been delineated into 36 grids of 9 m x 9 m using geospatial technology. Soil samples from 0-15 cm were collected and analysed. Spatial variability exists for available nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and they varied from 99 to 197 kg N, 12.1 to 64.0 kg P2O5 and 1... H. D.c, S. Dr., N. Dr., M. Giriyappa, S. T |
363. Potential Improvement in Rice Nitrogen Status Monitoring Using Rapideye and Worldview-2 Satellite Remote SensingFor in-season site-specific nitrogen (N) management of rice to be successful, it is crucially important to diagnose rice N status efficiently across large area in a timely fashion. Satellite remote sensing provides a promising technology for crop growth monitoring and precision management over large areas. The FORMOSAT-2 satellite remote sensing imageries with 4 wavebands have been used to estimate rice N status. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of using high spatial ... S. Huang, Y. Miao, F. Yuan, M.L. Gnyp, Y. Yao, Q. Cao, V. Lenz-wiedemann, G. Bareth |
364. Consequences of Spatial Variability in the Field on the Uniformity of Seed Quality in Barley Seed CropsSpatial variation is known to affect cereal growth and yield but consequences for seed quality are less well-known. Intra-field spatial variation occurs in soil and environmental variables and these are expected to affect the crop. The objective of this paper was to identify the spatial variation in barley seed quality and to investigate its association with environmental factors and the spatial scale over which this correlation occurs. Two uniformly-managed, commercial fields of wi... S. Hama rash, A.J. Murdoch |
365. CropSAT - a Public Satellite-based Decision Support System for Variable-rate Nitrogen Fertilization in ScandinaviaCropSAT is a free-to-use web application for satellite-based production of variable-rate application (VRA) files of e.g. nitrogen (N) and fungicides currently available in Sweden and Denmark. Even in areas frequently covered by clouds, vegetation index maps from data derived from low-cost or freely available optical satellites can be used in practice as a cost-efficient tool in time-critical applications such as optimized nitrogen use. During the very cloudy year 2015, or more useable ima... M. Söderström, H. Stadig, J. Martinsson, M. Stenberg, K. Piikki |
366. Processing Yield Data from Two or More CombinesErroneous data affect the quality of yield map. Data from combines working close to each other may differ widely if one of the monitors is not properly calibrated and this difference has to be adjusted before generating the map. The objective of this work was to develop a method to correct the yield data when running two or more combines in which at least one has the monitor not properly calibrated. The passes of each combine were initially identified and three methods to correct yield data w... L. Maldaner, J.P. Molin, T.F. Canata |
367. Measuring Height of Sugarcane Plants Through LiDAR TechnologySugarcane (Saccharum spp.) has an important economic role in Brazilian agriculture, especially in São Paulo State. Variation in the volume of plants can be an indicative of biomass which, for sugarcane, strongly relates to the yield. Laser sensors, like LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), has been employed to estimate yield for corn, wheat and monitoring forests. The main advantage of using this type of sensor is the capability of real-time data acquisition in a non-destructive way, p... T.F. Canata, J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço, R.G. Trevisan, P.R. Fiorio, M. Martello |
368. Laboratory Evaluation of Two VNIR Optical Sensor Designs for Vertical Soil SensingVisible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (VNIR) is becoming an extensively researched technology to predict soil properties such as soil organic carbon, inorganic carbon, total nitrogen, moisture for precision agriculture. Due to its rapid, non-destructive nature and ability to infer multiple soil properties simultaneously, engineers have been trying to develop proximal sensors based on the VNIR technology to enable horizontal soil sensing and mapping. Since the vertical varia... N. Wijewardane, Y. Ge |
369. Window-based Regression Analysis of Field DataHigh-resolution satellite and areal imagery enables multi-scale analysis that has previously been impossible. We consider the task of localized linear regression and show that window-based techniques can return results at different length scales with very high efficiency. The ability of inspecting multiple length scales is important for distinguishing factors that vary over different length scales. For example, variations in fertilization are expected to occur on shorter len... A.M. Denton, H. Chavan, D.W. Franzen, J.F. Nowatzki |
370. The New Digital Soil Map of Sweden -Derived for Free Use in Precision AgricultureThe Digital Soil Map of Sweden (DSMS) was finalized in 2015. The present paper describes the mapping strategy, the estimated uncertainty of the primary map layers and its potential use in precision agriculture. The DSMS is a geodatabase with information on the topsoil of the arable land in Sweden. The spatial resolution is 50 m × 50 m and it covers > 90% of the arable land of the country (~2.5 million ha). Non-agriculture land and areas with organic soil are excluded. Access to a num... K. Piikki, M. Söderström |
371. Analysis of High Yield Condition Using a Rice Yield Predictive ModelRice production in Japan is facing problems of yield and quality instability owing to recent climate changes and a decline in rice prices, and possible competition with foreign inexpensive rice. Thus, it is becoming more important to stably achieve high yield and quality, while reducing production costs. Various data, including crop growth, farmer’s management styles, yield and quality, has recently become accessible in actual fields using advanced information and communication technolo... Y. Hirai, T. Yamakawa, E. Inoue, T. Okayasu, M. Mitsuoka |
372. Development of Micro-tractor-based Measurement Device of Soil Organic Matter Using On-the-go Visual-near Infrared Spectroscopy in Paddy Fields of South ChinaSoil organic matter (SOM) is an essential soil property for assessing the fertility of paddy soils in South China. In this study, a set of micro-tractor-based on-the-go device was developed and integrated to measure in-situ soil visible and near infrared (VIS–NIR) spectroscopy and estimate SOM content. This micro-tractor-based on-the-go device is composed of a micro-tractor with toothed-caterpillar band, a USB2000+ VIS–NIR spectroscopy detector, a self-customized steel plow and a ... Z. Lianqing, S. Zhou, C. Songchao, Y. Yafei |
373. Helvis - a Small-scale Agricultural Mobile Robot Prototype for Precision AgricultureThe use of agricultural robots is emerging in a complex scenario where it is necessary to produce more food to feed a crescent population, decrease production costs, fight plagues and diseases, and preserve nature. Around the world, there are many research institutes and companies trying to apply mobile robotics techniques in agricultural fields. Mostly, large prototypes are being used and their shapes and dimensions are very similar to tractors and trucks. In the present study, a small-scale... M. Becker, A.E. Velasquez, H.B. Guerrero, V.A. Higuti, D.M. Milori, D.V. Magalhães |
374. FOODIE Data Model for Precision AgricultureThe agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens (consumers) and economy (regional and global), which ideally should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. The FOODIE project aims at building an open and interoperable agricultural specialized platform hub on the cloud for the management of spatial and non-spatial data relevant for farming production. The FOODIE service platform deals with including their thematic, spatial, and ... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, K. Charvat jr., V. Lukas, S. Horakova, M. Kepka |
375. Towards Data-intensive, More Sustainable Farming: Advances in Predicting Crop Growth and Use of Variable Rate Technology in Arable Crops in the NetherlandsPrecision farming (PF) will contribute to more sustainable agriculture and the global challenge of producing ‘More with less’. It is based on the farm management concept of observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Computers enabled the use of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) and farm and field specific Decision Support Systems (DSS) since mid-1980s. GIS and GNSS allowed since ca. 2000 geo-referencing of data and controlled traff... C. Kempenaar, F. Van evert, T. Been, C. Kocks, K. Westerdijk, S. Nysten |
376. Quo Vadis Precision FarmingThe agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens and economy which, ideally, should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. There is an increasing tension, the like of which is not experienced in any other sector, between the requirements to assure full safety and keep costs under control, but also assure the long-term strategic interests of Europe and worldwide. In that sense, agricultural production influences, and is influenc... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, V. Lukas, K. Charvat jr., S. Horakova, M. Splichal, M. Kepka |
377. Spatial Variability of Canopy Volume in a Commercial Citrus GroveLiDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors have shown good potential to estimate canopy volume and guide variable rate applications in different fruit crops. Oranges are a major crop in Brazil; however the spatial variability of geometrical parameters remains still unknown in large commercial groves, as well as the potential benefit of sensor guided variable rate applications. Thus, the objective of this work was to characterize the spatial variability of the canopy volume in a commercial or... A.F. Colaço, J.P. Molin, R.G. Trevisan, J.R. Rosell-polo, A. Escolà |
378. Climate Smart Precision Nitrogen ManagementClimate Smart Agriculture (CSA) aims at improving farm productivity and profitability in a sustainable way while building resilience to climate change and mitigating the impacts of agriculture on greenhouse gas emissions. The idea behind this concept is that informed management decision can help achieve these goals. In that matter, Precision Agriculture goes hand-in-hand with CSA. The Colorado State University Laboratory of Precision Agriculture (CSU-PA) is conducting research on CSA practice... L. Longchamps, R. Khosla, R. Reich |
379. Hyperspectral Imaging to Measure Pasture Nutrient Concentration and Other Quality ParametersManaging pasture nutrient requirements on large hill country sheep and beef properties based on information from soil sampling is expensive because of the time and labor involved. High levels of error are also expected as these properties are often greatly variable and it is therefore extremely difficult to sample intensively enough to capture this variation. Extensive sampling was also not considered viable as there was no effective means of spreading fertilizer with a variable rate capabili... I.J. Yule, R.R. Pullanagari, G. Kereszturi, M.E. Irwin, P.J. Mcveagh, T. Cushnahan, M. White |
380. Creating Prescription Maps from Historical Imagery for Site-specific Management of Cotton Root RotCotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is a severe plant disease that has affected cotton production for over a century. Recent research found that a commercial fungicide, Topguard (flutriafol), was able to control this disease. As a result, Topguard Terra Fungicide, a new and more concentrated formulation developed specifically for this market was registered in 2015, so cotton producers can use this product to control the disease. Cotton root rot only inf... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, J.A. Thomasson, T. Isakeit, R.L. Nichols |
381. Retrieving Crops' Quantitative Biophysical Parameters Through a Newly Developed Multispectral Sensor for UAV PlatformsToday’s intensive agricultural production needs to increase its efficiency in order to keep its profitability in the current market of decreasing prices on one hand, and to reduce the environmental impact on the other. Crop growers are starting to adopt side dressing nitrogen fertilization as part of their fertilization programs, for which they need accurate information about biomass development and nitrogen condition in the crop. This information is usually acquired through ground samp... A. Pimstein, Y. Zur, M. Le roux |
382. Development of a Sensing Device for Detecting Defoliation in SoybeanEstimating defoliation by insects in an agricultural field, specifically soybean, is performed by manually removing multiple leaf samples, visually inspecting the leaves for feeding, and assigning a value representing a “best guess” at the level of leaf material missing. These estimates can require considerable time and are subjective. The goal of this study was to design a low-cost system containing light sensors and a microcontroller that could remotely record and report long-te... P. Astillo, J. Maja, J. Greene |
383. SMARTfarm Learning Hub: Next Generation Precision Agriculture Technologies for Agricultural EducationThe industry demands on higher education agricultural students are rapidly changing. New precision agriculture technologies are revolutionizing the farming industry but the education sector is failing to keep pace. This paper reports on the development of a key resource, the SMARTfarm Learning Hub (www.smartfarmhub.com) that will increase the skill base of higher education students using a range of new agricultural technologies and innovations. The Hub is a world first; it links real industry... M. Trotter, S. Gregory, T. Trotter, T. Acuna, D. Swain, W. Fasso, J. Roberts, A. Zikan, A. Cosby |
384. Evaluating low-cost Lidar and Active Optical Sensors for pasture and forage biomass assessmentAccurate and reliable assessment of pasture or forage biomass remains one of the key challenges for grazing industries. Livestock managers require accurate estimates of the grassland biomass available over their farm to enable optimal stocking rate decisions. This paper reports on our investigations into the potential application of affordable Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) systems and Active Optical (reflectance) Sensors (AOS) to estimate pasture biomass. We evaluated the calibration ac... M. Trotter, K. Andersson, M. Welch, M. Chau, L. Frizzel, D. Schneider |
385. Field Phenotyping Infrastructure in a Future World - Quantifying Information on Plant Structure and Function for Precision Agriculture and Climate ChangePhenotyping in the field is an essential step in the phenotyping chain. Phenotyping begins in the well-defined, controlled conditions in laboratories and greenhouses and extends to heterogeneous, fluctuating environments in the field. Field measurements represent a significant reference point for the relevance of the laboratory and greenhouse approaches and an important source of information on potential mechanisms and constraints for plant performance tested at controlled conditions. In this... O. Muller, M.P. Cendrero mateo, H. Albrecht, F. Pinto, M. Mueller-linow, R. Pieruschka, U. Schurr, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, B. Keller |
386. Ear Deployed Accelerometer Behaviour Detection in SheepAn animal’s behaviour can be a clear indicator of their physiological and physical state. Therefore as resting, eating, walking and ruminating are the predominant daily activities of ruminant animals, monitoring these behaviours could provide valuable information for management decisions and individual animal health status. Traditional animal monitoring methods have relied on human labor to visually observe animals. Accelerometer technology offers the possibility of remotely monitoring ... J.D. Barwick, M. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, R. Dobos, M. Welch |
387. Development of a Crop Edge Line Detection Algorithm Using a Laser Scanner for an Autonomous Combine HarvesterThe high cost of real-time kinematic (RTK) differential GPS units required for autonomous guidance of agricultural machinery has limited their use in practical auto-guided systems especially applicable to small-sized farming conditions. A laser range finder (LRF) scanner system with a pan-tilt unit (PTU) has the ability to create a 3D profile of objects with a high level of accuracy by scanning their surroundings in a fan shape based on the time-of-flight measurement principle. This paper des... C. Jeon, H. Kim, X. Han, H. Moon |
388. Precision Nutrient Management System Based on Ion and Crop Growth SensingAutomated sensing and variable-rate supply of nutrients in hydroponic solutions according to the status of crop growth would allow more efficient nutrient management for crop growth in closed systems. The Structure from Motion (SfM) method has risen as a new image sensing method to obtain 3D images of plants that can be used to estimate their growth, such as leaf cover area (LCA), plant height, and fresh weight. In this sense, sensor fusion technology combining ion-selective electrodes (ISEs)... W. Cho, D. Kim, C. Kang, H. Kim, J. Son, S. Chung, J. Jiang, H. Yun |
389. Shifting Fertiliser Response Zones in a Four Year, Whole-paddock Cereal Cropping Experiment.Precision agriculture in cropping areas of dryland Australia has focused on managing within production zones. These are ideally stable, possibly soil- and topography-based areas within fields. There are many different ideas on how to delimit and implement zones, and a four year whole-field experiment, with low, medium and high treatment philosophies applied per 9m seeder/harvester width across the entire field, was established to explore how zones might best be established and used. The treat... B. Jones, T. Mcbeath, N. Wilhelm |
390. In-season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using Crop Circle Active Canopy Sensor and UAV Remote SensingActive crop canopy sensors have been used to non-destructively estimate nitrogen (N) nutrition index (NNI) for in-season site-specific N management. However, it is time-consuming and challenging to carry the hand-held active crop sensors and walk across large paddy fields. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing is a promising approach to overcoming the limitations of proximal sensing. The objective of this study was to combine unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing sys... J. Lu, Y. Miao, Y. Huang, W. Shi |
391. Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients and Site Specific Nutrient Management in MaizeA field study was conducted during kharif 2014 and rabi 2014-15 at Southern Transition Zone of Karnataka under the jurisdiction of University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, India to know the spatial variability for available nutrient content in cultivator’s field and effect of site specific nutrient management in maize. The farmer’s fields have been delineated with each grid size of 50 m x 50 m using geospatial technology. Soil samples from 0-15 cm we... S. T, M. Giriyappa, D. Hanumanthappa, N. Dr., S. K, S. Yogananda, A. Kiran |
392. Post Processing Software for Grain Yield Monitoring System Suitable to Korean Full-feed CombinesPrecision agriculture (PA) has been adopted in many countries and crop and country specific technologies have been implemented for different crops and agricultural practices. Although PA technologies have been developed mainly in countries such as USA, Europe, Australia, where field sizes are large, need of PA technologies has been also drawn in countries such as Japan and Korea, where field sizes are relatively small (about 1 ha). Although principles are similar, design concept and practical... K. Lee, S. Chung, J. Lee, S. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Choi |
393. Precision Nutrient Management Through Drip Irrigation in Aerobic RiceA field experiment was conducted during kharif 2015 to asses the spatial variability and precision nutrient management through drip irrigation in aerobic rice at ZARS, GKVK, Bangalore. The experimental field has been delineated into 48 grids of 4.5 m x 4.5 m using geospatial technology. Soil samples from 0-15 cm depth were collected and analysed. There was spatial variability for available nitrogen (154 to 277 kg ha-1), phosphorous (45 to 152 kg ha-1) and potass... N. Dr., S. T, M. Giriyappa, H. D.c, B. Patil, D. Prabhudeva, G. Kombali, S. Noorasma, M. Thimmegowda |
394. Intuitive Image Analysing on Plant Data - High Throughput Plant Analysis with Lemnatec Image ProcessingFor digital plant phenotyping huge amounts of 2D images are acquired. This is known as one part of the phenotyping bottleneck. This bottleneck can be addressed by well-educated plant analysts, huge experience and an adapted analysis software. Automated tools that only cover specific parts of this analysis pipeline are provided. During the last years this could be changed by the image processing toolbox of LemnaTec GmbH. An automated and intuitive tool for the automated analysis of huge amount... S. Paulus, T. Dornbusch, M. Jansen |
395. In Season Estimation of Barley Biomass with Plant Height Derived by Terrestrial Laser ScanningThe monitoring of plant development during the growing season is a fundamental base for site-specific crop management. In this regard, the amount of plant biomass at a specific phenological stage is an important parameter to evaluate the actual crop status. Since biomass is directly only determinable with destructive sampling, methods of recording other plant parameters, such as crop height or density, which are suitable for reliable estimations are increasingly researched. Over the past two ... N. Tilly |
396. Spatial-temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits Via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and a stereovision approach were implemented to generate a 3D reconstruction of the top of the canopy. The 3D reconstruction or CSM (crop surface model) was utilized to evaluate biophysical parameters for both spatial- and temporal-scales. The main goal of the project was to evaluate sUAVs technology to assist plant height and biomass estimation. The main outcome of this process was to utilize CSMs to gain insights in the spatial-temporal dynamic of plants within... S. Varela, G. Balboa, V. Prasad, T. Griffin, I. Ciampitti, A. Ferguson |
397. Sources of Information to Delineate Management Zones for CottonCotton in Brazil is an input-intensive crop. Due to its cultivation in large fields, the spatial variability takes an important role in the management actions. Yield maps are a prime information to guide site-specific practices including delineation of management zones (MZ), but its adoption still faces big challenges. Other information such as historical satellite imagery or soil electrical conductivity might help delineating MZ as well as predicting crop performance. The objective of this w... R.G. Trevisan, M.T. Eitelwein, A.F. Colaço, J.P. Molin |
398. Developing UAV Image Acquisition System and Processing Steps for Quantitative Use of the Data in Precision AgricultureMapping natural variability of crops and land is first step of the management cycle in terms of crop production. Several methods have been developed and engaged for data recording and analyzing that generate prescription maps such as yield monitoring, soil mapping, remote sensing etc. Although conventional remote sensing by capturing images via satellites has been very popular tool to monitor the earth surface, it has several drawbacks such as orbital period, unattended capture, investment co... A. Tekin, M. Fornale |
399. Prediction of Sugarcane Yields in Commercial Fields by Early Measurements with an Optical Crop Canopy SensorAs a grass (Poaceae), sugarcane needs supplemental mineral nitrogen (N) to achieve high yields on commercial production areas. In Brazil, N recommendations for sugarcane ratoons are based on expected yield and the results of N response trials, as soil N analyses are not a suitable basis for decisions on optimum N fertilizer rates under tropical conditions. Since the vegetative parts in sugarcane are harvested, yield components such as the number of stalks and stalk height are directly correla... G. Portz, J. Jasper, J.P. Molin |
400. Misalignment Between Sugar Cane Transshipment Trailers and TractorSugarcane production system is dependent on a continuous cutting and regrowth of cane plants from their roots, on which traffic should be avoided to ensure the physiological integrity of regrowth and productivity. This need for accuracy in sugarcane machine traffic boosted the adoption of automated steering systems, especially on harvesters. Tractors with the transshipment trailers, which continually accompany the harvesters in the field, yet do not adopt it or use technology with lower... B.P. Passalaqua, J. Molin, J. Salvi, A.P. Aguilera |
401. A Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Control SystemCurrently variable rate irrigation (VRI) prescription maps used to apply water differentially to irrigation management zones (IMZs) are static. They are developed once and used thereafter and thus do not respond to environmental variables which affect soil moisture conditions. Our approach for creating dynamic prescription maps is to use soil moisture sensors to estimate the amount of irrigation water needed to return each IMZ to an ideal soil moisture condition. The UGA Sma... G. Vellidis, V. Liakos, W. Porter, X. Liang, M.A. Tucker |
402. Measurement of In-field Variability for Active Seeding Depth Applications in Southeastern USProper seeding depth control is essential to optimize row-crop planter performance, and adjustment of planter settings to within field spatial variability is required to maximize crop yield potential. The objectives of this study were to characterize planting depth response to varying soil conditions within fields, and to discuss implementation of active seeding depth technologies in Southeastern US. This study was conducted in 2014 and 2015 in central Alabama for non-irrigated maize (Zea may... A.M. Poncet, J.P. Fulton, T.P. Mcdonald, T. Knappenberger, R.W. Bridges, J. Shaw, K. Balkcom |
403. Utilizing Space-based Technology for Cotton Irrigation SchedulingAccurate soil moisture content measurements are vital to precision irrigation management. Electromagnetic sensors such as capacitance and time domain reflectometry have been widely used for measuring soil moisture content for decades. However, to estimate average soil moisture content over a large area, a number of ground-based in-situ sensors would need to be installed, which would be expensive and labor intensive. Remote sensing using the microwave spectrum (such as GPS signals) has been us... A. Khalilian, X. Qiao, J.O. Payero, J.M. Maja, C.V. Privette, Y.J. Han |
404. Towards Calibrated Vegetation Indices from UAS-derived OrthomosaicsCrop advisors and farmers increasingly use drone data as part of their decision making. However, the vast majority of UAS-based vegetation mapping services support only the calculation of a relative NDVI derived from compressed JPEG pixel values and do not include the possibility to include more complex aspects like soil correction. In our ICPA12 contribution, we demonstrated the effects and consequences of the above shortcomings. Here, we present the stepwise development of a solution to ens... K. Pauly |
405. Greenhouse Study to Identify Glyphosate-resistant Weeds Based on Canopy TemperatureDevelopment of herbicide-resistant crops has resulted in significant positive changes to agronomic practices, while repeated and intensive use of herbicides with the same mechanisms of action has caused the development of herbicide-resistant weeds. As of 2015, 35 weed species are reported to be resistant to glyphosate worldwide. A greenhouse study was conducted to identify characteristics which can be helpful in field mapping of glyphosate resistant weeds by using UAV imagery. The experiment ... A. Shirzadi, M. Maharlooei, O. Hassanijalilian, S. Bajwa, K. Howatt, S. Sivarajan, J. Nowatzki |
406. Will Algorithms Modified with Soil and Weather Information Improve In-field Reflectance-sensing Corn Nitrogen Applications?Nitrogen (N) needs to support corn (Zea mays L.) production can be highly variable within fields. Canopy reflectance sensing for assessing crop N health has been implemented on many farmers’ fields to side-dress or top-dress variable-rate N application, but at times farmers report the performance of this approach unsatisfying. Another study has shown promise that the performance of canopy sensing algorithms for rate N fertilization can be improved by including soil and weather factors. ... N.R. Kitchen, K. Sudduth, G. Bean, S. Drummond, M. Yost |
407. Net Returns and Production Use Efficiency for Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Nitrogen Technologies in Cotton ProductionThis research evaluated the profitability and N use efficiency of real time on-the-go optical sensing measurements (OPM) and variable-rate technologies (VRT) to manage spatial variability in cotton production in the Mississippi River Basin states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Two forms of OPM and VRT and the existing farmer practice (FP) were used to determine N fertilizer rates applied to cotton on farm fields in the four states. Changes in yields and N rates due to OPM... J.A. Larson, M. Stefanini, D.M. Lambert, X. Yin, C.N. Boyer, J.J. Varco, P.C. Scharf , B.S. Tubaña, D. Dunn, H.J. Savoy, M.J. Buschermohle, D.D. Tyler |
408. Challenges and Successes when Generating In-season Multi-temporal Calibrated Aerial ImageryDigital aerial imagery (DAI) of the crop canopy collected by aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles is the yardstick of precision agriculture. However, the quantitative use of this imagery is often limited by its variable characteristics, low quality, and lack of radiometric calibration. To increase the quality and utility of using DAI in crop management, it is important to evaluate and address these limitations of DAI. Even though there have been improvements in spatial reso... P.M. Kyveryga, J. Pritsolas, J. Connor, R. Pearson |
409. Use of Crop Canopy Reflectance Sensor in Management of Nitrogen Fertilization in Sugarcane in BrazilGiven the difficulty to determine N status in soil testing and lack of crop parameters to recommend N for sugarcane in Brazil raise the necessity of identify new methods to find crop requirement to improve the N use efficiency. Crop canopy sensor, such as those used to measure indirectly chlorophyll content as N status indicator, can be used to monitor crop nutritional demand. The objective of this experiment was to assess the nutritional status of the sugarcane fertilized with different nitr... S.G. Castro, G.M. Sanches, G.M. Cardoso, A.E. Silva, H.C. Franco, P.S. Magalhães |
410. Large-scale UAS Data Collection, Processing and Management for Field Crop ManagementNorth Dakota State University research and Extension personnel are collaborating with Elbit Systems of America to compare the usefulness and economics of imagery collected from a large unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), small UAS and satellite imagery. Project personnel are using a large UAS powered with an internal combustion engine to collect high-resolution imagery over 100,000 acres twice each month during the crop growing season. Four-band multispectral Imagery is also being collected twic... J. Nowatzki, S. Bajwa, D. Roberts, M. Ossowski, A. Scheve, A. Johnson, Y. Chaplin |
411. Modus: a Standard for Big DataModus Standard is a system of defined terminology, agreed metadata and file transfer format that has grown from a need to exchange, merge and trend agricultural testing data. The three presenters will discuss steps taken to develop the system, benefits to data exchange, current user base and additions being made to the standard. ... D. Nerpel, J.W. Ellsworth, A. Hunt |
412. Sensor Based Soil Health AssessmentQuantification and assessment of soil health involves determining how well a soil is performing its biological, chemical, and physical functions relative to its inherent potential. Due to high cost, labor requirements, and soil disturbance, traditional laboratory analyses cannot provide high resolution soil health data. Therefore, sensor-based approaches are important to facilitate cost-effective, site-specific management for soil health. In the Central Claypan Region, visible, near-infrared ... K. Veum, K. Sudduth, N. Kitchen |
413. Value of Map Sharing Between Multiple Vehicles Using Automated Section Control in the Same FieldLarge area farms and even moderate sized farms employing custom applicators and harvesters have multiple machines in the same field at the same time conducting the same field operation. As a method to control input costs and minimize application overlap, these machines have been equipped with automatic section control (ASC). Over application is a concern especially for more irregularly shaped fields; however modern technology including automated guidance combined with automatic section ... J. Bennett, C. Wilson, A. Sharda, T. Griffin |
414. Translating Data into Knowledge - Precision Agriculture Database in a Sugarcane Production.The advent of Information Technology in agriculture, surveying and data collection became a simple task, starting the era of "Big Data" in agricultural production. Currently, a large volume of data and information associated with the plant, soil and climate are collected quick and easily. These factors influence productivity, operating costs, investments and environment impacts. However, a major challenge for this area is the transformation of data and in... G.M. Sanches, O.T. Kolln, H.C. Franco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft |
415. Integrated Analysis of Multilayer Proximal Soil Sensing DataData revealing spatial soil heterogeneity can be obtained in an economically feasible manner using on-the-go proximal soil sensing (PSS) platforms. Gathered georeferenced measurements demonstrate changes related to physical and chemical soil attributes across an agricultural field. However, since many PSS measurements are affected by multiple soil properties to different degrees, it is important to assess soil heterogeneity using a multilayer approach. Thus, analysis of multiple layers of geo... V.I. Adamchuk, N. Dhawale, A. Biswas, S. Lauzon, P. Dutilleul |
416. Within-field Profitability Assessment: Impact of Weather, Field Management and SoilsProfitability in crop production is largely driven by crop yield, production costs and commodity prices. The objective of this study was to quantify the often substantial yet somewhat illusive impact of weather, management, and soil spatial variability on within-field profitability in corn and soybean crop production using profitability indices for profit (net return) and return-on-investment (ROI) to produce estimates. We analyzed yield and cropping system data provided by 42 farmers within ... P.M. Kyveryga, S. Fey, J. Connor, A. Kiel, D. Muth |
417. Closing Yield Gaps with GxExM and Precision AgricultureThere are many challenges to be faced by agriculture if the global population of nine billion people projected for 2050 is to be fed and clothed, especially given the effects of changing climate. A focus on the interactions of genetics x environment x management (GxExM) offers potential for meeting the yield, and environment and economic sustainability goals that are integral to these challenges. The yield gap –defined as the difference between current farmer yields and pote... C. Walthall, J. Hatfield, S. Schneider, M. Vigil |
418. A Decade of Precision Agriculture Impacts on Grain Yield and Yield VariationTargeting management practices and inputs with precision agriculture has high potential to meet some of the grand challenges of sustainability in the coming century, including simultaneously improving crop yields and reducing environmental impacts. Although the potential is high, few studies have documented long-term effects of precision agriculture on crop production and environmental quality. More specifically, long-term impacts of precision conservation practices such as cover crops, no-ti... M.A. Yost, N. Kitchen, K. Sudduth, S. Drummond, J. Sadler |
419. Detection of Potato Beetle Damage Using Remote Sensing from Small Unmanned Aircraft SystemsRemote sensing with small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) has potential applications in agriculture because low flight altitudes allow image acquisition at very high spatial resolution. We set up experiments at the Oregon State University Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center (HAREC) to assess advantages and disadvantages of sUAS for precision farming. In 2014, we conducted an experiment in irrigated potatoes with 4 levels of artificial infestation by Colorado Potato Bee... E. Hunt, S.I. Rondon, A.E. Bruce, R.W. Turner, J.J. Brungardt |
420. Claypan Depth Effect on Soil Phosphorus and Potassium DynamicsUnderstanding the effects of fertilizer addition and crop removal on long-term change in spatially-variable soil test P (STP) and soil test K (STK) is crucial for maximizing the use of grower inputs on claypan soils. Using apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) to estimate topsoil depth (or depth to claypan, DTC) within fields could help capture the variability and guide site-specific applications of P and K. The objective of this study was to determine if DTC derived from ECa... L. Conway, M. Yost, N. Kitchen, K. Sudduth, B. Myers |
421. Small UAS Integrated Sensing Tools for Abiotic Stress Monitoring in Irrigated Pinto BeansPrecision agriculture is a practical approach to maximize crop yield with optimal use of rapidly depleting natural resources. Availability of specific and high resolution crop data at critical growth stages is a key for real-time data driven decision support for precision agriculture management during the production season. The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using small unmanned aerial system (UAS) integrated remote sensing tools to monitor the abiotic stress of eight i... L. Khot, J. Zhou, R. Boydston, P.N. Miklas, L. Porter |
422. Key Data Ownership, Privacy and Protection Issues and Strategies for the International Precision Agriculture IndustryPrecision agriculture companies seek to leverage technology to process greater volumes of data, greater varieties of data, and at a velocity unfathomable to most. The promises of boundless benefits are coupled with risks associated with data ownership, stewardship and privacy. This paper presents some risks related to the management of farm data, in general, as well as those unique to operating in the international arena. Examples of U.S. and international laws related to data protectio... J.K. Archer, C.A. Delgadillo, F. Shen |
423. Field-scale Nitrogen Recommendation Tools for Improving a Canopy Reflectance Sensor AlgorithmNitrogen (N) rate recommendation tools are utilized to help producers maximize grain yield production. Many of these tools provide recommendations at field scales but often fail when corn N requirements are variable across the field. This may result in excess N being lost to the environment or producers receiving decreased economic returns on yield. Canopy reflectance sensors are capable of capturing within-field variability, although the sensor algorithm recommendations may not always be as ... C.J. Ransom, M. Bean, N. Kitchen, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan |
424. High Resolution Vegetation Mapping with a Novel Compact Hyperspectral Camera SystemThe COSI-system is a novel compact hyperspectral imaging solution designed for small remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). It is designed to supply accurate action and information maps related to the crop status and health for precision agricultural applications. The COSI-Cam makes use of a thin film hyperspectral filter technology which is deposited onto an image sensor chip resulting in a compact and lightweight instrument design. This paper reports on the agricultural monitor... B. Delauré, P. Baeck, J. Blommaert, S. Delalieux, S. Livens, A. Sima, M. Boonen, J. Goffart, G. Jacquemin, D. Nuyttens |
425. Field Potential Soil Variability Index to Identify Precision Agriculture OpportunityPrecision agriculture (PA) technologies used for identifying and managing within-field variability are not widely used despite decades of advancement. Technological innovations in agronomic tools, such as canopy reflectance or electrical conductivity sensors, have created opportunities to achieve a greater understanding of within-field variability. However, many are hesitant to adopt PA because uncertainty exists about field-specific performance or the potential return on investment. These co... C.W. Bobryk, M. Yost, N. Kitchen |
426. Active and Passive Crop Canopy Sensors As Tools for Nitrogen Management in CornThe objectives of this research were to (i) assess the correlation between active and passive crop canopy sensors’ vegetation indices at different corn growth stages and (ii) assess sidedress variable rate nitrogen (N) recommendation accuracy of active and passive sensors compared to the agronomic optimum N rate (AONR). The experiment was conducted near Central City, Nebraska on a Novina sandy loam planted to corn on 15 April 2015. The experiment was a randomized complete-block design w... L. Bastos, R. Ferguson |
427. Melon Classification and Segementation Using Low Cost Remote Sensing Data DronesObject recognition represents currently one of the most developing and challenging areas of the Computer Vision. This work presents a systematic study of various relevant parameters and approaches allowing semi-automatic or automatic object detection, applied onto a study case of melons on the field to be counted. In addition it is of a cardinal interest to obtain the quantitative information about performance of the algorithm in terms of metrics the suitability whereof is determined by the f... T. Zhao, Y. Chen, J. Franzen, J. Gonzalez, Q. Yang |
428. Use of the Active Sensor Optrx to Measure Canopy Changes to Evaluate Foliar Treatments and to Identify Soil Quality in Table GrapeTable Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is the main exporting horticultural crop in Chile, with the country being one of the top exporters at the world level. Commonly, grape producers perform trials of different commercial products which are not evaluated in an objective way. On the other hand they do not have the tools to easily identify areas within the field that may have some limiting factor. The use of active ground sensors that pass under the canopy several times during the season ma... R.A. Ortega, M.M. Martinez, H.P. Poblete |
429. Ownership and Protections of Farm DataFarm data has been a contentious point of debate with respect to ownership rights and impacts when access rights are misappropriated. One of the leading questions farmers ask deals with the protections provided to farm data. Although no specific laws or precedence exists, the possibility of trade secret is examined and ramifications for damages discussed. Farm management examples are provided to emphasize the potential outcomes of each possible recourse for misappropriating farm data. ... A. Ellixson, P. Goeringer, T. Griffin |
430. AGTECH CHILE: an Outreach and Technology Transfer Platform for Closing Gaps in Emerging Chilean Precision Agriculture CompaniesPrecision agriculture (PA) is being developed in Chile since 1997. Today there are approximately 20 companies providing products and services in PA at different levels. Most of them are young entrepreneurships which have important knowledge gaps, particularly on technology basis and data management to transform them into useful information. In order to help closing some of the gaps, and contributing to the development of an innovation ecosystem, an extension proposal was developed, ... R.A. Ortega, P. Trebilcock |
431. A Context Changing with Precision Agriculture in JapanA new context is emerging under introducing of precision agriculture, impacted by top-down ICT policies and bottom-up collaborative activities. Food chain is changing by a holistic technology policy of integration in the fields of breeding, farm production, processing, transportation, and market in consumers. A new ICT strategy was issued by the government for precision agriculture to enhance the interoperability and portability of data/information sets collected from the field. The administr... S. Shibusawa |
432. Real-time Gauge Wheel Load Variability on Planter with Downforce Control During Field OperationDownforce control allows planters to maintain gauge wheel load across a range of soil resistance within a field. Downforce control is typically set for a target seed depth and either set to manually or automatically control the gauge wheel load. This technology uses load cells to actively regulate downforce on individual row units by monitoring target load on the gauge wheels. However, no studies have been conducted to evaluate the variability in gauge wheel load observed during planter opera... A. Sharda, S. Badua, D. Flippo, I. Ciampitti, T.W. Griffin |
433. Integration of Big Data Analytics and Crop ModelingCrop models are often fueled by (historical) yield measurements to help better predict the yields at a farm level. However to extend yield predictions to a regional or even global scale, there is a gap in the information required to calibrate such crop models. In addition, the heterogeneity of data obtained from various sources requires extensive pre-processing to provide the necessary inputs for running these crop models. Physical Analytics Integrated Data Repository and Services (PAIRS) is ... G. Badr, L. Klein, F. Marianno, M. Freitag, C. Albrecht, N. Hinds, G. Hoogenboom, H. Hamann |
434. Precision Irrigation Forecasting on a Global ScaleEfficient water usage is one of the greatest challenge of 21st century especially in agriculture that consumes more than 70% of fresh water. Irrigation methods, which are based on scientific models (such as Penman-Monteith, Sebal, and Metric models) have the potential to improve on current irrigation practices. Generally, such approaches rely on combining two data sources; satellite data that provide information about the vegetation/biomass and weather that can be used ... L. Klein, F. Marianno, C. Albrecht, M. Hart, M. Freitag, H. Hamann |
435. Sensor-based Variable-rate N on Corn Reduced Nitrous Oxide EmissionsMore nitrogen fertilizer is applied to corn than to all other U.S. crops combined, contributing to atmospheric heat trapping when nitrous oxide is produced. Higher nitrogen rate is well known to increase nitrous oxide emissions, and earlier N application time may increase the window during which nitrous oxide can form. An experiment was initiated in 2012 comparing nitrogen management and drainage effects on corn yield and nitrous oxide emissions. Two nitrogen treatments... P. Scharf |
436. Aerial Photographs to Predict Yield Loss Due to N Deficiency in CornNitrogen fertilizer is a crucial input for corn production, and in the U.S. more nitrogen is applied to corn than to all other crops combined. In wet weather, nitrogen can be lost from soil by leaching and by denitrification. Which process predominates depends largely on soil drainage. Nitrogen deficiency in nearly any plant is expressed by a lighter green color of leaves than in nitrogen-sufficient plants. Nitrogen deficiency in corn can be easily seen from the air.&n... P. Scharf |
437. Almond Canopy Detection and Segmentation Using Remote Sensing Data DronesThe development of Unmanned Aerial System (UAV) makes it possible to take high resolution images of trees easily. These images could help better manage the orchard. However, more research is necessary to extract useful information from these images. For example, irrigation schedule and yield prediction both rely on accurate measurement of canopy size. In this paper, a workflow is proposed to count trees and measure the canopy size of each individual tree. The performances of three different m... T. Zhao, M. Cisneros, Y. Chen, Q. Yang, Y. Zhang |
438. Comparing Predictive Performance of Near Infrared Spectroscopy at a Field, Regional, National and Continental Scales by Using Spiking and Data Mining TechniquesThe development of accurate visible and near infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy calibration models for selected soil properties is a crucial step for variable rate application in precision agriculture. The objective of the present study was to compare the prediction performance of vis-NIR spectroscopy at local, regional, national and continental scales using data mining techniques including spiking. Fresh soil samples collected from farms in the UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark and the Nethe... S.M. Nawar, A.M. Mouazen, D. George, A. Manfield |
439. Comparative Benefits of Drone Imagery for Nitrogen Status Determination in CornRemotely sensed vegetation data provide an effective means of measuring the spatial variability of nitrogen and therefore of managing applications by taking intrafield variations into account. Satellites, drones and sensors mounted on agricultural machinery are all technologies that can be used for this purpose. Although a drone (or unmanned aerial vehicle [UAV]) can produce very high-resolution images, the comparative advantages of this type of imagery have not been demonstrated. The goal of... N. Tremblay, K. Khun, P. Vigneault, M.Y. Bouroubi, F. Cavayas, C. Codjia |
440. Time Series Study of Soybean Response Based on Adjusted Green Red IndexFour time-lapse cameras, Bushnell Nature View HD Camera (Bushnell, Overland Park, KS) were installed in a soybean field to track the response of soybean plants to solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, soil surface temperature, and soil temperature at 5-cm depth. The purpose was to confirm if visible spectroscopy can provide useful data for tracking the condition of crops and, if so, whether game and trail time-lapse cameras can serve as reliable crop sensing and monitoring devi... P.A. Larbi, S. Green |
441. A Data Fusion Method for Yield and Soil Sensor MapsUtilizing yield maps to their full potential has been one of the challenges in precision agriculture. A key objective for understanding patterns of yield variation is to derive management zones, with the expectation that several years of quality yield data will delineate consistent productivity zones. The anticipated outcome is a map that shows where soil productive potentials differ. In spite of the widespread usage of yield monitors, commercial agriculture has found it dif... E. Lund, C. Maxton, T. Lund |
442. Toward Geopolitical-Context-Enabled Interoperability in Precision Agriculture: AgGateway's SPADE, PAIL, WAVE, CART and ADAPTAgGateway is a nonprofit consortium of 240+ businesses working to promote, enable and expand eAgriculture. It provides a non-competitive collaborative environment, transparent funding and governance models, and anti-trust and intellectual property policies that guide and protect members’ contributions and implementations. AgGateway primarily focuses on implementing existing standards and collaborating with other organizations to extend them when necessary. In 2010 AgGateway id... R. Ferreyra, D.B. Applegate, A.W. Berger, D.T. Berne, B.E. Craker, D.G. Daggett, A. Gowler, R.J. Bullock, S.C. Haringx, C. Hillyer, T. Howatt, B.K. Nef, S.T. Rhea, J.M. Russo, S.T. Nieman, P. Sanders, J.A. Wilson, J.W. Wilson, J.W. Tevis, M.W. Stelford, T.W. Shearouse, E.D. Schultz, L. Reddy |
443. Understanding Climate Change: Look Beyond Weather StationsThe climate is changing yet many rely on long term average temperature and precipitation data to get an idea of what is “normal” for a field. However, weather is complex and relying on station data for long term averages isn’t the best method. First, station data is valid for that point and that point only. Single-site station data does not represent the spatial coverage needed to understand historic yields in the context of weather. In addition, the maintenance of that stat... T. Marquis |
444. Precision Farming Basics Manual - a Comprehensive Updated Textbook for Teaching and Extension EffortsToday precision agricultural technologies are limited by the lack of a workforce that is technology literate, creative, innovative, fully trained in their discipline, able to utilize and interpret information gained from information-age technologies to make smart management decisions, and have the capacity to convert locally collected information into practical solutions. As part of a grant entitled Precision Farming Workforce Development: Standards, Working Groups, and Experimental Lea... K. Shannon |
445. A Content Review of Precision Agriculture Courses Across the USKnowledge of what precision agriculture (PA) content is currently taught across the United States will help build a better understanding for what PA instructors should incorporate into their classes in the future. The University of Missouri partnered with several universities throughout the nation on a USDA challenge grant. Precision Agriculture faculty from 24 colleges/universities from across the U.S. shared their PA content by sharing their syllabi from 43 different courses. The syllabi we... D. Skouby, L. Schumacher, M. Yost, N.R. Kitchen |
446. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Needed in the Precision Ag Workforce: an Industry SurveyPrecision agriculture encompasses a set of related technologies aimed at better utilization of crop inputs, increasing yield and quality, reducing risks, and enabling information flow throughout the crop supply and end-use chains. The most widely adopted precision practices have been automated systems related to equipment steering and precise input application, such as autoguidance and section controllers. Once installed, these systems are relatively easy for farmers and their sup... B. Erickson, D.E. Clay, S.A. Clay, S. Fausti |
447. Welcome to ICPAWelcome from the ISPA President, Ken Sudduth. Ken will welcome our international guests and US attendees. He will also give an overview of the International Society of Precision Agriculture including membership updates and the new Communities initiative that is gaining momentum. ... K. Sudduth |
448. Climate Sensitivity Analysis on Maize Yield on the Basis of Precision Crop ProductionIn this paper by prediction we have defined maize yield in precision plant production technologies according to five different climate change scenarios (Ensembles Project) until 2100 and in one scenario until 2075 using DSSAT v. 4.5.0. CERES-Maize decision support model. Sensitivity analyses were carried out. The novelty of the method presented here is that precision, variable rate technologies from relatively small areas (in our case 2500 m2) enable a large amount of data to be co... A. Nyeki, G. Milics, A.J. Kovacs, M. Neményi, J. Kalmar |
449. 25 Years Precision Agriculture in Germany - a RetrospectiveIt all started with the availability of Global Positioning Systems for civil services in 1988. In the same year variable rate applications of fertilizers were demonstrated in northern Germany and Denmark, which were globally the first of their kind and introduced a new era of agricultural production. The idea of Computer Aided Farming (CAF) was born. Only one year later the first yield maps were established. In 1992 at the Soil Specific Crop Management Workshop in Bloomington, Minnesota which... H. Lilienthal, E. Schnug, S. Haneklaus |
450. Rationale for and Benefits of a Community for On-Farm Data SharingMost data sets for evaluating crop production practices have too few locations and years to create reliable probabilities from predictive analytical analyses for the success of the practices. Yield monitors on combines have the potential to enable networks of farmers in collaboration with scientists and farm advisors to collect sufficient data for calculation of more reliable guidelines for crop production showing the probabilities that new or existing practices will improve the efficiency of... T. Morris, N. Tremblay, P.M. Kyveryga, D.E. Clay, S. Murrell, I. Ciampitti, L. Thompson, D. Mueller, J. Seger |
451. Keynote Presentation: Building Sustainable Breadbaskets, Fostering Inclusive GrowthToday’s food and agriculture systems are becoming more productive to meet demand, along with a focus on sustainability thanks to the pioneering work of agricultural scientists and innovators, dedicated farmers, and forward thinking governments working with the private sector to make critical investments. As a result, over the last century, global agriculture and food prices have declined, on average, one percent per year, even while global population has grown from 2 billion in th... M. Zeigler |
452. ECPA and AACPAThe European Conference on Precision Agriculture will be held in Edinburough, Scotland, July 16-20, 2017. http://www.ecpa2017.com ... C. Mackenzie, C. Blacker |
453. The Agriculture Operations Center: the Answer to “What If...”Can’t farming be simpler? Yes…with an Agriculture Operations Center -- we call it the AGOC, and it’s the next big step for precision agriculture. Leveraging decades of lessons from the US Air Force, the AGOC provides the ability to schedule, execute, collect, consolidate, and distribute all the support a farmer needs from satellites, piloted aircraft, unmanned aircraft, sensing, modeling, and analysis…all packaged into “one stop shopping.”&nbs... M. Zamzow |
454. ISPA Election Results and New ISPA Board... K. Sudduth |
455. Allelopathic Effects of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) on Germination and Growth of Wild Barley (Hordeum Spontaneum)Sunflower [Helianthus annuus (L.) Koch.] contains watersoluble allelochemicals that inhibit the ermination and growth of other species. This characteristic could be used in weed management programmes. Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects on wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch.) germination and seedling growth of(i) preceding crops, (ii) fresh sunflower residue incorporation, and (iii) sunflower leaf, stem, flower and root water extract concen... Z.Y. Ashrafi, H.R. Mashhadi, S. Sadeghi |
456. Effect of Soil Solarization, a Nonchemical Method, on the Control of Egyptian Boomrape (Orobanche Aegyptiaca) and Yield Improvement in Greenhouse Grown CucumberCucumber cultivation in the Mediterranean region is susceptible to infestation by the parasitic weed egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca), and severe yield losses can result. The effectiveness of solarization, a soil disinfection technique that uses passive solar heating, to control the incidence of broomrape under greenhouse conditions was studied over two growing seasons. Solarization was accomplished by the application of clear polyethylene sheets to moist soil for 50 to 65 d... Z.Y. Ashrafi, H.M. Alizadeh, S. Sadeghi |
457. Nitrogen Management in Lowland RiceRice is staple diet for more than fifty percent of the world population and nitrogen (N) deficiency is one of the major yields limiting constraints in most of the rice producing soils around the world. The lowland rice N recovery efficiency is <50% of applied fertilizers in most agro-ecological regions. The low N efficiency is associated with losses caused by leaching, volatilization, surface runoff, and denitrification. Hence, improving N use efficiency is crucial for higher yields, low c... N.K. Fageria, A.B. Santos |
458. A Software for Managing Remotely Sensed Imagery of Orchards Plantations for Precision AgricultureAgronomic and environmental characteristics of fruit orchards/ forests can be automatically assessed from remote-sensing images by a computer programme named Clustering Assessment (CLUAS®). The aim of this paper is to describe the operational procedure of CLUAS and illustrate examples of the information provided for citrus orchards and Mediterranean forest. CLUAS® works as an additional menu (“add-on”) of ENVI®, a world-wide known image-processing programme, and operat... L. Garcia-torres, J.M. Peña-barragán, D. Gómez-candón, F. López-granados, M. Jurado-expósito |
459. Evaluation of the Effects of Telone Ii on Nitrogen Management and Yield in Louisiana Delta CottonResearch indicates that cotton yield on light soils within the alluvial flood plain of the Lower Mississippi delta may be increased by using chemical fumigation applications of Telone II and/or seed treatments to control infestations of plant parasitic nematodes. There is a documented interaction with fumigation and nitrogen and therefore a need to further understand the performance of site- specific treatment strategies for nitrogen (N) and fumigation treatments. In a small plot test conduct... E. Burris, D. Burns, K.S. Mccarter, C. Overstreet, M. Wolcott |
460. Prediction of Nitrogen Needs with Nitrogen-rich Strips and Ramped Nitrogen StripsBoth nitrogen rich strips and ramped nitrogen strips have been used to estimate topdress nitrogen needs for winter wheat based on in-season optical reflectance data. The ramped strip system places a series of small plots in each field with increasing levels of nitrogen to determine the application rate at which predicted yield response to nitrogen reaches a plateau. The nitrogen-rich strip system uses a nitrogen fertilizer optimization algorithm based on optical reflectance measures from the ... D.C. Roberts, B.W. Brorsen, W.R. Raun, J.B. Solie |
461. Seeding and Planting Plots for Crop Performance Evaluation Using Gps-rtk Auto SteeringCrop performance evaluation plots are seeded both on and off the University of Nebraska West Central Research and Extension Center. Plots off the Center must match the producer’s rows for pesticide application, cultivation, ditching, irrigation, fertilization and any other operations performed in the fields. With row crops the producer blank-plants the plot area before we can follow up with planting the plots. This means that we have to wait for the producer to plant in the field. Blank... R.N. Klein, J.A. Golus, A.S. Cox |
462. Economics of Gps-enabled Navigation TechnologiesTo address the economic feasibility of global positioning system (GPS) enabled navigation technologies including automated guidance and lightbar, a linear programming model was formulated using data from Midwestern U.S. Corn Belt farms. Five scenarios were compared: (i) a baseline scenario with foam, disk or other visual marker reference, (ii) lightbar navigation with basic GPS availability (+/-3 dm accuracy), (iii) lightbar with satellite subscription correction GPS (+/-1 dm), (iv) automated... T.W. Griffin, D.M. Lambert, J. Lowenberg-deboer |
463. Evaluating Spatial Effects Induced by Alternative On- Farm Trial Experimental Designs with Cross-regressive Variables Using Monte Carlo MethodsThe goal of this research was to adapt spatial regression methods to on-farm trials in a farm management context. Different experimental designs and statistical analysis methods are tested with site-specific data under a range of spatial autocorrelation levels using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. Simulations indicated that data usable for farm management decision making could be gathered from limited replication experimental designs if that data were analyzed with the appropriate spatial ... T.W. Griffin, R.J. G.m. florax, J. Lowenberg-deboer |
464. Precision Nitrogen Management Based on Nitrogen Removal in Rainfed WheatGrowers of hard red spring wheat may capture price premiums for maximizing the protein concentration of their grain. Nitrogen (N) nutrition adequacy is crucial to achieving high grain protein concentration. The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of N removal maps by comparing grain protein, yields, and dollar returns obtained from this precision N management approach with that from conventional uniform N management. Strip plot experiments were designed to compare spatiall... D.J. Bonfil, I. Mufradi, S. Asido, D.S. Long |
465. Terrain Modeling to Improve Soil Survey in North DakotaUsers of site-specific technologies would prefer to use digitized soil survey boundaries to help in delineating management zones for nutrient application. However, the present scale of soil type does not allow meaningful zone delineation. A project was conducted to use terrain modeling and other site- specific tools to delineate smaller-scale soil type boundaries that would be more useful for directing within-field nutrient management. Topography, soil EC, yield mapping and satellite imagery ... D.W. Franzen, J.L. Boettinger |
466. Regional Usefulness of Nitrogen Management Zone Delineation ToolsIn the Northern Plains of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota, a number of site-specific tools have been used to delineate nitrogen management zones. A three-year study was conducted using yield mapping, elevation measurements, satellite imagery, aerial Ektochrome® photography, and soil EC to delineate nitrogen management zones and compare these zones to residual fall soil nitrate. At most of the sites, variable-rate N was applied and compared with uniform N application. The site-specific... D. Franzen, F. Casey, J. Staricka, D. Long, J. Lamb, A. Sims, M. Halvorson, V. Hofman |
467. Summary of Forty Years of Grid Sampling ResearchBetween the years of 1961 and 2001, two 12.5-ha fields in Illinois were sampled for soil pH, and available P and K in a 24.3-m grid. One field was sampled beginning in 1961 while the other field was sampled from 1982. At each sampling, the samples were obtained in the same grid. This resulted in the ability not only to compare grid sample density to delineate fertility patterns within the fields, but also to determine the rate of soil test change with P and K applications, the change in ferti... D.W. Franzen |
468. High Capacity System for Precision Agriculture Reconnaissance and IntelligenceIcaros-Demeter has developed a lightweight, compact remote sensing system with a potential for producing 100,000 acre (400km-2) thematic maps per day with high resolution digital RGB/CIR CMOS sensors. The Icaros- Demeter system enables fast, precise location of multiple area and spots types. The system’s ability for producing high precision Digital Surface Models (DSM) over vast areas, offers a direct method for computing agricultural biomass via volume calculations, instead of common i... E. Ram, M. Shechter, E. Sela |
469. On-combine Near Infrared Spectroscopy Applied to Prediction of Grain Test WeightWhole grain near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a widely accepted method for analysis of the protein and moisture contents of grain, but is seldom applied to predict test weight. Test weight is a widely used specification for grading of wheat and predictor of flour yield. The objective of this study was to determine whether NIR spectroscopy could be used for measuring the test weight of grain. Reference grain samples of hard red spring wheat were obtained from dryland fields in the semiarid N... D.J. Bonfil, I. Mufradi, S. Asido, D.S. Long |
470. Development of Real-time Color Analysis for the On- Line Automated Weeding OperationsWeeds compete with the crop for water, light, nutrients and space, and therefore reduce crop yields and also affect the efficient use of machinery. Chemical sprayer is the most popular method to eradicate weeds but has cause hazardous to the environment, crops and workers. A smart sprayer is required to control the usage of chemical weedicides at the optimal level. Thus an on-line automated sprayer is introduced to the Malaysian farmers to locate in the real time environment the existence and... W. Wan ismail, K. Abdul rahman |
471. Development of an Airborne Remote Sensing System for Aerial ApplicatorsAn airborne remote sensing system was developed and tested for recording aerial images of field crops, which were analyzed for variations of crop health or pest infestation. The multicomponent system consists of a multi-spectral camera system, a camera control system, and a radiometer for normalizing images. To overcome the difficulties currently associated with correlating imagery data with what is actually occurring on the ground (a process known as ground truthing); a hyperspectral reflect... Y. Lan, Y. Huang, D.E. Martin, W.C. Hoffmann, B.K. Fritz, J.D. López |
472. Using Pricise Gps/gis Based Barley Yield Maps to Predict Site-specific Phosphorus RequirementsThree fundamental stages and technologies as main parts of a precision farming project should be considered precisely. These are access to actual multi- dimensional variability detail or variable description on farms, creating a suitable variable-rate technology, and finally providing a decision support system. Some results of a long term practical research conducted by the author in Upon-Tyne Newcastle University of UK for reliable yield monitoring and mapping were utilised to prepare this p... A. Sanaei |
473. Precision Farming by Means of Remote Sensing.In order to improve the wine quality a study has been carried out on a vineyard. From two different types of satellite images, 5 products have been obtained and represented in maps. DMC-UK images, with a resolution of 32 meters and QUICK-BIRD images, with a resolution of 0.6 meters have been used. Through the bands of these images, the following products were obtained: the NDVI, with which users find out which zones in their estates have the worst condition; Mean Vegetation State, which is a ... J.L. Casanova, S. Fraile, A. Romo, J. Sanz, C. Moclán |
474. Precision Placement of Corn Gluten Meal for Weed Control in Organic Vegetable ProductionOrganic vegetable producers rank weeds as one of their most troublesome, time consuming, and costly production problems. As a result of the limited number of organically approved weed control herbicides, the precision placement of these materials increases their potential usefulness in organic production systems. As a non-selective preemergence or preplant-incorporated herbicide, corn gluten meal (CGM) inhibits root development; decreases shoot length, and reduces plant survival. The developm... C.L. Webber iii, M.J. Taylor, J.W. Shrefler |
475. Identifying Critical Landscape Areas for Precision Conservation in the Minnesota River BasinThe Minnesota River Basin generates a disproportionately high amount of total suspended sediments to the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Many reaches in the Minnesota River Basin have impaired water quality due to turbidity. Critical landscapes can be divided into depressional areas, riparian areas, highly erodible lands, and areas susceptible to ephemeral gullies or ravines. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were utilized, and terrain analysis was conducted using digital elevation models i... J. Galzki, J. Nelson, D. Mulla |
476. Seasonal Patterns of Vegetative Indices Over Cropping SystemsRemote sensing of reflectance in the visible and near-infrared portions of the spectrum has been used for agronomic applications for a number of years. The combination of different wavelengths into vegetative indices have proven useful for a variety of applications that range from biomass, leaf area, leaf chlorophyll, yield, crop residue, and crop damage. To help refine our understanding of vegetative indices studies were conducted on corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), whea... J.L. Hatfield, J.H. Prueger |
477. Spatial Patterns of Nitrogen Response Within Corn Production FieldsCorn (Zea mays L.) yield response to nitrogen (N) application is critical to being able to develop management practices that reduce N application or improve N use efficiency. Nitrogen rate studies have been conducted within small plots; however, there have been few field scale evaluations. This study was designed to evaluate N response across 14 corn fields in central Iowa using different rates of N applied in strips across fields. These fields ranged in size from 15 to 130 ha with N... J.L. Hatfield |
478. Developing Nitrogen Algorithms for Corn Production Using Optical SensorsRemote sensing for nitrogen management in cereal crops has been an intensive research area due to environmental concerns and economic realities of today’s agronomic system. In the search for improved nitrogen rate decisions, what approach is most often taken and are those approaches justified through scientific investigation? The objective of this presentation is to educate decision makers on how these algorithms are developed and evaluate how well they work in the field on a small-plot... R.W. Mullen, S.B. Phillips, W.R. Raun, W.E. Thomason |
479. Variability in Observed and Sensor Based Estimated Optimum N Rates in CornRecent research showed that active sensors such as Crop Circle can be used to estimate in-season N requirements for corn. The objective of this research was to identify sources of variability in the observed and Crop Circle-estimated optimum N rates. Field experiments were conducted at two locations for a total of five sites during the 2007 growing season using a randomized complete block design with increasing N rates applied at V6-V8 (NV6) as the treatment factor. Field sites were selected ... R.P. Sripada, J.P. Schmidt |
480. Controller Performance Criteria for Sensor Based Variable Rate ApplicationSensor based variable rate application of crop inputs provides unique challenges for traditional rate controllers when compared to map based applications. The controller set point is typically changing every second whereas with a map based systems the set point changes much less frequently. As applied data files for a sensor based variable rate nitrogen applicator were obtained from a wheat field in north central Oklahoma. These data were analyzed to determine the magnitude and frequency of r... R.K. Taylor, P. Bennur, J.B. Solie, N. Wang, P. Weckler, W.R. Raun |
481. A Case Study Approach for Teaching and Applying Precision AgricultureStudents often struggle understanding precision agriculture principles and how these principles can be applied to farming operations. A case-study approach that requires students to own a recreational global positioning system (GPS) for collecting on-farm data could be a method for helping students understand and apply precision agriculture. This paper describes a case-study approach to teaching precision agriculture using student owned GPS units and geographical information systems (GIS) sof... J.D. Williams |
482. Detection of Citrus Canker in Orange Plantation Using Fluorescence SpectroscopyCitrus canker is a serious disease, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Citri bacteria, which infects orange trees (Citrus aurantium L.), leading to a large economic loss in the orange juice production. Brazil produces 50% of the industrialized orange juice in the world. Therefore, the early detection and control of such disease is important for Brazilian economy. However this task is very hard and so far it has been done by naked eye inspection of each tree. Our goal is to... E.C. Lins, J. Belasque junior, L.G. Marcassa |
483. Plant and N Impacts on Corn (Zea Mays) Growth: Whats Controlling Yield?Studies were conducted in South Dakota to assess mechanisms of intraspecific competition between corn (Zea mays) plants. Treatments were two plant populations (74,500 and 149,000 plants ha-1), three levels of shade (0, 40, and 60%) on the low plant population, two water treatments (natural precipitation and natural + irrigation), and two N rates (0 and 228 kg N ha-1). In-season leaf chlorophyll content was measured. At harvest, grain and stover yields were quantified with grain 13C-d... D.E. Clay, S.A. Clay, G. Reicks, D. Horvath |
484. Principal Component Analysis of Rice Production Environment in the Rice Terrace RegionEnvironmental conditions that affect rice production, such as air temper- ature, relative humidity, solar radiation, effective cation exchangeable capacity (ECEC) of the soil, and total nitrogen in irrigation water, were assessed for 4 paddy fields in Hoshino village, Fukuoka prefecture in Japan. Also, environ- mental factors that affected rice quality (physicochemical properties of rice grains and cooked rice) were identified using data during the beginning of a ripening period (20 days afte... Y. Hirai, Y. Beppu, Y. Mori, K. Tomita, K. Hamagami, K. Mori, S. Uchida, S. Inaba |
485. Remote Sensing-based Biomass Maps for an Efficient Use of FertilizersFor decades the main objective of farmers was to get the highest yields from their farmland. Nowadays, quality of agricultural products is becoming more and more important for the largest returns. In addition, the effects on our environment are also becoming important. These put increasing limitations on modern agriculture. So-called site-specific management can optimize the input of, for instance, nutrients and pesticides to the need of the plants. In this study, the objective was to study w... J.G. P.w clevers, K.H. Wijnholds, J.N. Jukema |
486. Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Agriculture: a Case with Dragon FruitGlobal and local concerns about food safety are turning food traceability into a trade requirement. Typically, a Food Traceability Scheme (FTS) discloses information about food production and its distribution process. A reliable FTS will increase consumer trust in the quality and safety of farm produce. In Malaysia, dragon fruit is a profitable commodity that is growing in export value. Hence, dragon fruit is an excellent candidate for FTS solution development. ... S.K. Balasundram, M.H. Husni |
487. Mapping Surface Soil Properties Using Terrain and Remotely Sensed Data in Arsanjan Plain, Southern IranSustainable land management and land use planning require reliable information about the spatial distribution of the physical and chemical soil properties affecting both landscape processes and services. Spatial prediction with the presence of spatially dense ancillary variables has attracted research in pedometrics. The main objective of this research is to enhance prediction of soil properties such electrical conductivity (ECe), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), available phosphorus (P)... M. Baghernejad, M. Emadi |
488. A New Approach for Quantitative Land Suitability Evaluation Using Geostatistics, Remote Sensing (Rs) and Geographic Information System (Gis)The objective of this study was to incorporate geostatistics, remote sensing and geographic information system methods due to improving the quantitative land suitability assessment in Arsanjan plain, southern Iran. The primary data was collected from 85 soil samples from tree depths (030, 3060 and 6090 cm) and the secondary information from remotely sensed data “LISSIII receiver from IRSP6 satellite”. In order to identify the spatial dependence of soil imp... M. Baghernejad, M. Emadi |
489. Precision Agriculture Practices for Sustaining Productivity and Profitability in Reclaimed Sodic Soils in Northwest IndiaIndo-gangetic alluvial plain comprising of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states is a food bowl of India. These states contribute significant quantity of food grains particularly rice and wheat to the central pool. However, in the recent past, the productivity of the dominant rice-wheat cropping system in reclaimed alkali (sodic) soils is either stagnating or decreasing with the associated problems of declining water table levels, decreasing levels of organic matter in the soil, nutrient i... G. Singh |
490. 3d Object Recognition, Localization and Treatment of Rumex Obtusifolius in Its Natural EnvironmentRumex obtusifolius is one of the most highly competitive and persistent sorts of weed in agriculture. An automatic recognition and plant-treatment system is currently under development as an alternative treatment technique. An infrared-laser triangulation sensor and a high-resolution smart camera are used to generate 3D images of the weeds and their natural environment. In a segmentation process, contiguous surface patches are separated from one other. These 3D surface patc... M. Holpp, T. Anken, D. Seatovic, R. Grueninger, R. Hueppi |
491. Technological Improvement on Sugar Cane Yield MonitorThis paper presents the technological improvement on sugar cane yield monitor. The system designed employs load cells as an instrument for weighing billets, set up on the side conveyor of the harvester before the sugar cane billets are dropped into a field transport wagon. This data, along with the information gathered by GPS installed on the harvester, enabled the elaboration of a digital yield map using GIS. In order to improve the yield monitor a re-design of the first prototype was accomp... D.G. Cerri, G.R. Gray, P.S. Magalhães |
492. Use of a Cropping System Model for Soil-specific Optimization of Limited WaterIn the arena of modern agriculture, system models capable of simulating the complex interactions of all the relevant processes in the soil-water-plant- atmosphere continuum are widely accepted as potential tools for decision support to optimize crop inputs of water to achieve location specific yield potential while minimizing environmental (soil and water resources) impacts. In a recent study, we calibrated, validated, and applied the CERES-Maize v4.0 model for simulating limited-water irriga... L.R. Ahuja, S.A. Saseendran, L. Ma, D.C. Nielsen, T.J. Trout, A.A. Andales, N.C. Hansen |
493. Managing Soil Moisture on Turf Grass Using a Portable Wave ReflectometerThe agronomic needs of grass pose many challenges to managing irrigation on golf greens and lawns. Superintendents must keep putting greens as dry and firm as possible without allowing them to die. Commercial and residential landscapes are expected to look lush and green. But soil moisture has high spatial variability, including hot spots that can rapidly become critically low in available water. One common method of measuring soil moisture is to take core samples and assess moisture content ... D.L. Kieffer, T.S. O'connor |
494. Thermal Characterization and Spatial Analysis of Water Stress in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) and Phytochemical Composition Related to Water Stress in Soybean (Glycine Max)Studies were designed to explore spatial relationships of water and/or heat stress in cotton and soybeans and to assess factors that may influence yield potential. Investigations focused on detecting the onset of water/heat stress in row crops using thermal and multispectral imagery with ancillary physicochemical data such as soil moisture status and photosynthetic pigment concentrations. One cotton field with gradations in soil texture showed distinct patterns in thermal imagery, matching pa... S.J. Thomson, S.L. Defauw, P.J. English, J.E. Hanks, D.K. Fisher, P.N. Foster, P.V. Zimba |
495. Site-specific Irrigation of Peanuts on a Coastal Plain FieldIrrigator-Pro is an expert system that prescribes irrigation for corn (Zea mays L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea). We conducted an experiment in 2007 to evaluate Irrigator-Pro as a tool for variable rate irrigation of peanut using a site-specific center pivot irrigation system. Treatments were irrigation of whole plots based on the expert system, irrigation of individual soils within plots based on the expert system, irrigation of ind... |
496. Precision Management of Cattle Feedlot WasteOpen-lot cattle feeding operations face challenges in control of nutrient runoff, leaching, and gaseous emissions. This report investigates the use of precision management of saline soils as found on 1) feedlot surfaces and on a 2) vegetative treatment area (VTA) utilized to control feedlot runoff. An electromagnetic induction soil conductivity meter was used to collect apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) from a feedlot pen and a research VTA at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, C... |
497. Zone Mapping Application for Precision-farming: a Decision Support Tool for Variable Rate ApplicationWe have developed a web-based decision support tool, Zone Mapping Application for Precision Farming (ZoneMAP, http://zonemap.umac.org), which can automatically determine the optimal number of management zones and delineate them using satellite imagery and field survey data provided by users. Application rates, say for fertilizer, can be prescribed for each zone and downloaded in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with GPS-enabled farming applicators. ZoneMAP is linked to Digital Nor... X. Zhang, C. Helgason, G. Seielstad, L. Shi |
498. Crop Water Stress Mapping for Site Specific Irrigation by Thermal Imagery and Artificial Reference SurfacesVariable rate irrigation machines or solid set systems have become technically feasible; however, crop water status mapping is necessary as a blueprint to match irrigation quantities to site-specific crop water demands. Remote thermal sensing can provide these maps in sufficient detail and at a timely delivery. In a set of aerial and ground scans at the Hula Valley, Israel, digital crop water stress maps were generated using geo-referenced high- resolution thermal imagery and artificial refer... M. Meron, J. Tsipris, V. Orlov, V. Alchnatis, Y. Cohen |
499. Map@Syst – Geospatial Solutions for Rural and Community SustainabilityMap@Syst is a part of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES) eXtension online Web information service. eXtension is an educational partnership of more than 70 universities to provide online access to objective, research-based information and educational opportunities. Map@Syst is a Wiki-based Web site assembled and maintained cooperatively by geospatial technology educational specialists and practitioners. Map@Syst is a primary source of geospatial infor... P. Rasmussen, J. Nowatzki |
500. Application of Geographic Information Systems in Socioeconomic Analysis: A Case of Integrated Soil Fertility Management in the Savannas of NigeriaPopulation pressure increases, shortened fallow cycles, cropping intensification, inaccessibility and low output prices as well as concerns about agricultural sustainability and self-sufficiency have combined to contribute to increased demand for integrated soil fertility management of the agricultural resource base. Following this situation, organic fertilizer in the form of animal manure becomes one of the principal sources of nutrients for soil fertility maintenance and crop production. He... O. Olayide, A. Alene, A. Ikpi, G. Nziguheba, T. Alabi |
501. Teaching Critical Thinking Skills Using Geospatial Technology As Instructional ToolsTechniques in data collection and analysis of data are important concepts for students of precision farming. Also needed in conjunction with these concepts are critical thinking and problem solving skills. Employers often list critical thinking skills as one of the most important characteristics for new employees. Helping students experience and acquire critical thinking skills can be difficult. Geospatial technologies are not only useful precision farming tools, they are also educational too... T.A. Brase |
502. Soil Moisture, Organic Matter and Potassium Influences on Eca MeasurementSpatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties is a fundamental element of site-specific soil and crop management. Since its early implementation in agriculture as a method of measuring soil salinity, the acceptance of Apparent Electrical Conductivity (ECa) in agriculture has been popular as a method of determining the spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties that influence the ECa estimates. It was the objective of this study to examine the spatial-temporal ... R.R. Struthers, C.J. Johannsen, D.K. Morris |
503. A Tree Planting Site-Specific Fumigant Applicator for Orchard CropsThe goal of this research was to use recent advances in the global positioning system and computer technology to apply just the right amount of fumigant where it is most needed (i.e., in the neighborhood of each tree planting site or tree- planting-site-specific application) to decrease the incidence of replant disease, and achieve the environmental and economical benefits of reducing the application of these toxic chemicals. In the first year of this study we retrofitted a chemical applicato... S.K. Upadhayaya, V. Udompetaikul, M.S. Shafii, G.T. Browne |
504. Evaluation of Utilization Potential for Methods of Georeference in the Management of Weed Contamination of Potato CulturesCombating crop contamination with harmful invasive species is one of the main themes of agricultural research. For the potato cultures, the weed contamination decreases not only the quality but also the quantity of the harvest. The most invasive contamination for this culture is represented by the Agropyron repens and Sorgum halepense, two invasive and very nocive species characterized by underground stems able to penetrate the potato¢s tubercle and decrease their stora... L. Musetescu, M. Gidea |
505. The Review of Studying and Using Advanced Technologies for Site Specific Management in Konya, TurkeyUsing advanced (information) technologies in agriculture is increasing rapidly especially in the developed countries such as USA, Japan, and some members of EU. Advanced technologies in agriculture are mostly based on sensors. Site specific management is a form of agricultural management, which is governed by optimum use of variables. Input such as chemical, water, and seed in agricultural production can be managed by using the technologies. Geographic information systems (GIS), Global Positi... K. Pecker, F.M. Botsali, A. Topal, M. Zengin |
506. Increasing Profitability & Sustainability of Maize Using Site-Specific Crop Management in New ZealandPrecision agriculture (PA) tools and techniques have been used in New Zealand (NZ) since the early 1990's. There has been wide-scale uptake of some PA tools such as autosteer; planter and sprayer section control; and variable-rate irrigation. However, there has been a limited uptake of Site-Specific Crop Management (SSCM) using variable-rate seeding, nutrient and lime applications to different Management Zones (MZ). This paper outlines examples of the use of SSCM on maize crops,... A.W. Holmes, G. Jiang |
507. Estimating Cotton Water Requirements Using Sentinel-2Crop coefficient (Kc)-based estimation of crop water consumption is one of the most commonly used methods for irrigation management. Spectral modeling of Kc is possible due to the high correlations between Kc and the crop phenologic development and spectral reflectance. In this study, cotton evapotranspiration was measured in the field using several methods, including eddy covariance, surface renewal, and heat pulse. Kc was estimated as the ratio between reference evapotrans... O. Rozenstein, N. Haymann, G. Kaplan , J. Tanny |
508. Elimination of Spatial Variability Using Variable Rate Drip Irrigation (VRDI) in VineyardsVineyards worldwide are subjected to spatial variability, which can be exhibited in both low and high yield areas meaning that the vineyard is not achieving his full yield potential. In addition, the grapes quality is not uniformed leading to different wine qualities from the same plot. The assumption is that a variability in available water for the plant due to soil variability leads to the observed yield variability. A variable rate drip irrigation (VRDI) concept was developed to reduce suc... I. Nadav |
509. Experimental Study Using Wind Tunnel for Measuring Variability of Spray Drift SedimentationSpray drift is defined as physical movement of pesticides by air action as a particle droplet and is not deposited on the intended target. Evaluation of the parameters affecting on spray drift is difficult. The accurate studies are expensive, as well as, the variability is high under field conditions due to instability in wind speed and turbulence. Wind tunnel experiments are adequate to simulate the results of field measurements for spray drift. A laboratory experiments were carried out to s... M.H. Alheidary, J. Douzals, C. Sinfort |
510. Internet of things platform for smart farming: case study for Koregaon village as present concern and future aspects of rural developmentInternet of Things (IoT) has been proving its vital role across the industries, retail, health care, military, manufactures and many more. Among the various industries, the one sector it is quickly catching up with is the agriculture. With the concept of smart farming and digital India, it is gaining popularity like never before and is coming with the potential to offer high precision crop control, irrigation, data collection, automation in farming, storage and food chain. In this paper IoT b... S.K. Shinde, R.S. Govekar, A.D. Shaligram, M.L. Dongare |
511. Comparison of different imaging sensors of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for wheat yield predictionWheat is the third-largest field crop in the U.S., many corresponding strategies can be made in advance if wheat yield can be predicted before the harvest time. Three different imaging sensors (RGB, RG-NIR and hyperspectral imaging) mounted on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) were used to predict wheat yield in this study. RGB camera could provide three bands (R, G and B channels) and RG-NIR could provide another three bands (R, G and NIR channels), while hyperspectral imaging could produce... C. Yang, C. Xie, K. Liberatore, S. Kianian |
512. Crop Row Detection in Maize Fields Inspired on the Human Visual PerceptionIt is easy to be interfered with the existing crop positioning method and the slower processing speed, a method of crop line image robust inverse perspective transformation based on vanishing point detection is proposed. Inverse perspective mapping (IPM) has been widely used in computer vision and road traffic makings detection and recognition. Inverse perspective mapping is the inverse process of perspective mapping. It maps the image from the image coordinates to the world coordinate by a c... Z. Xueguan, F. Pengfei, M. Wei, W. Xiu |
513. Using Deep Learning - Convolutional Naural Networks (CNNS) for Real-Time Fruit Detection in the TreeImage/video processing for fruit detection in the tree using hard-coded feature extraction algorithms have shown high accuracy on fruit detection during recent years. While accurate, these approaches even with high-end hardware are still computationally intensive and too slow for real-time systems. This paper details the use of deep convolution neural networks architecture based on single-stage detectors. Using deep-learning techniques eliminates the need for hard-code specific features for s... K. Bresilla, L. Manfrini, A. Boini, G. Perulli, B. Morandi, L.C. Grappadelli |
514. Computer vision of Camelina sativa under salt stress using a plant phenomics platform.Climate change and environmental pollution will have a great impact on food security worldwide. The temperature increases cause, and will continue causing, more frequent drought events and, as such, an increasing concentrations of soluble chemicals such as salt in the field. More than 30 % of the word’s irrigated areas are estimated to be perturbed by high salinity concentration affecting the productivity of crops. Camelina, also known as false flax, is a flowering plant that ... E. Vello, Y. Shao, T.E. Bureau |
515. Soil Microbial Communities Have Distinct Spatial Patterns in Agricultural FieldsSoil microbial communities mediate many important soil processes in agricultural fields, however their spatial distribution at distances relevant to precision agriculture is poorly understood. This study examined the soil physico-chemical properties and topographic features controlling the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities in a commercial potato field in eastern Canada using next generation sequencing. Soil was collected from a transect (1100 m) with 83 sampling points in a l... B. Zebarth, C. Goyer, S. Neupane, S. Li, A. Mills, S. Whitney, A. Cambouris, I. Perron |
516. Economic and Environmental Impacts in Sugarcane Production to Meet the Brazilian Ethanol Demands by 2030: The Role of Precision AgricultureThe agreement signed at COP-21 reaffirms the vital compromise of Brazil with sugarcane and ethanol production. To meet the established targets, the ethanol production should be 54 billion liters in 2030. From the agronomic standpoint, two alternatives are possible; increase the planted area and/or agricultural yield. The present study aimed to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts in sugarcane production meeting the established targets in São Paulo state. In this context, wer... G.M. Sanches, T.F. Cardoso, M.F. Chagas, A.C. Luciano, D.G. Duft, P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, A. Bonomi |
517. Potential of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity to Describe Soil Spatial Variability in Brazilian Sugarcane FieldsThe soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) has been highlighted in the literature as a tool with high potential to map the soil fertility of fields. However, sugarcane fields still lack results that show the applicability of this information to define the soil spatial variability and its fertility conditions. The objective of the present paper was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between ECa, evaluated by electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor, and the spatial va... G.M. Sanches, P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, A.Z. Remacre |
518. Applying a Bivariate Frequency Ratio Technique for Potato High Yield Susceptibility MappingSpatial variation of soil characteristics and vegetation conditions are viewed as the most important indicators of crop yield status. Therefore, this study was designed to develop a crop yield prediction model through spatial autocorrelation between the actual yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop and selected yield status indicators (soil N, EC, pH, texture and vegetation condition), where the vegetation condition was represented by the cumulative normalized difference vegetation index... K. Al-gaadi, A.A. Hassaballa, E. Tola, R. Madugundu, A.G. Kayad |
519. Understanding Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Available Nutrients with Satellite Remote SensingSoil available nutrients are the key determinants in crop growth, field stable output and ecological balance. The soil nutrients loss and surplus can strongly influence the stability of field ecological environment and cause unnecessary pollution. Hence, optimizing the status of soil available nutrients status has significant ecological and economic significance. With the advancement of mechanized farming and control technologies, soil available nutrients can be optimize by variable rate fert... J. Meng, H. Fang, Z. Cheng |
520. An Economic Feasibility Assessment for Adoption of Autonomous Field Machinery in Row Crop ProductionA multi-faceted whole farm planning model was developed to compare conventional and autonomous machinery for grain crop production. Results suggested that autonomous machinery could be an economically viable alternative to conventional manned machinery if the establishment of intelligent controls was cost effective. An increase in net returns of 22% over operating with conventional machinery was found. This study also identified the break-even investment price for intelligen... J.M. Shockley, C. Dillon |
521. A Tool for Monitoring Genetic Selection Differentials in Dairy Herds in CanadaA software tool was developed to allow a dairy producer and/or agricultural advisor to monitor the genetic selection differentials (GSD) that a dairy farm is making. The objectives of this study were (i) to monitor GSD in individual farms, over years, so that producers can be advised as to whether or not they are achieving their selection objectives (and hence optimizing productivity and profitability); (ii) the development of a prototype software tool and visualization model to assist produc... B.A. Hagan, R.I. Cue |
522. Rumex and Urtica Detection in Grassland by UAVPrevious work (Binch & Fox, 2017) used autonomous ground robotic platforms to successfully detect Urtica (nettle) and Rumex (dock) weeds in grassland, to improve farm productivity and the environment through precision herbicide spraying. It assumed that ground robots swathe entire fields to both detect and spray weeds, but this is a slow process as the slow ground platform must drive over every square meter of the field even where there are no weeds. The present study examines a complimen... A. Binch, N. Cooke, C.W. Fox |
523. Development of a Small Tracking Device for Cattle Using IoT TechnologyThe US is the largest producer of beef in the world. Last year alone, it produces nearly 19% of the world’s beef. This translate to about almost $90 billion in economic impact in the country. Aside from being a producer, the US also consumed more than 26 billion pounds of beef which have a retail value of the entire beef industry to more than $74B. For this level of production and consumption, each rancher in the US must produce a herd size of at least 100 or more to sustain the c... J.M. Maja, A.K. Blocker, E.G. Stuckey, S.G. Sell, G. Tuttle, J. Mueller, J. Andrae |
524. Yield Assessment of a 270 000 Plant Perennial Ryegrass Field Trial Using a Multispectral Aerial Imaging PlatformCurrent assessment of non-destructive yield in forage breeding programs relies largely on the visual assessment by experts, who would categorize biomass to a discrete scale. Visual assessment of biomass yield has inherent pitfalls as it can generate bias between experimental repeats and between different experts. Visual assessment is also time-consuming and would be impractical on large-scale field trials. A method has been established to allow for a rapid, non-destructive assessment of bioma... P.E. Badenhorst, A. Phelan |
525. Digital Transformation of Canadian Agri-FoodAgriculture in Canada is on the cusp of a dramatic revolution as a result of the digital transformation of the industry driven by the emergence of tools such as Precision Agri-Food Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT, a network of interconnected physical devices capable of connecting to the internet). With the expected exponential growth of data from the application of innovative technologies such as IoT by the Canadian Agri-Food industry, Canada has the potential to gain valuable in... K.J. Hand |
526. Mapping Cotton Plant Height Using Digital Surface Models Derived from Overlapped Airborne ImageryHigh resolution aerial images captured from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) are recently being used to measure plant height over small test plots for phenotyping, but airborne images from manned aircraft have the potential for mapping plant height more practically over large fields. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the feasibility to measure cotton plant height from digital surface models (DSMs) derived from overlapped airborne imagery and compare the image-based estimates with ... C. Yang |
527. From Data to Decisions - Ag Technologies Provide New Opportunities and Challenges with On-Farm ResearchU.S. farmers are challenged to increase crop production while achieving greater resource use efficiency. The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network (NOFRN), enables farmers to answer critical production, profitability, and sustainability questions with their own fields and equipment. The NOFRN is sponsored by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension and derives from two separate on-farm research efforts, the earliest originating in 1990. Over the course of the last 29 years... L. Thompson, K. Glewen, N. Mueller, J. Luck |
528. A Long-Term Precision Agriculture System Maintains ProfitabilityAfter two decades of availability of grain yield-mapping technology, long-term trends in field-scale profitability for precision agriculture (PA) systems and conservation practices can now be assessed. Field-scale profitability of a conventional or ‘business-as-usual’ system with an annual corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max [L.]) rotation and annual tillage was assessed for 11 years on a 36-ha field in central Missouri during 1993 to 2003. Following this, a ‘precision a... M.A. Yost, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S.T. Drummond, R.E. Massey |
529. Wireless Sensor System for Variable Rate IrrigationVariable rate irrigation (VRI) systems use intelligent electronic devices to control individual sprinklers or groups of sprinklers to deliver the desired amount irrigation water at each specific location within a field according to VRI prescriptions. Currently VRI systems, including software tools for generate prescription maps, are commercially available for VRI practices. However, algorithms and models are required to determine the desired amount of water that needs to be applied based on t... R. Sui, J. Baggard |
530. Yield Maps, Soil Maps, and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. Corn FieldsYield maps and GPS-based soil maps have been increasingly used in U.S. agriculture but little research has explored the economic relationship between mapping technologies and agricultural productivity. Research on this relationship is lacking, perhaps because maps are information inputs that do not directly enter the production function in a comparable way to conventional inputs. A stochastic frontier model was used to evaluate one potential avenue through which mapping technologies may influ... J. Mcfadden, A. Rosburg |
531. Spatial Variability of Canola Yield Related to Terrain Attributes Within Producer's FieldsCanola production in the Canadian Prairies varies considerably within and between producer's fields. This study describes the variability of crop yield in producer's fields in the context of terrain attributes, and in relation to fertilizer rates in management zones determined from historical yield. Canola yield data were collected for 27 fields in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Canada in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Several terrain attributes accounted for a consi... A. Moulin, M. Khakbazan |
532. Salinity zoning and their impacts on land management practices at arid regionsSoil salinization is one of the most serious problems facing sustainable agricultural development in arid region. Also salinization effects on crop growth in side quantity and quality, as well as their influences on soil microbial activity and soil biodiversity. The risk of salinization is present, when it leads to toxicity. Soil toxicity occurs when the cation and anion imbalances in the soil solution. This study focuses on evaluation of soil salinization east of Nile delta. Ninety two surfa... |
533. Soil Spatial Variability Assessment and Precision Nutrient Management in Maize (Zea Mays L.)Investigations on soil spatial variability and precision nutrient management based targeted yield approach in maize was carried out at Agricultural research station (ARS), Mudhol (Karnataka), India under irrigated condition during 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. ARS, Mudhol is located in northern dry zone of Karnataka at 160 20! N latitude, 750 15! E longitude and at an altitude of 577.6 meter above mean sea level. To assess the spatial variability, the study area was divided into 20 x20 m size... M.P. Potdar, G.B. Balol, S.A. Satyareddi, B.T. Nadagouda , C.P. Chandrashekar |
534. Automated Segmentation and Classification of Land Use from Overhead ImageryReliable land cover or habitat maps are an important component of any long-term landscape planning initiatives relying on current and past land use. Particularly in regions where sustainable management of natural resources is a goal, high spatial resolution habitat maps over large areas will give guidance in land-use management. We propose a computational approach to identify habitats based on the automated analysis of overhead imagery. Ultimately, this approach could be used to assist expert... C. Pradalier, A. Richard, V. Perez, R. Van couwenberghe, A. Benbihi, P. Durand |
535. Mapping P, K, Ca and Mg soil attributes based on spectral sensor and ion-exchange resinThe management of soil nutrients is essential for sustainable agricultural production. The time required for determination of soil nutrients and the high cost per sample are problems attributed to traditional laboratory analyses that limit the adoption of precision agriculture techniques. Such problems arise because the sample density that is required to obtain soil fertility maps is greater than that required by conventional agricultural management. The use of radiometric sensors combined wi... G.O. Mayrink, D.M. valente, D.M. Queiroz, F.C. Pinto |
536. Identifying and Filtering Out Outliers in Spatial DatasetsOutliers present in the dataset is harmful to the information quality contained in the map and may lead to wrong interpretations, even if the number of outliers to the total data collected is small. Thus, before any analysis, it is extremely important to remove these errors. This work proposes a sequential process model capable of identifying outlier data when compared their neighbors using statistical parameters. First, limits are determined based on the median range of the values of all the... L. Maldaner, J. Molin, T. Tavares, L. Mendez, L. Corrêdo, C. Duarte |
537. Prospects and Challeges to Precision Agriculture Technologies Development in Ghana: Scientists' and Extension Agents' Perspectives.The main objective of the research was to examine the prospects and challenges of developing and implementing precision agriculture (PA) in cocoa production in Ghana. A census of cocoa research scientists and a survey of cocoa extension agents (CEAs) in Ghana were taken. Five major challenges they perceived to pose serious challenges to the development and implementation of future Precision Agriculture Technologies (PATs), in their decreasing order of importance, were (a) farmer-demograp... M. Bosompem |
538. An Active Thermography Method for Immature Citrus Fruit DetectionFast and accurate methods of immature citrus fruit detection are critical to building early yield mapping systems. Previously, machine vision methods based on color images were used in many studies for citrus fruit detection. Despite the high resolutions of most color images, problems such as the color similarity between fruit and leaves, and various illumination conditions prevented those studies from achieving high accuracies. This project explored a novel method for immature citrus fruit d... H. Gan, W.S. Lee, V. Alchanatis, A. Abd-elrahman |
539. Assessment of fish appetite using the near infrared machine visionIn aquaculture, information about the fish appetite would be a valuable input into the process of developing efficient feeding management strategies, it holds important information for aquaculturist. In recent years, according to the fish behavior, automatic and objective assessment of their appetite is the future development trend. In order to achieve an objective and accurate assessment of fish appetite, this study proposes a method for quantifying fish appetite based on near-infrared machi... C. Zhou, C. Sun, X. Yang, K. Lin, D. Xu |
540. A Precision Management Strategy on Soil MappingWith the experience of field mapping practice during the last decade, a simple conclusion of four-level-field-management strategy was summarized. Level 1 was to describe the spatio-temporal variability of the fields, such as soil mapping and yield/quality mapping, and then to recognize the evidence in the field. Level 2 was to understand why the variability came out with help of farmers’ experience, such as mushing up of the date, memorizing the work history and the environmental condit... S. Shibusawa |
541. Evaluation of the Potential for Precision Agriculture and Soil Conservation at Farm and Watershed Scale: A Case StudyPrecision agriculture and soil conservation have the potential to increase crop yield and economic return while reducing environmental impacts. Landform, spatial variability of soil processes, and temporal trends may affect crop N response and should be considered for precision agriculture. The objective of this research was to evaluate the viability of precision agriculture in improving N use efficiency and profitability at the farm and watershed level in western Canada. Two studies are desc... M. Khakbazan, A. Moulin, J. Huang, P. Michiels, R. Xie |
542. Multi-Temporal Yield Pattern Analysis - Adaption of Pattern Recognition to Agronomic DataIn precision agriculture, the understanding of yield variability, both spatial and temporal, can deliver essential information for the decision making of site-specific crop management. Since commercial yield mapping started in the early 1990s, most research studies have focused on spatial variance or short-term temporal variance analyzed statistically in order to produce trend maps. Nowadays, longer records of high-quality yield data are available offering a new potential to evaluate yield va... G. Blasch, J.A. Taylor |
543. Introducing Precision Ag Tools to Over-100 Year Old Historical ExperimentThe historic Knorr-Holden experimental site near Scottsbluff, Nebraska, US, established in 1912 is the oldest irrigated maize plot in North America. Over years, the treatment has been revised a few times to reflect and address contemporary practices. The N fertilization is found to be capable of restoring most of production capacity of the soil. After a full century of the experiment, in 2014, N treatments were revised again. Now, the experiment is a split-plot randomized complete block desig... B. Maharjan |
544. GIS Model-Builder and Geostatistical Approach for Assessing Soil Quality: Abo-Hammad County, El-Sharkia Governorate as a Case StudyThe agricultural development of Egypt depends heavily on soil ecosystem goods and services. Current soil degradation coupled with increasing pressure on soils is threatening the soil resource base. There is an urgent need to establish soil quality surveillance systems to sustain the rural self-supporting system, as well as the provision of reliable parameters to guide investments and monitor trends in soil status and impacts of interventions. Surveillance systems require appropriate, ra... M.A. Abdelrahman, S.A. Tahoun |
545. Geo-spatial Technologies for Soil Resource Inventory and Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural SystemAssessment of the soil properties and nutrient profile not only provide us an idea about crop suitability and nutrient availability but also provides basis for crop specific nutrient management. In earlier days, conventional soil survey methods were used to obtain data on soil properties. Though the data obtained by such methods are reliable and accurate, it does not help in creating the layers of spatial variability of soil properties in wholesome. Each crop will be having specific soi... S. P d, R. P.v.r.m. , K. K.v., S. S.k., S. Ch. |
546. Detection and Monitoring the Risk Level for Lameness and Lesions in Dairy Herds by Alternative Machine-Learning AlgorithmsMachine-learning methods may play an increasing role in the development of precision agriculture tools to provide predictive insights in dairy farming operations and to routinely monitor the status of dairy cows. In the present study, we explored the use of a machine-learning approach to detect and monitor the welfare status of dairy herds in terms of lameness and lesions based on pre-recorded farm-based records. Animal-based measurements such as lameness and lesions are time-consuming, expen... D. Warner, R. Lacroix, E. Vasseur, D. Lefebvre |
547. Agronōmics: Eliciting Food Security from Big Data, Big Ideas and Small FarmsMost farmers globally could make their farms more productive; few are limited by ambient availabilities of light energy and water. Similarly the sustainability of farming practices offers large scope for innovation and improvement. However, conventional ‘top-down’ Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKISs) are commonly failing to maintain significant progress in either productivity or sustainability because multifarious and complex agronomic interactions thwart accurate... R. Sylvester-bradley, D. Kindred, P. Berry |
548. Precision Agriculture and the Diversity-Stability HypothesisThe benefit of precision agriculture must be defined both in terms of profitability as well as environmental enhancement. Maintaining biodiversity within the landscape is central to the protection of ecosystem services. The diversity-stability hypothesis suggests that there is a positive correlation between increasing diversity and ecosystem stability. In this context, diversity is defined within the context of species richness, strength of community interactions and fun... C. Swanton, V. Capmourteres, M. Anand, J. Adams, A. Berg, E. Fraser |
549. Variability in Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer in QuebecOptimizing nitrogen (N) fertilization is important to improve corn yield and to reduce N losses to the environment. The economic optimum nitrogen rate (EONR) is variable and depends on many factors, including weather conditions and crop management. The main objective of this study was to examine how grain corn yield response to N varies with planting date, soil texture and spring weather across sites and years in Monteregie, which is the most important with 64% of total area and 6... L. Kablan, V. Chabot, A. Mailloux, M. Bouchard, D. Fontaine, T. Bruulsema |
550. Strawberry powdery mildew detection using color co-occurrence matrix based machine vision algorithmComputer vision systems have been utilized to develop decision support system for taking strategic decision on the agriculture protection research. However, strawberry powdery mildew disease scrutiny is still manually carried out due to lack of technological development for plant disease detection task. Image processing is considered as one of the major area for disease detection in agricultural crop cultivation. Therefore, present study proposed an image processing technique used to detect a... M. Mahmud, Y. Chang, B. Prithiviraj |
551. Calibrated UAV Image Data for Precision AgricultureThe success of precision agriculture requires data, analytics, and automation. Rapid growth in all three areas has been rapid over the last few years, and this is particularly true in the realm of data, with many new sensors and sensor platforms now available to provide “big data.” Fixed-wing UAVs have been viewed as a new platform for data collection that can provide flexible, inexpensive, high-resolution image data over large fields in a reasonable amount of time. &n... J. Thomasson, C. Sima, X. Han, C. Bagnall, Y. Shi, C. Yang, W.L. Rooney, J. Jung, A. Chang, T. Wang |
552. Prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer for Plant Protection in Agricultural and Horticultural CropsAerial application of pesticides has the potential to reduce the amount of pesticides required as chemicals are applied where needed. A prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer with a payload of 20 kg; a spraying rate of 6 liters per minute; a spraying swathe of 3 meters, coverage rate of 2 to 4 meters per second and 10 minutes of flight time was built using state of the art technologies. The project is a joint development by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, KLE Technological University... S. Reddy, D.P. Biradar, V.C. Patil, B.L. Desai, V.B. Nargund, P. Patil, V. Desai, V. Tulasigeri, S.M. Channangi, W. John |
553. A New Method for Assessing Plant Lodging and Canola Root System ArchitectureIt is feasible to identify specific phenotypic criteria indicative of robust root architecture that can be implemented in canola breeding programs and for designing effective management practices. Yet, the roles of roots in N absorption (responsible for nitrogen use efficiency; NUE), root anchorage strength (involved in lodging resistance and yield stability) and associated genotypic variations are not well understood. we have recently developed a non-destructive electrical ca... W. Wu, B. Ma |
554. Irrigation management zones based on soil texture of a wine vine orchardIrrigation management practices contribute to the production of grapes, improving quality for winemaking and the sustainability of the vineyards as well. Precision agriculture based on spatial variability information allows the identification of zones with different demand on irrigation in an orchard, improving water use efficiency (saving water and energy). Reducing the amount of information used to define management zones can allow the reduction of the costs of precision farming practices a... H. Oldoni, R.L. Martins, C.M. Vaz, L.H. Bassoi |
555. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Mitigating Bird Damage in Wine GrapesBird predation is a significant problem in high-value fruit crops, such as apples, cherries, blueberries, and wine grapes. Conventional methods such as netting, falconry, auditory scaring devices, lethal shooting, and visual scare devices are reported to be ineffective, costly, and/or difficult to manage. Therefore, farmers are in need of more effective and affordable bird control methods. In this study, two UAS wasused as a bird-deterring agent in a commercial vineyard. The experimental... S. Bhusal, K. Khanal, M. Karkee, K.M. Steensma, M.E. Taylor |
556. Developing an Integrated Approach for Estimation of Soil Available Nutrient Content Using the Modified WOFOST Model and Time-Series Multispectral UAV ObservationsSoil available nutrient (SAN) plays an important role in crop growth, yield formation, and plant-soil-atmosphere system exchange. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are recognized as three primary nutrients in crop production. Accurate and timely information on SAN conditions at key crop growth stages is important for developing beneficial management practices. While traditional field sampling can obtain reliable information for limited number of sites, it is infeasible for spatia... Z. Cheng, J. Meng, J. Shang, J. Liu, B. Qian, Q. Jing |
557. Realising the Full Potential of Precision Agriculture: Encouraging Farmer 'Buy-in' by Building Trust in Data SharingUncertainty around the ownership, privacy and security of farm data are most commonly the reasons cited for farmer’s reluctance to “buy-in” to big data in agriculture. Evidence provided to the recent US Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Consumer Protections, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security, United States Senate Technology in Agriculture: Data Driven Farming (Nov 2017) highlighted that “data ownership, and rel... L. Wiseman, J. Sanderson |
558. Assessment of the Information Content in Solar Reflective Satellite Measurements with Respect to Crop Growth Model State VariablesTo increase the utilization of satellite remote sensing data in precision agriculture, it is necessary to retrieve the most relevant variables from the satellite signals so that the retrievals can be directly utilized by agricultural management entities. The variables that make up the state vector description of existing crop growth models provide inherent relevance to on-farm decision making because they can be used to predict future crop status based on changing farm inputs. In this study, ... N. Levitan, B. Gross |
559. Implementing digital plant count via UASCorn (Zea Mays) is one of the most sensitive crops to plant arrangement and plant density. The most commonly used method to scout plant density is by visual inspection on the ground. This field activity becomes time consuming, observation biased, and may lead to less-profitable decisions by farmers. The objective of this study is to develop a method for plant count estimation based on high resolution imagery taken from UAS at low altitude with application to monitor early season crop... P. Dhodda , S. Varela, I. Ciampitti |
560. The research on market matching of high quality agricultural products based on the big data of production and marketingIn addition to the quality of the product itself factors, upstream and downstream consumption capacity requirements of effective connection can also make value-added agricultural products, it is also an important factor to decide whether agricultural products can achieve a premium. Firstly, this paper briefly expounds the matching mode of agricultural production and marketing of agricultural products at home and abroad. Secondly, the author analyzes information matching algorithms, further in... Z. Chi, C.T. En, W.D. Wei |
561. Frameworks for Variable Rate Application of ManureWorldwide, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses from agriculture are main contributors to eutrophication of water bodies so that forceful agro-technical measures are required to reduce their diffuse discharge to the environment. With view to worldwide finite mineral rock phosphates efficient standards are required to close the agricultural P cycle. In intensive agricultural livestock production manure is often treated as a waste problem rather than an organic fertilizer and source of nutrie... H. Lilienthal, S.H. Haneklaus, E. Schnug |
562. Joint Structure and Colour Based Parametric Classification of Grapevine Organs from Proximal Images Through Several Critical Phenological StagesProximal colour imaging is the most time and cost-effective automated technology to acquire high-resolution data describing accurately the trellising plane of grapevine. The available textural information is meaningful enough to provide altogether the assessment of additional agronomic parameters that are still estimated either manually or with dedicated and expensive instrumentations. This paper proposes a new framework for the classification of the different organs visible in the trellising... F.Y. Abdelghafour, R. Rosu, B. Keresztes, C. Germain, J. Da costa |
563. The Profitability of Variable Rate Lime in WheatGrid sampling allows a variable rate of lime to be applied and has been marketed as a cost saver to producers. However, there is little research that shows if this precision application is profitable or not. Previous research on variable-rate lime has considered only a small number of fields. This paper uses soil sampling data from 170 fields provided by producers in Oklahoma and Kansas. We compare net returns of variable rate to uniform rate lime for grain only wheat production, dual-purpose... B. Mills, B. Brorsen, D. Arnall |
564. Three Years of On-Farm Evaluation of Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation: What Have We Learned?This paper will present a dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation System developed by the University of Georgia. The system consists of the EZZone management zone delineation tool, the UGA Smart Sensor Array (UGA SSA) and an irrigation scheduling decision support tool. An experiment was conducted in 2015, 2016 and 2017 in two different peanut fields to evaluate the performance of using the UGA SSA to dynamically schedule Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI). For comparison reasons strips were designed wit... V. Liakos, W. Porter, X. Liang, M. Tucker, A. Mclendon, C. Perry, G. Vellidis |
565. Management Zone Delineation for Irrigation Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and Field PropertiesThis paper presents a case study of the first application of the dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) System developed by the University of Georgia to cotton. The system consists of the EZZone management zone software, the University of Georgia Smart Sensor Array (UGA SSA) and an irrigation scheduling decision support tool. An experiment was conducted in 2017 in a cotton field to evaluate the performance of the system in cotton. The field was divided into four parallel strips. All four stri... V. Liakos, G. Vellidis, L. Lacerda, W. Porter, M. Tucker, C. Cox |
566. Targeted application of crop protection products using GIS and remote sensingMost of the fields in various agricultural regions have significant variability. This results in substantial difference between different parts of the fields in risk of diseases, pest pressure and density of crop canopy. The range of both leaf area index (LAI) and yield potential across fields can often exceed 500%. This means that crop protection products being applied at a constant rate demonstrate different efficiency, level of risk management, and return on investment (ROI) in different z... W. Bills, D. Mackay, A. Melnitchouck, B. Nicol, C. Paterson, C. Stevenson, D. Waldner |
567. Autonomous sensing of lambing behaviour using GPS and accelerometer technology and the implications for welfareThe maintenance of high standards of animal welfare is critical issue facing all livestock industries. This is considered both an ethical and financial issue, with a clear need for both production under morally acceptable grounds as well as a growing impact of perceived welfare standards on consumer buying behaviour. Furthermore, this concern is expected to grow in the coming years, with a push for increased productivity for food security reasons resulting in intensification of existing syste... E. Fogarty, M. Trotter, D. Swain, G. Cronin |
568. Design and Analysis of ISO 11783 Task Controller's Functionality in Server - Client ECU for Agricultural VehiclesA modern agricultural vehicle's electronic control units (ECU) communicated based on the ISO 11783 standards. The connection of different machines, implements, different manufacturers into a single bus for the exchange of control commands and sensor data are a challenge for the precision agriculture. One of main functionality is the Task controller in the intelligent monitoring system. The task controller is to log data and assign set-point values for automated work (task) seque... E. Tumenjargal, E. Batbayar, S. Munkhbayar, S. Tsogt-ochir, M. Oyumaa, K. Chung, W. Ham |
569. Rapid Identification of Mulberry Leaf Pests Based on Near Infrared Hyperspectral ImagingAs one of the most common mulberry pests, Diaphania pyloalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralididae) has occurred and damaged in the main sericulture areas of China. Naked eye observation, the most dominating method identifying the damage of Diaphania pyloalis, is time-wasting and labor consuming. In order to improve the identification and diagnosis efficiency and avoid the massive outbreak of Diaphania pyloalis, near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging technology combined with partial least discr... L. Yang, L. Huang, L. Meng, J. Wang, D. Wu, X. Fu, S. Li |
570. Development of a High Resolution Soil Moisture for Precision Agriculture in IndiaSoil moisture and temperature are key inputs to several precision agricultural applications such as irrigation scheduling, identifying crop health, pest and disease prediction, yield and acreage estimation, etc. The existing remote sensing satellites based soil moisture products such as SMAP are of coarse resolution and physics based land surface model such as NLDAS, GLDAS are of coarse resolution as well as not available for real time applications. Keeping this in focus, we are d... K. Das, J. Singh, J. Hazra |
571. Spatio-Temporal Variability Characteristics of Soil Moisture Content in Different Growth Stages of Winter WheatTo advance site-specific management of soil Volumetric Moisture Content (VMC), the paper aimed to analyze spatial variability characteristics and explored the storage amount of VMC by Sequential Gaussian Simulation method (SGS) on basis of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) data at the field scale, which covered the different wheat growth stages, including Tillering stage, Stem elongation or jointing stage, Heading stage, Milk... Z. Liu, Y. Yang |
572. Agricultural Remote Sensing Information for Farmers in GermanyThe European Copernicus program delivers optical and radar satellite imagery at a high temporal frequency and at a ground resolution of 10m worldwide with an open data policy. Since July 2017 the satellite constellation of the Sentinel-1 and -2 satellites is fully operational, allowing e.g. coverage of Germany every 1-2 days by radar and every 2-3 days with optical sensors. This huge data source contains a variety of valuable input information for farmers to monitor the in-field variability a... H. Lilienthal, H. Gerighausen, E. Schnug |
573. A Pilot Study on Monitoring Drinking Behavior in Bucket Fed Dairy Calves Using an Ear-Attached Tri-Axial AccelerometerAccelerometers support the farmer with collecting information about animal behavior and thus allow a reduction in visual observation time. The milk intake of calves fed by teat-buckets has not been monitored automatically on commercial farms so far, although it is crucial for the calves’ development. This pilot study was based on bucket-fed dairy calves and intended (1) to evaluate the technical feasibility of using an ear-attached accelerometer (SMARTBOW, Smartbow GmbH, Weibern, Austri... L. Roland, L. Lidauer, G. Sattlecker, F. Kickinger, W. Auer, V. Sturm, D. Efrosinin, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger |
574. A Comparison of Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition Methods for Phenotyping ApplicationsCurrently Phenotyping is primarily performed using two-dimensional imaging techniques. While this yields interesting data about a plant, a lot of information is lost using regular cameras. Since a plant is three-dimensional, the use of dedicated 3D-imaging sensors provides a much more complete insight into the phenotype of the plant. Different methods for 3D-data acquisition are available, each with their inherent advantages and disadvantages. These have to be addressed depending on the parti... O. Scholz, F. Uhrmann, S. Gerth, K. Pieger, J. Claußen |
575. Evaluation of an Ear Tag Based Accelerometer for Monitoring Rumination Time, Chewing Cycles and Rumination Bouts in Dairy CowsThe objective of this study was to evaluate the ear tag based accelerometer SMARTBOW (Smartbow, Weibern, Austria) for detecting rumination time, chewing cycles and rumination bouts in dairy cows. For this, the parameters were determined by analyses of video recordings as reference and compared with the results of the accelerometer system. Additionally, the intra- and inter-observer reliability as well as the agreement of direct cow observations and video recordings was tested. Ten Simmental c... M. Iwersen, S. Reiter, V. Schweinzer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, L. Lidauer, W. Auer, M. Drillich, A. Berger |
576. A Comparative Study of Field-Wide Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Compressive SensingIn precision agriculture, monitoring of soil moisture plays an essential role in correct decision making. In practice, regular mesh installation, or large random deployment of moisture sensors over a large field is not possible due to cost and maintenance prohibitions. Consequently, direct measurement of moisture is possible at only a few points in the field. A value for the moisture may then be estimated for the remaining areas using a variety of algorithms. It is shown that althou... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti |
577. Optimum Spatial Resolution for Precision Weed ManagementThe occurrence and number of herbicide-resistant weeds in the world has increased in recent years. Controlling these weeds becomes more difficult and raises production costs. Precision spraying technologies have been developed to overcome this challenge. However, these systems still have relatively high acquisition cost, requiring studies of the relation between the spatial distribution of weeds and the economically optimum spatial resolution of the control method. In this context, the object... R.G. Trevisan, M.T. Eitelwein, M.N. Ferraz, T.R. Tavares, J.P. Molin, D.C. Neves |
578. Optimal Sensor Placement for Field-Wide Estimation of Soil MoistureSoil moisture is one of the most important parameters in precision agriculture. While techniques such as remote sensing seems appropriate for moisture monitoring over large areas, they generally do not offer sufficiently fine resolution for precision work, and there are time restrictions on when the data is available. Moreover, while it is possible to get high resolution-on demand data, but the costs are often prohibitive for most developing countries. Direct ground level measuremen... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti |
579. Determination of plant - available P in soils: stepwise improvement with sensor data fusionIn precision agriculture the lack of affordable methods for mapping relevant soil attributes is a fundamental problem. The project, of which results are presented in this paper, tries to contribute a module to solve this problem at least to some extent. The project is part of "I4S - Integrated System for Site-Specific Soil Fertility Management" which combines new sensing technologies with dynamic soil-crop models and decision support systems. The aim of the current investi... A. Mizgirev, P. Wagner |
580. Nitrogen Sensing by Using Spectral Reflectance Measurements in Cereal Rye CanopyCereal rye (cereale secale L.) is a winter crop well suited for cultivation especially besides high yield areas because of its relatively low demands on the soil and on the climate as well. In 2016 about 4.9% of arable land in Germany was cultivated with cereal rye (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2017). Unlike other crops such as wheat, there is little research on cereal rye for site specific farming. Furthermore, also in a cereal rye cultivation it is necessary to minimize nitrogen loss.... M. Strenner, F.X. Maidl, K.J. Hülsbergen |
581. Utilization of Spatially Precise Measurements to Autocalibrate the EPIC Agroecosystem ModelCorn nitrogen recommendations for individual fields must improve to minimize the negative influence that agriculture has on the environment and society. Two adaptive N management approaches for making in-season N fertilizer recommendations are remote sensing and crop systems modeling. Remote sensing has the advantage of characterizing the spatial variability at a high spatial resolution, and crop models are prognostic and can assess expected additions and losses that are not yet reflected by ... T. Nigon, D. Mulla, C. Yang |
582. Exploring use of remotely sensed data for capturing biomass accumulation in silageAccurate and up-to-date spatial information is fundamental for precision farming, and improves decision making in silage production. Multiple sources of spatial information can be utilized to monitor biomass accumulation of the growing crop stand. Recently, remotely sensed imagery from drones and satellites has become widely available, while their cost has dropped drastically. Also, crop growth models can extend the usability of old canopy information when new data or measurements c... H. Huitu, O. Niemeläinen, R. Näsi, N. Viljanen, T. Hakala, L. Markelin, E. Honkavaara, H. Ojanen, J. Kaivosoja |
583. Delineation of Site-Specific Nutrient Management Zones to Optimize Rice Production Using Proximal Soil Sensing and Multispectral ImagingEvaluating nutrient uptake and site-specific nutrient management zones in rice in Costa Rica from plant tissue and soil sampling is expensive because of the time and labor involved. In this project, a range of measurement techniques were implemented at different vintage points (soil, plant and UAVs) in order to generate and compare nutrient management information. More precisely, delineation of site-specific nutrient management zones were determined using 1) georeferenced soil/tis... J.E. Villalobos, J.S. Perret, K. Abdalla, C.L. Fuentes, J.C. Rodriguez, W. Novais |
584. Real-Time Fruit Detection Using Deep Neural NetworksProximal imaging using tractor-mounted cameras is a simple and cost-effective method to acquire large quantities of data in orchards and vineyards. It can be used for the monitoring of vegetation and for the management of field operations such as the guidance of smart spraying systems for instance. One of the most prolific research subjects in arboriculture is fruit detection during the growing season. Estimations of fruit-load can be used for early yield assessments and for the monitoring of... B. Keresztes, J. Da costa, D. Randriamanga, C. Germain, F. Abdelghafour |
585. Evaluation of the Ear-Tag Sensor System SMARTBOW for Detecting Estrus Events in Indoor Housed Dairy CowsLivestock farming technologies have a tremendous potential to improve and support farmers in herd management decisions, in particular in reproductive management. Nowadays, estrus detection in cows is challenging and many detection tools are available. The company Smartbow (Weibern, Austria) developed a novel ear-tag sensor, which consists of a 3D-accelerometer that records head and ear movements of cows as basis for algorithm development and further analyses. Estrus detection by the SMARTBOW ... V. Schweinzer, L. Lidauer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, W. Auer, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger |
586. Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendation Models Based on Soil Hydrologic Groups Aid in Predicting Economically Optimal Nitrogen RatesNitrogen (N) fertilizer recommendations that match corn (Zea mays L.) N needs maximize grower profits and minimize water quality consequences. However, spatial and temporal variability makes determining future N requirements difficult. Studies have shown no single soil or weather measurement is consistently increases accuracy, especially when applied over a regional scale, in predicting economically optimal N rate (EONR). Basing site N response on soil hydrological group could help account fo... G.M. Bean, N.R. Kitchen, J.J. Camberato, R.B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernandez, D.W. Franzen, C.A. Laboski, E.D. Nafziger, J.E. Sawyer, P.C. Scharf |
587. Barriers to Adoption of Smart Farming Technologies in GermanyThe number of smart farming technologies available on the market is growing rapidly. Recent surveys show that despite extensive research efforts and media coverage, adoption of smart farming technologies is still lower than expected in Germany. Media analysis, a multi stakeholder workshop, and the Adoption and Diffusion Outcome Prediction Tool (ADOPT) (Kuehne et al. 2017) were applied to analyze the underlying adoption barriers that explain the low to moderate adoption levels of smart farming... M. Gandorfer, S. Schleicher, K. Erdle |
588. Variable Rate Irrigation Management Using NDVICenter pivot irrigation systems are commonly used for corn and cotton production in the southeast USA. Technology for variable rate water application with center pivots is available; however, it is not widely used due to increased management requirements. Methods to develop dynamic in-season prescriptions in response to changing crop conditions are needed to move this technology forward. The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of using normalized difference vegetative ind... K.C. Stone, P.J. Bauer |
589. Flat Payoff Functions and Site-Specific Crop ManagementWithin the neighbourhood of any economically “optimal” management system, there is a set of alternative systems that are only slightly less attractive than the optimum. Often this set is large; in other words, the payoff function is flat within the vicinity of the optimum. This has major implications for the economics of variable-rate site-specific crop management. The flatter the payoff function, the lower the benefits of precision in the adjustment of input rates spatially withi... D. Pannell, A. Weersink, M. Gandorfer |
590. A Case Study Comparing Machine Learning and Vegetation Indices for Assessing Corn Nitrogen Status in an Agricultural Field in MinnesotaCompact hyperspectral sensors compatible with UAV platforms are becoming more readily available. These sensors provide reflectance in narrow spectral bands while covering a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, because of the narrow spectral bands and wide spectral range, hyperspectral data analysis can benefit greatly from data mining and machine learning techniques to leverage its power. In this study, rainfed corn was grown during the 2017 growing season using four nitrogen ... A. Laacouri, T. Nigon, D. Mulla, C. Yang |
591. Weed Detection Among Crops by Convolutional Neural Networks with Sliding WindowsOne of the primary objectives in the field of precision agriculture is weed detection. Detecting and expunging weeds in the initial stages of crop growth with deep learning technique can minimize the usage of herbicides and maximize the crop yield for the farmers. This paper proposes a sliding window approach for the detection of weed regions using convolutional neural networks. The proposed approach involves two processes: (1) Image extraction and labelling, (2) building and training our neu... K. Kantipudi, C. Lai, C. Min, R.C. Chiang |
592. Modelling 'Concord' Berry Weight DynamicsThe growth and development of Concord (Vitis labruscana Bailey) depends on internal and external factors. As a result, both vegetative and reproductive cycles of Concord vary based on growing season and vine status. Fresh berry weight also fluctuates depending on the growing season and location of the vineyard. Knowledge of berry weight dynamics across growing season is essential to accurately predict final yield at harvest based on early season crop estimates. The main objective of this stud... G. Badr, T.R. Bates |
593. Changing the Cost of Farming: New Tools for Precision FarmingAccurate prescription maps are essential for effective variable rate fertilizer application. Grid soil sampling has most frequently been used to develop these prescription maps. Past research has indicated several technical and economic limitations associated with this approach. There is a need to keep the number of samples to a minimum while still allowing a reasonable level of map quality. As can be seen, precision agriculture managemen... P. Nagel, K. Fleming |
594. On-Farm Digital Solutions and Their Associated Value to North American FarmersDigital tools and data collection have become standard in a wide variety of present day agricultural operations. An array of digital tools, such as high resolution operational mapping, remote sensing, and farm management software offer solutions to many of the problems in modern agriculture. These technologies and services can, if implemented correctly, provide both immediate and long term agronomic value. A growing number of producers in Ohio and around North America question the proper meth... R. Colley iii, J. Fulton, N. Douridas, K. Port |
595. A Comprehensive Stress Index for Evaluating Plant Water Status in Almond TreesThis study evaluated a comprehensive plant water stress index that integrates the canopy temperature and the environmental conditions that can assist in irrigation management. This index—Comprehensive Stress Index (CSI)—is based on the reformulation of the leaf energy balance equation. Specifically, CSI is the ratio of the temperature difference between a dry leaf (i.e. a leaf with a broken stem) and a live leaf (on the same tree) [i.e. Tdry-Tleaf] and the difference between the v... K. Drechsler, I. Kisekka, S. Upadhyaya |
596. An Efficient Data Warehouse for Crop Yield PredictionNowadays, precision agriculture combined with modern information and communications technologies, is becoming more common in agricultural activities such as automated irrigation systems, precision planting, variable rate applications of nutrients and pesticides, and agricultural decision support systems. In the latter, crop management data analysis, based on machine learning and data mining, focuses mainly on how to efficiently forecast and improve crop yield. In recent years, raw and semi-pr... V.M. Ngo, N. Le-khac, M. Kechadi |
597. EVALUATING HYPERSPECTRAL VEGETATION INDICES (HVIS) TO DEVELOP ROBUST HVIS MODEL FOR REAL TIME ESTIMATION OF LEAF NITROGEN CONTENTS OF SUMMER CORNAccuracy and precision of nitrogen estimation can be improved by hyperspectral remote sensing that leads effective management of nitrogen application in precision agriculture. The objectives of this study was to identify nitrogen (N) sensitive spectral wavelengths by evaluated different approaches. Two years study was conducted during 2011 and 2012 at Northwest A & F University, China, to determine the relationship between leaf hyperspectral reflectance (350-1075 nm) and leaf N contents o... M. Tahir, L. Jun, W. Yingkuan, H. Wenjiang |
598. Temporal Analysis of Correlation of NDVI with Growth and Yield Features of Rice PlantsIn this paper we present a temporal correlation analysis of NDVI with with Growth and Yield Features of Rice Plants. A half ha experimental rice field was established south-west of Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia (4°22'54.192"N, 75°09'17.222"W. For the experimental design in the plot, four rows were established for nitrogen, three for phosphorous and three for potassium. For nitrogen, each row contained five treatments allocated randomly.&n... O. Barrero, L.A. Castilla |
599. Virtual Orchard: A Novel Approach to Generate 3D Point Cloud of Canopy Profile and Extract Tree GeometryTree geometry such as volume, height, and width are important information that can help growers to conduct a precise orchard management. Conventionally, canopy profile is generated by using light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technology as a method for direct measurement of tree structure. While LIDAR is a precise method for generating 3D models of trees, it requires expertise, and expensive equipment that limits its application for creating 3D maps in large orchards. In this paper, an a... A. Pourreza, G. Zuniga-ramirez |
600. Proximal Soil Sensing-Led Management Zone Delineation for Potato FieldsA fundamental aspect of precision agriculture or site-specific crop management is the ability to recognize and address local changes in the crop production environment (e.g. soil) within the boundaries of a traditional management unit. However, the status quo approach to define local fertilizer need relies on systematic soil sampling followed by time and labour-intensive laboratory analysis. Proximal soil sensing offers numerous advantages over conventional soil characterization and has shown... A. Biswas, W. Ji, I. Perron, A. Cambouris, B. Zebarth, V. Adamchuk |
601. Learn, Share, Connect and Be Inspired: How One Farming Group in Australia is Driving PA AdoptionThe use of Precision Agriculture (PA) technologies and techniques continues to expand in Australia. The Society of Precision Agriculture Australia (SPAA) has been instrumental in driving the adoption and development of these techniques to support industry and Australian farming communities. SPAA supports innovation, and innovation includes people. Founded in 2002, SPAA, a not for profit extension body, is Australia’s only dedicated farming group communicating and advocating fo... N.F. Dimos, J.K. Koch |
602. High Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Active Heat Pulse Method with Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing at Field ScaleKnowledge of spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture is critical for site specific irrigation management at field scale. However, installation feasibility, cost and between-sensor variability restrict the use of many point–based sensors at field scale. Active heat pulse method with fiber optic temperature sensing (AHFO) has shown a potential to provide soil moisture data at sub-meter intervals along a fiber optic cable to a distance >10000 meters. Despite the limited number... A. Biswas, D.N. Vidana gamage, I.B. Strachan |
603. Utilizing GPS Technology and Science to Improve Digital Literacy Among Students in Australia and the United States of AmericaA key issue facing regional, rural and remote communities, in both Australia and the United States of America (USA), is the low level of digital literacy among some cohorts of students. This is particularly the case for students involved in agricultural studies where it is commonly perceived that digital literacy is not relevant to their future occupation. However, this perception is far from the truth, as the reality of farming today means students who intend on entering the agricultural wor... C.W. Knight, A. Cosby, M. Trotter |
604. Real-Time Control of Spray Drop ApplicationElectrostatic application of spray drops provides unique opportunities to precisely control the application of pesticides due to the additional electrostatic force on the spray drops, in addition to the normally seen forces of aerodynamic drag, gravity, and inertia. In this work, we develop a computational model to predict the spray drop trajectories. The model is validated through experiments with high speed photography of spray drop trajectories, and quantification of which trajectories lea... S. Post, M. Jermy, P. Gaynor, N. Kabaliuk, A. Werner |
605. Multi-Objective Path Planner for Agricultural Mobile Robot in Virtual Greenhouse EnvironmentRobotics in agriculture has experienced an enormous development in the past decade. In order to accomplish numerous agricultural tasks, the order of which the crop is covered is really important to minimize the travelling cost and to preserve the soil conditions. In agricultural environment, several path alternatives are available for the mobile robot to travel between the crops. However, it is hard to determine an optimized sequential path for the robot to minimize cost, while ensuring a ful... M.B. Mahmud, M.B. Zainal abidin, Z.B. Mohamed |
606. Estimates of Plant Number of Maize Crop at Seedling from High-Throughput UAV ImageryThe acquisition of such agricultural information as crop growth and output is of great significance for the development of modern agriculture. Using the image analysis is important to gain information on plant properties, health and phenotype. This study uses the unmanned aerial vehicle images about Maize breeding material collected in Beijing Xiao Tang mountain town in June 2017. The four color space transformation of RGB, HSV, YCbCr and L*A*B was used to divide the UAV image foreground (cro... S. Liu, G. Yang |
607. Evaluation of a Wireless Pulse Oximeter to Measure Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Rate in Newborn Holstein Friesian CalvesPulse oximetry is a well-established technique in nowadays human and veterinarian medicine. Also in the farm animal sector, it could be a useful tool to detect critical conditions of the oxygen supply and the cardiovascular system of the patient. However, its use in ruminant medicine is still limited to experimental application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a Radius-7 Wearable Pulse Oximeter (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA) for monitoring the vital parameters of... P. Kanz, S. Krieger, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen |
608. Farm Soil Moisture Mapping Using Reflected GNSS SNR Data Onboard Low Level Flying AircraftSoil moisture/water content monitoring (spatial and temporal) is a critical component of farm management decision primarily for crop/plant growth and yield improvement, but also for optimization of practice such as tillage and field treatments. Satellite humidity probes do not deliver the relevant resolution for farming purposes. Ground moisture probes only provide punctual measurements and do not reflect the true spatial variability of soil moisture. Previous studies have demonstra... L. Ameglio, J. Darrozes, J. Dreyer |
609. Increasing Corn (Zea Mays L.) Profitability by Site-Specific Seed and Nutrient Management in Igmand-Kisber Basin, HungaryVariable Rate Technology (VRT) in seeding and nutrient management has been developed in order to apply crop inputs variably. Farm equipment is widely available to manage in-field variability in Hungary, however, defining management zones, seed rates and amounts of nutrients is still a challenge. An increasing number of growers in Hungary have started adopting precision agriculture technology; however, data on profitability concerning site-specific seeding and nitrogen management is not widely... G. Milics, S. Szabó, K. Bűdi, A. Takács, V. Láng, S. Zsebo |
610. AgDataBox – API (Application Programming Interface)E-agricultural is an emerging field focusing in the enhancement of agriculture and rural development through improve in information and data processing. The data-intensive characteristic of these domains is evidenced by the great variety of data to be processed and analyzed. Countrywide estimates rely on maps, spectral images from satellites, and tables with rows for states, regions, municipalities, or farmers. Precision agriculture (PA) relies on maps of within field variability of soil and ... C.L. Bazzi, E.P. Jasse, E.G. Souza, P.S. Magalhães, G.K. Michelon, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli |
611. Modifying Agro-Economic Models to Predict Effects of Spatially Varying Nitrogen on Wheat Yields for a Farm in Western AustraliaAgricultural research in broadacre farming in Western Australia has a strong history, resulting in a significant public resource of knowledge about biophysical processes affecting crop performance. However, translation of this knowledge into improved on-farm decision making remains a challenge to the industry. Online and mobile decision support tools to assist tactical farm management decisions are not widely adopted, for reasons including: (1) they take too much time and training to learn; a... F.H. Evans, J. Andrew, C. Scanlan, S. Cook |
612. Measuring and partitioning pasture evaporation and transpiration using proximally sensed optical dataThe crop coefficient (Kc) is an important parameter to estimate the actual field crop evapotranspiration (ETc) relative to a standardized plant canopy unconstrained by available soil moisture and nutrients, disease or pests (i.e ETo). However, splitting the evapotranspiration into its components of soil evaporation (Es) and plant transpiration (Tr), an important step to better understand and manage the actual crop water requirement, is ch... M.S. Alam, D.W. Lamb, M.M. Rahman |
613. Accelerating Precision Agriculture to Decision Agriculture: Enabling Digital Agriculture in AustraliaFor more than two decades, the success of Australia’s agricultural and rural sectors has been supported by the work of the Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs). The RDCs are funded by industry and government. For the first time, all fifteen of Australia’s RDC’s have joined forces with the Australian government to design a solution for the use of big data in Australian agriculture. This is the first known example of a nationwide approach for the digital transfor... J. Trindall, R. Rainbow |
614. Precision Agriculture for Small Farm HoldersPrecision Agriculture is a data-based decision making farming process taking in-field variability into consideration. It uses multiple advance tools and technologies like GPS, GIS, VRT and provides substantial value in terms of minimizing input and maximizing profit to farmers in regions like Canada, North America who have larger land holding capacity. Precision agriculture technologies require significant investment in terms of capital which is most of the time not feasible for farmers with ... P. Bharatiya, M. Kale |
615. Detecting Variability in Plant Water Potential with Multi-Spectral Satellite ImageryIrrigation Intelligence is a practice of precise irrigation, with the goal of providing crops with the right amount of water, at the right time, for optimized yield. One of the ways to achieve that, on a global scale, is to utilize Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images, providing together frequent revisit cycles of less than a week, and an adequate resolution for detection of 1 ha plots. Yet, in order to benefit from these advantages, it is necessary to examine the information that can be extracted... O. Beeri, S. May-tal, R. Rud, Y. Raz, R. Pelta |
616. Review of Developments in Airborne Geophysics and Geomatics to Map Variability of Soil PropertiesOver the past 40 years, airborne geophysics and geomatics has become an effective and accepted technology for mapping various signatures on the Earth’s surface and sub-surface. But so far, its airborne application in agriculture is perceived as sub-practical and/or its real value unknown to most stakeholders. In this paper, we are reviewing major technical and commercial achievements and latest developments to date, but also potentials for new developments and applications, of airb... L. Ameglio |
617. Supporting and Analysing On-Farm Nitrogen Tramline Trials So Farmers, Industry, Agronomists and Scientists Can LearN TogetherNitrogen fertilizer decisions are considered important for the agronomic, economic and environmental performance of cereal crop production. Despite good recommendation systems large unpredicted variation exists in measured N requirements. There may be fields and farms that are consistently receiving too much or too little N fertilizer, therefore losing substantial profit from wasted fertilizer or lost yield. Precision farming technologies can enable farmers (& researchers) to test appropr... D. Kindred, R. Sylvester-bradley, S. Clarke, S. Roques, D. Hatley, B. Marchant |
618. An On-farm Experimental Philosophy for Farmer-centric Digital InnovationIn this paper, we review learnings gained from early On-Farm Experiments (OFE) conducted in the broadacre Australian grain industry from the 1990s to the present day. Although the initiative was originally centered around the possibilities of new data and analytics in precision agriculture, we discovered that OFEs could represent a platform for engaging farmers around digital technologies and innovation. Insight from interacting closely with farmers and advisors leads us to argue for a change... S. Cook, M. Lacoste, F. Evans, M. Ridout, M. Gibberd, T. Oberthur |
619. Sensor Comparison for Yield Monitoring Systems of Small-Sized Potato HarvestersYield monitoring of potato in real time during harvesting would be useful for farmers, providing instant yield and income information. In the study, potentials of candidate sensors were evaluated with different yield measurement techniques for yield monitoring system of small-sized potato harvesters. Mass-based (i.e., load cell) and volume-based (i.e., CCD camera) sensors were selected and tested under laboratory conditions. For mass-based sensing, an impact plate instrumented with load cells... K.M. Swe, Y. Kim, D. Jeong, S. Lee, S. Chung, M.S. Kabir |
620. Multispectral remote sensing identification on easily confused tree species in mountains based on cloud model :a case of study with Quercus acutissima and Robinia pseudoacacia in Taishan[Objective] The identification of easily confused tree species in mountain area is always the focus and difficulty of remote sensing. Sensitive spectral index was introduced into cloud model to identify easily confused tree species of mountainous area, so as to improve the accuracy of tree species identification. [method] Based on ZY-3 multispectral remote sensing image, the sensitive bands and sensitive spectral indices of the species were selected by correlation analysis firstly. then the c... L. Xiao, W. Lang |
621. Water Use Efficiency of Precision Irrigation System Under Critical Water-Saving ConditionNon-transpiration water loss is often neglected when evaluating water use efficiency (WUE) of precision irrigation system, due to the difficulties in determining water loss from the root zone. The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of a new water saving approach by controlling soil water retention around root zone during the plant growth. We grew two tomato cultivars (Anemo, Japanese variety) in an environmental controlled growth chamber, with previously oven dried and ... Q. Li, T. Sugihara, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa |
622. Improve the Recognition Accuracy of Minor Crops By Resampling with Imbalanced Training Data of Remote SensingThe rapid development of high spatial resolution satellites has effectively alleviated the problem of mixed pixels in remote sensing image data. Which makes it possible to get the meticulous distribution of crops from remote sensing images. The classification of Remote Sensing images is a quick way to obtain accurate agricultural information. However, the accuracy of supervised classification of Remote Sensing images is usually affected by several factors such as the classifier algorithm and ... H. Wang |
623. On-the-Go Nir Spectroscopy and Thermal Imaging for Assessing and Mapping Vineyard Water Status in Precision ViticultureNew proximal sensing technologies are desirable in viticulture to assess and map vineyard spatial variability. Towards this end, high-spatial resolution information can be obtained using novel, non-invasive sensors on-the-go. In order to improve yield, grape quality and water management, the vineyard water status should be determined. The goal of this work was to assess and map vineyard water status using two different proximal sensing technologies on-the-go: near infrared (NIR) reflectance s... J. Tardaguila, M. Diago, S. Gutierrez, J. Fernandez-novales, E.A. Moreda |
624. Delineation of 'Management Classes' Within Non-Irrigated Maize Fields Using Readily Available Reflectance Data and Their Correspondence to Spatial Yield VariationMaize is grown predominantly for silage or gain in North Island, New Zealand. Precision agriculture allows management of spatially variable paddocks by variably applying crop inputs tailored to distinctive potential-yield limiting areas of the paddock, known as management zones. However, uptake of precision agriculture among in New Zealand maize growers is slow and limited, largely due to lack of data, technical expertise and evidence of financial benefits. Reflectance data of satellite and a... D.C. Ekanayake, J. Owens, A. Werner, A. Holmes |
625. Monitoring Potassium Levels in Peat-Grown Pineapple Using Selected Spectral RatiosIn this study, we assessed the biophysical changes within pineapple (var. MD2) in response to different potassium (K) rates using a hyperspectral approach. K deficiency was detected at 171 days after planting. Shortage of K also exhibited a shift in red edge towards shorter wavelengths between 500-700 nm. In addition, spectral ranges of 430 nm and 680 nm, as well as 680-752 nm were found to be most effective in differentiating spectral response to varying K rates. Three vegetation indices, i.... S.K. Balasundram, Y. Chong, A. Mohd hanif |
626. Spatial Variability of Optimized Herbicide Mixtures and DosagesDriven by 25 years of Danish, political 'pesticide action plans', aiming at reducing the use of pesticides, a Danish Decision Support System (DSS) for Integrated Weed Management (IWM) has been constructed. This online tool, called ‘IPMwise’ is now in its 4th generation. It integrates the 8 general IPM-principles as defined by the EU. In Denmark, this DSS includes 30 crops, 105 weeds and full assortments of herbicides. Due to generic qualities in both the integrat... P. Rydahl, R.N. Jorgensen, M. Dyrmann, N. Jensen, M.D. Sorensen, O.M. Bojer, P. Andersen |
627. Opportunities for Precision Agriculture in SerbiaThe aim of this paper is to analyze the factors leading to low adoption rate of precision farming in Serbia and to describe steps being taken by BioSense institute to increase it. The majority of the arable land in Serbia is grown by small family owned and operated farms most of which are in the range of 2 to 5 ha making them highly unsustainable. Only 16% of the arable land is managed by agricultural companies and cooperatives. We believe that the adoption of advanced technologies with the c... A.C. Tagarakis, F. Van evert, D. Milic, V. Crnojevic, V. Crnojevic-bengin, C. Kempenaar, N. Ljubicic |
628. Non stress autonomous irrigation for agricultureToday’s main challenge to world’s food security is water scarcity, intensified by climate change that affects temperatures and precipitation patterns. This situation is forcing traditionally rainfed areas into irrigation and changing traditional irrigation standards. Considering that globally, irrigated grain and fruit production tend to over irrigate their plots to ensure high yields, raises the need for new irrigation approaches that are more specific to crop and conditions, pre... |
629. Stereophotogrammetry for proximal and easy assessment of pasture biomassThe ability to accurately estimate biomass of pastures is important to enable farmers preparing reliable feed budgets for their livestock. Available tools such as the rising plate meter (RPM) are time-consuming and labour intensive. Proximal sensing technology with a chance for analysing larger areas could provide regular estimates of pasture biomass with minimal labour requirements, eventually being automated. A method for contactless measuring of pasture height could provide an approach com... K. Wigley, J. Owens, M. Westerschulte, P. Riding, J. Fourie, P. Carey, A.B. Werner |
630. Optimized Soil Sampling Location in Management Zones Based on Apparent Electrical Conductivity and Landscape AttributesOne of the limiting factors to characterize the soil spatial variability is the need for a dense soil sampling, which prevents the mapping due to the high demand of time and costs. A technique that minimizes the number of samples needed is the use of maps that have prior information on the spatial variability of the soil, allowing the identification of representative sampling points in the field. Management Zones (MZs), a sub-area delineated in the field, where there is relative homogeneity i... G.K. Michelon, G.M. Sanches, I.Q. Valente, C.L. Bazzi, P.L. De menezes, L.R. Amaral, P.G. Magalhaes |
631. Anisotropy and trend on soil data: are these effects relevant to fertilizer prescription maps?The most adopted precision agriculture technique worldwide is the variable-rate fertilizer application based on soil grid sampling and followed by data interpolation to create soil fertility maps. However, most of the practitioners do not apply geostatistical analysis adequately on the data, creating maps through mathematical interpolators, like Inverse Distance Weight (IDW). Thus, just a minority of precision agriculture users performs geostatistical interpolation (kriging), while just a few... L.R. Amaral, T.L. Brasco, G.M. Sanches, P.S. Magalhães |
632. Improving Yield Prediction Accuracy Using Energy Balance Trial, On-the-Go and Remote Sensing ProcedureOur long term experience in the ~23.5 ha research field since 2001 shows that decision support requires complex databases from each management zone within that field (eg. soil physical and chemical parameters, technological, phenological and meteorological data). In the absence of PA sustainable biomass production cannot be achieved. The size of management zones will be ever smaller. Consequently, the on the go and remote sensing data collection should be preferred.  ... A. Nyéki , G. Milics, A.J. Kovács, M. Neményi, I. Kulmány, S. Zsebő |
633. CAN PASTURE SPECIES COMPOSITION BE DISCRIMINATED FROM SPACE?CAN PASTURE SPECIES COMPOSITION BE DISCRIMINATED FROM SPACE? Richard Azu Crabbe*,1, David W. Lamb1 and Clare Edwards1,2 *Corresponding author: rcrabbe@myune.edu.au 1Precision Agriculture Research Group, University of New England, Armidale NSW Australia 2Cent... R.A. Crabbe, D. Lamb, C. Edwards |
634. Flourish - A Robotic Approach for Automation in Crop ManagementThe Flourish project aims to bridge the gap between current and desired capabilities of agricultural robots by developing an adaptable robotic solution for precision farming. Combining the aerial survey capabilities of a small autonomous multi-copter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with a multi-purpose agricultural Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), the system will be able to survey a field from the air, perform targeted intervention on the ground, and provide detailed information for decision supp... A. Walter, R. Khanna, P. Lottes, C. Stachniss, R. Siegwart, J. Nieto, F. Liebisch |
635. Detecting Basal Stem Rot (BSR) Disease at Oil Palm Tree Using Thermal Imaging TechniqueBasal stem rot (BSR), caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most damaging disease in oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could reduce the productivity of oil palm plantations and potentially reduce the market value of palm oil in Malaysia. Early disease management of Ganoderma could prevent production losses and reduce the cost of plantation management. This study focuses on identifying the thermal properties of healthy and BSR-infected tree using a thermal ima... S. Bejo, G. Abdol lajis, S. Abd aziz, I. Abu seman, T. Ahamed |
636. Management of an irrigated rice field by variable soil cutoff quotaThe management of soil micro-relief on agricultural areas can cause damages to the yield of crops to be implanted, if not carried out with the appropriate planning. The modification of the most superficial layer of the soil, a small intervention in the field, can interfere with the availability of organic matter. The management of soil micro-relief can reduce erosive processes due to surface runnoff of water and allow a better soil conservation, due to a greater efficiency of drainage and wat... L.P. Corrêdo, J.J. Quirós, T.R. Tavares, J.P. Molin, L.F. Maldaner, J.M. Aguero, L.G. Mendes, M. Martello |
637. INFLUENCE OF BACKGROUND AND TARGET SIZE ON WEED DETECTION USING AN OPTICAL SENSORThe competition of nutrients caused by weeds in the agricultural production has caused significant losses in the development of agricultural crops at the same time as there is a growing environmental concern regarding the use of agrochemicals in the field. As the agro-industrial sector employs agricultural systems based on minimum planting with increasing dependence on herbicides, it is essential the creation of innovative proposals for weed management strategies based on precision ... R. Penedo |
638. Akkerweb: A Platform for Precision Farming Data, Science, and PracticeThe concept of precision farming (PF) was formulated about 40 years ago and the scientific knowledge for some applications of PF in The Netherlands has been available for almost 20 years. Also, in many cases equipment is available to implement PF in practice. In spite of all this PF uptake is still limited. An important reason for the limited uptake of PF is in the challenges that must be overcome to let data flow from sensors to data storage, to combine data sources and process them into rec... F.K. Van evert, T. Been, J.A. Booij, C. Kempenaar, G.J. Kessel, L.P. Molendijk |
639. Quantification of Seed Performance: Non-Invasive Determination of Internal Traits Using Computed TomographyThe application of the 3D mean-shift filter to 3D Computed Tomography Data enables the segmentation of internal traits. Specifically in maize seeds this approach gives the opportunity to separate the internal structure, for example the volume of the embryo, the cavities and the low and high dense parts of the starch body. To evaluate the mean-shift filter, the results were compared to the usage of a median-smoothing filter. To show the relevance of the mean-shift extended image pipeline an au... J. Claussen, N. Wörlein, N. Uhlmann, S. Gerth |
640. Spatio-temporal within field variability in potato tuber sizePrevious studies into precision potato production have focussed on describing the variability in total yield within fields. Very little literature has been published on the variability in tuber size, which is a key quality (marketability) criteria in potato production. There is very little understanding of how potato tuber size varies spatially and temporally within production systems. To examine this, intensive mid-season and harvest surveys were conducted in 9 ware production fields over th... J.A. Taylor |
641. Economic Evaluation of Automatic Heat Detection Systems in Dairy FarmingAlthough heat detection makes a relevant contribution to good reproduction performance of dairy cattle, available studies on the economic evaluations of automatic heat detection systems are limited. Therefore, the objective of this article is to provide an economic evaluation of using automatic heat detection. The effect of different heat detection rates on gross margin is modelled with SimHerd (SimHerd A/S, Denmark). The analysis considers all additional investment costs in automatic heat de... J. Pfeiffer, M. Gandorfer, J.F. Ettema |
642. Field Level Management and Data Verification of Variable Rate Fertilizer ApplicationIncreased cost efficiencies and ease of use make spinner-disc spreaders the primary method of applying fertilizers throughout much of the United States. Recently, advances in spreader systems have enabled multiple fertilizer products to be applied at variable application rates. This provides greater flexibility during site-specific management of in-field fertility. Physical and aerodynamic properties vary for fertilizer granules of different sources and densities, these properties in turn aff... R. Colley iii, J. Fulton, S. Virk, E. Hawkins |
643. Deriving Fertiliser VRA Calibration Based on Ground Sensing Data from Specific Field ExperimentsNitrogen (N) fertilisation affects both rice yield and quality. In order to improve grain yield while limiting N losses, providing N fertilisers during the critical growth stages is essential. NDRE is considered a reliable crop N status indicator, suitable to drive topdressing N fertilisation in rice. A multi-year experiment on different rice varieties (Gladio, Centauro, and Carnaroli) was conducted between 2011 and 2017 in Castello d’Agogna (PV), northwest Italy, with the aim of i) est... E. Cordero, D. Sacco, B. Moretti, E.F. Miniotti, D. Tenni, G. Beltarre, M. Romani, C. Grignani |
644. The Guelph Plot Analyzer: Semi-Automatic Extraction of Small-Plot Research Data from Aerial ImagerySmall-plot trials are the foundation of open-field agricultural research because they strike a balance between the control of an artificial environment and the realism of field-scale production. However, the size and scope of this research field is often limited by the ability to collect data, which is limited by access to labour. Remote sensing has long been investigated to allocate labour more efficiently, therefore enabling the rapid collection of data. Imagery collected by unmanned aerial... J. Nederend, D. Drover, B. Reiche, B. Deen, L. Lee, G.W. Taylor |
645. Crop growth monitoring on the field scale using Planet scope imageryCrop growth monitoring with remote sensing attempt to provide real-time information of crop growth state to guide filed management during crop growth period and early yield estimation. Many researches of how to use remote sensing to monitor crop growth state have been done in the last couple of years, although most of them completed their study on the regional scale rather than on field scale. But more accurate crop growth state information on field scale is really needed for us when we want ... W. Hongyan, Z. Longcai |
646. Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-Based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and WeedsTargeted fertilization of grass clover leys shows high financial and environmental potentials leading to higher yields of increased quality, while reducing nitrate leaching. To realize the gains, an accurate fertilization map is required, which is closely related to the local composition of plant species in the biomass. In our setup, we utilize a top-down canopy view of the grass clover ley to estimate the composition of the vegetation, and predict the composition of the dry matter of the for... S. Skovsen, M. Dyrmann, J. Eriksen, R. Gislum, H. Karstoft, R.N. Jørgensen |
647. Using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Locations of Weeds in Images from Cereal FieldsInformation about the presence of weeds in fields is important to decide on a weed control strategy. This is especially crucial in precision weed management, where the position of each plant is essential for conducting mechanical weed control or patch spraying. For detecting weeds, this study proposes a fully convolutional neural network, which detects weeds in images and classifies each one as either a monocot or dicot. The network has been trained on over 13 000 weed annota... M. Dyrmann, S. Skovsen, R.N. Jørgensen, M.S. Laursen |
648. Using UAV Imagery for Crop AnalyticsUAV imagery was collected in April and July of 2017 over a grape vineyard in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Using spectral signatures, a landcover classification was performed to isolate table grapes from the background vegetation and soil. A novel vegetation index was developed based off the unique spectral characteristics of the yellowing effects of chlorosis within the table grape vines. Spatial statistics were run only on the pixels containing grape plants, and a relative vegetati... C. Adams, A. Coates |
649. Canopy Parameters in Coffee Orchards Obtained by a Mobile Terrestrial Laser ScannerThe application of mobile terrestrial laser scanner (MTLS) has been studied for different tree crops such as citrus, apple, olive, pears and others. Such sensing system is capable of accurately estimating relevant canopy parameters such as volume and can be used for site-specific applications and for high throughput plant phenotyping. Coffee is an important tree crop for Brazil and could benefit from MTLS applications. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to define a field protocol for... F. Hoffmann silva karp, A. Feritas colaço, R. Gonçalves trevisan, J.P. Molin |
650. Optimal Placement of Proximal Sensors for Precision Irrigation in Tree CropsIn agriculture, use of sensors and controllers to apply only the quantity of water required, where and when it is needed (i.e., precision irrigation), is growing in importance. The goal of this study was to generate relatively homogeneous management zones and determine optimal placement of just a few sensors within each management zone so that reliable estimation of plant water status could be obtained to implement precision irrigation in a 2.0 ha almond orchard located in California, USA. Fi... C.L. Bazzi, K. Schenatto, S. Upadhyaya, F. Rojo |
651. Machine Monitoring As a Smartfarming Concept ToolCurrent development trends are associated with the digitization of production processes and the interconnection of individual information layers from multiple sources into common databases, contexts and functionalities. In order to automatic data collection of machine operating data, the farm tractors were equipped with monitoring units ITineris for continuous collection and transmission of information from tractors CAN Bus. All data sets are completed with GPS location data. Acrea... M. Kroulik, V. Brant, P. Zabransky, J. Chyba, V. Krcek, M. Skerikova |
652. Use of Field Diagnostic Tools for Top Dressing Nitrogen Recommendation When Organic Manures Are Applied in Humid Mediterranean ConditionsNitrogen is often applied in excessive quantities, causing nitrogen losses. In recent years, the management of large quantities of manure and slurry compounds has become a challenge. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of the proxy tools Yara N-testerTMand RapidScan CS-45 for diagnosing the N nutritional status of wheat crops when farmyard manures were applied. Our second objective was to start designing a N fertilization strategy based on these measurements. To achieve these o... A. Castellón, A. Aizpurua, M. Aranguren |
653. Assessing and modeling spatial variability of vineyard water status in semi-arid climatesPlant water stress affects grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) berry composition and is variable in space due to variations in the physical environment at the growing site. We monitored the natural variability of grapevine water stress by stem water potential (Ystem), C13 abundance in berry and leaf gas exchange in an equi-distant grid in a commercial vineyard. Spatial differences were measured and related to topographical variation by modeling. Geospatia... K. Kurtural, L. Brillante |
654. Prediction of Corn Economic Optimum Nitrogen Rate in ArgentinaStatic (i.e. texture and soil depth) and dynamic (i.e. soil water, temperature) factors play a role in determining field or subfield economically optimal N rates (EONR). We used 50 nitrogen (N) trials from Argentina at contrasting landscape positions and soil types, various soil-crop measurements from 2012 to 2017, and statistical techniques to address the following objectives: a) characterize corn yield and EONR variability across a multi-landscape-year study in central west Buenos Aire... L. Puntel, A. Pagani, S. Archontoulis |
655. Compensating for Soil Moisture Effects in Estimation of Soil Properties by Electrical Conductivity SensingBulk apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is the most widely used soil sensing modality in precision agriculture. Soil ECa relates to multiple soil properties, including clay content (i.e., texture) and salt content (i.e., salinity). However, calibrations of ECa to soil properties are not temporally stable, due in large part to soil moisture differences between measurement dates. Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the effects of temporal soil moisture variatio... K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, E.D. Vories, S.T. Drummond |
656. Using Canopy Hyperspectral Measurements to Evaluate Nitrogen Status in Different Leaf Layers of Winter WheatNitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrient matters for crop growth and has the marked influence on the ultimate formation of yield and quality in crop production. As the most mobile nutrient constituent, N always transfers from the bottom to top leaves under N stress condition. Vertical gradient changes of leaf N concentration are a general feature in canopies of crops. Hence, it is significant to effectively acquire vertical N information for optimizing N fertilization mana... X. Xu, Z. Li, G. Yang, X. Gu, X. Song, X. Yang, H. Feng |
657. AUTOMATIC SECTION CONTROL FOR PLANTERS: AN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY TO BENEFITS CORN AND SOYBEAN YIELDSDue to high production costs, farmers are exploring new technologies to fine-tune the use of different inputs. Under this scenario, Automatic Section Control (ASC) technology has gained interest and becoming a standard technology for different agricultural implements. For planters, ASC (by controlling row) is a strategy to avoid double-planted area (DPA) on end rows which is a common issue on corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) fields. Reducing DPA produces seed ... G.M. Corassa, T. Amado, R. Schwalbert, A. Sharda, I. Ciampitti, J. Fulton, T. Liska |
658. Predicted Nitrate-N Loads for Fall, Spring, and VRN Fertilizer Application in Southern MinnesotaNitrate-N from agricultural fields is a source of pollution to fresh and marine waters via subsurface tile drainage. Sensor-based technologies that allow for in-season monitoring of crop nitrogen requirements may represent a way to reduce nitrate-N loadings to surface waters by allowing for fertilizer application on a more precise spatial and temporal resolution. However, little research has been done to determine its effectiveness in reducing nitrate-N losses. In this study... G.L. Wilson, D.J. Mulla, J. Galzki, A. Laacouri, J. Vetsch |
659. Improving Corn Nitrogen Rate Recommendations Through Tool FusionImproving corn (Zea maysL,) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate recommendation tools can improve farmer’s profits and help mitigate N pollution. One way to improve N recommendation methods is to not rely on a single tool, but to employ two or more tools. Thiscould be thoughtof as “tool fusion”.The objective of this analysis was to improve N management by combining N recommendation tools used for guiding rates for an in-seasonN application. This evaluation ... C.J. Ransom, N.R. Kitchen, J.J. Camberato, P.R. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernandez, D.W. Franzen, C.A. Laboski, E.D. Nafziger, J. Shanahan, J.E. Sawyer |
660. Autonomous Mapping of Grass-Clover Ratio Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Convolutional Neural NetworksThis paper presents a method which can provide support in determining the grass-clover ratio, in grass-clover fields, based on images from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Automated estimation of the grass-clover ratio can serve as a tool for optimizing fertilization of grass-clover fields. A higher clover content gives a higher performance of the cows, when the harvested material is used for fodder, and thereby this has a direct impact on the dairy industry. An android ... D. Larsen, S. Skovsen, K.A. Steen, K. Grooters, O. Green, R.N. Jørgensen, J. Eriksen |
661. Utilizing Weather, Soil, and Plant Condition for Predicting Corn Yield and Nitrogen Fertilizer ResponseImproving corn (Zea mays L.) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate recommendation tools should increase farmer’s profits and help mitigate N pollution. Weather and soil properties have repeatedly been shown to influence crop N need. The objective of this research was to improve publicly-available N recommendation tools by adjusting them with additional soil and weather information. Four N recommendation tools were evaluated across 49 N response trials conducted in eight U.S. states over three gr... N.R. Kitchen, M.A. Yost, C.J. Ransom, G. Bean, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer |
662. A novel sphere detection algorithm for improved yield and size estimation of partially occluded apple fruitEstimating crop yields in advance of harvest is an important task in planning crop production operations and marketing. Current yield predictions in apple orchards are based on historical yields in previous years or crop density estimated by sampling one to three limbs per tree. These schemes often produce inaccurate size and yield estimation by failing to account for fruit-to-fruit variation within a tree and tree-to-tree variation within a block. In recent years, there have been various stu... D. Choi, T.D. Jarvinen |
663. Precision Agriculture Research Infrastructure for Sustainable FarmingPrecision agriculture is an emerging area at the intersection of engineering and agriculture, with the goal of intelligently managing crops at a microscale to maximize yield while minimizing necessary resource. Achieving these goals requires sensors and systems with predictive models to constantly monitor crop and environment status. Large datasets from various sensors are critical in developing predictive models which can optimally manage necessary resources. Initial experiments at Universit... C. Lai, C. Min, R. Chiang, A. Hafferman, S. Morgan |
664. UAV Images As a Source for Retrieval of Machine Tracks and Vegetation Gaps Along Crop RowsThe trend of acquiring equipment and obtaining high resolution remote sensed images by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been followed by sugarcane producers in Brazil, given its low cost. The images taken from fields have been used for retrieval of information like Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) from stereoscopy of overlapping images and spatial variance of biomass. In sugarcane production, driving deviations occur during planting because of manual steering inaccuracy, sliding of machines s... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin |
665. Algorithm for variable nitrogen fertilization for spring wheat in southern Brazil based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)Nitrogen (N) fertilization in spring wheat in southern Brazil is based on grain yield potential, soil organic matter content and previous crop (soybean or corn). However, these variables are not precise and subjected to errors, resulting on N losses and yield potential reduction. Moreover, grain yield potential definition is difficult, since it is affected by weather conditions that are variable between years. For nitrogen management, shoot biomass and N uptake are important components and sh... C. Bredemeier, A.L. Vian, C. Trentin, M.A. Drum, J.A. Silva, C.P. Giordano |
666. Using Profitability Map to Make Precision Farming Decisions: A Case Study in MississippiRecent development in precision agriculture technologies have generated massive amount of geospatial data of farming, such as yield mapping, seeding rates, input applications, and so on. However, producers are still struggling to convert those precision data into farm management decisions to improve productivity and profitability of farming. Indeed, deriving accurate decisions at each site of the field requires complex and comprehensive modeling of crop yield responses to vari... X. Li, K. Coble |
667. Developing an Analytical Engine for On-farm Field Trial DataResearchers working on a USDA-sponsored research project are currently conducting approximately one hundred large-scale, on-farm agronomic field trials in seven countries and seven US states. Each experiment randomizes input application rates on full fields no less than 35 hectares in area. The methodology of their experiments is to use precision technology to design and conduct the trials; farmers can implement the trials with very little bother. We report the results o... T. Mieno, L. Puntel, D. Bullock |
668. Understanding the Potential Impacts of Nozzle Clog Detection in Precision Spray ApplicationAgrochemicals for crop protection such as pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides are chiefly applied using sprayers. Regardless of the sprayer type – whether ground or aerial – nozzles are the outlets via which pressurized chemical mix finally exits the sprayer as spray. The type of nozzle used determines the spray pattern attained while the size of nozzle (orifice diameter) determines the liquid flow rate. For a given nozzle size, increasing the operati... P.A. Larbi, C. Vong |
669. Using Geospatial Data to Assess How Climate Change May Affect Land Suitability for Agriculture ProductionFinding solutions to the challenge of sustainably feeding the world’s growing population is a pressing research need that cuts across many disciplines including using geospatial data. One possible area could be developing agricultural frontiers. Frontiers are defined as land that is currently not cultivated but that may become suitable for agriculture under climate change. Climate change may drive large-scale geographic shifts in agriculture, including expansion in cultivation at the th... K. Kc, L. Hannah, P. Roehrdanz, C. Donatti, E. Fraser, A. Berg, L. Saenz, T.M. Wright, R.J. Hijmans, M. Mulligan |
670. Site-Specific Management Zones Delineation Using Drone-Based Hyperspectral ImageryConventional techniques (e.g., intensive soil sampling) for site-specific management zones (MZ) delineation are often laborious and time-consuming. Using drones equipped with hyperspectral system can overcome some of the disadvantages of these techniques. The present work aimed to develop a drone-based hyperspectral imagery method to characterize the spatial variability of soil physical properties in order to delineate site-specific MZ. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to extract... H. Agili, K. Chokmani, A. Cambouris, I. Perron, J. Poulin |
671. Pest Detection on UAV Imagery Using a Deep Convolutional Neural NetworkPresently, precision agriculture uses remote sensing for the mapping of crop biophysical parameters with vegetation indices in order to detect problematic areas, and then send a human specialist for a targeted field investigation. The same principle is applied for the use of UAVs in precision agriculture, but with finer spatial resolutions. Vegetation mapping with UAVs requires the mosaicking of several images, which results in significant geometric and radiometric problems. Furthermore, even... Y. Bouroubi, P. Bugnet, T. Nguyen-xuan, C. Bélec, L. Longchamps, P. Vigneault, C. Gosselin |
672. Variety Effects on Cotton Yield Monitor CalibrationWhile modern grain yield monitors are able to harvest variety and hybrid trials without imposing bias, cotton yield monitors are affected by varietal properties. With planters capable of site-specific planting of multiple varieties, it is essential to better understand cotton yield monitor calibration. Large-plot field experiments were conducted with two southeast Missouri cotton producers to compare yield monitor-estimated weights and observed weights in replicated variety trials. Two replic... E. Vories, A. Jones, G. Stevens, C. Meeks |
673. Proximal soil sensing: state of the art in Brazilian tropical soilsSample density for mapping the spatial variability of soil attributes is limited due to the costs of laboratory analysis and the operational feasibility of the method. Furthermore, researches using geostatistical analyzes usually demonstrate that the density employed is not sufficient to characterize the spatial distribution of most soil chemical attributes. About 15% of the grain production area in Brazil is managed with precision agriculture tools including grid soil sampling and variable r... T.R. Tavares, M.T. Eitelwein, R.G. Trevisan, L.F. Maldaner, L.D. Corrêdo, L.G. Mendes, J.P. Molin |
674. A Crop Simulation Approach to Estimate the Value of On-farm Field TrialsResearchers working on a USDA-sponsored research project are currently conducting approximately one hundred large-scale, on-farm agronomic field trials in seven countries and seven US states. Each experiment randomizes input application rates on full fields no less than 35 hectares in area. The methodology of their experiments is to use precision technology to design and conduct the trials; farmers can implement the trials with very little bother. Previous studies of the eco... T. Mieno, L. Puntel, D. Bullock |
675. Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Multispectral with RGB Sensors to Analyze Canola Yield in the Canadian PrairiesIn 2017 canola was planted on 9 million hectares in Canada surpassing wheat as the most widely planted crop in Canada. Saskatchewan is the dominant producer with nearly 5 million hectares planted in 2017. This crop, seen both as one of the highest-yielding and most profitable, is also one of most expensive and input-intensive for producers on the Canadian Prairies. In this study, the effect of natural and planted shelterbelts on canola yield was compared with canola yi... K. Hodge, L. Bainard, A. Smith, F. Akhter |
676. Snap Bean Flowering Detection from UAS Imaging SpectroscopySclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mold) is a fungus that infects the flowers of snap beans and causes a reduction in the number of pods, and subsequent yields, due to premature pod abscission. Snap bean fields typically are treated with prophylactic fungicide applications to control white mold, once 10% of the plants have at least one flower. The holistic goal of this research is to develop spatially-explicit white mold risk models, based on inputs from remote sensing systems aboard unmann... E.W. Hughes, S.J. Pethybridge, C. Salvaggio, J. Van aardt, J.R. Kikkert |
677. Ground Vehicle Mapping of Fields Using LiDAR to Enable Prediction of Crop BiomassMapping field environments into point clouds using a 3D LIDAR has the ability to become a new approach for online estimation of crop biomass in the field. The estimation of crop biomass in agriculture is expected to be closely correlated to canopy heights. The work presented in this paper contributes to the mapping and textual analysis of agricultural fields. Crop and environmental state information can be used to tailor treatments to the specific site. This paper presents the current results... M.P. Christiansen, M.S. Laursen, R.N. Jørgensen, S. Skovsen, R. Gislum |
678. Optimizing Corn Seeding Depth by Soil Texture to Achieve Uniform StandCorn (Zea mays L.) yield potential can be affected by uneven emergence. Corn emergence is influenced by both management and environmental conditions. Varying planting depth and rate as determined by soil characteristics could help improve emergence uniformity and grain yield. This study was conducted to assess varying corn seeding depths on plant emergence uniformity and yield on fine- and coarse-textured soils. Research was conducted on alluvial soil adjacent to the Missouri river with contr... S. Stewart, N. Kitcken, M. Yost, L. Conway |
679. The Role of RF Technology in Precision AgricultureRadio Frequency Technology (RF) in licensed and unlicensed frequencies has been utilized for years in industrial settings. From petroleum production to factory automation, wireless RF has driven significant savings and efficiencies by enabling remote telemetry, monitoring, automation and process control. Additionally, RF is the foundation for command-and-control (C2) of drones and other unmanned systems which are increasingly becoming part of the industrial landscape. ... E. Garcia |
680. Forecasting within-field corn yield based on high-resolution satellite imagery data (Sentinel-2)Precise and reliable yield forecast tools could play a fundamental role in supporting policy formulation, and decision-making process in agriculture (e.g. storage and transport). Most models developed for yield forecasting are only useful at large but as agricultural practices are oriented towards more site-specific, moving from larger scales to precision agriculture (PA) techniques, there is a higher dependency on detailed information about within-field variability scales. Therefor... R. Schwalbert, T. Amado, G. Corassa, L. Nieto, I. Ciampitti |
681. Data Power: Understanding the Impacts of Precision Agriculture on Social RelationsPrecision agriculture has been greatly promoted for the potential of these technologies to sustainably intensify food production through increasing yields and profits, decreasing the environmental impacts of production, and improving food safety and transparency in the food system through the data collected by precision agriculture technologies. However, little attention has been given to the potential of these technologies to impact social relations within the agricultural industry.&nb... E. Duncan, E. Fraser |
682. Soybean Plant Phenotyping Using Low-Cost SensorsPlant phenotyping techniques are important to present the performance of a crop and it interaction with the environment. The phenotype information is important for plant breeders to analyze and understand the plant responses from the ambient conditions and the inputs offered for it. However, for conclusive analysis it is necessary a large number of individuals. Thus, phenotyping is the bottleneck of plant breeding, a consequence of the labor intensive and costly nature of the classical phenot... M.N. Ferraz, R.G. Trevisan, M.T. Eitelwein, J. Molin, F.H. Karp |
683. Forecasting Crop Yield Using Multi-Layered, Whole-Farm Data Sets and Machine LearningThe ultimate goal of Precision Agriculture is to improve decision making in the business of farming. Many broadacre farmers now have a number of years of crop yield data for their fields which are often augmented with additional spatial data, such as apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), soil gamma radiometrics, terrain attributes and soil sample information. In addition there are now freely available public datasets, such as rainfall, digital soil maps and archives of satellite remote... P. Filippi, E.J. Jones, M. Fajardo, B.M. Whelan, T.F. Bishop |
684. Field Grown Apple Nursery Tree Plant Counting Based on Small UAS Imagery Derived Elevation MapsIn recent years, growers in the state are transitioning to new high yielding, pest and disease resistant cultivars. Such transition has created high demand for new tree fruit cultivars. Nursery growers have committed their incoming production of the next few years to meet such high demands. Though an opportunity, tree fruit nursery growers must grow and keep the pre-sold quantity of plants to supply the amount promised to the customers. Moreover, to keep the production economical amidst risin... M. Martello, J.J. Quirós, L. Khot |
685. Optimising Nitrogen Use in Cereal Crops Using Site-Specific Management Classes and Crop Reflectance SensorsThe relative cost of Nitrogen (N) fertilisers in a cropping input budget, the 33% Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) seen in global cereal grain production and the potential environmental costs of over-application are leading to changes in the application rates and timing of N fertiliser. Precision agriculture (PA) provides tools for producers to achieve greater synchrony between N supply and crop N demand. To help achieve these goals this research has explored the use of management classes derive... B. Whelan, M. Fajardo |
686. Relationships Between First Test Day Metrics of First Lactation Cows to Evaluate Transition PeriodThe objective of this study was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) on Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) data of animals on their first lactation to discover the most meaningful set of variables that describe the outcome on the first test day. Data collected over 4 years were obtained from 13 dairy herds located in Québec – Canada. The data set was filtered to contain only information from first test day of animals on their first lact... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, P. Andrade, D.E. Santschi, R. Lacroix, D.M. Lefebvre |
687. Can Optimization Associated with On-Farm Experimentation Using Site-Specific Technologies Improve Producer Management Decisions?Crop production input decisions have become increasingly difficult due to uncertainty in global markets, input costs, commodity prices, and price premiums. We hypothesize that if producers had better knowledge of market prices, spatial variability in crop response, and weather conditions that drive crop response to inputs, they could more cost-effectively make profit-maximizing input decisions. Understanding the drivers of variability in crop response and designing accompanying management str... B.D. Maxwell, A. Bekkerman, N. Silverman, R. Payn, J. Sheppard, C. Izurieta, P. Davis, P.B. Hegedus |
688. Draft Privacy Guidelines and Proposal Outline to Create a Field-Scale Trial Data Repository for Data Collected by On-Farm NetworksImplementing better management practices in corn and soybeans that increase profitability and reduce pollution caused by the practices requires large numbers of field-scale, replicated trials. Numerous complex and often unmeasurable interactions among the environment, genetics and management at the field scale require large numbers of trials completed at the field scale in a systematic and uniform manner to enable calculation of probabilities that a practice will be an improvement compared wi... T. Morris, N. Tremblay |
689. An Economic-Theory-Based Approach to Management Zone DelineationIn both the academic and popular literatures on precision agriculture technology, a management zoneis generally defined as an area in a field within which the optimal input application strategy is spatially uniform. The characteristics commonly chosen to delineate management zones, both in the literature and in commercial practice, are yield and variables associated with yield. But microeconomic theory makes clear that economically optimal input application strategi... B. Edge |
690. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF APPLICATIONS IN VARIABLE RATES FROM AS-APPLIED MAPSThe use of sensor in the machine’s metering device allows to know the exactly quantity of the product to be distributed. Based on this information, it is possible to visualize the real amount applied, known as as-applied maps. There is no point in all the effort expended to visualize the variability if the machine does not have the ability to reproduce it correctly. It is known that there is a difference between the recommended and the real application rate. The purpose of this work wil... L.G. Mendes, C.D. Duarte, T.R. Tavares, L.F. Maldaner, L.D. Corredo, J.P. Molin |
691. Influence of Planter Downforce Setting and Ground Speed on Seeding Depth and Plant Spacing Uniformity of CornUniform seed placement improves seed-to-soil contact and requires proper selection of downforce control across varying field conditions. At faster ground speeds, downforce changes and it becomes critical to select the level of planter downforce settings to achieve the desired consistency of seed placement during planting. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of ground speed and downforce setting on seeding depth and plant spacing and to evaluate the relationship of ground spee... A. Sharda, S. Badua, I. Ciampitti, R. Strasser, T.W. Griffin |
692. AgronomoBot: A Smart Answering Chatbot Applied to Agricultural Sensor NetworksMobile devices advanced adoption has fostered the creation of various messaging applications providing convenience and practicality in general communication. In this sense, new technologies arise bringing automatic, continuous and intelligent features for communication through messaging applications by using web robots, also called Chatbots. Those are computer programs that simulate a real conversation between humans to answer questions or do tasks, giving the impression that the person is ta... G.M. Mostaço, L.B. Campos, C.E. Cugnasca, I.R. Souza |
693. Parsimonious soil sample site identification and agronomically relevant property mapping using multivariate soil sensor dataBroadacre cropping operations are gathering more spatial data on the soil resource using high resolution proximal sensors such as electromagnetic induction (EMI) and gammaradiometric (GR) instruments. These instruments quantify the magnitude and spatial pattern of variation in properties of the soil (apparent soil conductivity (ECa), magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma emission) that often show spatial relationships with variation in crop production. However the properties being measure... B. Whelan, P. Hughes |
694. Feature Extraction from Radial Descriptor Lines for Body Condition Scoring of CowsBody condition score (BCS) is considered as one of the most important indices for managing dairy cows, which is used to evaluate fat cover and changes in body condition. Dairy farmers should be aware of their cows BCS to be able to identify the patient cows on time and manage diets when needed. In this study, we have introduced a new index which uses Radial Descriptor Lines (RDL) for BC scoring. Based on the fact that the fatter the cow the smoother the back surface, we hypothesised that the ... A. Jafari, F. Karimi, A. Werner, S. Ghoreishi, S. Kargar |
695. Active Canopy Sensor-Based Precision Rice Management Strategy for Improving Grain Yield, Nitrogen and Water UseThe objective of this research was to develop an active crop sensor-based precision rice (Oryza sativa L.) management (PRM) strategy to improve rice yield, N and water use efficiencies and evaluate it against farmer’s rice management in Northeast China. Two field experiments were conducted from 2011 to 2013 in Jiansanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, China, involving four treatments and two varieties (Kongyu 131 and Longjing 21). The results indicated that PRM system significantly increased... J. Lu, H. Wang, Y. Miao |
696. Investigate the Optimal Plot Length in On-Farm TrialsAgronomic researchers have recently begun running large-scale, on-farm field trials that employ new technologies that enable us to conduct hundreds of farm trials all over the world and, by extension, rigorous quantitative and data-centered analysis. The large-scale, on-farm trials follow traditional small-plot trials where the fields are divided into plots, and different treatments are randomly assigned to each plot. Over the past two years, researchers have been designing trials with ... A. Gong |
697. Using Precision Agriculture Tools and Improved Data Analysis for Evaluating Effects of Integrated Nutrient Management ProgramsIntegrated nutrient management (INM) practices are becoming common under intensive agricultural systems in Chile. Practices include, the use of organic matter, in different sources, soil microbial inoculants, and the application of biostimulants, of different origin. Compared to the application of macronutrients, for example, the effects of these products on crops are rather modest and require lower experimental errors to be proven; besides, trials made at the field level, many times do not h... R. Ortega |
698. Remote Sensing Identification Temporal Selection of Main Deciduous Species in Mount Tai Based on Sensitive Spectral Indices and SVM: A Case of Study with Quercus acutissima and Robinia pseudoacaciaAbsrtact: 【Objective】 The accurate identification of mountainous tree species is the basis of remote sensing mapping, and it is very important for choosing the optimal temporal. Sensitive spectral index was introduced into SVM tree species identification method to improve the accuracy of tree species identification. 【Method】 ZY-1 02C and ZY-3 multispectral remote sensing images were selected to establish and screen sensitive spectral indices, and then the indices... |
699. Effect of Irrigation Scheduling Technique and Fertility Level on Corn Yield and Nitrogen MovementFlorida has more first magnitude springs that anywhere in the world. Most of these are located in north Florida where agricultural production is the primary basis for the economy. Irrigated corn has become a popular part of the crop rotation in recent years. This project is a study of a corn and peanut rotation investigating Best Management Practices (BMPs) of nitrogen fertility level (336, 246, 157 kg/ha) and irrigation strategies as follows: (i) GROW, mimicking grower’s practice... M. Dukes, M. Zamora, D. Rowland |
700. Evaluating Remote Sensing Based Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Potato ProductionConventional nitrogen (N) management for potato production in the Upper Midwest, USA relies on using split-applications of N fertilizer or a controlled release N product. Using remote sensing to adaptively manage N applications has the potential to improve N use efficiency and reduce losses of nitrate to groundwater, which are important regional concerns. A two-year plot-scale experiment was established to evaluate adaptive N-management using remote sensing compared to conventional practices ... B. Bohman, D. Mulla, C. Rosen |
701. Improving the Precision of Maize Nitrogen Management Using Crop Growth Model in Northeast ChinaThe objective of this project was to evaluate the ability of the CERES-Maize crop growth model to simulate grain yield response to plant density and N rate for two soil types in Northeast China, with the long-term goal of using the model to identify the optimum plant density and N fertilizer rate forspecific site-years. Nitrogen experiments with six N rates, three plant densities and two soil types were conducted from 2015 to 2017 in Lishu county, Jilin Province in Northeast China. The CERES-... X. Wang, Y. Miao, W.D. Batchelor, R. Dong, D.J. Mulla |
702. Precise coordination method for in-field flow-shop scheduling of farm machineryMulti-operation within a field and multi-machinery within an operation are common in the scene of scaled farm machinery service, especially with soaring usage of automated steering system in small and medium machinery cooperatives. The object of this study is to explore a precise and efficient in-field coordination method to realize flow-shop scheduling for farm machinery fleet equipped with GNSS based auto-steering system. (1) We proposed the cloud-terminal based sketch map of coordination o... C. Wu, J. Wang, Y. Zhu, Y. Cai |
703. Ground-truthing mobile terrestrial laser scanners for canopy characterization of fruit treesWhen developing mobile terrestrial laser scanners (MTLS) to characterize fruit tree canopies, a need arises to validate the systems. Ground truth is difficult to establish since the developed systems usually have much more resolution than the achievable with manual measurements. Two procedures are presented to validate three different MTLS developed based on LiDAR and on Kinect v2 sensors and a RTK-GNSS receiver. The first approach consists in a) creating a scene including several geometric s... A. Escolà, J. Llorens, A. Alsina, B. Lavaquiol, R. Sanz, J.R. Rosell-polo, J. Arnó, P. Ferre |
704. Improving Active Canopy Sensor-Based In-Season N Recommendation Using Plant Height Information for Rain-Fed Maize in Northeast ChinaThe inefficient utilization of nitrogen (N) fertilizer due to leaching, volatilization and denitrification has resulted in environmental pollution in rain-fed maize production in Northeast China. Active canopy sensor-based in-season N application has been proven effective to meet maize N requirement in space and time. The objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of using active canopy sensor for guiding in in-season N fertilizer recommendation for rain-fed maize in Northeast... X. Wang, Y. Miao, T. Xia, R. Dong, G. Mi, D.J. Mulla |
705. Using Deep Learning in Yield and Protein Prediction of Winter Wheat Based on Fertilization Prescriptions in Precision AgriculturePrecision Agriculture has been gaining interest due to the significant growth in the fields of engineering and computer science, hence leading to more sophisticated methods and tools to improve agricultural techniques. One approach to Precision Agriculture involves the application of mathematical models and machine learning to fertilization optimization and yield prediction, which is what this research focuses on. Specifically, in this work we report the results of predicting yield and protei... J. Sheppard, A. Peerlinck, B. Maxwell |
706. Estate Scale Experiments (ESE): continuously improving response to fertilizer in large commercial oil palm operationsFertilizer is a major expense to plantations, the largest variable cost to plantation managers. Few doubt its importance to continued high productivity. However, how much do managers really know about the payback from fertilizer on their estates? Knowing the general effect of an input and knowing its specific effect, under normal production conditions are two completely different things. In practice, agronomists can say little about the effect of fertilizer on speci... T. Oberthuer, S. Cook, C. Donough |
707. Using Sensors to Identify Weed Infestations in CroplandWeed classification is a crucial step in site-specific weed management system that could lead to saving herbicides by preventing repeated chemical applications. Project personnel planted kochia, buckwheat, green foxtail and Canada thistle weeds in a greenhouse and collected spectral reflectance of those weeds by handheld radio spectrometer to develop spectral signatures. RGB and multispectral images of outdoor weed research plots were collected by UAV to develop an algorithm for cla... J. Nowatzki, S. Bajwa, R.K. Zollinger, K. Poulson, A. Shirzadi |
708. Estimating Corn Biomass from RGB Images Acquired with an Unmanned Aerial VehicleAbove-ground biomass, along with chlorophyll content and leaf area index (LAI), is a key biophysical parameter for crop monitoring. Being able to estimate biomass variations within a field is critical to the deployment of precision farming approaches such as variable nitrogen applications. With unprecedented flexibility, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) allow image acquisition at very high spatial resolution and short revisit time. Accordingly, there has been an increasing interest i... K. Khun, P. Vigneault, E. Fallon, N. Tremblay, C. Codjia, F. Cavayas |
709. Precision Irrigation Management Through Conjunctive Use of Treated Wastewater and Groundwater in OmanAgriculture under arid environment is always become a challenge due to water scarcity and salinity problems. With average rainfall of 100 mm, agriculture in Oman is limited due to the arid climate and limited arable lands. More than 50 percent of the arable lands are located in the 300 km northern coastal belt of Al-Batinah region. In addition, country is facing severe problem of sea water intrusion into the groundwater aquifers due to undisciplined excessive groundwater (GW) abstractio... H. Jayasuriya, A. Al-busaidi, M. Ahmed |
710. Effectiveness of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Techniques in Determining Lettuce Nitrogen and Water StressesThis paper presents the results of the investigation on the effectiveness of UAV-based remote sensing data in determining lettuce nitrogen and water stresses. Multispectral images of the experimental lettuce plot at Cal Poly Pomona’s Spadra farm were collected from a UAV. Different rows of the lettuce plot were subject to different level of water and nitrogen applications. The UAV data were used in the determination of various vegetation indices. Proximal sensors used for ground-truthin... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja, M.R. Chaichi, R.L. Green, D. Do, M. Ansari, J.G. Wolf, A. Espinas, F.H. Pham, T.M. Sherman |
711. MAPPING THE SOIL FERTILITY OF BISANKHEL CATCHMENT OF CHITLANG VDC, USING GIS TECHNIQUES.The central aim of this research work was to map the status of soil nutrients in the Bisankhel catchment of Chitlang VDC, Makawanpur, Nepal. The study area covers 1023.25 hectares of land, extending from 85° 8' 8.433" E to 85° 10' 10.198" E longitude and 27° 37' 24.251" N to 27° 40' 21.560" N latitude. Total Nitrogen, available Phosphorus, extractable potassium, soil organic matter and soil pH were measured for 50 soil samples. Sampling was ... S. Lamichhane, R.K. Shrestha, B. Bhusal |
712. Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technology: A Duration AnalysisPrecision agriculture technologies have been available for adoption and utilization at the farm level for several decades. Some technologies have been readily adopted while others were adopted more slowly. An analysis of 621 Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) farmer members provided insights regarding adoption, upgrading, and abandonment of technology. The likelihood that farms adopt specific technology given that other technology had been adop... T.W. Griffin, E.A. Yeager |
713. Rape Plant NDVI Spatial Distribution Model Based on 3D ReconstructionPlants’ morphology changes in their growing process. The 3D reconstruction of plant is of great significance for studying the impacts of plant morphology on biomass estimation, illness and insect infestation, genetic expression, etc. At present, the 3D point cloud reconstructed through 3D reconstruction mainly includes the morphology, color and other features of the plant, but cannot reflect the change in spatial 3D distribution of organic matters caused by the nutritional status (e.g. ... Y. Chen, Y. He |
714. The Impact of Precision Agriculture Technologies on Farm Profitability in KansasEven with more than a decade long adoption of the precision agriculture (PA) technologies in the United States, its impact on farm profitability is still not clear. This paper uses farm level data from Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) to conduct the ex-post evaluation of PA technologies on farm profitability in Kansas. The analysis of the data using propensity score matching method indicates that there is on an average $60,000 difference in net returns of the farm with at least one P... S. Dhoubhadel, T.W. Griffin |
715. Shared Protocols and Data Template in Agronomic TrialsDue to the overlap of many disciplines and the availability of novel technologies, modern agriculture has become a wide, interdisciplinary endeavor, especially in Precision Agriculture. The adoption of a standard format for reporting field experiments can help researchers to focus on the data rather than on re-formatting and understanding the structure of the data. This paper describes how a European consortium plans to: i) create a “handbook” of protocols for reporting definition... D. Cammarano, D. Drexler, P. Hinsinger, P. Martre, X. Draye, A. Sessitsch, N. Pecchioni, J. Cooper, W. Helga, A. Voicu |
716. Precision Nitrogen Management: Past, Present and FuturePrecision Nitrogen Management: Past, Present and Future R. Khosla, Y. Miao, E. Phillippi, and L. Longchamps. Nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient in agricultural production. Managing N fertilizer input has been a preeminent focus of scientists and farmers since at least the 19th century. Over the last 50 years researchers and growers have developed robust methodologies to model and manage N upta... R. Khosla, Y. Miao, E. Phillippi, L. Longchamps |
717. Data Clustering Tools for Understanding Spatial Heterogeneity in Crop Production by Integrating Proximal Soil Sensing and Remote Sensing DataRemote sensing (RS) and proximal soil sensing (PSS) technologies offer an advanced array of methods for obtaining soil property information and determining soil variability for precision agriculture. A large amount of data collected using these sensors may provide essential information for precision or site-specific management in a production field. In this paper, we introduced a new clustering technique was introduced and compared with existing clustering tools for determining relatively hom... M. Saifuzzaman, V.I. Adamchuk, H. Huang, W. Ji, N. Rabe, A. Biswas |
718. Using Field spectroscopy for detecting soil properties for Site Specific Management in arid regionUsing Field spectroscopy for detecting soil properties for Site Specific Management in arid region Abdelaziz A. Belala, Abdelraouf M. Alia, aNational Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Cairo, Egypt belalabd@gmail.com Abstract: In recent years, Precision Farming (PF) is a new trend for developing the agriculture proc... A. Belal, A. Ali |
719. Feasibility of Estimating the Leaf Area Index of Maize Traits with Hemispherical Images Captured from Unmanned Aerial VehiclesFeeding a global population of 9.1 billion in 2050 will require food production to be increased by approximately 60%. In this context, plant breeders are demanding more effective and efficient field-based phenotyping methods to accelerate the development of more productive cultivars under contrasting environmental constraints. The leaf area index (LAI) is a dimensionless biophysical parameter of great interest to maize breeders since it is directly related to crop productivity. The LAI is def... M. Perez-ruiz, E. Apolo-apolo, G. Egea, J. Martinez-guanter, C. Marin-barrero |
720. Development of a Graphical User Interface for Spinner-Disc Spreader Calibration and Spread Uniformity AssessmentBroadcast fertilizer distribution through spinner-disc spreaders remain the most cost-effective, and least time consuming process to apply the needed soil amendments for the next crop. Spreaders currently available to producers enable them to apply a variety of granular products at varying rates, blends, and swath widths. In order to uniformly apply granular fertilizer or lime, the spreader should be calibrated by standard pan testing with any change in spreader settings, application rate, or... R. Colley iii, Y. Lin, J. Fulton, S. Shearer |
721. Overview and Value of Digital Technologies for North American Soybean ProducersIn the current state of digital agriculture, many digital technologies and services are offered to assist North American soybean producers. Opportunities for capturing and analyzing information related to soybean production methods are made available through the adoption of these technologies. However, often it is difficult for producers to know which digital tools and services are available to them or understand the value they can provide. The objective of th... J. Lee, J. Fulton, K. Port, R. Colley iii |
722. Precision Feeding Can Significantly Reduce Lysine Intake and Nitrogen Excretion Without Compromising the Performance of Growing PigsThe impact of using a mathematical model estimating real-time daily lysine requirements in a sustainable precision feeding program for growing pigs was investigated in two performance trials. Three treatments were tested in the first trial (60 pigs of 41.2±0.5 kg): a three-phase feeding program (3P) obtained by blending fixed proportions of feeds A (high nutrient concentration) and B (low nutrient concentration); and two daily-phase feeding programs in which the blended proportions of ... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, J. Rivest, L. Hauschild, J. Pomar |
723. Evaluation of HLB-Infected Citrus Rootstocks Using Ground Penetrating RadarCitrus production in Florida continues to decline steadily, since the arrival of Huanglongbing (HLB or citrus greening). HLB does not kill the tree, but HLB-infected trees become less productive. Since now, there is no cure for this disease. However, several strategies have been developed to manage and control HLB-infected citrus trees. We have developed and evaluated a heat thermotherapy system (short-term solution) for sustaining productivity of HLB-affected trees. This system heats the can... Y. Ampatzidis, M. Derival, S. Kakarla, U. Albrecht, X. Zhang |
724. Precision Nitrogen and Water Management for Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity in Irrigated MaizeNitrogen and water continue to be the most limiting factors for profitable maize production in the western Great Plains. The objective of this research was to determine the most productive and efficient nitrogen and water management strategies for irrigated maize. This study was conducted in 2016 at Colorado State University’s Agricultural Research Development and Educational Center, in Fort Collins, Colorado. The experiment included a completely randomized block design with ... E. Phillippi, R. Khosla, L. Longchamps, P. Turk |
725. Assessment of Crop Growth Under Modified Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Using Small Unmanned Aerial System Based Imaging TechniquesIrrigation accounts for about 80% consumptive use of water in the Northwest of United States. Even small increases in water use efficiency can improve crop production, yield, and have more water available for alternative uses. Center pivot irrigation systems are widely recognized in the irrigation industry for being one of the most efficient sprinkler systems. In recent years, there has been a shift from high pressure impact sprinklers on the top of center pivots to Mid Elevation Spray Applic... M. Chakraborty, T. Peters, L. Khot |
726. Non-destructive phenotyping of transgenic maize glyphosate resistance using Chlorophyll fluorescence and hyperspectral imagingThe introduction of transgenic glyphosate-tolerant crops has led to the evolution of many resistant weeds due to the increased use of herbicides, particularly during the post-emergent growth of crops. The fixation of superior plant phenotypes is an important stage in the molecular plant breeding programme.A robust genotype-phenotype relationship is essential for breeding desirable big bluestem with high fermentable sugar contents, although conventional wet chemical approaches are expensive an... X. Feng, Y. He |
727. soil2data: Concept for a Mobile Field Laboratory for Nutrient AnalysisKnowledge of the small-scale nutrient status of arable land is an important basis for optimizing fertilizer use in crop production. A mobile field laboratory opens up the possibility of carrying out soil sampling and nutrient analysis directly on the field. In addition to the benefits of fast data availability and the avoidance of soil material transport to the laboratory, it provides a future foundation for advanced application options, e.g. a high sampling density, sampling of small sub-fie... V. Tsukor, C. Scholz, W. Nietfeld, T. Heinrich, T. Mosler , F. Lorenz, E. Najdenko, A. Möller, D. Mentrup, A. Ruckelshausen, S. Hinck |
728. Winter Wheat Plant Nitrogen and Biomass Spatial and Temporal Variation StudyNitrogen (N) is likely the most critical nutrient factor of crops and it can be controlled during the growth season to promote crop productivity. In order to ensure productivity, farmers always supply more than less nitrogen. Excessive N in field not only results in environment pollution, but also reduces farmers’ profit. Thus, predicting crop N status accurately and applying appropriate rate N to crop are the focus of lots of studies in agriculture. Many studies have found Nitrog... X. Song, X. Gu, C. Yang, Y. Ma |
729. Tracking Two Decades of Precision Agriculture Through the Croplife Purdue SurveyThe CropLife/Purdue University precision dealer survey is the longest-running continuous survey of precision farming adoption. The 2017 survey is the 18th, conducted every year from 1997 to 2009, and then every other year following. For individuals working in agriculture there is great value in knowing who is doing what and why, to get a better understanding of the utilities and applications, and to guide investments. A major revision in survey questions was m... B. Erickson, J. Lowenberg-deboer, J. Bradford |
730. Auto-downscaling digital soil maps in interactive decision support systems for precision agricultureDetailed digital soil property maps are increasingly being produced for regional, national, continental and even global extents. It would obviously be very beneficial and reduce the costs for soil sampling, if such maps could be used as decision support for variable rate application of various inputs to crop production. However, even if a number of DSM products provide sufficiently high spatial resolution to give the impression that no further soil analyses are required, the often lar... M. Söderström, K. Piikki, H. Stadig, J. Martinsson |
731. Delineating Management Zones for Site-specific Fertilization to Improve Crop Productivity in Potato Cropping SystemsPotatoes are a high value cash crop, which relies heavily on agrochemicals. Currently, crop management practices are implemented uniformly with inadequate attention being given to the spatial variability in soil properties and tuber yield which not only increases the production cost but also adversely affects the tuber yield, quality and environment. This study was designed to characterize and quantify the spatial variation in soil properties and tuber yield and to delineate management zones ... A. Farooque, Q. Zaman, T. Esau, K. Al-mughrabi, A. Schumann |
732. Integration of Multispectral and Thermal Data for Mapping Crop Water Stress for Precision Irrigation of Vegetable CropsWater scarcity due to climate change, drought, and rising water demands from non-agricultural sectors, is threatening food production. Innovations in irrigation water management are required to optimize agricultural water use in water stressed regions of the world, and this requires more refined techniques of irrigation scheduling. The present study tends to investigate the integration of multispectral and thermal data for mapping crop water stress for precision irrigation management of veget... S. Ihuoma |
733. Through the Grass Ceiling: Using Multiple Data Sources on Intra-Field Variability to Reset Expectations of Pasture Production and Farm ProfitabilityIntra-field variability has received much attention in arable and horticultural contexts. It has resulted in increased profitability as well as reduced environmental footprint. However, in a pastoral context, the value of understanding intra-field variability has not been widely appreciated. In this programme, we used available technologies to develop multiple data layers on multiple fields within a dairy farm. This farm was selected as it was already performing at a high level, with well-dev... W. King, R. Dynes, S. Laurenson, S. Zydenbos, R. Macauliffe, A. Taylor, M. Manning, A. Roberts, M. White |
734. Thermal sharpening of Sentinel 3 images for water status mapping in large grapevinesHigh-resolution thermal images (TI) coupled with measured atmospheric conditions have been utilized to map the within-field water status variability. While the spatial resolution of spaceborne TIs is not suitable for monitoring crop conditions of individual fields, the spatial resolution of spaceborne VIS-NIR images is often fine enough for field and intra-field scale applications. Consequently, thermal sharpening techniques have been developed to sharpen TI to the spatial resolution of the V... H. Huryna, Y. Cohen, N. Panov, A. Karnieli, W. Kustas, A. Torres-rue , N. Agam |
735. Planet-Lab’s NDVI Time-Series for water status mapping in grapevinesHigh-resolution thermal images (TI) coupled with measured atmospheric conditions have been utilized to map within-field water status variability in vineyards as well as in other crops. Spaceborne TIs, though, have too coarse spatial resolution and using aerial platforms with high spatial-resolution TI sensors require substantial financial investments, which inhibit their large-scale adoption. To overcome this spatial resolution vs spatial extent trade-off, we propose to increase the spatial e... H. David, Y. Cohen, I. Bahat, Y. Netzer, A. Peeters, A. Ben-gal |
736. Creation of a Cartographic Model of the Terrain for Planning Soil Treatment Technologies in Field Cultivation/Cmd+V One of the most important natural factors of rational land management is the terrain, especially its relief. It must be taken into attention when choosing the field configuration. In addition, the speed and direction of water currents and of migration nutrients depends on the magnitude and direction of the surface slopes. The object of the research was selected part of the territory, located in the foothill plain of Altai. The relief of the investigated territ... N.I. Dobrotvorskaya, A.N. Radchikov |
737. Detection of Rice Grain Chalkiness Level in Thai Jasmine Rice with Optical Transmission AnalysisThai Jasmine rice is the main export rice product of Thailand. It grows mainly in the central part of Thailand where fluctuation of rain, humidity and heat can be expected. These variation could cause grain chalkiness which is an unpleasant trait adversely affecting appearance and milling quality of rice. The chalkiness part causes from packing of carbohydrate non-uniformly in the grain. Chalkiness affect the quality and the price of rice directly. To categorize the rice grain chalkiness, the... A. Sujarit, K. Cheaupan, N. Chattham |
738. Field Phenotyping and an Example of Proximal Sensing of PhotosynthesisField phenotyping conceptually can be divided in five pillars 1) traits of interest 2) sensors to measure these traits 3) positioning systems to allow high throughput measurements by the sensors 4) experimental sites and 5) environmental monitoring. In this paper we will focus on photosynthesis as trait of interest, measured by remote active fluorescence. The sensor presented is the Light Induced Fluorescence Transient (LIFT) instrument. The LIFT instrument is integrated in three positioning ... O. Muller, B. Keller, L. Zimmermanm, C. Jedmowski, V. Pingle, K. Acebron, N. Zendonadi, A. Steier, R. Pieruschka, U. Schurr, U. Rascher, T. Kraska |
739. Multi-sensor fusion for the determination of soil organic matter in the Yangtze River Delta, ChinaSoil organic matter (SOM) is one of the key chemical properties for evaluating soil fertility. Traditionally, it was measured by wet chemistry analyses, which are time-consuming, expensive, and require complicated sample treatment procedures. Currently, a variety of agricultural sensors have been applied to determine soil properties rapidly. Many studies have been conducted on the use of single sensor (vis-NIR, mid-IR and LIBS) to evaluate soil attributes. However, sometimes the prediction of... D. Xu, L. Zhou, X. Jia, H. Teng, F. Xia, Z. Shi |
740. ADAPT: A Rosetta Stone for Agricultural DataModern farming requires increasing amounts of data exchange among hardware and software systems. Precision agriculture technologies were meant to enable growers to have information at their fingertips to keep accurate farm records (and calculate production costs), improve decision-making and promote efficiencies in crop management, enable greater traceability, and so forth. The attainment of these goals has been limited by the plethora of proprietary, incompatible data formats among... D.D. Danford, K.J. Nelson, S.T. Rhea, M.W. Stelford, R. Ferreyra, J.A. Wilson, B.E. Craker |
741. Risk Efficiency of Site-Specific Nitrogen Management with Respect to Grain QualityProfitability analyses of site-specific nitrogen management strategies have often failed to provide reasons for adoption of precision farming implements. However, often effects of precision farming on product quality and price premiums were not taken into account. This study aims to evaluate comparative advantages of site-specific nitrogen management over uniform nitrogen management with respect to aspects of risk, considering fertilizer effects on grain quality and price premiums. We develop... A. Meyer-aurich, Y. Karatay, M. Gandorfer |
742. Evaluating effect of sensor height, sun angle and camera exposure on NDVI measurements in wheat cropHigh resolution Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) estimated by optical sensors on board unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has been used effectively to predict nitrogen variability and yield of wheat crop. It has been noticed that the NDVI measurements changes with altitude due to widen swath and camera exposure. In this study, an effort is made to determine the effect of height, sun angle and exposure on NDVI measurements for wheat crop. Multi-spectral camera on-board a quad cop... M. Cheema, M.A. Latif |
743. Can Unreplicated Strip Trials Be Used in Precision On-Farm Experiments?On-farm experiments are used to evaluate a wide variety of products ranging from pesticide and fertilizer rates to the installation of tile drainage. The experimental design for these experiments is usually replicated strip trials. Replication of strip trials is used to estimate experimental error, which is the basis for judging statistical significance of treatment effects. Another consideration for using strip trials is greater within-field variability than smaller fields us... G. Hatfield, G. Reicks, E. Carter |
744. A Precision Pollination System for Improving Sweet Cherry YieldDue to increasingly uncertain climate during bloom and colony collapse disorder affecting pollinator availability, there is interest among growers of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) to seek alternatives to the traditional pollinizer-pollinator model for fruit set. Fruit set in sweet cherry is highly variable and unpredictable among different cultivars and years. In this study, to improve the yield security, a precision pollination system (PPS) was proposed and tested in a commercial &... X. Zhang, C.M. Dykes, M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, M.D. Whiting |
745. Development of an Online Decision-Support Infrastructure for Optimized Fertilizer ManagementDetermination of an optimum fertilizer application rate involves various influential factors, such as past management, soil characteristics, weather, commodity prices, cost of input materials and risk preference. Spatial and temporal variations in these factors constitute sources of uncertainties in selecting the most profitableapplication rate. Therefore, a decision support system (DSS) that could help to minimize production risks in the context of uncertain crop performance is needed. ... S. Shinde, V. Adamchuk, R. Lacroix, N. Tremblay, Y. Bouroubi |
746. Late Season Imagery for Harvest ManagementThe overall objective of this project was to preliminarily assess the use of UAV-based thermal imagery to sense harvest-related factors. Results suggested that thermal imagery can be used to detect areas of high grain moisture content late in the harvest season. Time periods closer to physiological maturity were less likely to show significant differences in thermal imagery data. Additional research is needed to determine if moisture content trends with other measurable quan... J. Ward, G. Roberson, R. Phillips |
747. Main Stream Precision Farming - 7.000 VRA Maps for Winter RapeseedSEGES is owned by the Danish farmers and is an agricultural advisory centre advising landowners with a total of 2.1 mill hectare. One of SEGES’s goals is to make precision farming mainstream. One step in the process of making precision farming mainstream was in 2016 to give all farmers access to the free internet application CropSAT.dk. Here farmers can make variable rate application (VRA) maps based on satellite data from Sentinel-2. But this is not enough to m... R. Hoerfarter |
748. Development of a Soil ECa Inversion Algorithm for Topsoil Depth CharacterizationElectromagnetic induction (EMI) proximal soil sensor systems can deliver rapid information about soil. One such example is the DUALEM-21S (Dualem, Inc. Milton, Ontario, Canada). EMI sensors measure soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) corresponding to different depth of investigation depending on the instrument configuration. The interpretation of the ECa measurements is not straightforward and it is often site-specific. Inversion is required to explore specific depths. This inversion ... E. Leksono, V. Adamchuk, W. Ji, M. Leclerc |
749. Linking Precision Evaluation of Nitrogen Use Efficiency to FarmersPrecision nitrogen recommendations for wheat are often based on inherent assumptions and goals regarding yield, grain protein and nitrogen use efficiency. Assessing whether or not expected wheat performance goals, including N use efficiencies, are actually achieved, however, needs further development and application. Furthermore, farmer capacity to evaluate site-specific wheat performance (e.g. yield, protein, nitrogen use efficiency) in the field is becoming technologically and logistically ... D.R. Huggins |
750. Importance of Multiple Variables in Predicting Corn Yields Using Artificial IntelligenceMachine learning is increasingly used in data analytics and is gaining popularity in agronomy as a new way of inferring and interpreting data to forecast and predict yields. This study evaluated the importance of multiple variables in corn yield predictions using regression analysis on five years historical yield data from multiple fields located in Canada using hybrid machine learning techniques such as Random Forest and TreeNet gradient boosting algorithms as an additional method for rating... A. Mohammed, N. Tremblay, P. Vigneault |
751. Analysis of Soil Properties Predictability Using Different On-the-Go Soil Mapping SystemsUnderstanding the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes allows for the optimization of the profitability of nutrient and water management for crop development. Considering the advantages and accessibility of various types of multi-sensor platforms capable of acquiring large sensing data pertaining to soil information across a landscape, this study compares data obtained using four common soil mapping systems: 1) topography obtained using a real-time kinematic (RTK) glob... H. Huang, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas, W. Ji, S. Lauzon |
752. Laser Triangulation for Crop Canopy MeasurementsFrom a Precision Agriculture perspective, it is important to detect field areas where variabilities in the soil are significant or where there are different levels of crop yield or biomass. Information describing the behavior of the crop at any specific point in the growing season typically leads to improvements in the manner the local variabilities are addressed. The proper use of dense, in-season sensor data allows farm managers to optimize harvest plans and shipment schedules under variabl... R.M. Buelvas, V.I. Adamchuk |
753. Precision Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Espousal of Advanced Farming Practices Among Progressive Farmers in Punjab –PakistanPrecision agriculture provides innovative farm information tools for improved decision making regarding crop growth and yield. Creating awareness for future applications of precision agriculture among progressive farmers in Pakistan was an instrumental force to conduct this study. The purpose was to appraise the awareness level of the respondents for applications of precision agriculture in the field. The objectives such as assessing the awareness level, available information sources, future ... E. Ashraf, H.K. Shurjeel, R. Rasheed |
754. Analyzing Trends for Agricultural Decision Support System Using Twitter DataThe trends and reactions of the general public towards global events can be analyzed using data from social platforms, including Twitter. The number of tweets has been reported to help detect variations in communication traffic within subsets like countries, age groups and industries. Similarly, publicly accessible data and (in particular) data from social media about agricultural issues provide a great opportunity for obtaining instantaneous snapshots of farmers’ opinions and a method ... S. Jha, D. Saraswat, M.D. Ward |
755. Unmanned Aerial Systems and Remote Sensing for Cranberry ProductionWisconsin is the largest producer of Cranberries in the United States with 5.6 million barrels produced in 2017. To date, Precision Agriculture technologies adapted to cranberry production have been limited. The objective of this research was to assess the feasibility of the use of commercial remote sensing devices and Unmanned Aerial Systems in cranberry production. Two commercially available sensors were assessed for use in cranberry production: 1) MicaSense Red Edge and 2) Zenmuse XT. Init... B. Luck, J. Drewry, E. Chassen, S. Steffan |
756. Use Cases for Real Time Data in AgricultureAgricultural data of many types (yield, weather, soil moisture, field operations, topography, etc.) comes in varied geospatial aggregation levels and time increments. For much of this data, consumption and utilization is not time sensitive. For other data elements, time is of the essence. We hypothesize that better quality data (for those later analyses) will also follow from real-time presentation and application of data for it is during the time that data is being collected that errors can ... J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, A. Ault, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Layton, S. Noel, A. Balmos |
757. Analyzing Trends in Production Agriculture in the State of Illinois Using Open Source SoftwareWhether it be analyzing tillage practices in a drought prone area of the United States, or mapping herbicide application rates by specific chemical used, geospatial data plays a key role in helping visualize important conceptual frameworks. Geospatial analysis techniques allow for the formulation of guidelines and recommendations by giving a clear idea to the extent a practice is taking place. This project provides an analysis of publically available geospatial data using the... D. Saraswat, A.J. Etienne, M.D. Ward |
758. Digital surface modeling for agricultural path planningThe required abilities and important behaviors for an autonomous agricultural vehicle can be grouped into three categories: guidance and safe navigation; identification of physical and biological characteristics and execution of agricultural operations along with mapping and analysis of the field. Automated guidance in the field comprises classical behaviors studied by mobile robotic, such as following a specific path and obstacles avoidance. Nonetheless, a wide range of agricultural field in... R. Tabile, R. Sousa, A. Porto, R. Inamasu |
759. UAS imagery and A* algorithm to perform a path planning of an agricultural mobile robotConcerning autonomous navigation, autonomous vehicles or robots must be able to sense the world, create a map, and use it to localize itself and plan actions. Several approaches were proposed to achieve these goals and, until now, the most successful one was based on offline map construction, followed by online localization and navigation using the created map. The main advantage of this approach is the freedom to use time-consuming techniques to enhance map quality (e.g. loop closure correct... R. Tabile, R. Sousa, A. Porto, R. Inamasu |
760. Case Study on Using a Centralized Repository to Support Agricultural ResearchPrecision agriculture technology adoption has permitted farmers to not only receive value for their farm operation but also collect a significant amount of data. In recent years, telemetry has become standard technology on agricultural machinery permitting automated means to move data from machines to a cloud environment. Many of this data not provides the farm operation information for evaluation and verification but can be useful to support research focused on crop production be... S. Shearer, J.P. Fulton, B. Craker, D. Bierman, R. Colley iii, E. Hawkins, A. Aaron |
761. eFields – An On-Farm Research Network to Inform Farm RecommendationsOn-farm research has been traditionally used to provide local, field-scale information about agronomic practices. Farmers tend to have more confidence in on-farm research results because they are perceived to be more relevant to their farm operations compared to small plot research results. In recent years, more farmers have been conducting on-farm studies to help evaluate practices and input decisions. Recent advances in precision agriculture technologies have stream-lined the on-... J.P. Fulton, E. Hawkins, R. Colley iii, K. Port, S. Shearer, A. Klopfenstein |
762. Development of a Machine Vision Yield Monitor for Shallot Onion HarvestersCrop yield estimation and mapping are important tools that can help growers efficiently use their available resources and have access to detailed representations of their farm. Technical advancements in computer vision have improved the detection, quality assessment and yield estimation processes for crops, including apples, citrus, mangoes, maize, figs and many other fruits. However, similar methods capable of exporting a detailed yield map for vegetable crops have not yet been fully develop... A.A. Boatswain jacques, V.I. Adamchuk, G. Cloutier, J.J. Clark, C. Miller |
763. GIS Web and Mobile Development with Interfaces in QGIS for Variable Rate FertilizationIn this paper we described the implementation of a GIS for Precision Agriculture for sugarcane crop in Colombia. An spatial equation for Variable Rate Fertilization Model was defined using as inputs estimated harvest data, nutrients in soil and fertilizer efficiently. Models for soil and harvest variability are also defined. A personalized plugin for precision agriculture was developed into QGIS software, there is the option of upload maps to a Web and mobile app using the Desktop software an... R. Cuitiva baracaldo, O. Munar vivas, G. Carrillo romero |
764. Comparison of the Performance of Two Vis-NIR Spectrometers in the Prediction of Various Soil PropertiesSpectroscopy has shown capabilities of predicting certain soil properties. Hence, it is a promising avenue to complement traditional wet chemistry analysis that is costly and time-consuming. This study focuses on the comparison of two Vis-NIR instruments of different resolution to assess the effect of the resolution on the ability of an instrument to predict various soil properties. In this study, 798 air dried and compressed soil samples representing different agro-climatic conditions across... M. Marmette, V. Adamchuk, J. Nault, S. Tabatabai, R. Cocciardi |
765. Practical Prescription of Variable Rate Fertilization Maps Using Remote Sensing Based Yield PotentialThis paper describes a practical approach for the prescription of variable rate fertilization maps using remote sensing data (RS) based on satellite platforms, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 constellation. The methodology has been developed and evaluated in Albacete, Spain, in the framework of the project FATIMA (http://fatima-h2020.eu/). The global approach considers the prescription of N management prior to the growing season, based on a spatially distributed N balance. Although the diagnosis of ... A. Osann, I. Campos, M. Calera, C. Plaza, V. Bodas, A. Calera, J. Villodre, J. Campoy, S. Sanchez, N. Jimenez, H. Lopez |
766. Managing, Analyzing and Visualizing Geospatial Big Data in Precision AgricultureToday’s farms are generating massive amounts of data. In the next 10 years the amount of data generated by farms is expected to increase 5 fold. This data will come from multiple sources, and each of these sources will have “quirks.” Most of this data will have one data type in common, geospatial coordinates. The data’s native geospatial attributes can be used to tie the different of datasets together. ... T. Barr |
767. Managing the Kansas Mesonet for Site Specific Weather InformationWeather data has become one of the most widely discussed layers in precision agriculture especially in terms of agricultural ‘big data’. However, most farmers (and even other researchers outside of meteorology) are not likely aware of the complexities required to maintain weather stations that provide data. These stations are exposed to the elements 24/7 and provide unique challenges for sustainment during extreme weather conditions. Based upon decades of experience, this paper di... T. Griffin, C. Redmond, M. Knapp |
768. Crop Price Variation and Water Saving Technologies in Alborz Province of IranConsidering the importance and scarcity of water resources, the efficient management of water resources is of great imp,ortance. Adoption of modern irrigation technology is considered to be a key of increasing the efficiency of water used in agriculture. Policy makers have implemented several ways to induce the adoption of new irrigation technology. The empirical studies show that farmers are reluctant to utilize the use of new irrigation methods. This study aims to assess factors affecting o... S. Yazdani, S. Nikravesh, S. Bagheri |
769. Computer Vision Techniques Applied to Natural Scenes Recognition and Autonomous Locomotion of Agricultural Mobile RobotsThe use of computer systems in Precision Agriculture (PA) promotes the processes’ automation and its applied tasks, specifically the inspection and analysis of agricultural crops, and guided/autonomous locomotion of mobile robots. In this context, this research aims the application of computer vision techniques for agricultural mobile robot locomotion, settled through an architecture for the acquisition, image processing and analysis, in order to segment, classify and recognize patterns... L.C. Lugli, M.L. Tronco, A.J. Porto |
770. Application of a Systems Model to a Spatially Complex Irrigated Agricultural System: A Case StudyAlthough New Zealand is water-rich, many of the intensively farmed lowland areas suffer frequent summer droughts. Irrigation schemes have been developed to move water from rivers and aquifers to support agricultural production. There is therefore a need to develop tools and recommendations that consider both water dynamics and outcomes in these irrigated cropping systems. A spatial framework for an existing systems model (APSIM Next Generation) was developed that could capture the variability... J. Sharp, C. Hedley |
771. HYDROLOGICAL APPROACH TO PRECISION CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT UNDER CHANGING CLIMATEProblems of land and soil degradation, and their effects on food production, on environmental damages and on natural disasters are increasing worldwide. Besides climate change effects, still nowadays most of the problems are derived of human activities, through land use and management. The use of inappropriate conservation practices, supposedly of universal application, like terracing and no tillage, is also contributing to such increased degradation and derived effects. It has been proved th... I. Pla sentis |
772. Real Time Precision Irrigation with Variable Setpoint for Strawberry to Generate Water SavingsWater is a precious resource that is becoming increasingly scarce as the population grows and water resources are depleted in some locations or under increased control elsewhere, due to local availability or groundwater contamination issues. It obviously affects strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) production in populated areas and water cuts are being imposed to many strawberry growers to save water, with limited information on the impact on crop yield. Precision irrigation technologies ar... J. Caron, L. Anderson, G. Sauvageau, L. Gendron |
773. Observational Studies in Agriculture: Paradigm Shift RequiredThere is a knowledge gap in agriculture. For instance, there is no way to tell with precision what is the outcome of cutting N fertilizer by a quarter on important outcomes such as yield, net return, greenhouse gas emissions or groundwater pollution. Traditionally, the way to generate knowledge in agriculture has been to conduct research with the experimental method where experiments are conducted in a controlled environment with trials replicated in space a... L. Longchamps, B. Panneton, N. Tremblay |
774. Precision Fall Urea Fertilizer Applications: Timing Impact on Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia Volatilization and Nitrous Oxide EmissionsTo minimize ammonia (NH3) volatilization and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from fall applied fertilizer, it is generally recommended to not apply the fertilizer until the soil temperature decreases below 10 C. However, this recommendation is not based on detailed measurements of NH3and N2O emissions. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of fertilizer application timing on nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and ammonia volatilization emissions. Nitrogen fertilizer ... S. Thies, D.E. Clay, S. Bruggeman, D. Joshi, S. Clay, J. Miller |
775. Analysis of soil compositional data for site-specific nutrient managementCompositional data are strictly positive data closed to the unit or scale of measurement. They are relative to each other within the constrained, interactive, sample space and return negative correlations due to resonance between them (if one increase others must decrease due to closure). Plant tissue analysis (“ionome”) was first diagnosed compositionally in 1992. There are several examples of compositional data in soil science: soil textural composition (sand, silt, cl... L. Parent |
776. Ag Data CoalitionWe're a nonprofit organization focused on connecting the data dots across food & agriculture with the following objectives: We believe every farmer should have the ability to control their data and share it only with whom they select. The ADC seeks to facilitate this by creating a neutral data repository that is a safe and secure system built for farmers to manage the growing amount of data they need to run their operations. The talk would focus on telling research... J.P. Fulton |
777. Calculating the Water Deficit of Apple Orchard by Means of Spatially Resolved ApproachIn semi-humid climate, spatially resolved analysis of water deficit was carried out in apple orchard (Malus x domestica 'Pinova'). The meteorological data were recorded daily by a weather station. The apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) was measured at field capacity, and twenty soil samples in 30 cm were gathered for texture, bulk density, and gravimetric soil water content analyses. Furthermore, ten trees were defoliated in different ECa regions in order to estimate the leaf... N. Tsoulias, D. Paraforos, N. Brandes, S. Fountas, M. Zude-sasse |
778. Correlating Plant Nitrogen Status in Cotton with UAV Based Multispectral ImageryCotton is an indeterminate crop; therefore, fertility management has a major impact on the growth pattern and subsequent yield. Remote sensing has become a promising method of assessing in-season cotton N status in recent years with the adoption of reliable low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), high-resolution sensors and availability of advanced image processing software into the precision agriculture field. This study was conducted on a UGA Tifton campus farm located in Tifton, GA. The ... W. Porter, D. Daughtry, G. Harris, R. Noland, J. Snider, S. Virk |
779. A Gap Analysis of Broadband Connectivity and Precision Agriculture Adoption in Southwestern Ontario, CanadaIn Southwestern Ontario (Canada), the availability of broadband, or high-speed internet, likely influences the adoption of precision agriculture (PA) technologies and functions of these technologies which enable real-time data sharing between the field and the digital cloud, and back again to the farm-level user. This paper examines the reasons why PA technologies are, or are not adopted, and adoption in relation to varying levels of broadband access. Broadband access is defined here with var... H. Hambly, M. Chowdury |
780. Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food... T. Lawrence macaulay |
781. Ag Business & Crop Inc.Ag Business & Crop, Located in Ontario. Collecting the right spatial data on the farm is to central to making better crop management decisions. We help clients adopt and use technologies to collect accurate crop & field data, simply and efficiently. We believe in distributing the best technologies like Wintex’s highly accurate soil samplers, senseFly professional UAV/Drones and our newest product line of liquid storage system covers (eg Manure tanks) to help clients that a... B. Hall |
782. The Agrian Platform... T. Morier |
783. Irrigation Monitoring Made Easy by Hortau... C. Letendre |
784. InfoAg Conference... S.B. Phillips |
785. AgOtter-Wireless Rate Control, Data Logging and Real Time Tracking with iPads... G. Guyette |
786. Using Malvern Panalytical’s Near-Infrared Spectrometers for Precision Agriculture Applications... R. Cocciardi |
787. Next Instruments... V. Clancy |
788. Farming with Data: From Grains to Plantations... G. Maclean |
789. Optical High-Resolution Camera System with Computer Vision Software for Recognizing Pests, Fruits on Trees, and Growth of Crops... G. Pessl |
790. Merits and Building High Resolution Models Using Gamma Radiation... Z. Harmer |
791. Precision Soil Analysis for Precision Agriculture... C. Harrison |
792. New Soil Sensors from Veris... E. Lund |
793. Waypoint Analytical Inc.Waypoint Analytical Inc. Your Agricultural Laboratory for Quality Testing and Excellent Service ... O. Ruiz |
794. Targeted Application of Crop Production Products Using GIS and Remote Sensing... A. Melnitchouck |
795. Optimizing Fertilization Decisions for Maximal Profit with Real-time Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Satellite ImageryThis presentation will show how FieldApex harnesses the power of calibrated satellite imagery, artificial intelligence and real-time weather data to help agronomists and farmers make optimal decisions with fertilizer management. The speaker will walk the audience through the 2-minute process it takes to generate an Economically Optimal Nitrogen Rate with SCAN.AI, an algorithm developed in 2010 and continually improved ever since. He will also go over the seamless process involved in gene... N. Keable-vézina |
796. MicaSense, Inc. Gold Sponsor... D. Baustian |
797. ottawaCOIN: Rural Solutions, Urban Farm, Global Opportunity... R. Thompson |
798. Digital Agriculture at The Climate Corporation... L. Rens |
799. Brief Outlines of Selected Precision Agriculture Research Projects at the Faculté Des Sciences De L’agriculture Et De L’alimentation De L’université Laval... J. Caron |
800. Pix4d in Agriculture: a New Automatic Processing Pipeline for Absolute Reflectance Values and the Future of Agriculture Specific Products... A. Singh |
801. Welcome from McGill University... A. Geitmann |
802. Keynote Presentation: It's Not Rocket Science - Much More Actually. A Discussion on the Trends Impacting Technology Adoption on FarmsChris Paterson leads the Bayer CropScience Digital Farming initiative (XARVIO.com) in North America, and resides in Calgary, Alberta. Chris has been involved with agronomy and agribusiness across North America for 25 years, and for the past 10 years has been directly involved with the development of business applications around emerging technologies that generate, or consume farm data. The Digital Farming team that Chris leads has technical competencies in agronomy, data science, ... C. Paterson |
803. Precision Agriculture Research at the University of Guelph... C. Swanton |
804. Automated Crop Phenotyping in the Field... S. Hunt |
805. Introduction to Dualem... R. Taylor |
806. Sustainable Food Production Systems... C. Mackenzie |
807. R Workshop for Precision Agriculture ApplicationsThis 3-hour workshop introduces the precision agriculture enthusiasts to the popular open source R software to handle various sources of data acquired for characterizing field heterogeneity. The RStudio interface and numerous packages for organizing, manipulating and exploring data will be presented to the workshop participants. Formation of R scripts for standard statistical and geo-statistical analysis will be demonstrated to interpret and extract information. With a series of hand-on activ... T. Barr, T. Schwinghamer |
808. On-Farm Experimentation and Decision-Support WorkshopThis 3-hour workshop discusses the requirements, methods and theories that may be used to assist in making optimal crop management decisions. The first part will focus on on-farm experimentation (OFE): 1) organization and benefits of OFE; 2) social processes and engagement; 3) designs, data and statistics. The second part will demonstrate how to generate insights applicable at the individual farm level using results from research trials collected in a diversity of contexts. Data sharing, meta... S. Cook, M. Lacoste, F. Evans, N. Tremblay, V. Adamchuk |
809. UAV Operation and Data Analysis for Precision Agriculture ApplicationsThis 3-hour workshop introduces participants to the key requirements for efficient operation, analysis and interpretation of unmanned aerial vehicles data in a low-altitude remote sensing context. Topics to be covered will include 1) guidelines and best practices in UAV logistics, 2) challenges in processing UAV data; and 3) pro, cons and alternatives to vegetation indices for agricultural applications. This workshop is targeted to final users of UAV imagery (scientists, agronomists and produ... P. Vigneault, K. Khun |
810. Welcome to the 14th ICPA... N. Tremblay |
811. Introduction of Craige Mackenzie... U. Representative |
812. Our Social Licence to Operate and the Benefits of Precision Ag... C. Mackenzie |
813. Our Sponsors and Exhibitors... V.I. Adamchuk |
814. Defining Precision Agriculture... N. Tremblay |
815. Keynote Presentation: From Data to Decisions with Artificial IntelligenceDr. Yoshua Bengio (computer science, 1991, McGill U; post-docs at MIT and Bell Labs) is Professor at the University of Montreal since 1993, department of computer science and operations research. He is scientific director of MILA (Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, currently the largest academic research group on deep learning) and IVADO (Institute for data valorization). Yoshua Bengio is Canada Research Chair in Statistical Learning Algorithms. He authored three books and ... Y. Bengio |
816. Graduate Student Awards... I.J. Yule |
817. Pierre C. Robert Scientist Awards... I.J. Yule |
818. Conference Summary... N. Tremblay |
819. Outgoing President Remarks... N. Tremblay |
820. ISPA Board of Directors and Officers Election Results... N. Tremblay |
821. President Yule Remarks and the 15th ICPA... I.J. Yule |
822. Design of Ground Surface Sensing Using RADARGround sensing is the key task in harvesting head control system. Real time sensing of field topography under vegetation canopy is very challenging task in wild blueberry cropping system. This paper presents the design of an ultra-wide band RADAR sensing, scanning device to recognize the soil surface level under the canopy structure. Requirements for software and hardware were considered to determine the usability of the ultra-wide band RADAR system.An automated head ... M.M. Mohamed, Q. Zaman, T. Esau, A. Farooque |
823. Welcome from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada... A. Houde |
824. Constraint of Data Availability on the Predictive Ability of Crop Response Models Developed from On-farm ExperimentationDue to the variability between fields and across years, on-farm experimentation combined with crop response modeling are crucial aspects of decision support systems to make accurate predictions of yield and grain protein content in upcoming years for a given field. To maximize accuracy of models, models fit using environmental covariate and experimental data gathered up to the point that crop responses (yield/grain protein) are fit repeatedly over time until the model can predict future crop ... P. Hegedus, B. Maxwell |
825. Comparison of Different Aspatial and Spatial Indicators to Assess Performance of Spatialized Crop Models at Different Within-field ScalesMost current crop models are point-based models, i.e. they simulate agronomic variables on a spatial footprint on which they were initially designed (e.g. plant, field, region scale). To assess their performances, many indicators based on the comparison of estimated vs observed data, can be used such as root mean square error (RMSE) or Willmott index of agreement (D-index) among others. However, shifting model use from a strategic objective to tactical in-season management is becoming a signi... D. Pasquel, S. Roux, B. Tisseyre, J.A. Taylor |
826. Developing Empirical Method to Estimate Phosphorous in Potato Plants Using Spectroscopy-based ApproachApplication of non-destructive sensors opens a promising opportunity to provide efficient information on nutrient contents based on leaf or canopy reflectance in different crops. In potatoes, nutrient levels are estimated by conducting chemical tests for the petioles. In thinking of deploying sensors for potato nutrient estimation, it is necessary to study the spectrum based on petiole chemical testing rather than leaf chemical testing. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether there is a... R. Abukmeil, A. Almallahi |
827. A Hyperlocal Machine Learning Approach to Estimate NDVI from SAR Images for Agricultural FieldsThe normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a key parameter in precision agriculture used globally since the 1970s. The NDVI is sensitive to the biochemical and physiological properties of the crop and is based on the Red (~650 nm) and NIR (~850 nm) spectral bands. It is used as a proxy to monitor crop growth, correlates to the crop coefficient (Kc), leaf area index (LAI), crop cover, and more. Yet, it is susceptible to clouds and other atmospheric conditions which might al... R. Pelta, O. Beeri, T. Shilo, R. Tarshish |
828. Use of Precision Technologies to Conduct Successful Within-field, On-farm TrialsPerforming randomized replicated trials in row crop field environments has the potential to increase crop production in environmentally sustainable ways. Successful implementation requires an understanding of implement capabilities and sources of potential systematic error, including operator error. Equipment capabilities can be thought of as a series of several critical “links in a chain,” each with implications that propagate downstream. We will... M. Stelford, A. Krmenec |
829. Synchronized Windrow Intelligent Perception System (SWIPE)The practice of bale production, in forage agriculture, involves various machines that include tractors, tedders, rakers, and balers. As part of the baling process, silage material is placed in windrows, linearly raked mounds, to drive over with a baler for easy collection into bales. Traditionally, a baler is an implement that is attached on the back of a tractor to generate bales of a specific shape. Forage agricultural equipment manufacturers have recently released an operator driven, self... E.M. Dupont, P.R. Kolar |
830. Economic Potential of IPMwise – a Generic Decision Support System for Integrated Weed Management in 4 CountriesReducing use and dependency on pesticides in Denmark has been driven by political action plans since the 1980ies, and a series of nationally funded accompanying R&D programs were completed in the period 1989-2006. One result of these programs was a decision support system (DSS) for integrated weed management. The 4th generation (2016) of the agro-biological models and IT-tools in this DSS, named IPMwise. The concept of IPMwise is to systematically exploit that: ... P. Rydahl, O. Boejer, K. Torresen, J.M. Montull, A. Taberner, H. Bückmann, A. Verschwele |
831. Economic Potential of RoboWeedMaps - Use of Deep Learning for Production of Weed Maps and Herbicide Application MapsIn Denmark, a new IPM ‘product chain’ has been constructed, which starts with systematic photographing of fields and ends up with field- or site-specific herbicide application. A special high-speed camera, mounted on an ATV took sufficiently good pictures of small weed plants, while driving up to 50 km/h. Pictures were uploaded to the RoboWeedMaps online platform, where appointed internal- and external persons with agro-botanical experience executed ‘virtual field ... P. Rydahl, O. Boejer, N. Jensen, B. Hartmann, R. Jorgensen, M. Soerensen, P. Andersen, L. Paz, M.B. Nielsen |
832. Soil and Crop Factors to Site-specific Nitrogen Management on Sugarcane FieldsNitrogen (N) is one of the most widely used fertilizers in crops and the most harmful to the environment. The increase fertilizers consumption, mainly N sources (one of the most widely fertilizer used in sugarcane fields), is one of the main factors underlying the sustainability of the entire production process. Currently, N recommendations in sugarcane are based only on the expected yield. However, there is little agronomic support for nitrogen (N) recommendations based on expected yield, de... G.M. Sanches, R. Otto, F.R. Pereira |
833. Gamma-ray Spectrometry to Determine Soil Properties for Soil Mapping in Precision AgricultureSoil maps are critical for various land use applications and form the basis for the successful implementation of precision agriculture in crop production. Soil maps provide the spatial distribution of important soil physical and chemical properties to a farmer. The farmer uses this information to make critical management decisions for profitable and sustainable food production. South Africa is a water scarce country where rainfall is mainly seasonal and unreliable. Under these circumstances, ... J.G. Dreyer, L. Ameglio |
834. Predicting Secondary Soil Fertility Attributes Using XRF Sensor with Reduced Scanning Time in Samples with Different Moisture ContentTo support future in situ/on-the-go applications using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) sensors for soil mapping, this study aimed at evaluating the XRF performance for predicting organic matter (OM), base saturation (V), and exchangeable (ex-) Mg, using a reduced analysis time (e.g., 4 s) in soil samples with different moisture contents. These attributes are considered secondary for XRF prediction because they do not present emission lines in the XRF spectrum. Ninety-nine soil samp... T.R. Tavares, J.P. Molin, T.R. Da silva , H.W. De carvalho |
835. Economics of Field Size for Autonomous Crop MachinesField size constrains spatial and temporal management of agriculture with implications for farm profitability, field biodiversity and environmental performance. Large, conventional equipment struggles to farm small, irregularly shaped fields efficiently. The study hypothesized that autonomous crop machines would make it possible to farm small non-rectangular fields profitably, thereby preserving field biodiversity and other environmental benefits. Using the experience of the Hands Free Hectar... A. Al amin, J. Lowenberg‑deboer, K. Franklin, K. Behrendt |
836. Evaluation of Image Acquisition Parameters and Data Extraction Methods on Plant Height Estimation with UAS ImageryAerial imagery from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) has been increasingly used for field phenotyping and precision agriculture. Plant height is one important crop growth parameter that has been estimated from 3D point clouds and digital surface models (DSMs) derived from UAS-based aerial imagery. However, many factors can affect the accuracy of aerial plant height estimation. This study examined the effects of image overlap, pixel resolution, and data extraction methods on estimati... C. Yang, C. Suh, W. Guo, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, R. Eyster |
837. A Passive-RFID Wireless Sensor Node for Precision AgricultureAccurate soil data is crucial for precision agriculture. While existing optical methods can correlate soil health to the gasses emitted from the field, in-soil electronic sensors enable real-time measurements of soil conditions at the effective root zone of a crop. Unfortunately, modern soil sensor systems are limited in what signals they can measure and are generally too expensive to reasonably distribute the sensors in the density required for spatially accurate feedback. In thi... P.J. Goodrich, C. Baumbauer, A.C. Arias |
838. The Use of Spatial and Temporal Measures to Enhance the Sensitivity of Satellite-based Spectral Vegetation Indices to (Water) Stress in Maize FieldsClimate change and water scarcity are reducing the available irrigation water for agriculture thus turning it into a limited resource. Today calculating and estimating crop water requirements are achieved through the ETc FAO-56 model where the effect of climate on crop water requirement is determined through the water evaporation from the soil and plant (ETref), and a calendar crop coefficient (Kc). Models t... Y. Goldwasser, V. Alchanati, E. Goldshtein, Y. Cohen, A. Gips, I. Nadav |
839. Survey Shows Specialty and Commodity Crop Retailers Use Precision Agriculture DifferentlyThe 2021 CropLife-Purdue Survey of precision agricultural practices by US agricultural input dealers serving the American grain and oilseed sector shows that most of them use GPS guidance and related technologies like sprayer boom control, most provide variable rate fertilizer services, and the majority say that fertilizer decisions are influenced by grower data. In contrast, dealers serving horticultural and specialty crop farms indicate comparatively modest adoption of many precision agricu... B.J. Erickson, J. Lowenberg-deboer |
840. The Effect of Slope Gradient on the Modelling of Soil Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Different Tillage Systems at a Farm Using Precision Tillage Technology in HungaryUnderstanding the role of natural drivers in greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted by agricultural soils is crucial because it contributes to selecting and adapting acceptable eco-friendly farming practices. Hence, Syngenta Ltd. collaborating with researchers, aimed to investigate the effect of two tillage treatments, conventional-tillage (CT) and minimum-tillage (MT) on soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The research field is in Hungary. Soil columns were derived from different tillage s... I.M. Kulmany, S. Benke, L. Bede, R. Pecze, V. Vona |
841. Micro-climate Prediction System Using IoT Data and AutoMLMicroclimate variables like temperature, humidity are sensitive to land surface properties and land-atmosphere connections. They can vary over short distances and even between sections of the farm. Getting the accurate microclimate around the crop canopy allows farmers to effectively manage crop growth. However, most of the weather forecast services available to farmers globally, either by the meteorological department or universities or some weather app, provide weather forecasts for l... A. Sharma, R.S. Jalem, M. Dash |
842. A Low-tech Approach to Manage Within Field Variability – Toward a Territorial Scale ApplicationManaging within field variability is promising to achieve European objectives of sustainability in crop production. Technological development has allowed to precisely characterize fields heterogeneity in space and time. However, learnings from low adoption of yield maps in west-European context have highlighted the importance of reliable methods to support decisions. Blackmore et al. designed a delineation method considering yield as an integrative variable that reflects spatial and ... A. Lenoir, B. Vandoorne, B. Dumont |
843. Organ Scale Nitrogen Map: a Novel Approach for Leaf Nitrogen Concentration EstimationCrop nitrogen trait estimations have been used for decades in the frame of precision agriculture and phenotyping researches. They are crucial information towards a sustainable agriculture and efficient use of resources. Remote sensing approaches are currently accurate tools for nitrogen trait estimations. They are usually quantified through a parametric regression between remote sensing data and the ground truth. For instance, chlorophyll or nitrogen concentration are accurately estimated usi... A. Carlier, S. dandrifosse, B. Dumont, B. Mercatoris |
844. Sun Effect on the Estimation of Wheat Ear Density by Deep LearningEar density is one of the yield components of wheat and therefore a variable of high agronomic interest. Its traditional measurement necessitates laborious human observations in the field or destructive sampling. In the recent years, deep learning based on RGB images has been identified as a low-cost, robust and high-throughput alternative to measure this variable. However, most of the studies were limited to the computer challenge of counting the ears in the images, without aiming to convert... S. Dandrifosse, E. Ennadifi, A. Carlier, B. Gosselin, B. Dumont, B. Mercatoris |
845. Ecological Refugia As a Precision Conservation Practice in Agricultural SystemsCurrent global agriculture fails to meet the basic food needs of 687.7 million people. At the same time, our food system is responsible for catastrophic losses of biodiversity. Precision conservation solutions offer the potential to benefit both production systems and natural systems. Transforming low-producing areas on farm fields into ecological refugia may provide small-scale habitat and ecosystem services in fragmented agricultural landscapes. We collaborated with three precision agricult... H. Duff, B. Maxwell |
846. Machine Learning Techniques for Early Identification of Nitrogen Variability in MaizeCharacterizing and managing nutrient variability has been the focus of precision agriculture research for decades. Previous research has indicated that in-situ fluorescence sensor measurements can be used as a proxy for nitrogen (N) status in plants in greenhouse conditions employing static sensor measurements. Indeed, practitioners of precision N management require determination of in-season plant N status in real-time at field scale to enable the most efficient N fertiliz... D. Mandal, R.D. Siqueira, L. Longchamps, R. Khosla |
847. Soil Variability Mapping with Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry and MagneticsThe knowledge of spatial distribution of agricultural soils physical and chemical properties is critical for profitable and sustainable crop and food production. The collection of soil data presents however obvious problems arising from sampling a dense, opaque and very heterogeneous medium. Conventional methods consisting of ground-based grid survey are laborious, expensive and lack appropriate spatial resolution to allow best farm management decision. Over the past 50 years, airborne geophy... L. Ameglio, E. Stettler, D. Eberle |
848. Printed Nitrate Sensors for In-soil MeasurementsManaging nitrate is a central concert for precision agriculture, from delineating management zones, to optimizing nitrogen use efficiency through in-season applications, to minimizing leaching and greenhouse gas emissions. However, measurement methods for in-soil nitrate are limiting. State-of-the-art soil nitrate analysis requires taking soil or liquid samples to laboratories for chemical or spectrographic analysis. These methods are accurate, but costly, labor intensive, and cover limited g... C. Baumbauer, P. Goodrich, A. Arias |
849. Spotweeds: a Multiclass UASs Acquired Weed Image Dataset to Facilitate Site-specific Aerial Spraying Application Using Deep LearningUnmanned aerial systems (UASs)-based spot spraying application is considered a boon in Precision Agriculture (PA). Because of spot spraying, the amount of herbicide usage has reduced significantly resulting in less water contamination or crop plant injury. In the last demi-decade, Deep Learning (DL) has displayed tremendous potential to accomplish the task of identifying weeds for spot spraying application. Also, most of the ground-based weed management technologies have relied on DL techniqu... N. Rai, Y. Zhang, J. Quanbeck, A. Christensen, X. Sun |
850. Scaling Up Window-based Regression for Crop-row DetectionCrop-row detection is a central element of weed detection and agricultural image processing tasks. With the increased availability of high-resolution imagery, a precise locating of crop rows is becoming practical in the sense that the necessary data are commonly available. However, conventional image processing techniques often fail to scale up to the data volumes and processing time expectations. We present an approach that computes regression lines ... A.M. Denton, G.E. Hokanson, P. Flores |
851. Determining the Marginal Value of Extra Precision in Precision Grazing Systems – an Ex Ante Analysis of Impacts on System Productivity, Sustainability and EconomicsThe development of precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies for application in grazing systems is rapidly evolving. PLF technologies that facilitate the spatial and temporal management of variability in landscapes, pastures and animals promise to improve the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of livestock farming. However, such technologies as a complete package do not yet exist in grazing systems and the question of impacts at the farm system level remains unresolved. Other p... K. Behrendt, T. Takahashi, M.S. Rutter |
852. Comparison of Canopy Extraction Methods from UAV Thermal Images for Temperature Mapping: a Case Study from a Peach OrchardCanopy extraction using thermal images significantly affects temperature mapping and crop water status estimation. This study aimed to compare several canopy extraction methodologies by utilizing a large database of UAV thermal images from a precision irrigation trial in a peach orchard. Canopy extraction using thermal images can be attained by purely statistical analysis (S), a combination of statistical and spatial analyses (SS), or by synchronizing thermal and RGB images, following RGB sta... L. Katz, A. Ben-gal, I. Litaor, A. Naor, A. Peeters, E. Goldshtein, V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen |
853. Investigating the Potential of Visible and Near-infrared Spectroscopy (VNIR) for Detecting Phosphorus Status of Winter Wheat Leaves Grown in Long-term TrialThe determination of plant nutrient content is crucial for evaluating crop nutrient removal, enhancing nutrient use efficiency, and optimizing yields. Nutrient conventional monitoring involves colorimetric analyses in the laboratory; however, this approach is labor-intensive, costly, and time-consuming. The visible and near-infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) or hyperspectral non-imaging sensors have been an emerging technology that has been proved its potential for rapid detection of plant nutrient... Y. El-mejjaouy, B. Dumont, A. Oukarroum, B. Mercatoris , P. Vermeulen |
854. Spatially Explicit Prediction of Soil Nutrients and Characteristics in Corn Fields Using Soil Electrical Conductivity Data and Terrain AttributesSite specific nutrient management (SSNM) in corn production environments can increase nutrient use efficiency and reduce gaseous and leaching losses. To implement SSNM plans, farmers need methods to monitor and map the spatial and temporal trends of soil nutrients. High resolution electrical conductivity (EC) mapping is becoming more available and affordable. The hypothesis for this study is that EC of the soil, in conjunction with detailed terrain attributes, can be used to map soil nutrient... S. Sela, N. Graff, K. Mizuta, Y. Miao |
855. Comparison and Validation of Different Soil Survey Techniques to Support a Precision Agricultural SystemThe data need of precision agriculture has resulted in an intensive increase in the number of modern soil survey equipment and methods available for farmers and consultants. In many cases these survey methods cannot provide accurate information under the used environmental conditions. On a 36 hectare experimental field, several methods have been compared to identify the ones which can support the PA system the best. The methods included contact and non contact soil scanning, yield mapping, hi... V. Lang, G. Tóth, S. Csenki, D. Dafnaki |
856. Variable Rate Fertilization in a High-yielding Vineyard of Cv. Trebbiano Romagnolo May Reduce Nitrogen Application and Vigour Variability Without Loss of Crop LoadThe site-specific management of vineyard cultural practices may reduce the spatial variability of vine vigor, contributing to achieve the desired yield and grape composition. In this framework, variable rate fertilization may effectively contribute to reduce the different availability of mineral nutrients between different areas of the vineyard, and so achieving the vine’s aforementioned performances. The present study was aimed to apply a variable rate fertilization in a high... G. Allegro, R. Martelli, G. Valentini, C. Pastore, R. Mazzoleni, F. Pezzi, I. Filippetti, A. Ali |
857. Detect Estrus in Sows Using a Lidar Sensor and Machine LearningAccurate estrus detection of sows is labor intensive and is crucial to achieve high farrowing rate. This study aims to develop a method to detect accurate estrus time by monitoring the change in vulvar swollenness around estrus using a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) camera. The measurement accuracy of the LiDAR camera was evaluated in laboratory conditions before it was used in monitoring sows in a swine research facility. In this study, twelve multiparous individually housed sows were c... J. Zhou, Z. Xu |
858. Toward Smart Soybean Variety Selection Using UAV-based Imagery and Machine LearningThe efficiency of crop breeding programs is evaluated by the genetic gain of a primary trait of interest, e.g., yield and resilience to stress, achieved in one year through artificial selection of advanced breeding materials. Conventional breeding programs select superior genotypes using the primary trait (yield) based on combine harvesters, which is labor-intensive and often unfeasible for single-row progeny trials due to their large population, complex genetic behavior, and high genotype-en... J. Zhou, J. Zhou |
859. Optimization of Batch Processing of High-density Anisotropic Distributed Proximal Soil Sensing Data for Precision Agriculture PurposesThe amount of spatial data collected in agricultural fields has been increasing over the last decade. Advances in computer processing capacity have resulted in data analytics and artificial intelligence becoming hot topics in agriculture. Nevertheless, the proper processing of spatial data is often neglected, and the evaluation of methods that efficiently process agricultural spatial data remains limited. Yield monitor data is a good example of a well-established methodology for data processi... F. Hoffmann silva karp, V. Adamchuk, A. Melnitchouck, P. Dutilleul |
860. Precision Application of Seeding Rates for Weed and Nitrogen Management in Organic Grain SystemsIn a time of increasing ecological awareness, organic agriculture offers sustainable solutions to many of the polluting aspects of conventional agriculture. However, without synthetic inputs, organic agriculture faces unique challenges such as weed control and fertility management. Precision Agriculture (PA) has been used to successfully increase input use efficiency in conventional systems and now offers itself as a potential tool for organic farmers as well. PA enables on farm experimentati... S. Loewen, B.D. Maxwell |
861. Knowledge-based Approach for Weed Detection Using RGB ImageryA workflow was developed to explore the potential use of Phase One RGB for weed mapping in a herbicide efficacy trial in wheat. Images with spatial resolution of 0.8 mm were collected in July 2020 over an area of nearly 2000 square meters (66 plots). The study site was on a research farm at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Wheat was seeded on June 29, 2020, at a rate of 75 seeds per square meter with a row spacing of 30.5 cm. The weed species seeded in the trial were kochia, wild oat, ... T. Ha, K. Aldridge, E. Johnson, S.J. Shirtliffe, S. Ryu |
862. N-management Using Structural Data: UAV-derived Crop Height As an Estimator for Biomass, N Concentration, and N Uptake in Winter WheatIn the last 15 years, sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been intensively investigated for crop monitoring. Besides known remote sensing approaches based on multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, photogrammetric methods became very important. Structure for Motion (SfM) and Multiview Stereopsis (MVS) analysis approaches enable the quantitative determination of absolute crop height and crop growth. Since the first paper on UAV-derived crop height was published by Bendig e... G. Bareth, A. Jenal, H. Hüging |
863. A Generative Adversarial Network-based Method for High Fidelity Synthetic Data AugmentationDigital Agriculture has led to new phenotyping methods that use artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions on image and video data collected from lab, greenhouse, and field environments. The availability of accurately annotated image and video data remains a bottleneck for developing most machine learning and deep learning models. Typically, deep learning models require thousands of unique samples to accurately learn a given task. However, manual annotation of a large dataset will... S. Sridharan, S. Sornapudi, Q. Hu, S. Kumpatla, J. Bier |
864. Meta Deep Learning Using Minimal Training Images for Weed Classification in Wild BlueberryDeep learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to classify images with high levels of accuracy. In agriculture, they have been applied for disease identification, crop growth monitoring, animal behaviour tracking, and weed classification. Datasets traditionally consisting of thousands of images of each desired target are required to train CNNs. A recent survey of Nova Scotia wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fie... P.J. Hennessy, T.J. Esau, A.W. Schumann, A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, S.N. White |
865. Use of Watering Hole Data As a Decision Support Tool for the Management of a Grazing Herd of CattleEstablish grazing practices would improve the welfare of the animals, allowing them to express more natural behaviours. However, free-range reduces the ability to monitor the animals, thus increase the time needed to intervene in the event of a health problem. To ease the adoption of grazing, farmer would benefit from autonomously collected indicators at pasture that identify abnormal behaviours possibly related to a health problem in a bovine. These indicators must be individualised and coll... J. Plum, B. Quoitin, I. Dufrasne, S. Mahmoudi, F. Lebeau |
866. Integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems Images and Yield Monitor in Improving Cotton Yield EstimationThe yield monitor is one of the most adopted precision agriculture technologies because it generates dense yield data to quantify the spatial variability of crop yield as a basis for site-specific management. However, yield monitor data has various errors that prevent proper interpretation and precise field management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) images in improving cotton yield monitor data. The study was conducted in a dryland... H. Gu, W. Guo |
867. Deep Learning-Based Corn Disease Tracking Using RTK Geolocated UAS ImageryDeep learning-based solutions for precision agriculture have achieved promising results in recent times. Deep learning has been used to accurately classify different disease types and disease severity estimation as an initial stage for developing robust disease management systems. However, tracking the spread of diseases, identifying disease hot spots within cornfields, and notifying farmers using deep learning and UAS imagery remains a critical research gap. Therefore, in this study, high re... A. Ahmad, V. Aggarwal, D. Saraswat, A. El gamal, G. Johal |
868. Modulated On-farm Response Surface Experiments with Image-based High Throughput Techniques for Evidence-based Precision AgronomyAgronomic research is vital to determining optimum inputs for crops to perform profitably at a local scale. However, the small-plot experiment validity is often uncertain due to on-farm variations. Furthermore, the likelihood of conducting a fully randomized trial at a local farm is low given various practical and technical challenges. We propose a new methodology with many inputs to allow for a response surface that fits the yield response to the input levels with higher accuracy to make on-... A.U. Attanayake, E.U. Johnson, H.U. Duddu, S.U. Shirtliffe |
869. Generation of Site-specific Nitrogen Response Curves for Winter Wheat Using Deep LearningNitrogen response (N-response) curves are tools used to support farm management decisions. Conventionally, the N-response curve is modeled as an exponential function that aims to identify an important threshold for a given field: the economic optimum point. This is useful to determine the nitrogen rate beyond which there is no actual profit for the farmers. In this work, we show that N-response curves are not only field-specific but also site-specific and, as such, economic optimum points sho... G. Morales, J.W. Sheppard, A. Peerlinck, P. Hegedus, B. Maxwell |
870. The Importance of Harmonization of Soil Analyis Methods in Precision AgricultureDeveloping a strategy to maintain or improve soil fertility, is challenging for the farming communities. To harmonize the preservation of soil fertility with precision farming objectives there is a need for proper soil nutrient management strategies. These strategies should be based on data-driven information on the current status of the fertility of the soil. Hence, the soil analysis is a valuable tool in the management of costs, it contributes to optimizing inputs while taking into ac... V. Vona, G. Milics, C. Centeri, M. Vona, A. Kovacs, R. Kalocsai |
871. Should We Increase or Decrease the Fertilization in the Zones with the Highest Crop Productivity Potential?Introduction. In traditional farming, fertilizers are applied homogeneously on the agricultural fields taking into account the average crop recommendation. As most fields are not homogeneous, this results in overfertilization of certain zones and underfertilization of other zones. The excess of nitrate leaches to the surface and groundwaters which causes problems with the water quality. Precision fertilizer management has been proposed to reduce these negative e... A. Tsibart, A. Postelmans, J. Dillen, A. Elsen, G. Van de ven, W. Saeys |
872. Data Sources and Risk Management in Precision AgricultureThe digitalisation of the agricultural economy provides more data about the biological processes and technological solutions used for producing agricultural products than ever before. Paralell to the data collection – aiming to provide information for agricultural decision-making and operations – the data informs the farmers, public administration officers and other players in agriculture about the state of the environment. The strategic planning on operation of farms and data han... G. Milics, P.M. Varga, F. Magyar, I. Balla |
873. Real-time Detection of Picking Region of Ridge Planted Strawberries Based on YOLOv5s with a Modified NeckRobotic strawberry harvesting requires machine vision system to have the ability to detect the presence, maturity, and location of strawberries. Strawberries, however, can easily be bruised, injured, and even damaged during robotic harvest if not picked properly because of their soft surfaces. Therefore, it is important to cut or pick the strawberry stems instead of picking the fruit directly. Additionally, real-time detection is critical for robotic strawberry harvesting to adapt to the chan... Z. He, K. Manoj, Q. Zhang, S. Kshetri |
874. Predicting Below and Above Ground Peanut Biomass and Maturity Using Multi-target RegressionPeanut growth and maturity prediction can help farmers and breeding programs improving crop management. Remote sensing images collected by satellites and drones make possible and accurate crop monitoring. Today, empirical relations between crop biomass and spectral reflectance could be used for prediction of single variables such as aboveground crop biomass, pod weight (PW), or peanut maturity. Robust algorithms such as multioutput regression (MTR) implemented through multioutput random fores... M.F. Oliveira, F.M. Carneiro, M. Thurmond, M.D. Del val, L.P. Oliveira, B. Ortiz, A. Sanz-saez, D. Tedesco |
875. Increasing the Accuracy of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Data for Strawberry Nitrogen and Water Stress DetectionThis paper presents the methods to increase the accuracy of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based remote sensing data for the determination of plant nitrogen and water stresses with increased accuracy. As the demand for agricultural products is significantly increasing to keep up with the growing population, it is important to investigate methods to reduce the use of water and chemicals for water conservation, reduction in the production cost, and reduction in environmental impact. UAV-based r... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja |
876. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Cotton Yield Using DSSAT for Decision Support in Precision AgricultureThe quantification of spatial and temporal variability of cotton yield provides critical information for optimizing resources, especially water. The Southern High Plains (SHP) of Texas is a major cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production region with diminishing water supply. The objective of this study was to predict cotton yield variability using soil properties and topographic attributes. The DSSAT CROPGRO-Cotton model was used to simulate cotton growth, development and yield ... B.P. Ghimire, O. Adedeji, Z. Lin, W. Guo |
877. Decision Support from On-field Precision ExperimentsEmpirically driven adaptive management in large-scale commodity crop production has become possible with spatially controlled application and sub-field scale crop monitoring technology. Site-specific experimentation is fundamental to an agroecosystem adaptive management (AAM) framework that results in information for growers to make informed decisions about their practices. Crop production and quality response data from combine harvester mounted sensors and internet available remote sensing d... B.D. Maxwell, P.D. Hegedus, S.D. Loewen, H.D. Duff, J.W. Sheppard, A.D. Peerlinck, G.L. Morales, A. Bekkerman |
878. Estimation of Cotton Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite-based Remote SensingSatellite and unmanned aerial system (UAS) images are effective in monitoring crop growth at various spatial, temporal, and spectral scales. The objective of the study was to estimate cotton biomass at different growth stages using vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAS and satellite images. This research was conducted in a cotton field in Hale County, Texas, in 2021. Data collected include 54 plant samples at different locations for three dates of the growing season. Multispectral images ... O.I. Adedeji, B.P. Ghimire, H. Gu, R. Karn, Z. Lin, W. Guo |
879. From Fragmented Data to Unified Insights: Leveraging Data Standardization Tools for Better Collaboration and Agronomic Big Data AnalysisThe quantity and scope of agronomic data available for researchers in both industry and academia is increasing rapidly. Data sources include a myriad of different streams, such as field experiments, sensors, climatic data, socioeconomic data or remote sensing. The lack of standards and workflows frequently leads agronomic data to be fragmented and siloed, hampering collaboration efforts within research labs, university departments, or research institutes. Researchers and businesses therefore ... S. Sela |
880. Use of MLP Neural Networks for Sucrose Yield Prediction in SugarbeetINTRODUCTION Sugar beet is one of the more technified agro industries in Spain. In the last years, it has leaded as well the digital transformation with the objective of maintaining sugar beet competitivity both national and internationally. Among other lines, very high potential has been identified in determining the sucrose content using a combination of Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing. This work presents the conclusions of an extensive data acquisition task, creation o... M. Cabrera dengra, C. Ferraz pueyo, V. Pajuelo madrigal, L. Moreno heras, G. Inunciaga leston, R. Fortes |
881. Can Topographic Indices Be Used for Irrigation Management Zone DelineationSoil water movement is affected by soil physical properties and field terrain changes. The identification of within-field areas prone to excess or deficit of soil moisture could support the implementation of variable rate irrigation and adoption of irrigation scheduling strategies. This study evaluated the use of the topographic wetness index (TWI) and topographic position index (TPI) to understand and explain within-field soil moisture variability. Volumetric water content (VWC) collected in... B.V. Ortiz, B.P. Lena, F. morlin , G. Morata, M. Duarte de val, R. Prasad, A. Gamble |
882. Optimizing Nitrogen Application to Maximize Yield and Reduce Environmental Impact in Winter Wheat ProductionField-specific fertilizer rate optimization is known to be beneficial for improving farming profit, and profits can be further improved by dividing the field into smaller plots and applying site-specific rates across the field. Finding optimal rates for these plots is often based on data gathered from said plots, which is used to determine a yield response curve, telling us how much fertilizer needs to be applied to maximize yield. In related work, we use a Convolutional Neural Network, known... A. Peerlinck, J. Sheppard, G.L. Morales luna, P. Hegedus, B. Maxwell |
883. Enhancing Spatial Resolution of Maize Grain Yield DataGrain yield data is frequently used for precision agriculture management purposes and as a parameter for evaluating agronomy experiments, but unexpected challenges sometimes interfere with harvest plans or cause total losses. The spatial detail of modern grain yield monitoring data is also limited by combine header width, which could be nearly 14 m in some crops. Remote sensing data, such as multispectral imagery collected via satellite and unmanned aerial systems (UAS), could be used t... J. Siegfried, R. Khosla, D. Mandal, W. Yilma |
884. Where to Put Treatments for On-farm ExperimentationOn-farm experimentation has become more and more popular due to advancements in technology. These experiments are not as costly as before, as current machinery can allocate different levels of treatment to specific plots. The main goal of this kind of experiment is to obtain a site-specific nutrient level. The yield behavior is different based on the researcher’s treatment. One unanswered question for on-farm experimentation is how the treatments should be allocated in the first place s... D. Poursina, W. Brorsen |
885. How Digital is Agriculture in South America? Adoption and LimitationsA rapidly growing population in a context of land and water scarcity, and climate change has driven an increase in healthy, nutritious, and affordable food demand while maintaining the current cropping area. Digital agriculture (DA) can contribute solutions to meet the demands in an efficient and sustainable way. South America (SA) is one of the main grain and protein producers in the world but the status of DA in the region is unknown. This article presents the results from a systematic revi... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, R. Melchiori, R. Ortega, G. Tiscornia, E. Bolfe, A. Roel, F. Scaramuzza, S. Best, A. Berger, D. Hansel, D. Palacios |
886. Spatial and Temporal Factors Impacting Incremental Corn Nitrogen Fertilier Use EfficiencyCurrent tools for making crop N fertilizer recommendations are primarily based on plot and field studies that relate the recommendation to the economic optional N rate (EONR). Some tools rely entirely on localized EONR (e.g., MRTN). In recent years, tools have been developed or adapted to account for within-field variation in crop N need or variable within season factors. Separately, attention continues to elevate for how N fertilizer recommendations might account for environmenta... N.R. Kitchen, C.J. Ransom, J.S. Schepters, J.L. Hatfield, R. Massey |
887. Variability in Yield Response of Maize to N, P and K Fertilization Towards Site-specific Nutrient Recommendations in Two Maize Belts in TogoSavannah and central regions are the major maize production zones in Togo, but with maize grain yields at a threshold of only 1.5 Mg ha-1. We use a participatory approach to assess the importance of the major three macro elements (N, P and K) for maize cropping in the two regions in order to further allow for site-specific and scalable fertilizer recommendations. Thirty farmers’ fields served as pilot sites, allocated within the two regions to account for spatial variability ... J.M. Sogbedji, M. Lare, A.K. Lotsi, K.A. Amouzou, T. Agneroh |
888. You Can Not Manage What You Dont MeasureThe problem of variability in soil nutrient analysis has been studied for years by a number of industry experts; unable to decipher and commercialize hyperspectral soil sensing. Many studies have taken years of testing to account for variability thathas a dramatic impacts on precision of recommendations. The main tradeoff we have identified is between accuracy and precision. Large quantities of raw data are requir... K. Fleming, N. Schottle, P. Nagel, G. Koch |
889. Investigation of Automated Analysis of Snowmelt from Time-series Sentinel 2 Imagery to Inform Spatial Patterns of Spring Soil Moisture in the American Mountain WestVariable rate irrigation of crops is a promising approach for saving water whilst maintaining crop yields in the semi-arid American Mountain West – much of which is currently experiencing a mega drought. The first step in determining irrigation zones involves characterizing the patterns of spatial variation in soil moisture and determining if these are relatively stable temporally in relation to topographic features and soil texture. Characterizing variable rate irrigation zones is usua... I. Turner, R. Kerry, R. Jensen, E. Woolley, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins |
890. Evaluating APSIM Model for Site-Specific N Management in NebraskaMany approaches have been developed to estimate the optimal N application rates and increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In particular, in-season and variable-rate fertilizer applications have the potential to apply N during the time of rapid plant N uptake and at the rate needed, thereby reducing the potential for nitrogen fertilizer losses. However, there remains great challenges in determining the optimal N rate to apply in site-specific locations within a field in a given year.&nb... L. Thompson, L. Puntel, S. Archontoulis |
891. Developing a Machine Learning and Proximal Sensing-based In-season Site-specific Nitrogen Management Strategy for Corn in the US MidwestEffective in-season site-specific nitrogen (N) management strategies are urgently needed to ensure both food security and sustainable agricultural development. Different active canopy sensor-based precision N management strategies have been developed and evaluated in different parts of the world. Recent studies evaluating several sensor-based N recommendation algorithms across the US Midwest indicated that these locally developed algorithms generally did not perform well when used broadly acr... D. Li, Y. Miao, .G. Fernández, N.R. Kitchen, C. . Ransom, G.M. Bean, .E. Sawyer, J.J. Camberato, .R. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, D.W. Franzen, D.W. Franzen, D.W. Franzen, D.W. Franzen, C.A. Laboski, E.D. Nafziger, J.F. Shanahan |
892. Enhancing NY State On-farm Experimentation with Digital AgronomyAgriculture is putting pressure on the ecosystems and practices need to evolve towards a more sustainable way of producing food. Industrial agriculture has imposed a unique production model on the ecosystems while it is now understood that it is more sustainable to adapt the production model to the ecosystem. This involves adapting existing solutions to the local agricultural context and developing new solutions that are best suited to the local ecosystem. Farmers are doing this by conducting... L. Longchamps |
893. Impacts of Interpolating Methods on Soil Agri-environmental Phosphorus Maps Under Corn ProductionPhosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for crops production including corn. However, the excessive P application, tends to P accumulation at the soil surface under crops systems. This may contribute to increase water and groundwater pollution by surface runoff. To prevent this, an agri-environmental P index, (P/Al)M3, was developed in Eastern Canada and USA. This index aims to estimate soil P saturation for accurate P fertilizer recommendations, while integrating agronomical aspec... J. Nze memiaghe, A.N. Cambouris, N. Ziadi, M. Duchemin, A. Karam |
894. Evaluating a Satellite Remote Sensing and Calibration Strip-based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy for Corn in Minnesota and IndianaPrecision nitrogen (N) management (PNM) aims to match N supply with crop N demand in both space and time and has the potential to improve N use efficiency (NUE), increase farmer profitability, and reduce N losses and negative environmental impacts. However, current PNM adoption rate is still quite low. A remote sensing and calibration strip-based PNM strategy (RS-CS-PNM) has been developed by the Precision Agriculture Center at the University of Minne... K. Mizuta, Y. Miao, A.C. Morales, L.N. Lacerda, D. Cammarano, R.L. Nielsen, R. Gunzenhauser, K. Kuehner, S. Wakahara, J.A. Coulter, D.J. Mulla, D. . Quinn, B. Mcartor |
895. Nitrogen Fertilization of Potato Using Management Zone in Prince Edward Island, CanadaPotato is sensible to nitrogen (N) and optimal N fertilization improve the tuber yield and its quality. Potato crop N response varies widely within fields. It is also well recognized that significant spatial and temporal variation in soil N availability occurs within crop fields. However, uniform application of N fertilizer is still the most common practice under potato production. Management zone (MZ) approach can help growers to achieve a part of this. The goal of the project is to compare ... A. Cambouris, M. Duchemin, N. Ziadi |
896. Identifying Key Factors Influencing Yield Spatial Pattern and Temporal Stability for Management Zone DelineationManagement zone delineation is a practical strategy for site-specific management. Numerous approaches have been used to identify these homogenous areas in the field, including approaches using multiple years of historical yield maps. However, there are still knowledge gaps in identifying variables influencing spatial and temporal variability of crop yield that should be used for management zone delineation. The objective of this study is to identify key soil and landscape properties affecting... L.N. Lacerda, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, K. Stueve |
897. Evaluating the Potential of Improving In-season Nitrogen Status Diagnosis of Potato Using Leaf Fluorescence Sensors and Machine LearningPrecision nitrogen (N) management is particularly important for potato crops due to their high N fertilizer demand and high N leaching potential caused by their shallow root systems and preference for coarse-textured soils. Potato farmers have been using a standard lab analysis called petiole nitrate-N (PNN) test as a tool to diagnose potato N status and guide in-season N management. However, the PNN test suffers from many disadvantages including time constraints, labor, and cost of analysis.... S. Wakahara, Y. Miao, S. Gupta, C. Rosen, K. Mizuta, J. Zhang, D. Li |
898. Digital Soil Sensing and Mapping for Crop SuitabilitySoil, central to any land-based production system, determines the success of any crops. While soil for a farm or field is fixed, the crops can be selected to best fit the soil’s capability and production. Traditionally crops are selected based on farm history, knowledge, and years of trial and error to tailor the right crop to the right soil. Inherent challenges associated with this make the whole process unsustainable. Due to the consistent nature of the information collected, soil sen... D. Saurette, A. Biswas, T.B. Gobezie |
899. Nitrogen Status Prediction on Pasture Fields Can Be Reached Using Visible Light UAV Data Combined with Sentinel-2 ImageryPasture fields under integrated crop-livestock system usually receive low or no nitrogen fertilization rates, since the expectation is that nitrogen demand will be provided by the soybean remaining straw cropped previously. However, keeping nitrogen at suitable levels in the entire field is the key to achieving sustainability in agricultural production systems. In this sense, remote sensing technologies play an essential role in nitrogen monitoring in pastures and crops. With the launch of th... F.R. Pereira, J.P. Lima, R.G. Freitas, A.A. Dos reis, L.R. Amaral, G.K. Figueiredo, R.A. Lamparelli, J.C. Pereira, P.S. Magalhães |
900. Predicting Corn Emergence Uniformity with On-the-go Furrow Sensing TechnologyIntegration of proximal soil sensors into commercial row-crop planter components have allowed for a dense quantification of within-field soil spatial variability. These technologies have potential to guide real-time management decisions, such as on-the-go variable seeding rate or depth. However, little is known about the performance of these systems. Therefore, research was conducted in central Missouri, USA to determine the relationship between planter sensor metrics, and corn (Zea mays ... L.S. Conway, C. Vong, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S.H. Anderson |
901. Analytical and Technological Advancements for Soybean Quality Mapping and Economic DifferentiationIn the past, measuring soybean protein and oil content required the collection of soybean seed samples and laboratory analyses. Modern on-the-go near-infrared (NIR) sensing technologies during the harvest and proximal remote sensing (aerial and satellite imagery) before harvest time can be used to provide an early estimate of seed quality levels, benchmark in-season predictions with at-harvest final seed quality and enable seed differentiation for farmers leading to better marketing strategie... A. Prestholt, C. Hernandez, I. Ciampitti , P. Kyveryga |
902. Variable Rate Nitrogen Approach in a Potato-wheat-wheat Cropping SystemNitrogen application in agriculture is a vital process for optimal plant growth and yield outcomes. Different factors such as topography, soil properties, historical yield, and crop stress affect nitrogen (N) needs within a field. Applying variable N within a field could improve precision agriculture. Optimal N management is a system that involves applying a conservative variable base rate at or shortly after planting followed by in-season assessment and, if needed, variable rate application&... E.A. Flint, M. Yost, B.G. Hopkins |
903. Soybean Variable Rate Planting Simulator Using Economic ScenariosSoybean seed costs have increased considerably over the past 15 years, causing a growing interest in variable rate planting (VRP) to optimize seeding rates within soybean fields. We developed a publicly available online Soybean Variable Rate Planting Simulator (http://analytics.iasoybeans.com/cool-apps/SoybeanVRPsimulator/) tool to help farmers, agronomists, and other agriculturalists to understand the essential prerequisite agronomic or economic conditions necessary for profitable VRP implem... B. Mcarthor , A. Prestholt, P. Kyveryga |
904. Soil, Landscape, and Weather Affect Spatial Distributions of Corn Population and YieldAs more planters are equipped with the technology to vary seeding rate, evaluation of the within-field relationships between plant stand density (or population) and yield is needed. One aspect of this evaluation is determining how stand loss and yield are related to soil and landscape factors, and how these relationships vary with different weather conditions. Therefore, this research examined nine site-years of mapped corn yield, harvest population, and soil and landscape data obtained for a... K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, L.S. Conway |
905. Strawberry Pest Detection Using Deep Learning and Automatic Imaging SystemStrawberry growers need to monitor pests to determine the options for pest management to reduce damage to yield and quality. However, manually counting strawberry pests using a hand lens is time-consuming and biased by the observer. Therefore, an automated rapid pest scouting method in the strawberry field can save time and improve counting consistency. This study utilized six cameras to take images of the strawberry leaf. Due to the relatively small size of the strawberry pest, six cam... C. Zhou, W. Lee, A. Pourreza, J.K. Schueller, O.E. Liburd, Y. Ampatzidis, G. Zuniga-ramirez |
906. Stem Characteristics and Local Environmental Variables for Assessment of Alfalfa Winter SurvivalAlfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is considered the queen of forage due to its high yield, nutritional qualities, and capacity to sequester carbon. However, there are issues with its relatively low persistency and winter survival as compared to grass. Winter survival in alfalfa is affected by diverse factors, including the environment (e.g., snow cover, hardiness period, etc.) and management (e.g., cutting timing, manure application, etc.). Alfalfa's poor winter survival reduces the number of ... M. Saifuzzaman, V. Adamchuk, M. Leduc |
907. Assessment of Goss Wilt Disease Severity Using Machine Learning Techniques Coupled with UAV ImageryGoss Wilt has become a common disease in corn fields in North Dakota. It has been one of the most yield-limiting diseases, causing losses of up to 50%. The current method to identify the disease is through visual inspection of the field, which is inefficient, and can be subjective, with misleading results, due to evaluator fatigue. Therefore, developing a reliable, accurate, and automated tool for assessing the severity of Goss's Wilt disease has become a top priority. The use of un... A. Das, P. Flores, Z. Zhang , A. Friskop, J. Mathew |
908. Comparative Analysis of Light-weight Deep Learning Architectures for Soybean Yield Estimation Based on Pod Count from Proximal Sensing Data for Mobile and Embedded Vision ApplicationsCrop yield prediction is an important aspect of farming and food-production. Therefore, estimating yield is important for crop breeders, seed-companies, and farmers to make informed real-time financial decisions. In-field soybean (Glycine max L.(Merr.)) yield estimation can be of great value to plant breeders as they screen thousands of plots to identify better yielding genotypes that ultimately will strengthen national food security. Existing soybean yield estimation too... J.J. Mathew, P.J. Flores, J. Stenger, C. Miranda, Z. Zhang, A.K. Das |
909. Hay Yield Estimation Using UAV-based Imagery and a Convolutional Neural NetworkYield monitoring systems are widely used commercially in grain crops to map yields at a scale of a few meters. However, such high-resolution yield monitoring and mapping for hay and forage crops has not been commercialized. Most commercial hay yield monitoring systems only obtain the weight of individual bales, making it difficult to map and understand the spatial variability in hay yield. This study investigated the feasibility of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing system ... K. Lee, K.A. Sudduth, J. Zhou |
910. Evaluation of Nitrogen Recommendation Tools for Winter Wheat in NebraskaAttaining both high yield and high nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) simultaneously remains a current research challenge in crop production. Digital ag technologies for site-specific N management have been demonstrated to improve NUE. This is due to the ability of digital technologies to account for the spatial and temporal distribution of crop N demand and available soil N in the field which varies greatly according t... J. Cesario pereira pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, G. Balboa, L. Puntel |
911. Limitations of Yield Monitor Data to Support Field-scale ResearchPrecision agriculture adoption on farms continues to grow globally on farms. Today, yield monitors have become standard technologies on grain, cotton and sugarcane harvesters. In recent years, we have seen industry and even academics leveraging the adoption of precision agriculture technologies to conduct field-scale, on-farm research. Industry has been a primary driver of the increase in on-farm research globally through the development of software to support on-farm resear... J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, A. Gauci, A. Lindsey, D. Barker, E. Hawkins |
912. Nitrogen Placement Considerations for Maize Production in the Eastern US CornbeltProper fertilizer placement is essential to optimize crop performance and amount of applied nitrogen (N) along with crop yield potential. There exists several practices currently used in both research within farming operations on how and when to apply N to maize (Zea mays L). Split applications of N in Ohio is popular with farmers and provides an economic benefit but more recently some farmers have been using mid- and late-season N fertilizer applications for their maize production.&... J.P. Fulton, E. Hawkins, S. Shearer, A. Klopfenstein, J. Hartschuh, S. Custer |
913. Seed Localization System Suite with CNNs for Seed Spacing Estimation, Population Estimation and DoublesProper seed placement during planting is critical to achieve uniform emergence which optimizes the crop for maximum yield potential. Currently, the ideal way to determine planter performance is to manually measure plant spacing and seeding depth. However, this process is both cost- and labor-intensive and prone to human errors. Therefore, this study aimed to develop seed localization system (SLS) system to measure seed spacing and seeding depth and providing the geo-location of each planted s... A. Sharda, R. Harsha chepally |
914. Evaluation of Indwelling Rumen Temperature Monitoring System for Dairy Calf Illness Detection and ManagementPrecision Dairy Farming technology has mostly focused on tools to improve cow care, but new tools are available to improve the care of pre-wean calves and heifers. These technologies apply real-time monitoring to measure individual animal data and detect a deviation from normal. On-farm validation of new technologies remains important for successful deployment of new technologies within commercial farms to understand how the technology can improve dairy calf welfare, performance, and health. ... J.M. Hartschuh, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, B.D. Enger, G.M. Schuenemann |
915. A Bayesian Network Approach to Wheat Yield Prediction Using Topographic, Soil and Historical DataBayesian Network (BN) is the most popular approach for modeling in the agricultural domain. Many successful applications have been reported for crop yield prediction, weed infestation, and crop diseases. BN uses probabilistic relationships between variables of interest and in combination with statistical techniques the data modeling has many advantages. The main advantages are that the relationships between variables can be learned using the model as well as the potential to deal with missing... M. Karampoiki, L. Todman, S. Mahmood, A. Murdoch, D. Paraforos, J. Hammond, E. Ranieri |
916. Evaluation of Crop Model Based Tools for Corn Site-specific N Management in NebraskaThere is a critical need to reduce the nitrogen (N) footprint from corn-based cropping systems while maintaining or increasing yields and profits. Digital agriculture technologies for site-specific N management have been demonstrated to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). However, adoption of these technologies remains low. Factors such as cost, complexity, unknown impact and large data inputs are associated with low adoption. Grower’s hands-on experience coupled with targeted resear... L. Puntel, L. Thompson , T. Mieno, S. Norquest |
917. In-season Nitrogen Management of Maize Based on Nitrogen Status and Lodging Risk PredictionDevelopment of effective precision nitrogen (N) management strategies is crucially important for food security and sustainable development. Lodging is one of the major constraints to increasing maize yield that can be induced by strong winds, and is also influenced by management practices, like N rate. When making in-season N application decisions, lodging risk should be considered to avoid yield loss. Little has been reported on in-season N management strategies that also incorporate lodging... R. Dong, Y. Miao, X. Wang |
918. Yield Estimation for Avocado Using Systematic Sampling TechniquesAvocado is a high value crop ranking fourth among the planted fruit species in Chile with more than 32,000 ha. Yield estimation is an important challenge in avocado due to its phenology, the size of the tree, and to the large variability usually observed within the orchards. Due to the practical difficulties to sample the trees we use the following approach: 1) establish a systematic, non-aligned grid with > 20 sampling points (trees)/field, 2) previous to harvest, and ... H.P. Poblete, R.A. Ortega |
919. Analysis of the Mapping Results Using SoilOptix TM Technology in Chile After Two SeasonsSoil mapping is a key element to successfully implement Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) in high value crops. SoilOptixTM is a mapping service based on the use of gamma radiation technology that arrived in Chile in 2019. Since then, around 2000 ha have been mapped, mainly in fruit orchards and vineyards. The technology has demonstrated its value in determining the most limiting factors in new and old orchards, and the possibility of correcting them in a site-spe... R.A. Ortega, A.F. Ortega, M.C. Orellana |
920. Is Row-unit Vibration Affected by Planter Speeds and Downforce?Row-unit vibration is an issue created mainly by planter`s opening disks and gauge-wheels contact with the ground. Variability on row-unit vibration could interfere on seed metering and delivery process, affecting crop emergence and final stand. With the amount of embedded technology present on planters, producers are being encouraged to increase planting speeds, which is also one of the main factors for row-unit vibration increasement. In this way, knowing the proper speeds, and using other ... L.P. Oliveira, B.V. Ortiz, G.T. Morata, T. Squires, J. Jones |
921. Automated Lag Phase Detection in Wine GrapesCrop yield estimation, an important managerial tool for vineyard managers, plays a crucial role in planning pre/post-harvest operations to achieve desired yield and improve efficiency of various field operations. Although various technological approaches have been developed in the past for automated yield estimation in wine grapes, challenges such as cost and complexity of the technology, need of higher technical expertise for their operation and insufficient accuracy have caused major concer... P. Upadhyaya, M. Karkee, X. Zhang, S. Kashetri |
922. Diagnosis of Grapevine Nutrient Content Using Proximal Hyperspectral ImagingNutrient deficiencies on grapevines could affect the fruit yield and quality, which is a major concern in vineyards. Nutrient deficiencies may be recognizable by foliar symptoms that vary by mineral nutrient and stress severity, but it is too late to manage when visible deficiency symptoms become apparent. The nutrient analysis in the laboratory is the way to get an accurate result, but it is time and cost-intensive. The differences in leaf nutrient levels also alter spectral characteristics ... C. Kang, M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, N. Shcherbatyuk, P. Davadant, M. Keller |
923. Farmers’ and Experts’ Perceptions of Precision Farming Impacts on Economic Efficiency, Food Security, Climate and Environmental Sustainability“Global food security could be in jeopardy, due to mounting pressures on natural resources and to climate change, both of which threaten the sustainability of food systems at large. Excessive fertilizer use can contribute to problems of eutrophication, acidification, climate change and the toxic contamination of soil, water and air. Lack of fertilizer application may cause the degradation of soil fertility. Agricultural production systems need to focus more on the effective co... C.I. Anaba |
924. Use of Remotely Measured Potato Canopy Characteristics As Indirect Yield EstimatorsPrediction of potato yield before harvest is important for making agronomic and marketing decisions. Active optical sensors (AOS) are rarely used together with other hand-held instruments for monitoring potato growth, including yield prediction. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between manually and remotely measured potato crop characteristics throughout the growing season and yield in commercial potato fields. Objective was also to identify crop characteristics that ... S.M. Samborski, J. Szatylowicz, T. Gnatowski, R. Leszczyńska, M. Thornton, O. Walsh |
925. Agricultural Robots Classification Based on Clustering by Features and FunctionRobotic systems in agriculture (hereafter referred to as agrobots) have become popular in the last few years. They represent an opportunity to make food production more efficient, especially when coupled with technologies such as the Internet of Things and Big Data. Agrobots bring many advantages in farm operations: they can reduce humane fatigue and work-related accidents. In contrast, their large-scale diffusion is today limited by a lack of clarity and exhaustiveness in the regulatory fram... M. Canavari, M. Medici, G. Rossetti |
926. Management Zone-specific N Mineralization Rate Estimation in Unamended SoilSince nitrogen (N) mineralization from soil organic matter is governed by basic soil properties (soil organic matter content, pH, soil texture, …) that are known to exhibit strong in-field spatial variability, N mineralization is also expected to exhibit significant spatial variability at field scale. An ideal and efficient N recommendation for precision fertilization should therefore account for potential soil mineralizable N considering this spatial variability. Therefore, this study... F.Y. Ruma, M.A. Munnaf, S. De neve, A.M. Mouazen |
927. Precision Agriculture Education in Africa: Perceptions, Opportunities and Challenges, and the Way ForwardPrecision Agriculture is critical for accelerated transformation of the agrifood systems in Africa for shared prosperity and enhanced livelihoods. The paper presents an overview of the perceptions of faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate students from Ghanaian universities about PA education, and its opportunities and challenges. The study involves a case study of two public universities, the University of Cape Coast and the Technical University of Cape Coast, respectively a and a desk revi... K.A. Frimpong |
928. Impact of Cover Crop and Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity on Cotton Development and YieldCotton is one of the major crops in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) of the U.S. Lower Mississippi River Valley region. Because cotton production doesn’t leave a lot of crop residue in the field, low soil organic matter levels are common. While the benefits of crop rotation are well known, cotton is often grown year after year in the same fields for economic reasons. Soils in the region are generally quite variable, with areas of very high sand content. Winter cover crops and reduced ... E. Vories, K. Veum, K. Sudduth |
929. Evaluating How Operator Experience Level Affects Efficiency Gains for Precision Agricultural ToolsTractor guidance (TG) improve environmental gains relative to non-precision technologies; however, studies evaluating how tractor operator experience for non-guidance comparisons impact gains are nonexistent. This study explores spatial relationships of overlaps and gaps with operator experience level (0-1; 2-3; 6+ years) during fertilizer and herbicide applications based on terrain attributes. Tractor paths recorded by global navigation satellite systems were used to create overlap pol... A. Ashworth, T. Kharel, P. Owens |
930. Agriculture Machine Guidance Systems: Performance Analysis of Professional GNSS ReceiversGNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) plays nowadays a major role in different civilian activities and is a key technology enabling innovation in different market sectors. For instance, GNSS-enabled solutions are widespread within the Precision Agriculture and, among them, applications in the field of machinery guidance are commonly employed to optimize typical agriculture practices. The scope of this paper is to present the outcomes of the agriculture testing campaign performe... J. Capolicchio, D. Mennuti, I. Milani, M. Fortunato, R. Petix, J. Reyes gonzalez, M. Sunkevic |
931. Robot Safety Issues in Field Crops - EU Regulatory Issues and Technical AspectsThe use of robots in Precision Agriculture is becoming of great interest, but they introduce a new kind of risk in the field due to their self-acting and self-driving capability. Safety issues appear with respect to people working in the same field in human-robot collaboration (HRC) framework or to the accidental presence of humans or animals. A robot out of control may also invade other areas causing unpredictable harm and damage. Currently, the safety of highly automated agricultu... M. Canavari, P. Lattanzi, G. Vitali, L. Emmi |
932. Spatial Analysis of Soil Moisture and Turfgrass Health to Determine Zones for Spatially Variable Irrigation ManagementThe Western United States is currently experiencing a “Mega Drought”. This makes efficient water use more important than ever. Turfgrass is a major vegetation type in urban areas and performs many ecosystem services such as cooling through evapotranspiration, fixing carbon from the atmosphere and reducing wild-fire risk. There are now more acres of irrigated turfgrass (>40 million) in the USA than irrigated corn, wheat and fruit trees combined (Milesi et al., 2005). It has been... R. Kerry, S. Shumate, B. Ingram, K. Hammond, D. Gunther, R. Jensen, S. Schill, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins |
933. Effectiveness of Different Precision Soil Sampling Strategies for Site-Specific Nutrient Management in Row-CropsSoil sampling is an important component of site-specific nutrient management in precision agriculture. While precision soil sampling strategies such as grid or zone have been around for a while, the adoption and utilization of these strategies varies considerably among the growers, especially in the southeastern United States. The selection of an appropriate grid size or management zone further differ among the users depending on several factors. In order to better understand how some of the ... M.W. Tucker, S. Virk, G. Harris, J. Lessl, M. Levi |
934. Potential of UAS Multispectral Imagery for Predicting Yield Determining Physiological Parameters of CottonThe use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in precision agriculture has increased rapidly due to the availability of reliable, low-cost, and high-resolution sensors as well as advanced image processing software. Lint yield in cotton is the product of three physiological parameters: photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by canopy (IPAR), the efficiency of converting intercepted active radiation to biomass (RUE), and the ratio of economic yield to total dry matter (HI). The relationship... A. Pokhrel, S. Virk, J.L. Snider, G. Vellidis, V. Parkash |
935. Overcoming Educational Barriers for Precision Agriculture Adoption: a University Diploma in Precision Agriculture in ArgentinaThe lack of educational programs in Precision Agriculture (PA) has been reported as one of the barriers for adoption. Our goal was to improve professional competence in PA through education in crop variability, management, and effective practices of PA in real cases. In the last 20 years different efforts has been made in Argentina to increase adoption of PA. The Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (UNRC) launched in 2021 the first University Diploma in PA, a 9-month program to train agronomis... G. Balboa, A. Degioanni, R. Bongiovanni, R. Melchiori, C. Cerliani, F. Scaramuzza, M. Bongiovanni, J. Gonzalez, M. Balzarini, H. Videla, S. Amin, G. Esposito |
936. Agronomic Opportunities Highlighted by the Hands Free Hectare and Hands Free Farm Autonomous Farming ProjectsWith agriculture facing various challenges including population increase, urbanisation and both mitigating and managing climate change, agricultural automation and robotics have long been seen as potential solutions beyond precision farming. The Hands Free Hectare (HFH) and Hands Free Farm (HFF) collaborative projects based at Harper Adams University (HAU) have been developing autonomous farming systems since 2016 and have conducted multiple autonomous field crop production cycles since a wor... K.F. Franklin |
937. Measuring Soil Carbon with Intensive Soil Sampling and Proximal Profile SensingSoils have a large carbon storage capacity and sequestering additional carbon in agricultural fields can reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change. Efforts are underway to incentivize agricultural producers to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in their fields using various conservation practices. These practices and the increased SOC provide important additional benefits including improved soil health, water quality and – in some cases –... E. Lund, T. Lund, C. Maxton |
938. Possibilities for Improved Decision Making and Operating Efficiency Derived from the Predictability of Autonomous Farming OperationsFor the last 6 years, small autonomous agricultural vehicles have been operating on Harper Adams University’s fields in Shropshire. Starting with a single tractor on a single rectangular hectare (2.5 acres) and moving on to three tractors on 5 irregularly shaped fields covering over 30 hectares (75 acres). Multiple crops have been grown; planting, tending, and harvesting with autonomous tractors and harvesters. The fields are worked using a Controlled Traffic Farming s... M. Gutteridge |
939. An IoT-based Smart Real Time Sensing and Control of Heavy Metals to Ensure Optimal Growth of Plants in an Aquaponic Set-upThe concentration of heavy metals that needs to be maintained in aquaponic environments for habitable growth of plants has been a cause of concern for many decades now as it is not possible to eliminate them completely in a commercial set-up. Our goal is to design a cost-effective real-time smart sensing and actuation system in order to control the concentration of heavy metals in aquaponic solutions. Our solution consists of sensing the nutrient concentrations in the aquaponic solution, name... S. Dhal, J. Louis, N. O'sullivan, J. Gumero, M. Soetan, S. Kalafatis, J. Lusher, S. Mahanta |
940. Teaching Mathematics Towards Precision Agriculture Through Data Analysis and ModelsPrecision agriculture is used in a wide variety of field operations and agricultural practices that affect our daily lives. Many fields of agriculture are increasingly adopting equipment automation, robotics, and machine learning techniques. These all lead to recognize that data collection and exploitation is a valuable tool assisting in real-time farming and livestock decisions. Thus, the immediate need to empower students in Agriculture Sciences with mathematical tools using data analysis i... R. Sviercoski |
941. Functional Soil Property Mapping with Electrical Conductivity, Spectral and Satellite Remote SensorsProximal electrical conductivity (EC) and spectral sensing has been widely used as a cost-effective tool for soil mapping at field scale. The traditional method of calibrating proximal sensors for functional soil property prediction (e.g., soil organic matter, sand, silt, and clay contents) requires the local soil sample data, which results in a field-specific calibration. In this large-scale study consisting of 126 fields, we found that the traditional local calibration method had suffered w... X. Xiong, D. Myers, J. Debruin, B. Gunzenhauser, N. Sampath, D. Ye, H. Underwood, R. Hensley |
942. Next in Precision Agriculture: Detecting and Correcting Pixels with Machinery Track Line Within FarmsWith more satellites orbiting the earth, monitoring of fields using satellite data has become easier and ubiquitous. Frequent observations of a field can provide vital cues about field health and management practices. However, farm analytical statistics derived from such datasets often need modification to create practical applications. This paper focuses on the detection and removal of field machinery track line pixels to reduce their effect on satellite-based agronomic recommendation and pr... G. Rathee, M. Sielenkemper |
943. Farmer Charlie - Low Cost Data Analytics for Farmers Accessible in the FieldFarmer Charlie, a spin-off of AB5 Consulting Ltd, is based on an affordable business model including five elements: a data analytics platform, an agribusiness ecosystem app, capable of connecting with local third-party apps; weather and in field sensors; wi-fi Internet connectivity; and power to the field and farms via solar panels, where necessary. Farmer Charlie brings information to farmers in their own fields, in an easy plug and play solution, affordable to the farmers and addressing the... B. Bonnardel |
944. Automated Geometrical Field Boundary Delineation Algorithm for Adjacent Job SitesEstablishing farmland geometric boundaries is a critical component of any assistive technology, designed towards the automation of mechanized farming systems. Observing farmland boundaries enables farmers and farm machinery contractors to determine; seed purchase orders, fertiliser application rate, and crop yields. Farmers must supply acreage measurements to regulatory bodies, who will use the geometric data to develop environmental policies and allocate farm subsidies appropriately. Agricu... S.J. Harkin |
945. The ISO Strategic Advisory Group for Smart Farming: a Multi-pronged Opportunity for Greater Global InteroperabilityAgriculture is becoming increasingly complex and producers must secure their profitability, sustainability, and freedom to operate under a progressively more challenging set of constraints such as climate change, regulatory pressure, changes in consumer preferences, increasing cost of inputs, and commodity price volatility. We have not, however, yet reached the level of data interoperability required for a truly "smart" farming that can tackle the aforementioned probl... R. Ferreyra, J. Lehmann |
946. Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-1 in Retrieving Mango Phenology and Investigating Its Relation to Weather in Southern GhanaThe rise in global production of horticultural tree crops over the past few decades is driving technology-based innovation and research to promote productivity and efficiency. Although mango production is on the rise, application of the remote sensing technology is generally limited and the available study on retrieving mango phenology stages specifically, was focused on the application of optical data. We therefore sought to answer the questions; (1) can key phenology stages of mango be retr... B.A. Torgbor, M.M. Rahman, A. Robson, J. Brinkhoff |
947. Employment of the SSEB and CROPWAT Models to Estimate the Water Footprint of Potato Grown in Hyper-arid Regions of Saudi ArabiaQuantifying crops’ water footprint (WF) is essential for sustainable agriculture especially in arid regions, which suffers from harsh environmental conditions and severe shortage of freshwater resources such as Saudi Arabia. In this study, WF of irrigated potato crop was estimated for the implementation of precision agriculture techniques. The CROPWAT and the Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) approaches were adopted. Soil, plant, and yield samples were randomly collected from six... R. Madugundu, K. Al-gaadi, E. Tola |
948. In-season Diagnosis of Winter Wheat Nitrogen Status Based on Rapidscan Sensor Using Machine Learning Coupled with Weather DataNitrogen nutrient index (NNI) is widely used as a good indicator to evaluate the N status of crops in precision farming. However, interannual variation in weather may affect vegetation indices from sensors used to estimate NNI and reduce the accuracy of N diagnostic models. Machine learning has been applied to precision N management with unique advantages in various variables analysis and processing. The objective of this study is to improve the N status diagnostic model for winter wheat by c... J. Lu, Z. Chen, Y. Miao, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Zhao, M. Jia |
949. Realising the Potential of Agricultural Robotics and AI: The Ethical ChallengesRecent advances in AI and robotics may dramatically transform agriculture by greatly expanding the number of contexts in which the techniques of precision agriculture may be applied. Inevitably, this next agricultural revolution will generate profound ethical issues: opportunities as well as risks. Clever applications of AI and robotics may allow agriculture to be more sustainable by facilitating more precise applications of water, fertilisers, and herbicides. Robots may take some of the drud... R. Sparrow |
950. Measuring Soil Carbon with Intensive Soil Sampling and Proximal Profile SensingMeasuring soil carbon is currently a subject of significant interest due to soil’s ability to sequester carbon and reduce atmospheric CO2. The cost of conventional soil sampling and analysis along with the number of samples required make proximal sensing an appealing option. To properly evaluate the performance of proximal sensing of soil carbon, a detailed lab-analyzed carbon inventory is needed to serve as the ‘gold standard’ in evaluating sensor estimations. F... E. Lund |
951. Minnesota Corn Growers AssociationWith more than 6,500 members, the Minnesota Corn Growers Association is one of the largest grassroots farm organizations in the United States. Working in close partnership with the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council, MCGA identifies and promotes opportunities for Minnesota’s 24,000 corn farmers while building connections with the non-farming public. We accomplish this by investing in third-party research that focuses on water quality and soil health, targeted consumer outre... M. Kazula |
952. #DigitAg France#DigitAg, the Digital Agriculture Convergence Laboratory, is one of 10 French Convergence Institutes financed by the Investissements d'Avenir (Investment for the Future) program. #DigitAg conducts interdisciplinary research between agronomic sciences, engineering sciences (computer science, mathematics, electronics, physics, etc.) and social and management sciences (economics, sociology, business management), bringing together more than 700 experts in these fields to produce the scientifi... J. Taylor |
953. EarthScout, GBCEarthScout is a precision remote sensor technology that provides farmers and researchers with reliable data in real time, straight from your field to your desktop and mobile devices. In season data allows users to access current conditions for smarter decision making in irrigation and nitrogen management. EarthScout is a crop agnostic tool that is used in any soil type and climate. Our plug and play field sensors need no calibration and set up only takes about 5 minutes. There are no data sub... S. Wieland, A. Kelley |
954. SoilView, LLCSoilView is an independent provider specializing in precision sampling and field services for agriculture retail, research groups, universities, and the evolving carbon market. Our areas of expertise include sampling for soil nutrients, carbon sampling, soil health and biology, and custom sampling processes for field research. We aim to remove the burden of sample collection for our customers by expertly managing all steps from field collection to final data delivery. Our... R. Shorkey |
955. Pessl InstrumentsFor more than 37 years, Pessl Instruments has been offering tools for informed decision-making. A complete range of wireless, solar powered monitoring systems which support almost all communication standards roofed under the METOS® brand is available to our clients worldwide. The systems, along with online platform and mobile application Fieldclimate, are applicable in all climate zones and can be used in various industries and for various purposes – from ... D. Brazda |
956. MDPI - Agriculture and Agronomy Journals... N. Nišavić |
957. Session One: 1:30pm - 3:00pm CDTThis 90 minute workshop will help researchers, crop consultants, professional agronomists and farm managers learn to use the Data-Intensive Farm Management project’s cyber-infrastructure to work with farmers to conduct and implement on-farm precision experiments (OFPEs), and to draw management implications from the analysis of the resultant data. DIFM works with participating farmers, using GPS-reliant precision agriculture technology to conduct large-scale agronomic field tr... D. Bullock |
958. Session Two: 3:30pm - 5:00pm CDTThis 90 minute workshop will help researchers, crop consultants, professional agronomists and farm managers learn to use the Data-Intensive Farm Management project’s cyber-infrastructure to work with farmers to conduct and implement on-farm precision experiments (OFPEs), and to draw management implications from the analysis of the resultant data. DIFM works with participating farmers, using GPS-reliant precision agriculture technology to conduct large-scale agronomic field tr... D. Bullock |
959. Session One: 1:00pm - 3:00pm CDTThis 2 hour workshop will instruct the participants on the use of the Google Earth Engine website. This website allows visualizing and analyzing of satellite imagery from many datasets, mainly Sentinel and Landsat programs. This site has many advantages such as No need to dow... H. Greenblatt |
960. Session Two: 4:00pm - 6:00pm CDTThis 2 hour workshop will instruct the participants on the use of the Google Earth Engine website. This website allows visualizing and analyzing of satellite imagery from many datasets, mainly Sentinel and Landsat programs. This site has many advantages such as No need to dow... H. Greenblatt |
961. Country Meeting - CanadaISPA Canadian Community Monday, June 27, 2022, 18:30 Deer-Elk Lake room, Marriott Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Meeting Agenda Introduction Update on 2018-22 activities Precision agriculture research emphasis in Canada Teaching and outreach expectations Planning for 2022-24 period Potential for the community me... A. Cambouris, V. Adamchuk |
962. LoRa Flood-messaging Sensor-data TransportThe practice of precision agriculture assumes the ability to place and monitor sensors. Remote monitoring is often employed as a means of alleviating tedious manual data gathering and recording. For remote monitoring to work, there has to be some automated means of reading sensor values and transmitting them to a basestation, someplace where the data is recorded and analyzed. If the data are recorded and analyzed at the point of sensing, some means is still required to send the results to whe... P.G. Raeth |
963. Content Analysis of the Challenges of Using Drones in Paddy Fields in the Haraz Plain Watershed, IranDrone technology has gained popularity in recent years as a sustainable solution to changing agricultural conditions. Using drones in agriculture provides many advantages in farm management. However, the use of drones in paddy fields in Iran is a new phenomenon facing numerous challenges. This study aims to explore the challenges for using drones in paddy fields and provide practical guidelines to solve the challenges facing the their application. This research was conducted with a qualitativ... J. Aliloo, E. Abbasi, E. Karamidehkordi , E. Ghanbari parmehr, M. Canavari, G.-. Vitali |
964. Land Cover and Crop Types Classification Using Sentinel-2A Derived Vegetation Indices and an Artificial Neural NetworkDevelopments in remote sensing data acquisition capabilities, data processing and interpretation of ground-based, airborne and satellite observations have made it possible to couple remote sensing technologies and precision crop management systems. Land cover and crop types classification is a fundamental task in remote sensing and is crucial in various environmental and agricultural applications. Accurate and timely information on land cover and crop types is essential for land management, l... B. Bantchina |
965. Data Gator: a Provisionless Network Solution for Collecting Data from Wired and Wireless SensorsAdvances in wireless sensor technology and data collection in precision agriculture enable farmers and researchers to understand operational and environmental dynamics. These advances allow the tracking of water usage, temperature variation, soil pH, humidity, sunlight penetration, and other factors which are crucial for trend prediction and analysis. Capitalizing on this advancement, however, requires data collection infrastructure using large and varied sensor networks. Adoption and impleme... G. Wells, J. Shovic, M. Everett |
966. Treetop Tech: Uplifting German Foresters' Drone Perspectives Through the Technology Acceptance ModelForests play a key role in nature as they purify water, stabilize soil, cycle nutrients, store carbon and also provide habitats for wildlife. Economically, forest product industries provide jobs and economic wealth. Sustainable forest management and planning requires foresters’ understanding of the forests dynamics for which the collection of field data is necessary, which can be time consuming and expensive. Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones can improve the efficiency of tradition acq... M. Michels, H. Wever, O. Mußhoff |
967. Farming for a Greener Future: the Behavioural Drive Behind German Farmers’ Alternative Fuel Machinery Purchase IntentionsClimate change due to greenhouse gas emissions, e.g. anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere will lead to damages caused by global warming, increases in heavy rainfall, flooding as well as permafrost melt. One of the main issues for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the dependence on oil for fueling transportation and other sectors. Accordingly, policy makers aim to reduce dependency on fossil fuels with the accelerated roll-out of renewable energy. Among others, t... M. Michels, V. Bonke, H. Wever, O. Mußhoff |
968. Evaluation of a Single Transect Method for Collecting Grape Samples Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery for the Characterization of Overall Vineyard PerformanceCommercial vineyards are streamed into different wine programs based on analysis of grape or juice samples collected from the field, but spatial and temporal variability can lead to sub-optimal tiering of grapes. This is a particularly difficult problem to overcome in the typically large vineyards of California’s Central Valley. Due to economic and laboratory constraints on sample collection, processing, and analysis, a single sample is often expected to represent the overall fruit qual... B. Sams, M. Aboutalebi, L. Sanchez, N. Dokoozlian, R. Bramley |
969. Finnish Future Farm Speeding Up the Uptake of Precision AgricultureThe Finnish Future Farm (FFF) is an innovative concept that seamlessly integrates a physical Smart Farm with a Digital Twin, complemented by educational programs and business development opportunities. This holistic approach aims to propel the evolution of Smart Agriculture in Finland. At its core, FFF is a platform for co-creation with a strong emphasis on User-Centered Design. It employs a Multi-Actor Approach, bringing together companies, experts, researchers, and end users to co... H.E. Haapala |
970. Performance Evaluation of Auto-steering System for Precise Sowing to Increase Crop ProductivityWorld population is increasing day by day and expected to be reached 10 billion in 2050. The food security, water scarcity, climate change and lowering of crop yield are the core challenges for agriculture sector in the developing countries like Pakistan. The overlapping of rows, non-uniform distribution and wastage of seed are the common problems in the conventional sowing methods. To overcome these issues, the auto steering system was installed on the locally available Massey Ferguson (MF-3... T. Iqbal, S. Din, Q. Zaman |
971. Precision Agriculture to Develop Cowpea Cultivation in Louga and Guarantee Sovereign Food Security in SenegalFood security is an essential element of development, we need to diversify our culinary bases and cowpea is some alternative crop rich in nutrients, with a diversity of very dry dishes, but which suffers periodic attacks from insect pests impacting its yield in Senegal mainly in the Louga region. As rural populations do not have the financial and material resources to deal with this scourge, precision agriculture is the appropriate response to combat insect pests. By integ... M. Diaw |
972. Crop Modeling-based Framework to Explore Region-specific Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Productivity and Environmental FootprintTo maintain current crop production while reducing negative environmental impacts, improved understanding of the relative impact of the 4Rs for nitrogen (N) management (rate, time, place, and source) for a given geo-agroecosystem are needed and can play a critical role in driving policy, recommendations, and local practices. However, the timeframe and cost required to assess and characterize the impact of N rate and timing over years and weather conditions through field experiments is prohibi... L. Thompson, S. Archontoulis, P. Grassini, L. Puntel, T. Mieno |
973. Automated In-field Ornamental Nursery Plant Counting and Quality Assessment with End-to-end Deep Learning for Inventory ManagementEfficient inventory management and rigorous quality evaluation play crucial roles for monitoring sales, yield, space utilization, production schedules, and quality enhancements in the ornamental nursery sector. The current method for conducting inventory and quality assessments is through manual plant counting, even when dealing with thousands of plants. The prevailing approach is inefficient, time consuming, labor intensive, potential inaccuracies, and high expenses. Given the continuous dec... H.H. Syed, T. Rehman |
974. Water Stress Assessment for a Better Within-field Nitrogen and Irrigation ManagementSwedish crops production is predominantly rain fed; and until now, food security has been safeguarded by relying on imports if seasonal variations of rainfall reduce yield quantity and quality. In Sweden, based on climate change scenarios, farmers organizations and representatives consider water to be a critical factor that potentially will limit the yield levels to a larger extent in the future. In the last decades, it is registered very dry seasons (e.g. 2018 and 2019) and long dry spells i... O. Alshihabi, B. Stenberg, J. Barron |
975. Using Informative Bayesian Priors and On-farm Experimentation to Predict Optimal Site-specific Nitrogen RatesMost U.S. Corn Belt states now recommend the Maximum Return to Nitrogen (MRTN) method for determining optimal nitrogen rates, which is based on 15 years of on-farm yield response to nitrogen trials. The MRTN method recommends a uniform rate for a region of a state. This study combines Illinois MRTN data, Bayesian methods, and on-farm experimentation from the Data Intensive Farm Management (DIFM) project to provide site-specific nitrogen recommendations. On-farm trials are now being used to pr... W. Brorsen, D. Poursina, C. Patterson, T. Mieno, B. Edge, E.D. Nafziger |
976. Developing a Wheat Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy by Combining Satellite Remote Sensing Data and WheatGrow ModelPrecision nitrogen (N) management (PNM) is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to synchronize crop N demand with soil N supply spatiotemporally. The previous evidence has demonstrated that variable rate fertilization contributes to achieving high yields and high efficiencies. However, PNM at the regional level remains unclear and challenging. This study aims to develop a novel management zone (MZ)-based PNM strategy (MZ-PNM) to optimize the basal and topdressing N rates at the re... Y. Miao, X. Liu, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu, W. Cao, Q. Cao, X. Chen, Y. Li |
977. Automatic Body Condition Score Classification System for Individual Beef Cattle Using Computer VisionBody condition scoring (BCS) is a widely used parameter for assessing the utilization of energy reserves in the fat and muscle of cattle. It fulfills the needs of animal welfare and precision livestock farming by enabling effective monitoring of individual animals. It serves as a crucial parameter for optimizing nutrition, reproductive performance, overall health, and economic outcomes in beef cattle. The precise and consistent assessment of BCS relies on personal experience using visuals tha... M. Islam, J. Yoder, H. Gan |
978. AI-based Pollinator Using CoreXY RobotThe declining populations of natural pollinators pose a significant ecological challenge, often attributed to the adverse effects of pesticides and intensive farming practices. To address the critical issue of pollination in the face of diminishing natural pollinators, we are pioneering an AI-based pollinator that utilizes a CoreXY pollination system. This solution aims to augment pollination efforts in agriculture, increasing yields and crop quality while mitigating the adverse impacts of pe... H. Kulhandjian, M. Kulhandjian, D. Rocha, B. Bennett |
979. AI-based Precision Weed Detection and EliminationWeeds are a significant challenge in agriculture, competing with crops for resources and reducing yields. Addressing this issue requires efficient and sustainable weed elimination systems. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in weed elimination system development, focusing on innovative technologies and methodologies. Specifically, it details the development and integration of a weed detection and elimination system based on the CoreXY architecture, implemented... H. Kulhandjian, M. Kulhandjian, D. Rocha, B. Bennett |
980. Profitability of Regenerative Cropping with Autonomous Machines: an Ex-ante Assessment of a British Crop-livestock FarmFarmers, agroecological innovators and research have suggested mixed cropping as a way to promote soil health. Mixing areas of different crops in the same field is another form of precision agriculture's spatial and temporal management. The simplest form of mixed cropping is strip cropping. In conventional mechanized farming use of mixed cropping practices (i.e., strip cropping, pixel cropping) is limited by labour availability, rising wage rates, and management complexity. Regenerative a... A. Al amin, J. Lowenberg-deboer, K.F. Franklin, E. Dickin, J. Monaghan, K. Behrendt |
981. Assessing the Distribution Uniformity of Broadcast-interseeded Cover Crops at Different Crop Stages by an Unmanned Aerial VehicleDrones can now carry larger payloads and have become more affordable, making them a viable option to use for broadcast-interseeding cover crops in the fall, prior to main crop harvest. This strategy has become popular in Ohio over the past two years. However, this new strategy arose quickly with a limited understanding of field performance of the drone’s distribution uniformity under different parameters such as rates, swath widths, speeds, or cash crop type. Therefore, the objective of... A.D. Thomas, J.P. Fulton, S. Khanal, O. Ortez, G. Mcglinch |
982. Global Adoption of Precision Agriculture: an Update on Trends and Emerging TechnologiesThe adoption of precision agriculture (PA) has been mixed. Some technologies (e.g., Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) guidance) have been adopted rapidly worldwide wherever there is mechanized agriculture. Adoption of some of the original PA technologies introduced in the 1990s has been modest almost everywhere (e.g., variable rate fertilizer). New and more advanced technologies based on robotics, uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), machine vision, co-robotic automation, and artificial i... J. Mcfadden, B. Erickson, J. Lowenberg-deboer, G. Milics |
983. Site-specific Evaluation of Sensor-based Winter Wheat Nitrogen Tools Via On-farm ResearchCrop producers face the challenge of optimizing high yields and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in their agricultural practices. Enhancing NUE has been demonstrated by adopting digital agricultural technologies for site-specific nitrogen (N) management, such as remote-sensing based N recommendations for winter wheat. However, winter wheat fields are often uniformly fertilized, disregarding the inherent variability within the fields. Thus, an on-farm evaluation of sensor-based N tools is needed ... J. Cesario pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, L. Puntel, P. Paccioretti, G. Balboa |
984. System-based Precision Agriculture for Sustainable Crop ProductionThe major challenge addressed in the proposed project (5 years) is the systemic mismanagement of nitrogen (N) fertilizer in agricultural fields leading to problems such as leaching of nitrates into groundwater and emission of harmful greenhouse gases. Digital technologies are commercialized in agriculture (available from the early 1990s) but have little success with N fertilization. Despite agriculture is the least digitized sector (as highlighted at the last World Economic Forum) to make a r... F. Van evert, R. Gislum, E.E. Rezaei, A.K. Ingerslev, M.N. Andersen, M.H. Greve, M. Knadel, K. Butterbach-bahl, D. Abalos, J.E. Olesen, C. Nendel, F. Liu, A. De wit, D. Cammarano |
985. Comparing Profitability of Variable Rate Nitrogen Prescription MethodsVariable rate nitrogen (VRN) prescriptions have been field-tested against uniform N application for over 25 years. VRN prescription algorithms vary in the type and cost of information they require. To date, few studies have compared the benefits and costs of alternative VRN prescription methods. VRN prescriptions draw on diverse information, including soil and tissue N sampling, yield history (YH), and remotely sensed spectral reflectance (such as the Normalized Differen... S. Lee, S.M. Swinton |
986. Opportunity Cost of Precision ConservationCrop production and biodiversity conservation vie for limited agricultural land resources. While biodiversity conservation benefits society as a whole, it is farmers who bear the immediate economic consequences of shifting land from agricultural to conservation use. When parts of a field are put into conservation use, farmers give up the net revenue that they earned from crop production, accepting the “opportunity cost” of losing that revenue stream. But since crop yields ar... S. Lee, S.M. Swinton |
987. AI-based Fruit Harvesting Using a Robotic ArmFruit harvesting stands as a pivotal and delicate process within the agricultural industry, demanding precision and efficiency to ensure both crop quality and overall productivity. Historically reliant on manual labor, this labor-intensive endeavor has taken a significant leap forward with the advent of autonomous jointed robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our project aims to usher in a new era in fruit harvesting, leveraging advanced technology to perform this essential task autonomous... H. Kulhandjian, N. Amely, M. Kulhandjian |
988. Report on Research and Extension of Precision Agriculture in JapanThe objective of this report is to present the current status of precision agriculture and smart agriculture in Japan. As of 2023, there are approximately 150 precision agriculture-related venture companies in Japan, and the number is increasing every year. Research related to precision agriculture is mainly conducted by the IT and Mechatronics Subcommittee of the Japanese Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineering, which consists of about 1,... E. Morimoto |
989. A Multi-objective Optimisation Analysis of Virtual Fencing in Precision GrazingVirtual fencing is a precision livestock farming tool consisting of invisible boundaries created via Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and managed remotely and in real time by app-based technology. Grazing livestock are equipped with battery-powered collars capable of delivering audio or vibration cues and possibly electric shocks when approaching or crossing an invisible boundary. Virtual fencing makes precision grazing possible without the need for physical fences. This technology ... E. Maritan, K. Behrendt, J. Lowenberg-deboer, S. Morgan, M.S. Rutter |
990. Variable Rate Application to Improve Cro Protection in Orchards and Vineyards. Prescription Maps and Satellites to Accomplish EU Farm to Fork StrategyAccurate canopy characterization is crucial for a targeted application of plant protection products following variable rate application (VRA) concept. Remote sensing offers a robust and rapid monitoring tool that allows determining the characteristics of the vegetation from aerial platforms at different spatial resolutions. Previous work have demonstrated that drone-based imagery can be used to estimate canopy height, width, and canopy volume accurately enough to allow a full automation of VR... E. Gil, F. Garcia-ruíz, J. Biscamps, R. Salcedo, J. Campos |
991. The State of Precision Agriculture in Ghana: Challenges and OpportunitiesPrecision agriculture in Ghana has gained significant attention and recognition as a transformative approach to modernizing the country's agricultural sector. This paper provides an overview of the state of precision agriculture in Ghana, highlighting key developments, challenges and opportunities. Ghana's agricultural sector, which serves as a critical pillar of its economy, has experienced a shift towards precision agriculture practices. With advancements in technology, in... M. Bosompem |
992. Integrating Nonlinear Models and Remotely Sensed Data to Estimate Crop Cardinal DatesCrop planting and harvest dates are a major component affecting agricultural productivity, risk, and nutrient cycling. The ability to track these cardinal dates allows researchers to investigate strategies to manage risk and adapt to climate change. This study was conducted to determine whether nonlinear statistical models combined with remotely sensed data from satellites can be used to estimate planting and harvest dates. Time of planting and harvest were reported by farmers for 16 commerci... C.L. Dos santos, F. Miguez, L. Puntel, D. Bullock |
993. Delineation of Yield Zones Using Optical and Radar Remote SensingIdentifying yield zones in agricultural areas is essential for efficient resource allocation, operational optimization, and decision-making. While optical remote sensing is widely used in precision agriculture, the interest in radar remote sensing data, notably from the Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), has increased due to its operation in the C-band frequency, capturing data through cloud cover and the availability of free data. The main objective of this study was to evaluate ... I.A. Da cunha, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, L.R. Amaral |
994. The Impact of Row Unit Position on Planter Toolbar on Corn Crop Development: an Experimental StudyPrecision planting techniques are essential to grow corn successfully. Monitoring planter speed, row-unit bounce, and gauge-wheel load ensures high-quality seeding. Vertical vibration during planting can impede seed metering and delivery, causing planting variability. Row unit vibration increases with planting speed and can lead to spatial variability in planting. Therefore, the goals of this study were to 1) understand the influence of row unit location on its vertical vibration; and 2) comp... J. Peiretti, A. Sharda, S. Badua |
995. Explainable Neural Network Alternatives for Ai Predictions: Genetic Algorithm Quantitative Association Rule MiningNeural networks in one form or another are common precision agriculture artificial intelligence techniques for making predictions based on data. However, neural networks are computationally intensive to train and to run, and are typically “black-box” models without explainable output. This paper investigates an alternative artificial intelligence prediction technique, genetic algorithm quantitative association rule mining, which creates explainable output with impacts directly qua... M. Everett |
996. Influence of Ground Control Points and Processing Parameters on UAS Image Mosaicking for Plant Height EstimationDigital surface models (DSMs) and 3D point clouds, generated using overlapping images from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), are often used for plant height estimation in phenotyping and precision agriculture. This study examined the effects of the quantity and placement of ground control points (GCPs) and image processing parameters on the creation of DSMs and 3D point clouds for plant height estimation. A 2-ha field containing multiple experimental plots with four crops (corn, cotton, ... C. Yang, H. Zhao, W. Guo, J. Zhang, C. Suh, B.K. Fritz |
997. A Flexible Software Architecture for General Precision Agriculture Decision Support SystemsAgricultural data management is a complex problem. Both the data and the needs of the users are diverse. Given the complexity of the problem, it's easy to ascertain that a single solution will not be able to meet the needs of all users. This paper presents a software architecture designed to be extensible as well as flexible enough to provide agricultural management tools for a wide variety of users. The solution is based on a microservice architecture, which allows for the creation of ne... W. Neils, D. Mommen |
998. Sampling Bumble Bees and Floral Resources Using Deep Learning and UAV ImageryPollinators, essential components of natural and agricultural systems, forage over relatively large spatial scales. This is especially true of large generalist species, like bumble bees. Thus, it can be difficult to estimate the amount and diversity of floral resources available to them. Floral cover and diversity are often estimated over large areas by extrapolation from small scale samples (e.g., a 1-m quadrat) but the accuracy of such estimates can vary depending on the spatial patchiness ... B. Spiesman, I. Grijalva, D. Holthaus, B. Mccornack |
999. Land Survey an Initiative for the Systemic Generation of Precision Agriculture, Achievements and Barriers to Implementation in Portuguesa State-VenezuelaIn agricultural land areas in the western center of Venezuela Republic, specifically in the Portuguese state, in 2021, 30 agricultural crop farms were generated and transformed into digital format, which were raised and incorporated into the Coloide Agro Precise database, in order to be able to offer their owners the administration in digital form through an AgTech tool, this methodology was called "Farm Survey" which digitized necessary information for agricultural models whose res... J.R. Prieto, D. Varela, A. Cazzulani |
1000. R2B2 Project: Design and Construction of a Low-cost and Efficient Autonomous UGV For Row Crop MonitoringDriving the adoption of agricultural technological advancements like Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) by small-scale farmers (SSFs) is a major concern for researchers and agricultural organizations. They aim for the adoption of precision farming (PF) by SSFs to increase crop yield to meet the increasing demand for food due to population growth. In the United States, the cost of purchasing and maintaining rugged UGVs capable of precision agricultural operations stands as a barrier to the a... J.O. Kemeshi, S. Gummi, Y. Chang |
1001. In-season Nitrogen Prediction Evaluation Using Airborne Imagery with AI Techniques in Commercial Potato ProductionIn modern agriculture, timely and precise nitrogen (N) monitoring is essential to optimize resource management and improve trade benefits. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a staple food in many regions of the world, and improving its production is inevitable to ensure food security and promote related industries. Traditional methods of assessing nitrogen are labour-intensive, time-consuming, and require subjective observations. To address these limitations, a combination of multispec... B. Javed, A. Cambouris, M. Duchemin, L. Longchamps, P.S. Basran, S. Arnold, A. Fenech, A. Karam |
1002. Spray Deposition and Efficacy of Pesticide Applications with Spray Drones in Row Crops in the Southeastern USThe use of spray drones for pesticide applications is expanding rapidly in agriculture, with one of the top uses currently being in the row crop production. Several research studies were undertaken in 2022 and 2023 to measure and assess spray deposition and efficacy of pesticides applied with spray drones in the major row crops (corn, cotton and peanuts) grown in the southeastern US. These studies also evaluated and compared the deposition and pesticide efficacy of spray drones with tradition... C. Byers, R. Meena, J. Kichler, R.C. Kemerait, L. Hand, S. Virk |
1003. Static and In-field Validation of Application Accuracy of Commercial Spray Drones at Varying Rates and SpeedsThe emerging application of spray drones in agriculture for pesticide delivery has seen significant interest recently. Currently, various spray drone platforms with advanced capabilities such as variable-rate application and edge-spraying are commercially available; however, limited research and information is available regarding the application accuracy of these systems. Pesticide applications with spray drones in several research studies conducted at the University of Georgia in 2023 indica... S. Virk, R.K. Meena, C. Byers |
1004. A Data Retrieval System to Support Observational Research of On-Farm ExperimentationObservational research is a powerful methodology, capable of rapidly identifying trends and patterns present in complex systems. New work seeks to apply these techniques to agronomic production systems. While data generated from on-farm experimentation are often considered anecdotal, these data hold significant importance for farmers because they originate from their distinctive agricultural systems. Combining the large volumes of farmer-collected data with remote sensing, environmental, and ... P. Lanza, A. Yore, L. Longchamps |
1005. Spray Deposition Characterization of Uniform and Variable-rate Applications with Spray DronesThe use of unmanned aerial application systems (also known as spray drones) has seen rapidly increasing interest in recent years due to their potential to allow for timely application of pesticides and being able to apply in areas inaccessible to ground application sprayers. Newer spray drone models’ have improved application systems such as rotary atomizers for creating spray droplets and capabilities such as variable-rate (VR) application for site-specific pesticide applications. An i... C. Byers, S. Virk, R.K. Meena, G. Rains |
1006. Yield Potential Zones and Their Relationship with Soil Taxonomic Classes and Management ZonesThe use of management zones (MZ) to subdivide agricultural areas based on the variability of yield potential and production factors is increasingly being explored by scientific research and demanded by farmers. However, there is still much uncertainty about which layers of information and procedures should be adopted for this purpose. Thus, our goal was to demonstrate whether simplistic approaches to creating MZ can satisfactorily address the variability of yield potential and soil classes. F... L.R. Amaral, H. Oldoni, D.D. Melo, N.A. Rosin, M.R. Alves, J.M. Demattê |
1007. Barriers and Adoption of Precision Ag Tehcnologies for Nitrogen Management NebraskaA statewide survey of Nebraska farmers shows that they determine the N rate based on soil lab recommendations (82%), intuition, traditional rate, and own experience (67%). The adoption of dynamic site-specific models (23%), and sensor-based algorithms (11%) remains low. The survey identified the main barriers to the adoption of these N management technologies. ... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, P. Paccioretti |
1008. Field-scale Evaluation of Corn Yield Response on Varying Planter Downforce Settings and Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity ZonesOn-farm strip trials are techniques to show growers how practices, technologies and equipment will work in their cropping systems. Field scale evaluation could help growers obtain valuable data and feedback in a spatial scale to aid in making informed management decisions in their operations. One critical operation is planting where seed placement is very important as it influence how plant progress for the rest of the growing season. With inherent spatial field variability, row crop planters... S. Badua, A. Sharda |
1009. Dynamic Management Zones for Real-time Precision Agriculture OptimizationPrecision agriculture is an evolving management approach aimed at optimizing resource utilization, enhancing financial returns, and mitigating environmental impacts. The dynamic nature of agricultural conditions throughout a growing season necessitates the integration of innovative remote sensing and precision agriculture techniques. This research explores the creation of dynamic management zones (DMZ) that adapt in real-time to evolving soil and crop conditions. This study focuses on the est... A.H. Rabia, E. Eldeeb |
1010. Optimizing Nitrogen Application in Global Wheat Production by an Integrated Bayesian and Machine Learning ApproachWheat production plays a pivotal role in global food security, with nitrogen fertilizer application serving as a critical factor. The precise application of nitrogen fertilizer is imperative to maximize wheat yield while avoiding environmental degradation and economic losses resulting from excess or inadequate usage. The integration of Bayesian and machine learning methodologies has gained prominence in the realm of agricultural research. Bayesian and machine learning based methods have great... Z. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu, W. Cao, Q. Cao |
1011. Mapping Marginal Crop Land on Millions of Acres in the Canadian PrairiesCrop fields cover more than 250,000 km2 of the Canadian Prairies, and many of these contain areas of marginal soil condition that are farmed annually at a loss. Setting aside these unprofitable areas may represent savings for growers as well as reductions in GHG emissions, while restoring them with perennial vegetation could create new natural carbon sinks. There is high potential for these in-field marginal zones to act as a nature-based climate solution in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba... S. Shirtliffe, T. Ha, K. Nketia |
1012. Yield Analysis in Sugarcane Harvesters Using Design of Experiments (DoE) MethodologyThe sugarcane crop is highlighted in national agribusiness, Brazil is the world’s largest producer of the plant, and the prospection of specialists is of strong growth for the next years. However, in order to increase productivity, technological interventions through of precision agriculture must be implemented. Among them, the management of inputs guided by yield spatial variability for otmizing production and income. This project approaches the implementation of the methodology of ana... M.L. Da silva, J. . Alves de lima, A. Balbinot, J.P. Molin |
1013. The Evaluation of NDVI Response Index Consistency Using Proximal Sensors, UAV and SatellitesThe Response Index NDVI (RINDVI) is described as the response of crops to additional nitrogen (N) fertilizer. It is calculated by dividing the NDVI of the high-N plot (N-rich strip) by the NDVI of the zero-N plot or farmer's practice where less pre-plant N was applied (Arnall and al., 2016). RI values are used to predict yield and monitor top dress N fertilization. Many research has been carried out to d... S. Phillips, B. Arnall, M. Maatougui |
1014. A Fusion Strategy to Map Corn Crop ResiduesAccess to post-harvest residue coverage information is crucial for agricultural management and soil conservation. The purpose of this study was to present a new approach based on an ensemble at the decision level for mapping the corn residue. To this end, a set of Landsat 8 imagery and field data including the Residue Cover Fraction (RCF) of corn (149 samples), were used. Firstly, a map of common spectral indices for RCF modeling was prepared based on the spectral bands. Then, the efficiency ... S. Fathololoumi, M.K. Firozjaei, A. Biswas, P. Daggupati |
1015. Field-level Zoning at Regional Scale Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Lessons Learned from the Desert Agriculture Region of Southern CaliforniaA decision support tool, SAMZ-Desert, utilizing GIS and remote sensing techniques, was created to delineate management zones (MZs) for a total of 6852 fields in California's Imperial County. Landsat-8 NDVI data from April 27, 2018, was employed for this purpose. Furthermore, 11 cloud-free images captured between 2018 and 2020 were statistically analyzed to assess within-field NDVI variability and the temporal stability of MZs at the regional level. Approximately 37% of the fields in the r... A.K. Verdi, A. Garg, A. Sapkota |
1016. UAV-based Phenotyping of Nitrogen Responses in Winter Wheat: Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use EfficiencyIn the face of escalating global demand for wheat, influenced by burgeoning populations and changing consumption patterns, a profound understanding of determinants like precision nutrient management becomes indispensable. In an on-farm experiment conducted at the Dürnast Research Station in southern Bavaria from 2022 to 2023, we investigated the effects of nitrogen (N) treatments on 18 European winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars. The field trial design encompassed three dist... J. Zhang, K. Yu |
1017. Enhancing On-farm Rice Yields, Water Productivity, and Profitability Through Alternate Wetting and Drying Technology in Dry Zones of West AfricaIrrigated rice farming is crucial for meeting the growing rice demand and ensuring global food security. Yet, its substantial water demand poses a significant challenge in light of increasing water scarcity. Alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWD), one of the most widely advocated water-saving technologies, was recently introduced as a prospective solution in the semi-arid zones of West Africa. However, it remains debatable whether AWD can achieve the multiple goals of saving water whil... Y.J. Johnson, M. Becker, E.R. Dossou-yovo, K. Saito |
1018. Multi-sensor Remote Sensing: an AI-driven Framework for Predicting Sugarcane FeedstockPredicting saccharine and bioenergy feedstocks in sugarcane enables stakeholders to determine the precise time and location for harvesting a better product in the field. Consequently, it can streamline workflows while enhancing the cost-effectiveness of full-scale production. On one hand, Brix, Purity, and total reducing sugars (TRS) can provide meaningful and reliable indicators of high-quality raw materials for industrial food and fuel processing. On the other hand, Cellulose, Hemicell... M. Barbosa, D. Duron, F. Rontani, G. Bortolon, B. Moreira, L. Oliveira, T. Setiyono, L. Shiratsuchi, R.P. Silva, K.H. Holland |
1019. A Digital Twin for Arable Crops and for GrassThere is an opportunity to use process-based cropping systems models (CSMs) to support tactical farm management decisions, by monitoring the status of the farm, by predicting what will happen in the next few weeks, and by exploring scenarios. In practice, the responses of a CSM will deviate more and more from reality as time progresses because the model is an abstraction of the real system and only approximates the responses of the real system. This limitation may be overcome by using the CSM... F. Van evert, P. Van oort, B. Maestrini, A. Pronk, S. Boersma, M. Kopanja, G. Mimić |
1020. Modelling Hydrological Processes in a Wadi Basin in Egypt: Wadi Kharouba Case StudyWadi Flash Flood (WFF) is one of the most crucial problems facing the north‐western coastal region in Egypt. Water harvesting (WH) approaches may be an effective tool to reduce the WFF risk while storing the runoff water for agricultural activities. In this study, the Agarma sub-catchment of the Wadi Kharouba was taken as a reference investigation site to study terraced WA systems. The main problem in this area is that local farmers independently build terraces using traditional knowledge t... A.H. Rabia, E. Eldeeb, A. Coppola |
1021. Drought Tolerance Assessment with Statistical and Deep Learning Models on Hyperspectral Images for High-throughput Plant PhenotypingDrought is an important factor that severely restricts blueberry growth, output and adversely impacts the desirable physiologic quality. Considering the challenges posed by climate change and erratic weather patterns, evaluating the drought tolerance of blueberry plants is not only vital for the agricultural industry but also for ensuring a consistent supply of these nutritious berries to consumers. Blueberry plants have a relatively ineffective water regulation mechanism due to their shallow... M. Rahman, S. Busby, A. Sanz-saez, S. Ru, T. Rehman |
1022. Capacity Building of African Young Scientists in Precision Agriculture Through Cross-regional Academic Mobility for Enhanced Climate-smart Agri-food System: an Intra Africa Mobility Project on Precision AgricultureClimate change is one of the main problems affecting food and nutrition globally, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Adapting to and/or mitigating climate change in the agri-food sector requires merging information technologies, genetic innovations, and sustainable farming practices to empower the agricultural youth sector to create effective and locally adapted solutions. Precision Agriculture applied to crops (PAAC), has been advocated as a strategic solution to mitigate/adapt agriculture ... N. Fassinou hotegni, A. Karangwa, A. Manyatsi, K.A. Frimpong, M. Amri, D. Cammarano, C. Lesueur, J. Taylor, S. Phillips, E. Achigan-dako |
1023. Citizens Perspectives on Robot-based Crop Farming – a Cluster Analysis Using Unsupervised Machine LearningArtificial intelligence (AI) and its possibilities and threats are prominently discussed by the broader public. Robotic solutions are based on AI and offer the potential to change agricultural production drastically. However, new food technologies have not been perceived solely positively by society in the past. Genetic engineering, for example, has been the subject of repeated controversy. Science communication theory suggests that individual opinion leaders highly influence steering a socia... H. Zeddies, G. Busch |
1024. Evaluating Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat Using UAV Multispectral ImagesNitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrients for crop growth and development. For crops, nitrogen fertilizer is the guarantee of high yield, but in practical applications, nitrogen fertilizer is often excessive. Therefore precise and rapid assessment of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) plays a pivotal role in optimizing fertilizer utilization and ensuring responsible use of nitrogen in agriculture. While most of research evaluate NUE from management scales, e.g., from the field, dis... J. Wang, K. Yu, S. T.meyer |
1025. Enhancing Precision Agriculture with Cosmic-ray Neutron Sensing: Monitoring Soil Moisture Dynamics and Its Impact on Grapevine PhysiologyPrecision agriculture has emerged as a transformative approach in modern viticulture, seeking to optimize vineyard management. Vineyard operations rely heavily on effective water management, especially in regions where water availability can significantly affect grape quality and yield. The relationship between soil moisture and grapevine physiology is however complex. Therefore, understanding these relationships is crucial for optimizing vineyard operations. Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS)... R. Mazzoleni, F. Vinzio, S. Emamalizadeh, G. Allegro, I. Filippetti, G. Baroni |
1026. Bio-Effectors As a Promising Tool for Precision Agriculture and Integrated Plant NutritionBio-effectors, such as microorganisms and active natural compounds, are of increasing interest as promising alternatives or substitutes to precarious agrochemicals. European and global markets (valued at 14.6 billion US$ in 2023) for agricultural biologicals (bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, and bio-stimulants) are predicted to grow at rates of more than 13.5 % per year. Improved availability and use efficiency of mineral nutrients, tolerance to abiotic stresses, yield and quality traits, as ... M. Weinmann, M. Nkebiwe, N. Weber, K. Bradacova, N. Morad-talab, U. Ludewig, T. Müller, G. Neumann, M. Raupp, K. Bradacova |
1027. Predicting Forage Performance with Geospatial Tools in Low Nutrient Tropical Soils Amended with Biochar Co-compostGeospatial methods are cheaper, faster and reliable non-destructive options for estimating field-scale forage biomass yield and quality compared with the traditional methods. This study examines the use of UAV-based hyperspectral images to estimate height using grass height model, and predict yield response, biomass chlorophyll and nutritional composition with NDVI, NDRE, and EVI indices of Napier grass (Cenchrus purpureus) grown in a low nutrient tropical Acrisol amended with bio... C.K. Owusu, K.A. Frimpong, K. Atiah |
1028. Analysis of Yield Gaps in Sub-Saharan African Cereal Production SystemsFood production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is one of the lowest and keeps declining across farmers’ fields season after season (Assefa et al., 2020; F Affholder, 2013). Yield gaps in cereal cropping systems have been reported by many researchers, attesting to the existence of huge variability in production levels of cereals such as corn, wheat, sorghum, rice and millet. across SSA. It is still unclear whether the yield gaps are similar in size or driven by similar factors across differ... E. Odoom, K.A. Frimpong, S. Phillips |
1029. Botanix Explorer (BX1): Precision Plant Phenotyping Robot Detecting Stomatal Openings for Precision Irrigation and Drought Tolerance ExperimentsUnder drought conditions, the kidney-shaped organs on the epidermal surface of plants, called stomata, are crucial to plant health. During transpiration, the stomata, which resemble pores, open and close. When the rate of photosynthesis is balanced, plants can withstand droughts by decreasing their stomatal transpiration. Drought-stressed plants are characterized by a higher number of open stomata. Measuring the pore aperture ratio is essential for precisely quantifying the degree of stomatal... S. Gummi, J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang |
1030. Who Are the Data Stewards: Moving Data Driven Agriculture ForwardNearly a decade ago agricultural equipment manufacturers, service providers, retailers, land grant universities, and grower organizations came together to begin discussing the growing needs for producers to manage their farm data. This discussion was partly fueled by the industry shifting from moving data via physical media to cloud API connections. Several initiatives including the Agricultural Data Coalition (ADC) were subsequently launched focusing on addressing data privacy and security c... B.E. Craker, D. Bierman |
1031. A High-throughput Phenotyping System Evaluating Salt Stress Tolerance in Kale Plants Cultivated in Aquaponics EnvironmentsMonitoring plant growth in a controlled environment is crucial to make informed decisions for various management practices such as fertilization, weed control, and harvesting. Agronomic, physiological, and architectural traits in kale plants (Brassica oleracea) are important to producers, breeders, and researchers for assessing the performance of the plants under biotic and abiotic stresses. Traditionally, architectural, and morphological traits have been used to monitor plant growth. H... T. Rehman, M. Rahman, E. Ayipio, D. Lukwesa, J. Zheng, D. Wells, H.H. Syed |
1032. Optimizing Experimental Design for Determining Economic Nitrogen Levels: Insights on the Use of Monte Carlo SimulationsThe determination of economic nitrogen levels is a pivotal element in the quest for sustainable agricultural practices. Designing experiments to accurately identify these levels, especially in contexts constrained by limited plot availability, poses a significant challenge. In response to these challenges, this study endeavors to demonstrate an approach to optimize the experimental design for identifying economic nitrogen levels, even under such constraints. We employed statistical... C. Matavel, A. Meyer-aurich, H. Piepho |
1033. Precision Agriculture: Forage Chopper Noise Level As an Estimator of Corn Silage Production in Small FarmsThe objective of the work carried out in the Registro County, SP, Brazil, in the year 2021, was to study the forage chopper noise level as an estimator of corn silage production in small farms. The corn crop study and characterization were measured plant height (PH), height of first ear insertion (HEI) and green mass production of plants (GM) were studied. The noise (NO) produced by the forage machine during ensiling was collected by recording, considering it as a potential yield estimator du... W.J. Souza, A.N. Silva |
1034. Comparing Global Shutter and Rolling Shutter Cameras for Image Data Collection in Motion on a UGVIn a bid to drive the adoption of precision farming (PF) technology by reducing the cost of developing an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), during the Reduction-To-Below-Two grand (R2B2) project we compared Arducam’s AR0234, a global shutter camera (GSC) to their IMX462, a rolling shutter camera (RSC). Since the cost of the AR0234 is approximately three times the price of the IMX462, the comparison was done to determine the possibility of using the latter for image data collection in place... J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang, P.K. Yadav, M. Alahe |
1035. Algorithm to Estimate Sorghum Grain Number from Panicles Using Images Collected with a Smartphone at Field-scaleAn estimation of on-farm yield before harvest is important to assist farmers on deciding additional input use, time to harvest, and options for end uses of the harvestable product. However, obtaining a rapid assessment of on-farm yield can be challenging, even more for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) crop due to the complexity for accounting for the grain number at field-scale. One alternative to reduce labor is to develop a rapid assessment method employing computer vision and artificial intell... G.N. Nocera santiago, P. Cisdeli magalhães, I. Ciampitti, L. Marziotte |
1036. Interoperability As an Enabler for Principled Decision-making in Irrigation: the Precision Agriculture Irrigation Language (PAIL)Fresh water is a scarce resource, and agriculture consumes a high fraction of it worldwide. As climate change increases the likelihood of high temperatures and droughts, irrigation becomes an increasingly attractive option for managing crop production risks. Unfortunately, and despite decades of efforts by professional associations to promote the use of a principled, data-driven approach to irrigation scheduling often called scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS), the fraction of far... R. Ferreyra, C.C. Hillyer, H.D. Fuller, B. Craker, K. Watanabe |
1037. Towards a Digital Peanut Profile Board: a Deep Learning ApproachArtificial intelligence techniques, particularly deep learning, offer promising avenues for revolutionizing object detection and counting algorithms in the context of digital agriculture. The challenges faced by peanut farmers, particularly the precise determination of optimal maturity for digging, have prompted innovative solutions. Traditionally, peanut maturity assessment has relied on the Peanut Maturity Index (PMI), employing a manual classification process with the aid of a peanut profi... M.F. Freire de oliveira, B.V. Ortiz, J.B. Souza, Y. Bao, E. Hanyabui |
1038. Development of Standard Protocols for Soil Tilth Assessment As an Essential Component of Tillage Tool Automation to Improve Soil HealthThe accurate assessment of soil tilth may be pivotal when assessing soil health as part of a holistic process to ensure sustainable and profitable crop production practices. In this study, we focus on demonstrating methodologies for the spatial assessment of soil tilth as ground truth for assessing real-time soil tilth quality sensing technologies. The proposed methodologies for evaluating tillage effects involve the integration of the line transect method for residue distribution analysis. S... C. Dean, A. Klopfenstein, A. Klopfenstein, S.A. Shearer |
1039. Retrieving Nitrogen Levels in Almond Trees Using Hyperspectral Data at Leaf and Canopy LevelAlmonds are a crucial specialty crop in California, dominating approximately 80 percent of the global almond supply. To enhance nitrogen usage efficiency, reduce groundwater contamination, and optimize resource allocation, ongoing research has been dedicated to improving nitrogen management practices in almond cultivation. This study specifically focused on the retrieval of nitrogen levels with uncertainty estimation at both the leaf and canopy levels of almond trees. Hyperspectral data was c... M. Chakraborty, A. Pourreza |
1040. Automated Southern Leaf Blight Severity Grading of Corn Leaves in RGB Field ImageryPlant stress phenotyping research has progressively addressed approaches for stress quantification. Deep learning techniques provide a means to develop objective and automated methods for identifying abiotic and biotic stress experienced in an uncontrolled environment by plants comparable to the traditional visual assessment conducted by an expert rater. This work demonstrates a computational pipeline capable of estimating the disease severity caused by southern corn leaf blight in images of ... C. Ottley, M. Kudenov, P. Balint-kurti, R. Dean, C. Williams |
1041. Utilizing Hyperspectral Field Imagery for Accurate Southern Leaf Blight Severity Grading in CornCrop disease detection using traditional scouting and visual inspection approaches can be laborious and time-consuming. Timely detection of disease and its severity over large spatial regions is critical for minimizing significant yield losses. Hyperspectral imagery has been demonstrated as a useful tool for a broad assessment of crop health. The use of spectral bands from hyperspectral data to predict disease severity and progression has been shown to have the capability of enhancing e... G. Vincent, M. Kudenov, P. Balint-kurti, R. Dean, C.M. Williams |
1042. Securing Agricultural Data with Encryption Algorithms on Embedded GPU Based Edge Computing DevicesSmart Agriculture (SA) has captured the interest of both the agricultural business and the scientific community in recent years. Overall, SA aims to help the agricultural and food industry to avoid crop failures, loss of revenues as well as help farmers use inputs (such as fertilizers and pesticides) more efficiently by utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and computing systems. However, rapid digitization and reliance on data-driven technologies create new security threats that can def... M. Alahe, J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang, K. Won, X. Yang, M. Sher |
1043. Design of an Automatic Travelling Electric Fence System for Sustainable Grazing ManagementFences are used in Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) to prevent herbivores from overgrazing and under grazing forages. While effective in controlling animal entry and exit, traditional fences are not flexible enough to meet the needs of both foraging animals and plants in terms of both nutrient availability and physiological demands. An electric fencing system is a form of traditional fencing that employs an electric charge to create a barrier and dissuade animals or people from crossing it. ... M. Alahe, Y. Chang, J.O. Kemeshi, S. Gummi, H. Menendez iii |
1044. Securing Agricultural Imaging Data in Smart Agriculture: a Blockchain-based Approach to Mitigate Cybersecurity Threats and Future InnovationsSmart agriculture (SA) is a new technology that combines the Internet of Things (IoT) with a variety of smart devices, such as drones, unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), and computer systems. The integration of technology improvements in SA has led to an increase in cybersecurity concerns, specifically pertaining to the protection of sensitive agricultural image data. It’s necessary to better understand SA network systems; establish stronger network structures; identify different types an... M. Alahe, S. Gummi, J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang |
1045. Comparing Hyperspectral and Thermal UAV-borne Imagery for Relative Water Content Estimation in Field-grown SesameSesame (Sesamum indicum) is an irrigated oilseed crop, and studies on its water content estimation are sparred. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne imageries using spectral reflectance as well as thermal emittance for crops are an ample source of high throughput information about their physiological and chemical traits. Though several studies have dealt with thermal emittance to assess the crop water content, evaluating its relation to the plant’s solar reflectance is limi... M. Sahoo, R. Tarshish, V. Alchanatis , I. Herrmann |
1046. Advancing Precision Agriculture Education in Sub-saharan Africa: Exploring Factors for Success and ObstaclesPrecision agriculture is gaining recognition in Sub-Saharan Africa due to its potential to enhance food security, promote sustainable agriculture, and boost farmers' productivity. Effective dissemination of precision agriculture (PA) knowledge through the educational system is crucial. However, a significant gap in PA awareness and expertise exists among agricultural students and faculty members in many African tertiary institutions. This study investigates the awareness and willingness o... F. Adekoya , B.V. Bamidele , T. Adefare |
1047. HOPSY: Harvesting Optimization for Production of Strawberry Using Real-time Detection with YOLOv8Optimizing the harvesting process presents a continuous challenge within the strawberry industry, especially during peak seasons when precise labor allocation becomes critical for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The conventional method for addressing this issue has been hindered by an absence of real-time data regarding yield distribution, resulting in less-than-ideal worker assignments and unnecessary expenditures on labor. In response, a novel, portable, real-time strawberry detection sy... Z. Huang, W. Lee, N. Takkellapati |
1048. Yield Monitoring System for Radish and Cabbage Under Korean Field ConditionsYield monitoring is considered an essential tool to optimize resource utilization and provide an accurate assessment of crops for drylands. The objective of this study was to assess mass-based and volume-based yield monitoring under laboratory-simulated and field conditions for cabbage and radish. During the experiment, impact plate angles, conveyor speeds, and falling heights were systematically varied to investigate the effects on cabbage and radish yield during harvesting. Digital filterin... M. Gulandaz, M. Kabir, K. Shafik, S. Chung |
1049. Enhancing Precision Agriculture Through Dual Weed Mapping: Delineating Inter and Intra-row Weed Populations for Optimized Crop ProtectionIn the field of precision agriculture, effective management of weed populations is essential for optimizing crop yield and health. This paper presents an innovative approach to weed management by employing dual weed mapping techniques that differentiate between inter-row and intra-row weed populations. Utilizing advanced imaging and data analysis of CropEye images collected by the Robotti robot from AgroIntelli (AgroIntelli A/S, Aarhus, Denmark), we have developed methods to generate distinct... R.N. Jørgensen, S. Skovsen, O. Green, C.G. Sørensen |
1050. Predicting, Mapping, and Understanding the Drivers of Grain Protein Content Variability – Utilising John Deere’s New Harvestlab 3000 Grain Sensing SystemGrain protein content (GPC) is a key determinant of the prices that grain growers receive, and the rising cost of production is shifting management focus towards optimising this to maximise return on investment. In 2023, John Deere released the HarvestLab 3000TM Grain Sensing system in Australia for real-time, on-the-go measurement of protein, starch, and oil values for wheat, barley, and canola. However, while the uptake of these sensors is increasing, GPC maps are not available f... M.J. Tilse, P. Filippi, T. Bishop |
1051. Are Pulses Really More Variable Than Cereals? a Country-wide Analysis of Within-field VariabilityIn Australia, pulses are underutilised by growers relative to cereal crops. There is significant global interest in growing pulses to provide more plant protein, and they also provide a string of agronomic and environmental benefits, such as their ability to fix nitrogen, and provide a pest and disease break for cereal crops. Many studies attribute this underutilisation to pulses exhibiting greater within-field yield variability than cereals. However, this has never been comprehensively exami... P. Filippi, T. Bishop, D. Al-shammari, T. Mcpherson |
1052. Precision Irrigation Strategies for Climate-resilient Crop Production and Water Resource ManagementDeficit irrigation management practices that best optimize the use of limited water resources without impacting crop yield are necessary to ensure the sustainability of agricultural production. This is particularly crucial in regions characterized by semi-arid climate, like Western Kansas, where the challenge of depleting water resources is worsened by the occurrence of extreme climate conditions. Therefore, a data-driven irrigation management strategy such as one developed based on crop evap... K.E. Igwe, I. Onyekwelu, V. Sharda |
1053. X-ray Imaging in Breeding and Harvesting ProcessesThe application of X-ray technology has a long tradition in different medical and technical fields. Compared to other sensor systems, its advantages lie in the capability to reveal structures within objects non-destructively. The analysis of X-ray images with image processing methods is applied for quality control, the detection of foreign objects or damages and other anomalies (e.g. in organs or bones). Until recently, the application of X-ray was mainly constrained to stationary application... M. Weule, E. Hufnagel, J. Claussen, A. Berghaus, S. Burkhart, P. Noack, S. Gerth |
1054. Transforming Precision Agriculture Education, Research and Outreach in Sub-saharan Africa Through Intra-africa CooperationProductivity and profitability of sub-Saharan (SSA) agriculture can be enhanced greatly through the adoption of precision agriculture technologies and tools. However, until 2020 when the African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) established the African Association for Precision Agriculture (AAPA), most SSA PA enthusiast worked in isolation. The AAPA was formed to innovate Africa’s agricultural industry by connecting PA science to its practice and disseminate PA tailored to the need... K.A. Frimpong, S. Phillips, V. Aduramigba-modupe, N. Fassinou hotegni, M. Mechri, M. Mishamo, J.M. Sogbedji, Z. hazzoumi, R. Chikowo, M. Fodjo kamdem |
1055. Data-driven Agriculture and Sustainable Farming: Friends or Foes?Sustainability in our food and fiber agriculture systems is inherently knowledge intensive. It is more likely to be achieved by using all the knowledge, technology, and resources available, including data-driven agricultural technology and precision agriculture methods, than by relying entirely on human powers of observation, analysis, and memory following practical experience. Data collected by sensors and digested by artificial intelligence (AI) can help farmers learn about syne... O. Rozenstein, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis , K. Behrendt, D.J. Bonfil, G. Eshel, A. Harari, W.E. Harris, I. Klapp, Y. Laor, R. Linker, T. Paz-kagan, S. Peets, M.S. Rutter, Y. Salzer, J. Lowenberg-deboer |
1056. Optimal Placement of Soil Moisture Sensors in an Irrigated Corn FieldPrecision agricultural practices rely on characterization of spatially and temporally variable soil and crop properties to precisely synchronize inputs (water, fertilizer, etc.) to crop needs; thereby enhancing input use efficiency and farm profitability. Generally, the spatial dependency range for soil water content is shorter near the soil surface compared to deeper depths, suggesting a need for more sampling locations to accurately characterize near-surface soil water content. However, det... D. Mandal, L. Longchamps, R. Khosla |
1057. Pineapple Growth Monitoring with Precision Agriculture ToolsPineapple production is important as a source of food, raw materials for industries and incomes for farmers in sub-Saharan Africa countries. Pineapple growth and yields are often assessed with laborious, time consuming and expensive manual methods. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) including drones are useful precision agriculture tools for reliable, fast and cheap monitoring of plant growth and prediction of their yields, but there is a paucity of information regarding how PA tools have been u... E. Hanyabui, M.O. Adu, M. Hobart, E. Adjei, A. Somiah , K.A. Frimpong |
1058. Emerging Megatrends of Sustainable Nutrient Management Research in Sub-saharan AfricaAfrica has the 12th highest population growth rates in the world, which may double by 2050; and have bio-physical constraints which impinge on development, that need to be addressed. This ever-increasing human population demands corresponding increase in food production, where low nutrient use and management is a critical challenge. Most research conducted by African scientists are rarely used in decision-making, because they are not properly aligned with the needs of decision-makers due to w... V. Aduramigba-modupe, K. Frimpong |
1059. Voronoi-based Ant Colony Optimization Approach: Autonomous Robotic Swarm Navigation for Crop Disease DetectionThe early detection of agricultural diseases is essential for sustaining food production and economic viability over the long term. To improve disease detection in agriculture, this paper presents an innovative computational approach that utilizes the Voronoi-based Ant Colony Optimization (V-ACO) algorithm with Swarm Robotics (SR). Inspired by the social behaviors observed in insect colonies such as honeybees and ants, SR offers new opportunities for precision farming. SR utilizes the coordin... S. Gummi, M. Alahe, Y. Chang, C. Pack |
1060. Detection of Goat Herding Impact on Vegetation Cover Change Using Multi-season, Multi-herd Tracking and Satellite ImageryThe frequency and severity of Mediterranean forest fires are expected to worsen as climate change progresses, heightening the need to evaluate understory fuel management strategies as rigorously as possible. Prescribed small-ruminant foraging is considered a sustainable, cost-effective strategy, but demonstrating a link between animal presence and vegetation change is challenging. This study tested whether the effect of small-ruminant herd presence in Mediterranean woodlands can be detected b... T. Paz kagan, V. Alexandroff, E.D. Ungar |
1061. Monitoring the Effects of Weed Management Strategies on Tree Canopy Structure and Growth Using UAV-LiDAR in a Young Almond OrchardThe primary objective of this study was to assess the potential effect of integrated weed management (IWM) on canopy structure and growth in a young almond orchard using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR point cloud data. The experiment took place in the Neve Ya’ar Model Farm, with four IWM strategies tested: (1) standard herbicide-based management, (2) physical-mechanical approach, (3) cover crops, and (4) integrated weed management combining herbicide and mowing. In 2019 (pre-treatm... T. Paz kagan, R. Lati , T. Caras |
1062. Quantifying Constant Rate and Sensor-based Variable Rate Nitrogen (N) Fertilizer Response on Crop Vigor and YieldAgricultural fertilizer application is one of the essential components of crop production. It enhances crop growth, yield, and quality of the crop. The most widely used methods for nutrient application are the constant rate and variable rate application. An improper supply of fertilizer can potentially hamper crop growth and reduce the quality of the crop. Therefore, there is a need to select the best optimum nutrient application method for proper utilization of the nutrients. Therefore, the ... R. Singh, A. Sharda |
1063. The Role of Imaging Spectroscopy in Monitoring Soil Quality for Precision AgricultureImaging Spectroscopy (IS) is a key application in precision agriculture, offering insights into soil quality spatiotemporal variability. This technology's integration into soil quality mapping enables farmers and agricultural managers to make decisions that elevate efficiency, productivity, and sustainability within farming operations. With ongoing advancements in remote sensing technology, the role of IS in precision agriculture is poised for further expansion, promising enhanced benefit... T. Paz kagan |
1064. Real-time Seed Mapping Using Direct MethodsSeed distance estimations are critical for planter evaluation and the prediction of planting parameter performance. However, these estimations are typically not conducted in real-time. In this study, we propose a real-time seed mapping approach using cameras and computer vision networks, augmented by a Kalman filter for vehicle state estimation. This process involves the transformation of pixel coordinates into real-world coordinates. We conduct a comparative analysis between these estimates ... A. Sharda, R. Harsha chepally |
1065. Automation of Tractors with GPS Autosteering Systems for Controlled Rows of Horticultural CropsThe agriculture industry has witnessed a transformative shift with the integration of GPS autosteering systems into tractor operations. This technological innovation offers precision and efficiency for the cultivation of horticultural crops. Autopilot automated steering systems ensure that tractors, combines, sprayers and other farming equipment stay precisely on track, regardless of field patterns or terrain types. This advancement frees up valuable human resources to concentrate on the esse... M. Mishamo |
1066. Incorporating Return on Investment for Profit-driven Management ZonesAdopting site-specific management practices such as profitability zones can help to stabilize long-term profit while also favoring the environment. Profitability maps are used to standardize data by converting variables into economic values ($/ha) for different cropping systems within a field. Thus, profitability maps can be used to define management zones from several years of data and show the regions within a field which are more profitable to invest in for production, or those that can be... A.A. Boatswain jacques, A.B. Diallo, A. Cambouris, E. Lord, E. Fallon |
1067. AgGateway Traceability API – The Foundation to Track Raw Agricultural CommoditiesThere is increasing demand for food traceability, ranging from consumers wanting to know where their food comes from (GMO, organic, climate-smart commodities), to manufacturers of agricultural inputs wanting to know the effectiveness of their products as used by farmers. Existing traceability requirements focus on the supply chain of goods packaged from their origin to retail grocery stores, with regulations provided by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) from the US Food and Drug Admini... S.T. Nieman, J. Tevis, B.E. Craker |
1068. Precision Agriculture in Africa: the Youth Are ReadyPrecision agriculture (PA) holds the promise of revolutionizing agricultural practices in Africa, ushering in a new era of productivity, efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. In this context, the youth population of Africa emerges as a powerful force capable of propelling the swift integration of precision agriculture. Their intrinsic enthusiasm for technology and digital innovation positions them as key agents of change in this transformative journey. This paper sets... F. Adekoya |
1069. Automated Pipeline for Research Plot Extraction and Multi-polygon Shapefile Generation for Phenotype and Precision Agriculture ApplicationsThe plant breeding community increasingly adopt remote sensing platforms like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect phenotype data on various crops. These platforms capture high-resolution multi-spectral (MS) image data during extensive field trials, enabling concurrent evaluation of hundreds of plots with diverse seed varieties and management practices. Currently, the plant breeders rely on manual and intricate data extraction, processing, and analysis of high-resolution imagery to draw... A. Sharda, A. Dua, W. Schapaugh, R. Hessel |
1070. Automated Sow Estrus Detection Using Machine Vision TechnologySuccessful artificial insemination for gilts and sows relies on accurate timing that is determined by estrus check. Estrus checks in current farms are manually conducted by skilled breeding technicians using the back pressure test (BPT) method that is labor-intensive and inefficient due to the large animal-to-staff ratio. This study aimed to develop a robotic imaging system powered by artificial intelligence technology to automatically detect estrus status for gilts and sows in a stall-housin... J. Zhou, Z. Xu, T.J. Safranski, C. Bromfield |
1071. Standards for Data-driven Agrifood Systems, One Year After the ISO Strategic Advisory Group for Smart FarmingThe lack of data interoperability is a major obstacle for the data-driven, principled multi-objective decision-making required for modern agrifood systems to help meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Aware of this, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) chartered a Strategic Advisory Group for Smart Farming (SAG-SF) to survey the existing standardization landscape of the domain within ISO, to identify gaps where additional standardization is needed, and to provide a st... R. Ferreyra, J. Lehmann, J.A. Wilson |
1072. Evaluation of Soil Health and Grain Quality of Soybean Under Different Soil Treatments and Cropping Systems Using UAV ImagerySoil is one of the limiting factors for crop growth, yield and nutritive content of product. Although crop yield has increased consistently, soil quality and grain quality are degrading, which creates challenges to agricultural sustainability and competeability. However, there are no efferent tools to quantify soil health in field conditions. This study aimed to develop a method to quantify soil health and its impact on soybean seed quality using unmanned arial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sens... J. Zhou, T. Reinbott, K.A. Sudduth, F. Tian, M. Gadhwal |
1073. Deep Learning for Predicting Yield Temporal Stability from Short Crop RotationsInvestigating the temporal stability of yield in management zones is crucial for both producers and researchers, as it helps in mitigating the adverse impacts of unpredictable disruptions and weather events. The diversification of cropping systems is an approach which leads to reduced variability in yield while improving overall field resilience. In this six-year study spanning from 2016 to 2021, we monitored 40 distinct fields owned by 10 producers situated in Quebec, Canada. These... E. Lord, A.A. Boatswain jacques, A.B. Diallo, M. Khakbazan, A. Cambouris |
1074. Leaf Spectral Traits Help Quantify Crop Senescence at Different Nitrogen RatesPlant leaves senescing prematurely is generally associated with decreased yield. It is therefore critical in farming practices to avoid premature senescence and to shorten the process of senescence for ensuring yield. However, it is challenging to analyze plant aging led by endogenous and exogenous pressure because of its complexity. Leaf pigment change, believed to be the start of senescence, is challenging to quantify visually due to the overlapping colors. Unlike time-consuming and destruc... M.P. Camenzind, S.V. Luca, K. Yu, X. Song, M. Minceva, W. Qin, Q. Deng |
1075. Hierarchical Zoning: Targeted Sampling for Soil Attribute MappingThe mapping of soil attributes for fertilizer recommendation remains challenging in precision agriculture. Traditionally, this mapping is done through soil sampling in a regular grid, which generally yields good results when done in denser grids. However, due to the high costs associated with sampling and analysis, sparser grids have been adopted, which has not produced good prediction results. Some studies with directed sampling points to obtain more accurate soil maps have been adopted to a... D.D. Melo, I.A. Da cunha, T.L. Brasco, H. Oldoni, L.R. Amaral |
1076. Enhancing Agricultural Feedback Analysis Through VUI and Deep Learning IntegrationA substantial amount of information relies on consumers, influencing aspects from product adoption to overall satisfaction. Similarly, the agricultural sector is entirely dependent on farmers, who dictate the success of products and highlight associated challenges. Our study aligns with this perspective, recognizing the significance of understanding farmers' needs to assist tractor manufacturing industries. As these industries aim for widespread adoption of their products among farmers, i... S. Kaushal, A. Sharda |
1077. Digital Agriculture Driven by Big Data Analytics: a Focus on Spatio-temporal Crop Yield Stability and Land ProductivityIn the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the adoption of digital technologies and big data analytics has ushered in a transformative era known as digital agriculture. This paradigm shift is primarily motivated by the pressing imperative to address the growing global population's food requirements, mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, and promote sustainable land management. Canada, a significant player in global food production, has made a substantial commitment to reduci... K. Nketia, T. Ha, H. Fernando, S. Shirtliffe, S. Van steenbergen |
1078. Assessing Plant Spacing Inequality and Its Impact on Crop Yield Using Lorenz Curves and Gini IndexPlant spacing is the distance between individual plants in a crop field. It is vital for proper crop establishment as it can influence the spatial and temporal variation in plant emergence. These variations alter how plants interact for light, water, and nutrient resource needs, which, in turn, impact an individual plant's growth conditions and crop yield. Alternatively, studies have associated uniformity in plant spacing with higher yields and increased weed suppression. Modern precision... B. Aryal, A. Sharda, J. Peiretti |
1079. Increasing the Resilience and Performance of AI-based Services Through Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures and the Use of Mobile Edge in AgricultureAgriculture, as an essential part of food production, belongs to the Critical Infrastructures (CRITIS). Accordingly, the systems used must be designed for fail-safe operation. This also applies to the software used in agricultural operations, which must meet security and resilience criteria. However, there is an increase in software that requires a permanent Internet connection, i.e., a stable connection to servers or cloud applications is required for operation. This represents a significant... D. Eberz-eder |
1080. Developing Geospatial Method for Autopilot Harvester Trampling Evaluation in Colombian Sugarcane FieldsSugarcane is a crop of great importance for the geographical valley of the Cauca River in Colombia, where it covers approximately 241,000 hectares and is cultivated by 13 sugar mills and about 4,200 cultivators. This region is characterized by its favorable climate, which enables year-round sugarcane harvesting and its high productivity, making it a global leader in this sector. This achievement is largely attributed to the technological advances developed by Colombia Sugarcane Research Cente... J.D. Ome narvaez, D.F. Sandoval, S.A. Galeano, H.B. Tarapues, A. Estrada, J.P. Zuñiga, J.M. Valencia-correa |
1081. Design and Development of a Spraying System for Under Canopy Rover and Its Integration with Computer Vision SystemChemical spraying such as herbicides, insecticides are essential in any agricultural field for controlling pest, weed etc. and ultimately increasing yield. About one-third of agricultural yields rely on the utilization of pesticides. However, around 3 billion kilograms of pesticides are used worldwide every year and effective utilization of it is merely 1%. The precise application of these chemicals is necessary to reduce negative impacts on environment as well as human health. The applicatio... N.K. Piya, A. Sharda, J.R. Persch, D. Flippo, R. Harsha chepally |
1082. Leveraging UAV-based Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning Techniques for the Detection of Powderly Mildew in VineyardsThis paper presents the development and validation of machine learning models for the detection of powdery mildew in vineyards. The models are trained and validated using custom datasets obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with a hyperspectral sensor that can collect images in visible/near-infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) wavelengths. The dataset consists of the images of vineyards with marked regions for powdery mildew, meticulously annotated using LabelImg.&n... S. Bhandari, M. Acosta, C. Cordova gonzalez, A. Raheja, A. Sherafat |
1083. Combining Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Estimate Peanut Photosynthetic ParametersThe environmental conditions in which plants are situated lead to changes in their photosynthetic rate. This alteration can be visualized by pigments (Chlorophyll and Carotenoids), causing changes in plant reflectance. The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of different Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in estimating fluorescence and foliar pigments in irrigated and rainfed peanut production fields. The experiment was conducted in the southeast of Georgia in the United States i... C. Rossi, S.L. Almeida, M.N. Sysskind, L.A. Moreno, A. Felipe dos santos, L. Lacerda, G. Vellidis, C. Pilcon, T. Orlando costa barboza |
1084. Soybean Production Components As Indicators of Soil Variability As a Subsidy for Precision AgricultureThe soil variability in its physical, chemical and biological parameters can be analyzed using direct methods applicable to each variable studied. Plant responses, manifested in the establishment of the final population, biomass production and grain productivity can reflect the soil conditions, associating them with the variability observed in the area. Localized soil management and the use of machines with variable rate applications, including drones for applications in specific sites, depen... E. Apolinário, W.J. Souza |
1085. Partial Fruitlet Cutting Approach for Robotic Apple ThinningEarly season thinning of apple fruitlets is a crucial task in commercial apple farming, traditionally accomplished through chemical sprays or labor-intensive manual operations. These methods, however, are faced with the challenges of diminishing labor availability as well as environmental and/or economic sustainability. This research examines 'partial fruitlet cutting,' a novel nature-assisted strategy, as an alternative method for automated apple thinning in orchards. The study hypot... R. Sapkota, M. Karkee |
1086. Comparative Analysis of Spray Nozzles on Drones: Volumetric Distribution at Different HeightsAgricultural drones are emerging as a revolutionary tool in modern agriculture, aiming to enhance precision and efficiency in crop management. One of their main advantages is the ability to operate in adverse soil and canopy height conditions, making them a valuable instrument for the application of agrochemicals. In this context, the optimization of spraying systems plays a critical role, with the goal of ensuring the effective application of agrochemicals, aiming to maximize productivity an... A. Felipe dos santos, J.E. Silva, O.P. Costa, F.D. Inácio , R. Oliveira, W. Silva, L. Lacerda, T. Orlando costa barboza |
1087. Nystrom-based Localization in Precision Agriculture SensorsWireless sensor networks play a pivotal role in a myriad of applications, ranging from agriculture and health monitoring and to tracking and structural health monitoring. One crucial aspect of these applications involves accurately determining the positions of the sensors. In this study, we study a novel Nystrom-based sampling protocol in which a selected group of anchor nodes, with known locations, establish communication with only a subset of the remaining sensor nodes. Leveraging partial d... A. Tasissa, S. Lichtenberg, |
1088. Relationship of Activity and Temperature of Dairy Calves As Measured by Indwelling Rumen BolusesCircadian rhythm of body temperature is naturally occurring in animals with a lower temperature at dawn and higher at dusk. In the past, this work was manually completed by a person using rectal temperature with temperature recorded every 2 or 3 hours. Rumen indwelling boluses allow for continuous temperature monitoring without human intervention. Human intervention can increase animal stress which can elevate temperature. Current literature indicates that the animal’s body temperature ... J.M. Hartschuh, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, B.D. Enger, G.M. Schuenemann |
1089. Within Field Cotton Yield Prediction Using Temporal Satellite Imagery Combined with Deep LearningCrop yield prediction at the field scale plays a pivotal role in enhancing agricultural management, a vital component in addressing global food security challenges. Regional or county-level data, while valuable for broader agricultural planning, often lacks the precision required by farmers for effective and timely field management. The primary obstacle in utilizing satellite imagery to forecast crop yields at the field level lies in its low temporal and spatial resolutions. This study aims t... R. Karn, O. Adedeji, B.P. Ghimire, A. Abdalla, V. Sheng, G. Ritchie, W. Guo |
1090. Decision Support Tools for Developing Aflatoxin Risk Maps in Peanut FieldsAspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus hereafter referred to jointly as A. flavus, are soil fungi that infect and contaminate preharvest and postharvest peanuts with the carcinogenic secondary metabolite aflatoxin. A. flavus can cause extensive economic losses to peanut growers and shellers by contaminating peanut kernels with aflatoxins. In the southeastern U.S., contamination from aflatoxin continues to be a major threat to the peanut industry and... G. Vellidis, M. Abney, T. Burlai, J. Fountain, R.C. Kemerait, S. Kukal, L. Lacerda, S. Maktabi, A. Peduzzi, C. Pilcon, M. Sysskind |
1091. Using Machine Vision to Build Field Maps of Forage Quality and the Need for Agriculture-specific Machine Vision NetworksMachine vision systems have truly come of age over the past decade. These networks are relatively simple to implement with systems such as YOLOv5 or the more recent YOLOv8. They are also relatively easy and computationally cheap to retrain to a custom data set, allowing for customization of these networks to new object detection and classification tasks. With this ease, it is no surprise that we are seeing an explosion of these networks and their application through all aspects of a... P. Nugent, J. Neupane |
1092. Real Time Application of Neural Networks and Hardware Accelerated Image Processing Pipeline for Precise Autonomous Agricultural SystemsModern agriculture is increasingly turning to automation and precision technology to optimize crop management. In this context, our research addresses the development of an autonomous pesticide spraying rover equipped with advanced technology for precision agriculture. The primary goal is to use a neural network for real-time aphid detection in Sorghum crops, enabling targeted pesticide application only to infested plants. To accomplish this, we've integrated cutting-edge technologies and... J. Raitz persch, R. Harsha chepally, N.K. Piya |
1093. A Decision-support Tool to Optimize Mid-season Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Management from Red, Green, Blue SUAS ImagesCorn receives more nitrogen (N) fertilizer per unit area than any other row crop and optimized soil fertility management is needed to help maximize farm profitability. In Arkansas, N fertilizer for corn is delivered in two- or three-split applications. Three-split applications may provide a better match to crop needs and contribute to minimizing yield loss from N deficiency. However, the total amounts are selected based on soil texture and yield goal without accounting for early-season losses... A. Poncet, T. Bui, W. France, T. Roberts, L. Purcell, J. Kelley |
1094. Prescription Map Creation for Optimal Variable-rate Seeding in Arkansas FieldsSoybean seeding rate selection in Arkansas depends on cultivar, planting date, and soil characteristics. Guidelines were developed to maximize profitability from whole field management and little information is available to optimize smaller-scale management. Nevertheless, Arkansas cropland is expected to be a good candidate for variable-rate seeding (VRS) because of heterogeneous soil parent materials, large field sizes, and added spatial variability introduced by the normalization of land-le... W. France, A. Poncet, U. Sigdel, J. Ross |
1095. Integration of Precision Agriculture Tools for Variety Optimization and Crop Management Focused on Increasing Productivity in SugarcaneThe offer of precision agriculture tools has increased its popularity in sugarcane, clearly reading needs in the crop. However, obtaining more conclusive results presents difficulties mainly due to the deficiency in the integration of technological tools. The objective of the work is to show an efficient model of use and running of precision agriculture tools that consistently improve planning and agronomic and administrative decision-making that lead to superior results. The importance of th... C. Mosquera |
1096. Spatio-temporal Analysis of Soil Moisture and Turfgrass Health to Investigate the Temporal Stability of Variable Rate Irrigation ZonesThe western USA has been experiencing severe drought conditions for at least the last 20 years. The population in many areas of the west, like Utah, has also increased greatly in this time putting greater strain on the limited freshwater supply. While agriculture is generally the sector consuming the largest proportion of freshwater, conversion of agricultural land to urban areas with lawns, parks and playing fields may result in some reduction of water use, but the EPA have estimated that as... R. Kerry, K. Sanders, A. Swenson, A. Henrie, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins, B. Ingram |
1097. Almonds and Pistachios: Sustaining Legacy, Innovations, and Nutritional Advancements in CaliforniaCalifornia's unique Mediterranean climate has made it the global epicenter for tree nut production, providing nearly 99 percent of the nation’s almond and pistachio supply. The California tree nut industry is characterized by its deep-rooted heritage, with 90% of its farms being family-owned and operated, often spanning multiple generations. These farmers have been at the forefront of agricultural innovation, investing approximately millions of dollars annually in scientific researc... H. Kulhandjian, S. Asci |
1098. Cultivating Future Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture: Insights from the Digital Agriculture Fellowship Program at the University of California, RiversideFunded by USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Sustainable Agricultural Systems Program and housed at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), the Digital Agriculture Fellowship (DAF) aims at equipping undergraduate students with the knowledge and experience necessary to meet the agricultural challenges posed by climate change and sustainability concerns. The program was established in 2020 and will be funded through 2026. Activities span over fifteen months for... E. Scudiero, C.I. Nugent, C. Ng, N. Jones, T. Azzam, N.G. Salunga, S. Lemus |
1099. Predicting Water Potentials of Wild Blueberries During Drought Treatment Using Hyperspectral Sensor and Machine LearningDetecting water stress on crops early and accurately is crucial to minimize its impact. This study aims to measure water stress in wild blueberry crops non-destructively by analyzing proximal hyperspectral data. The data collection took place in the summer growing season of 2022. A drought experiment was conducted on wild blueberries in the randomized block design in the greenhouse, incorporating various genotypes and irrigation treatments. Hyperspectral data ( spectral range: 400-1000 nm) us... Y. Zhang, U.R. Hodeghatta, V. Dhiman, K. Barai, T. Trang |
1100. Effective Furrow Closing Systems for Consistent Corn Seed PlacementFarmers face a constant challenge when choosing the appropriate planter setup due to the variability of cropping systems under no-till. Effective performance of the planter's closing wheels can reduce errors from previous components that affect seedbed formation in the furrow. Effective seed-to-soil contact during planting is essential for optimal seed emergence and overall crop stand, with the closing wheels playing a pivotal role in this process. Producers have a range of closing wheels... J. Peiretti, B. Gigena, S. Badua, A. Sharda |
1101. Assessment of Soil Spatial Properties and Variability Using a Portable VIS-NIRS Soil Probe for On-farm Precision ExperimentationAssessing the spatial variability of soil properties represents an important issue for on-farm sustainable management owing to high cost of sampling densities. Actual methods of soil properties measurement are based on conventional soil sampling of one sample per ha, followed by laboratory analysis, requiring many soil extraction processes and harmful chemicals. This conventional laboratory analysis does not allow exploring spatial variation of soil properties at desired fine spatial scale. T... A. Cambouris, M. Duchemin, E. Lord, N. Ziadi, B. Javed, J.D. Nze memiaghe, D.A. Ramirez-gonzalez |
1102. Detecting Nitrogen Deficiency and Leaf Chlorophyll Content (LCC) Using Sentinel-2 Vegetation IndicesLeaf chlorophyll content (LCC) is a significant indicator of photosynthetic performance and development status of plants. Remote sensing of crop chlorophyll often serves as a basic tool of crop nitrogen fertilization recommendation. The study's objective is to see how remote sensing can better monitor the growth difference of crops, such as LCC. In this study, we investigated the performance vegetation indices in (1) detecting the responses of wheat growth to nitrogen deficiency, and (2) ... X. Xu, A. Mokhtari, K. Yu |
1103. Assessing Soybean Water Stress Patterns and ENSO Occurrence in Southern Brazil: an in Silico ApproachWater stress (WS) is one of the most important abiotic stresses worldwide, responsible for crop yield penalties and impacting food supply. The frequency and intensity of weather stresses are relevant to delimitating agricultural regions. In addition, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been employed to forecast the occurrence of seasonal WS. Lastly, planting date and cultivar maturity selection are key management strategies for boosting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) y... A. Carcedo, L.F. Antunes de almeida, T. Horbe, G. Corassa, L.P. Pott, I. Ciampitti, G.D. Hintz, T. Hefley, R.A. Schwalbert, V. Prasad |
1104. The Relationship Between Vegetation Indices Derived from UAV Imagery and Maturity Class in Potato Breeding TrialsIn potato breeding, maturity class (MC) is a crucial selection criterion because this is a critical aspect of commercial potato production. Currently, the classification of potato genotypes into MCs is done visually, which is time- and labor-consuming. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with sensors can acquire images with high spatial and temporal resolution. The objectives of this study were to 1) establish the relationship between vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAV imagery at ... S.M. Samborski, U. Torres, R. Leszczyńska, A. Bech, M. Bagavathiannan |
1105. Machine Learning Approach to Study the Effect of Weather and Proposed Climate Change Scenarios on Variability in the Ohio Corn and Soybean YieldClimate is one of the primary factors that affects agricultural production. Climate change and extreme weather events have raised concerns about its effect on crop yields. Climate change patterns affect the crop yield in many ways including the length of the growing season, planting and harvest time windows, precipitation amount and frequency, and the growing degree days. It is important to analyze the effect of climate change on yield variability for a better understanding of the effec... R. Dhillon, G. Takoo |
1106. Deposition Characteristics of Different Style Spray Tips at Varying Speeds and Altitudes from an Unmanned Aerial SystemThe application of pesticides with a UAS has become a popular practice over the past few years within crop production. The ability to carry larger volumes of liquid i onboard, reduced costs, and simple operation has attributed to the increased popularity. Additionally, the increased number of fungicide applications in corn due to the tar spot disease has shown that the demand for aerial applications of all types has increased with UAS pesticide application technology providing the opportunity... A. Leininger, K. Verhoff, K. Lovejoy, A. Thomas, G. Davis, A. Emmons, J.P. Fulton |
1107. Evaluating Different Strategies for In-season Potato Nitrogen Status Diagnosis Using Two Leaf SensorsAccurate and efficient in-season diagnosis of potato nitrogen (N) status is key to the success of in-season N management for improved profitability and environmental protection. Sensor-based approaches will support more timely decision making compared to plant tissue-based approaches. SPAD-502 (SPAD; Konica Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) is a commonly used sensor for potato N status diagnosis. Dualex Scientific+ (Dualex; METOS® by Pessl Instruments, Weiz, Austria) is a new leaf chlorop... S. Wakahara, Y. Miao, S. Gupta, C. Rosen |
1108. Fostering Student Engagement and Leadership Development in Integrative Precision Agriculture Across BordersEfforts to advance integrative precision agriculture technologies are growing exponentially across the globe with the common interest of upholding food security and developing more sustainable food and fiber production systems. Countries such as the United States and Brazil are among the biggest crop producers in the world and will play an even bigger role in food security in the next decades. It is of utmost importance that countries can advance together to overcome future food production ch... L. Lacerda, A. Felipe dos santos, E. Bedwell, A. Jakhar, T.O. Costa barboza, M. Ardigueri |
1109. Coupling Macro-scale Variability in Soil and Micro-scale Variability in Crop Canopy for Delineation of Site-specific Management GridThe efficient application of fertilizers via Site-Specific Management Units (SSMUs) or Management Zones (MZs) can significantly enhance crop productivity and nitrogen use efficiency. Conventional mathematical and data-driven clustering methods for MZ delineation, while prevalent, often lack precision in identifying productivity zones. This research introduces a knowledge-driven productivity zone to mitigate these limitations, offering a more precise and efficacious approach. The hyp... W.A. Admasu, D. Mandal, R. Khosla |
1110. Hyperspectral Sensing to Estimate Soil Nitrogen and Reduce Soil Sampling IntensityRecognizing soil's critical role in agriculture, swift and accurate quantification of soil components, specifically nitrogen, becomes paramount for effective field management. Traditional laboratory methods are time-consuming, prone to errors, and require hazardous chemicals. Consequently, this research advocates the use of non-imaging hyperspectral data and VIS-NIR spectroscopy as a safer, quicker, and more efficient alternative. These methods take into account various soil components, i... W.A. Admasu, D. Mandal, R. Khosla |
1111. Using Remote Sensing to Benchmark Crop Coefficient Curves of Sweet Corn Grown in the Southeastern United StatesIrrigation is responsible for over 75% of global freshwater use, making it the largest consumer of the world’s freshwater resources. With freshwater scarcity increasing worldwide, increased efficient irrigation water use is necessary. Smart irrigation is described as ‘the linking of technology and fundamental knowledge of crop physiology to significantly increase irrigation water use efficiency'. Irrigation scheduling tools such as smartphone applications have become... E. Bedwell, L. Lacerda, T. Mcavoy, B.V. Ortiz, J. Snider, G. Vellidis, Z. Yu |
1112. Operationalization of On-farm Experimentation in African Cereal Smallholder Farming SystemsPast efforts have concentrated on linear or top-down approaches in delivering precision nutrient management (PNM) practices to smallholder farmers. These deliberate attempts at increasing adoption of PNM practices have not yielded the expected outcomes, that is, increased productivity and nutrient use efficiency, at scale. This is because technologies generated by scientists with minimal farmer involvement often are not well tailored to the attendant agro-ecological, socio-economic, and cultu... I. Adolwa, S. Phillips, B.A. Akorede, A.A. Suleiman, T. Murrell, S. Zingore |
1113. Cherry Yield Forecast: Harvest Prediction for Individual Sweet Cherry TreesDigitalization continues to transform the agricultural sector as a whole and also affects specific niches like horticulture. Particularly in fruit and wine production, the focus is on the application of sensor systems and data analysis aiming at automated detection of drought stress or pests in vineyards or orchards. As part of the “For5G” project, we are developing an end-to-end methodology for the creation of digital twins of fruit trees, with a strong focu... A. Gilson, L. Meyer, A. Killer, F. Keil, O. Scholz, D. Kittemann, P. Noack, P. Pietrzyk, C. Paglia |
1114. Within-field Spatial Variability in Optimal Sulfur Rates for Corn in Minnesota: Implications for Precision Sulfur ManagementThe ongoing decline in sulfur (S) atmospheric depositions and high yield crop production have resulted in S deficiency and the need for S fertilizer applications in corn cropping systems. Many farmers are applying S fertilizers uniformly across their fields. Little has been reported on the within-field spatial variability in optimal S rates and the potential benefits of variable rate S applications. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess within-field variability of optimal S rates (OS... R.P. Negrini, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, K. Stueve, D. Kaiser, J.A. Coulter |
1115. Harnessing Farmers’, Researchers’ and Other Stakeholders’ Knowledge and Experiences to Create Shared Value from On-farm Experimentation: Lessons from KenyaAchieving greater sustainability in farm productivity is a major challenge facing smallholder farmers in Kenya. Existing technologies have not solved the challenges around declining productivity because they are one-size-fits-all that doesn’t account for the diverse smallholder contexts. A study was carried out in Kenya by a multi-disciplinary team to assess the value of On-Farm Experimentation (OFE) to tailor technologies to local conditions. The OFE process begun with identification o... J. Muthamia, I. Adolwa, J. Mutegi, S. Zingore, S. Phillips |
1116. Effects of Crop Rotation on In-season Estimation of Optimal Nitrogen Rates for Corn Based on Proximal and Remote Sensing DataA remote sensing and calibration strip-based precision nitrogen (N) management (RS-CS-PNM) strategy has been developed by the Precision Agriculture Center at the University of Minnesota to provide in-season N recommendation rates based on satellite imagery. This strategy involves the application of multiple N rates before planting and the identification of the agronomic optimum N rate (AONR) at V7-V8 growth stages using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) calculated using satellite ... A.C. Morales, D. . Quinn, K. Mizuta, Y. Miao |
1117. Using the Open Data Farm As a Digital Twin of a Farm in an Innovative School Setting to Increase Data Literacy and AwarenessIn recent years, the number of digital applications and data streams has steadily increased, but knowledge and expertise in dealing with them has not increased to the same extent. The Open Data Farm is intended to make a significant contribution to education and training in order to increase data literacy in agriculture. The Open Data Farm (ODF) represents a twin of a real agricultural business as a 3D model in which existing data streams in various branches of the business are visu... D. Eberz-eder, E. Wölbert, J. Hinze, C. Weiß |
1118. Evaluating the Impact of Vegetation Indices on Plant Nitrogen Uptake Prediction: a Comparative Study of Regression Models at Various Growth StagesNitrogen and water play crucial roles in impacting both the health and yield of corn crops. However, their demands vary under different soil and weather conditions. Unfortunately, current nitrogen management practices in irrigated fields in the state of Georgia overlook this variability. Thus, this oversight may lead to insufficient nitrogen application, causing plant stress or excessive nitrogen application that can lead to environmental impact. To address this challenge, a precise asses... B. Ghimire, L. Lacerda, T. bourlai |
1119. Advancing Adaptive Agricultural Strategies: Unraveling Impacts of Climate Change and Soils on Corn Productivity Using APSIMWith unprecedented challenges to achieve sustainable crop productivity under climate change and dynamic soil conditions, adaptive management strategies are required for optimizing cropping systems. Using sensors, cropping systems can be continuously monitored and the data collected by them can be analyzed for making informed adaptive management decisions to enhance productivity and environmental sustainability. But sensors can only tell the past and decisions bring implications into the ... H. Pathak, C.J. Warren, D. Buckmaster, D.R. Wang |
1120. A Case for Increased Precision Pesticide Application Adoption in California Perennial Specialty Crop ProductionMaintaining high and quality crop yields in California’s diverse agriculture requires both good crop care through nutrient management and water management and effective crop protection through integrated pest management (IPM). Despite the promotion and adoption of non-chemical IPM practices in California such as sanitation and biological control, pesticide use remains inevitable in many cases. According to the 2021 California Pesticide Use Report, 37,444,331 kg of pesticide was used in ... P.A. Larbi |
1121. An Open Database of Crop Yield Response to Fertilizer Application for SenegalFood security is one of the major global challenges today. Africa is one of the continents with the largest gaps in terms of challenges for food security. In Senegal, about 60% of the population resides in rural areas and the cropping systems are characterized as a low productivity system, low input and in reduced areas, smallholder subsistence systems. Increasing crop productivity would have a positive impact on food security in this country. One of the main factors limiting crop produ... F. Gomez, A. Carcedo, A. Diatta, L. Nagarajan, V. Prasad, Z. Stewart, S. Zingore, I. Ciampitti, P. Djighaly |
1122. Accurately Mapping Soil Profiles: Sensor Probe Measurements at Dense Spatial ScalesProximal sensing of soil properties has typically been accomplished using various sensor platforms deployed in a continuous sensing mode collecting data along transects, typically spaced 10-20 meters apart. This type of sensing can provide detailed maps of the X-Y soil variability and some sensors provide an indication of soil properties within the profile, however without additional investigations the profile is not delineated precisely. Alternatively, soil sensor probes can provide de... T. Lund, E. Lund, C.R. Maxton |
1123. Enhancing Nutrient-related Stress Detection: High Throughput Phenotyping and Image Analysis for Improved PrecisionIn the 21-century agriculture has the unique responsibility to provide food, fuel, fiber and feed for the growing population under the stress of climate change and diminishing natural resources. A feat that will take considerable change to the sustainability of such practices. One of which is the idea of assessing phenotypic expression of complex traits in response to environmental factors. This idea elevates the use of phenotyping to quantitatively monitor stress manifestation. ... K.J. Bathke, Y. Ge, S.D. Choudhury, J.D. Luck |
1124. Using Soil Samples and Soil Sensors to Improve Soil Nutrient EstimationsEstimating soil nutrient levels, especially immobile nutrients like P and K, has been a primary activity for providers of precision agriculture services. Soil nutrients often vary widely within fields and growers have been eager to manage them site-specifically. There are many causes of the variability, including pedogenic factors such as soil texture, organic matter, landscape position and other factors that have resulted in an accumulation of unused nutrients in some areas of th... C.R. Maxton, T. Lund, E. Lund |
1125. Onboard Weed Identification and Application Test with Spraying Drone SystemsCommercial spraying drone systems nowadays have the ability to implement variable rate applications according to pre-loaded prescription maps. Efforts are needed to integrate sensing and computing technologies to realize on-the-go decision making such as those on the ground based spraying systems. Besides the understudied subject of drone spraying pattern and efficacy, challenges also exist in the decision making, control, and system integration with the limits on payload and flight endurance... Y. Shi, M. Islam, K. Steele, J.D. Luck, S. Pitla, Y. Ge, A. Jhala, S. Knezevic |
1126. Sparse Coding for Classification Via a Locality Regularizer: with Applications to AgricultureHigh-dimensional data is commonly encountered in various applications, including genomics, as well as image and video processing. Analyzing, computing, and visualizing such data pose significant challenges. Feature extraction methods become crucial in addressing these challenges by obtaining compressed representations that are suitable for analysis and downstream tasks. One effective technique along these lines is sparse coding, which involves representing data as a sparse linear combination ... A. Tasissa, L. Li, J.M. Murphy |
1127. Field Validation of Airblast Spray Advisor Decision Support Web App for Citrus ApplicationsField conditions influencing the effectiveness of pesticide application in orchard and vineyard production systems are complex. As a result, growers and pesticide applicators grapple with how to make the right decisions for setting up the sprayer that will lead to the most efficient and effective outcomes. Airblast Spray Advisor, a decision support web app built on MATLAB was designed to assist with planning and evaluation of such applications when using airblast sprayers. It re... P.A. Larbi |
1128. Estimating Water and Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn Using a Multi-parameter Proximal SensorThe Crop Circle Phenom (CCP) is an innovative integrated proximal sensor that can be potentially used to perform in-season diagnosis of nitrogen and water status. In addition to measuring spectral reflectance in several bands including the red, red edge, and near-infrared wavelengths, the CCP can also measure canopy and air temperatures and provides several parameters that can be associated with chlorophyll content, crop vigor, and water status. These capabilities differentiate the CCP from o... L. Lacerda, Y. Miao, V. Sharma, A. E. flores, A. Kechchour, J. Lu |
1129. Evaluating the Potential of In-season Spatial Prediction of Corn Yield and Responses to Nitrogen by Combining Crop Growth Modeling, Satellite Remote Sensing and Machine LearningNitrogen (N) is a critical yield-limiting factor for corn (Zea mays L.). However, over-application of N fertilizers is a common problem in the US Midwest, leading to many environmental problems. It is crucial to develop efficient precision N management (PNM) strategies to improve corn N management. Different PNM strategies have been developed using proximal and remote sensing, crop growth modeling and machine learning. These strategies have both advantages and disadvantages. There is... X. Zhen, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, S. Folle, J. Lu, R.P. Negrini, G. Feng, Y. Huang |
1130. Spatial Predictive Modeling to Quantify Soybean Seed Quality Using Remote Sensing and Machine LearningIn recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies combined with satellite technology is revolutionized agriculture through the development of algorithms that help producers become more sustainable. This could improve the conditions of farmers not only by maximizing their production and minimizing environmental impact but also due to better economic benefits by allowing them to access high-value-added markets. Furthermore, the use of predictive tools that could improve t... C. Hernandez, P. Kyveryga, A. Correndo, A. Prestholt, I. Ciampitti |
1131. In-season Diagnosis of Corn Nitrogen and Water Status Using UAV Multispectral and Thermal Remote SensingFor irrigated corn fields, how to optimize nitrogen (N) and irrigation simultaneously is a great challenge. A promising strategy is to use remote sensing to diagnose corn N and water status during the growing season, which can then be used to guide in-season variable rate N application and irrigation management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of UAV multispectral and thermal remote sensing in simultaneous diagnosis of corn N and water status. Two field experimen... Y. Miao, A. Kechchour, V. Sharma, A. Flores, L. Lacerda, K. Mizuta, J. Lu, Y. Huang |
1132. Spatio-temporal Variability of Intra-field Productivity Using Remote SensingUnderstanding the spatiotemporal variability in intra-farm productivity is crucial for management in making agronomic decisions. Furthermore, these decision-making processes can be enhanced using spatial data science and remote sensing. This study aims to develop a framework to asses the spatio-temporal variability of intra-farm productivity through historical satellite data and climate data. Historical satellite data and rainfall information from diverse fields across the United States (2016... E. Van versendaal, C. Hernandez, P. Kyveryga, I. Ciampitti |
1133. High Throughput Phenotyping of the Energy Cane Crop UAV-based LiDAR, Multispectral and RGB DataEnergy cane is a hybrid of sugarcane cultivated for their high biomass and fiber instead of sugar. It is used for production of biofuels and as feedstock for animals. As a relatively new crop, accurate knowledge of biophysical parameters such as height and biomass of different genotypes are pertinent to cultivar development. Such knowledge is also crucial to manage crop health, understand response to environmental effects, optimize harvest schedules, and estimate bioenergy yield. Nonetheless,... B. Ghansah, I. Khuimphukhieo, J.L. Scott, M. Bhandari, J. Foster, J. Da silva, H. Li, M. Starek |
1134. Obstacle-aware UAV Flight Planning for Agricultural ApplicationsThe use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has emerged as one of the most important transformational tools in modern agriculture, offering unprecedented opportunities for crop monitoring, management, and optimization. To ensure effective and safe navigation in agricultural environments, robust obstacle avoidance capabilities are required to mitigate collision risks and to ensure efficient operations. Mission planners for UAVs are typically responsible for verifying that the vehicle is followi... K. Joseph, S. Pitla, V. Muvva |
1135. On Data-driven Crop Yield Modelling, Predicting, and Forecasting and the Common Flaws in Published StudiesThere has been a recent surge in the number of studies that aim to model crop yield using data-driven approaches. This has largely come about due to the increasing amounts of remote sensing (e.g. satellite imagery) and precision agriculture data available (e.g. high-resolution crop yield monitor data), and abundance of machine learning modelling approaches. This is a particular problem in the field of Precision Agriculture, where many studies will take a crop yield map (or a small number), cr... P. Filippi, T. Bishop, S. Han, I. Rund |
1136. On-farm Evaluation of the Potential Benefits of Variable Rate Seeding for Corn in MinnesotaMany farmers in Minnesota are interested in adopting variable rate seeding technology for corn, however, little has been reported about their potential benefits. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine within-field variability of optimal seeding rates, and 2) evaluate the potential benefits of variable rate seeding in commercial corn fields in Minnesota. Four on-farm variable rate seeding trials were conducted in Minnesota in 2022 and 2023, with seeding rates ranging from 31,000 to ... Y. Miao, A. Kechchour, S. Folle, K. Mizuta |
1137. Changes in Soil Chemical and Physical Properties After a Flooding Event in ChileDuring the winter of 2023, ridges were made to plant French prunes (Prunus domestica). After building the ridges, the soil was surveyed using gamma radiation technology (SoilOptix technologies, Ontario, CA). Due to the intense rains that occurred at the end of august 2023, the Cachapoal River, the main water supply of the O’Higgins region, left its course and flooded several fields, including the one where the ridges had been built, destroying them. Ridges were washed out... R.A. Ortega, H.P. Poblete |
1138. Spatial Distribution of Dry Matter in Avocado Fruits and Its Relationship with Fruit LoadThe quality and post-harvest life of avocado fruits is strongly conditioned by their oil content, accumulated before harvest. Oil content can be estimated through the dry matter content of the fruit. Thus, to start the harvest, a minimum of 22% dry matter (DM) must be reached, with an optimum between 22 and 28%, while with a DM above 28% the fruit loses its storage condition. The spatial variability of the dry matter of avocado fruits was studied in an 8-hectare field. A 20-poi... H.P. Poblete, R.A. Ortega |
1139. Exploring the Use of a Model-based Nitrogen Recommendation Tool and Vegetation Indices for In-season Corn Nitrogen Management in AlabamaEfficient nitrogen (N) management is critical for sustainable agriculture. Crop N needs and uptake changes within a field and it is annually influenced by weather conditions. Hence, site-specific in-season N application strategies are important to achieve optimum corn yield while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. This study evaluates the Adapt-N tool for in-season variable rate N application at two farmers’ fields in Alabama. The Adapt-N tool integrates soil and crop-based... P.R. Duarte, B.V. Ortiz, E. Abban-baidoo, E. Francisco, M.F. De oliveira |
1140. Extension Program Prioritization Guides Web-mapping Application Delivery to RanchersCooperative Extension has a long history of helping agricultural producers address their current needs and emerging public issues; often through training in the use of technologies that are not yet widely adopted. The quality of geospatial data and tools to visualize and analyze that data continues to improve. However, barriers exist to rancher adoption of geospatial decision support tools. These barriers can include costs, ease of use, and privacy concerns. The sustainability of beef ca... W. Boyer |
1141. Optimizing Vineyard Crop Protection: an In-depth Study of Spraying Drone Operational ParametersIn modern agriculture, the precise and efficient application of agrochemicals is essential to ensure crop health and increase productivity while minimizing adverse environmental impacts. While traditional spraying methods have long been the cornerstone of crop protection, the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones), has led to a revolutionary era in agriculture. UAVs offer novel opportunities to improve agricultural practices by providing precision, efficien... V. Psiroukis, S. Fountas, H. Uyar, A. Balafoutis, A. Kasimati |
1142. Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection Using Texture Features for Classification of Citrus Leaf Diseases with YOLOv8Citrus greening disease (HLB), a disease caused by bacteria of the Candidatus Liberibacter group, is characterized by blotchy leaves and smaller fruits. Causing both premature fruit drop and eventual tree death, HLB is a novel and significant threat to the Florida citrus industry. Citrus canker is another serious disease caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (syn. X. axonopodis pv. citri) and causes economic losses for growers from fruit drops and blemishes. Citrus cank... Q. Frederick, T. Burks, P.K. Yadav, M. Dewdney, J. Qin, M. Kim |
1143. Remote and Proximal Sensing for Sustainable Water Use in Almond Orchards in Southeast Spain in a Digital Farming ContextThe increasing expansion of irrigated almond orchards in regions of southeast Spain, facing water scarcity, underscores the need for a more effective and precise monitoring of the crop water status to optimize irrigation scheduling and improve crop water use efficiency. Remote and proximal sensing, combining visible, multispectral and thermal capabilities at different scales allows to estimate water needs, detect and quantify crop water stress, or identify different productivity zones within ... |
1144. Satellite-based On-farm Variable Rate Nitrogen Management on and Main Spatial Drivers of Cotton Yield, Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and ProfitabilityIn the United States of America, Georgia is the second largest cotton producing state, responsible for 2.6 million bales produced in 2022. In Georgia, cotton is the most economically important row crop, with ~514,000 ha harvested and $USD 1.5 billion in economic impact in the state economy in 2022. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer is one of the main inputs required to optimize cotton lint yield and quality, while also being a large input cost representing ~25% of variable costs. As a non N-fixing crop... L. Bastos, W. Porter, G. Scarpin |
1145. A Growth Stage Centric Approach to Field Scale Corn Yield Estimation by Leveraging Machine Learning Methods from Multimodal DataField scale yield estimation is labor-intensive, typically limited to a few samples in a given field, and often happens too late to inform any in-season agronomic treatments. In this study, we used meteorological data including growing degree days (GDD), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), and rolling average of rainfall combined with hybrid relative maturity, organic matter, and weekly growth stage information from three small-plot research locati... L. Waltz, S. Katari, S. Khanal, T. Dill, C. Porter, O. Ortez, L. Lindsey, A. Nandi |
1146. Determining Site-Specific Soybean Optimal Seeding Rate Using On-Farm Precision ExperimentationTen on-farm precision experiments were conducted in Nebraska during 2018 – 2022 to address the following: i) determine the Economic Optimal Seeding Rates (EOSR), ii) identify the most important site-specific variables influencing the optimal seeding rates for soybeans. Seeding rates ranged from 200,000 to 440,000 seeds ha-1, and treatments were randomized and replicated in blocks across the entire field. The study was implemented using a variable rate prescription. ... M.M. Dalla betta, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, T. Mieno, J.D. Luck, N. Cafaro la menza, P. Paccioretti |
1147. Creating Value from On-farm Research: Efields Data Workflow and Management Successes and ChallengesFarm operations today generate a large amount of data that can be difficult to properly manage. This challenge is further compounded when conducting on-farm research. The Ohio State University eFields program partners with farmers to conduct on-farm research and share results in a timely manner. Since 2017, the team has conducted and shared 987 trials across Ohio with the annual number of trials increasing from 45 to 292. This rapid increase has required development of a data workflow that st... J.P. Fulton, D. Wilson, R. Tietje, E. Hawkins |
1148. Method to Optimize Soil Survey for Multiple Soil PropertyThe sugarcane production system in Colombia, spanning an area of 241,000 hectares in the geographical valley of the Cauca River, is recognized worldwide due to its high productivity, adoption of advanced technologies, and sustainable management. The natural soil and climate conditions in this region result in significant variability in the chemical and physical soil properties. Consequently, determining the soil variability is crucial to achieving its maximum productive potential through diff... D.F. Sandoval, D.F. Perdomo |
1149. RMAPs: an Integrated Tool to Delimitate Homogeneous Management ZonesManagement zones are one of the most studied methods in precision agriculture to optimize crop yield from the soil, plant, management, and climate input parameters. We present Rmaps, an R package that integrates soil and crop yield spatial variability using geostatistical methods and one-hidden-layer perceptron (OHLP) to identify how input parameters influence crop yield and delimitate homogenous zones. From georeferenced data of soil, plant, management, climate, and crop yield parameters, Rm... E. Erazo, C. Mosquera, O. Ochoa |
1150. Development and Evaluation of a Novel Variable-orifice Nozzle Flow and Droplet Size Control SystemSpray drift from crop production operations has been a critical concern across the U.S. as evidenced by the EPA’s efforts to mitigate pesticide drift. Recently, a novel spray control system was developed and evaluated which provided real-time control of both spray droplet size and flow rate. This was achieved via electromechanical control of a variable orifice nozzle along with a novel control system which incorporates real-time weather data to vary system pressure and orifice size and ... T. Monroe, J.D. Luck, S. Marx |
1151. Can Soil Fertility Data and Topography Predict Yield Stability Zones for Corn Fields in New York?Yield monitor systems play a vital role in precision agriculture given their ability to capture and map within-field yield variability. When three or more years of yield data are available, yield stability zone maps can be generated to show both the spatial and temporal variability of yield within a field. Based on the farm’s overall temporal mean and standard deviation for a specific crop, we can classify areas in the field as consistently high- (Q1) or low-yielding (Q4), and variably ... M. Marcaida, X. Zhang, S. Srinivasagan, S. Shajahan, Q. Ketterings |
1152. OATSmobile: a Data Hub for Underground Sensor Communications and Rural IoTWireless Underground Sensor Networks (WUSNs) play a crucial role in precision agriculture by providing information about moisture levels, temperature, nutrient availability, and other relevant factors. However, the use of radio-frequency identification (RFID) devices for WUSNs has been relatively unexplored despite their benefits such as low power consumption. In this work, we develop a hardware platform, called OATSMobile, that enables radio-frequency identification (RFID) communications in ... F.A. Castiblanco rubio, A. Arun, B. Lee, A. Balmos, S. Jha, J. Krogmeier, D.J. Love, D. Buckmaster |
1153. Avena: an Event-driven Software Framework for Informed Decisions and Actions in Cropping SystemsInteroperability is one of the enabling factors of real-time communications and data exchange between asynchronous data actors. Interoperability can be attained by introducing events to systems that extract data from consumed ground-truth event streams that utilize application-specific structures. Events are specific occurrences happening at a particular time and place. Event-data are observations of phenomena, or actions, as seen by different systems in Internet of Things (IoT) deployments, ... F.A. Castiblanco rubio, M. Basir, A. Balmos, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster |
1154. AI Enabled Targeted Robotic Weed ManagementIn contemporary agriculture, effective weed management presents a considerable challenge necessitating innovative solutions. Traditional weed control methods often rely on the indiscriminate application of broad-spectrum herbicides, giving rise to environmental concerns and unintended crop damage. Our research addresses this challenge by introducing an innovative AI-enabled robotic system designed to identify and selectively target weeds in real-time. Utilizing the advanced Machine Learning t... A. Balabantaray, S. Pitla |
1155. Advancements in Agrivoltaics: Autonomous Robotic Mowing for Enhanced Management in Solar FarmsAgrivoltaics – the co-location of solar energy installations and agriculture beneath or between rows of photovoltaic panels – has gained prominence as a sustainable and efficient approach to land use. The US has over 2.8 GW in Agrivoltaics, integrating crop cultivation with solar energy. However, effective vegetation management is critical for solar panel efficiency. Flat, sunny agricultural land accommodates solar panels and crops efficiently. The challenge lies in managing grass... S. Behera, S. Pitla |
1156. Deep Learning to Estimate Sorghum Yield with Uncrewed Aerial System ImageryIn the face of growing demand for food, feed, and fuel, plant breeders are challenged to accelerate yield potential through quick and efficient cultivar development. Plant breeders often conduct large-scale trials in multiple locations and years to address these goals. Sorghum breeding, integral to these efforts, requires early, accurate, and scalable harvestable yield predictions, traditionally possible only after harvest, which is time-consuming and laborious. This research harnesses high-t... M.A. Bari, A. Bakshi, T. Witt, D. Caragea, K. Jagadish, T. Felderhoff |
1157. Sensor Based Fertigation ManagementSensor-based fertigation management (SBFM) is a relatively new technology for directing nitrogen (N) decisions, specifically tailored for delivery of N via center pivot irrigation systems (fertigation). The development of SBFM began in 2018 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with the help of cooperating producers across the state. Over two dozen field sites provided testbeds for the development and evaluation of the technology. The key technique in this fertigation approach is th... J. Stansell, J.D. Luck, T. Cross, K.J. Bathke, T. Smith |
1158. Machine Vision in Hay Bale ProductionThe goal of this project is to develop a system capable of real-time detection, pass/fail classification, and location tracking of large square hay bales under field conditions. First, a review of past and current methods of object detection was carried out. This led to the selection of the YOLO family of detectors for this project. The image dataset was collected through help from our sponsor, collection of images from the K-STATE research farm, and images collected from th... B. Vail |
1159. Evaluating Different Strategies to Analyze On-farm Precision Nitrogen Trial DataOn-farm trials are being conducted by more and more researchers and farmers. On-farm trials are very different to traditional small plot experiments due to the existence of significant within-field variability in soil-landscape conditions. Traditional statistical techniques like analysis of variance (ANOVA) are commonly adopted for on-farm trial analysis to evaluate overall performance of different treatments, assuming uniform environmental and management factors within a field. As a result, ... K. Mizuta, Y. Miao, J. Lu, R.P. Negrini |
1160. AI-enabled 3D Vision System for Rapid and Accurate Tree Trunk Detection and Diameter EstimationHuanglongbing (HLB) is the major threat to citrus production in Florida. Imidacloprid and oxytetracycline injections were proven to be effective in controlling HLB. The total amount of imidacloprid and oxytetracycline needs to be injected for the tree depending on the trunk diameter. Therefore, precisely measuring trunk diameter is important to effectively control the HLB. However, manually injecting imidacloprid or oxytetracycline and measuring the trunk diameter is time-consuming and labor-... C. Zhou, Y. Ampatzidis |
1161. Active Learning-based Measurements Prediction in Sparsely Observed Agricultural FieldsThe sustainability of farming methods relies on the quality of soil health. Rich soil supplies vital nutrients to plants. The soil structure and aggregation possess crucial physical attributes that facilitate the infiltration of water and air, as well as enable roots to explore. Long-term and extensive monitoring of soil data is crucial for obtaining important information into the water dynamics of the land surface. Soil moisture dynamics play a critical role in the hydrothermal process that ... D. Agarwal, A. Tharzeen, B. Natarajan |
1162. Cyberinfrastructure for Machine Learning Applications in Agriculture: Experiences, Analysis, and VisionAdvancements in machine learning algorithms and GPU computational speeds over the last decade have led to remarkable progress in the capabilities of machine learning. This progress has been so much that, in many domains, including agriculture, access to sufficiently diverse and high-quality datasets has become a limiting factor. While many agricultural use cases appear feasible with current compute resources and machine learning algorithms, the lack of software infrastructure for collec... L. Waltz, S. Khanal, S. Katari, C. Hong, A. Anup, J. Colbert, A. Potlapally, T. Dill, C. Porter, J. Engle, C. Stewart, H. Subramoni, R. Machiraju, O. Ortez, L. Lindsey, A. Nandi |
1163. Integrated Data-driven Decision Support SystemsSite-specific and data-driven decision support systems in agriculture are evolving fast with the rapid advancements in cutting-edge technologies such as Agricultural Artificial Intelligence (AgAI) and big data integration. Data driven decision support systems have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of farming, from crop monitoring and precision management decisions to the way growers interact with complex technologies. The AgAI decision support-based systems excel at ana... L.A. Puntel, P. Pellegrini, S. Joalland , J. Rattalino, L. Vitantonio |
1164. Assessing Precision Water Management in Cotton Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite Remote SensingThe goal of this study was to improve agricultural sustainability and water use efficiency by allocating the right amount of water at the right place and time within the field. The objectives were to assess the effect of variable rate irrigation (VRI) on cotton growth and yield and evaluate the application of satellites and Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in capturing the spatial and temporal patterns of cotton growth response to irrigation. Irrigation treatments with six replications of three ... O. Adedeji, W. Guo, H. Alwaseela, B. Ghimire, E. Wieber, R. Karn |
1165. Pesticide Application Management Toolset for Improved Worker ProtectionThe practice of pesticide use has been widely adopted by production agriculture to maximize yields since the 1950s. Even though it provides beneficial economic returns to the farmers, it also enhances the risk of environmental pollution and is directly associated with the risk of poisoning to agricultural workers. While adhering to United States Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Worker Protection Standard (WPS) guidelines, the current systems need considerable time to provide cruc... C. Narayana, N. Thorson, J.D. Luck |
1166. In-Field and Loading Crop: A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Machine Harvesting Operating ModeThis paper addresses the complex issue of classifying mode of operation (active, idle, stationary unloading, on-the-go unloading, turning) and coordinating agricultural machinery. Agricultural machinery operators must operate within a limited time window to optimize operational efficiency and reduce costs. Existing algorithms for classifying machinery operating modes often rely on heuristic methods. Examples include rules conditioned on machine speed, bearing angle and operational t... D. Buckmaster, J. Krogmeier, J. Evans, Y. Zhang, M. Glavin, D. Byrne, S.J. Harkin |
1167. Use of Crop and Drought Spectral Indices to Support Harvest Decisions of Peanut Fields in AlabamaHarvest efficiency expressed in quantity and quality of peanut fields could increase if farmers are provided with tools to support harvest decisions. Peanut farmers still rely on a visual and empiric method to assess the right time of peanut maturity but this method does not account for within-field variability of crop growth and maturity. The integration of spectral vegetation indices to assess drought, soil moisture, and crop growth to predict peanut maturity can help farmers strengthen dec... M.F. Oliveira, B.V. Ortiz, E. Hanyabui, J.B. Costa souza, A. Sanz-saez, S. Luns hatum de almeida , C. Pilcon, G. Vellidis |
1168. Long-range Bluetooth Smart Stakes and High-gain Receivers for High-density Sensing in Precision AgricultureTo achieve the goals of precision agriculture, accurate spatial-temporal soil information is needed, especially because soil properties can change within and between growing seasons. While remote sensing can provide high coverage, some soil properties must be measured in situ. Current existing industry solutions are too expensive per unit to deploy in sufficiently high density for dynamic management zones, creating a need for low-cost sensor networks.... S. Craven, C. Sandholtz, B. Mazzeo |
1169. Sampling-based on Plant Vigor Zones As a Strategy for Creating Soil Attribute MapsMapping agronomically relevant soil properties for fertilizer recommendation remains challenging in precision agriculture. Traditionally, this mapping is conducted through soil sampling on a regular grid basis, where points are equally spaced primarily to ensure spatial coverage. However, directing soil sampling points based on plant vigor may be more efficient in capturing soil variability that directly affects plant development. Several commercial platforms offer solutions for defining mana... D.D. Melo, T.L. Brasco, I.A. Da cunha, S.G. Castro, L.R. Amaral |
1170. Have Your Steak and Eat It Too: Precision Beef Management to Simultaneously Reduce Ech4 and Increase ProfitAchieving carbon net zero is a clear priority, with beef farmers under significant scrutiny from food system stakeholders. Tools are available to assess greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe), yet adoption is low, and producers are not currently financially incentivised to change management practices. This study used cattle performance data from a commercial beef operation to model the optimal age and weight at slaughter to maximise profit and reduce enteric methane (eCH4) emissions at th... K. Behrendt, J. Capper, L. Ford, E.W. Harris |
1171. Effect of Terrain and Soil Properties on the Effectiveness of Crop-model Based Variable Rate Nitrogen in CornGrowers may be reluctant to adopt variable rate nitrogen (VRN) management because of potential loss in profit and yield. This study assessed the influence of terrain attributes and soil characteristics on the effectiveness of crop-model-based variable rate nitrogen (N) for corn. To evaluate the effectiveness of the VRN methods, yield, total N rate, and N use efficiency (NUE) were compared with the grower’s management. As a crop-model-based recommendation tool, Adapt-N was used. Producti... L. Puntel, L. Thompson, G. Balboa, T. Mieno, P. Paccioretti |
1172. Assessing the Variability in Cover Crop Growth Due to Management Practices and Biophysical Conditions Using a Mixed Modeling ApproachPlanting winter cover crops provides numerous agronomic and environmental benefits. Cereal rye, which is a commonly planted cover crop in Ohio, when established, offers advantages such as recycling residual nitrogen in the soil, enhancing soil organic matter, and reducing nutrient loss. However, understanding cover crop growth is challenging due to field management and weather conditions, and insights using traditional methods are limited. Remote sensing offers a cost-effective and timely alt... K. Kc, S. Khanal, N. Bello, S. Culman |
1173. Simulating Climate Change Impacts on Cotton Yield in the Texas High PlainsCrop yield prediction enables stakeholders to plan farming practices and marketing. Crop models can predict crop yield based on cropping system and practices, soil, and other environmental factors. These models are being used for decision support in agriculture in a variety of ways. Cultivar selection, water and nutrient input optimization, planting date selection, climate change analysis and yield prediction are some of the promising area of applications of the models in field level farm man... B. Ghimire, R. Karn, O. Adedeji, G. Ritchie, W. Guo |
1174. Drone Use Extension and Demonstrations Support Management of Riparian Areas, Grazing Land, and Water QualityAgricultural and natural resource managers have explored a variety of ways in which drones might be used to aid in decision-making. One of the most useful ways may be the production of orthorectified aerial photography which can have very high spatial and temporal resolution. Such photography offers new opportunities for visualizing and measuring features on the landscape. Not just measuring the two-dimensional characteristics of landscape features, but also measuring three-dimensional charac... W. Boyer |
1175. Single-strip Spatial Evaluation Approach: a Simplified Method for Enhanced Sustainable Farm ManagementOn-farm experimentation (OFE) plays a pivotal role in evaluating and validating the effectiveness of agricultural practices and products. The results of OFE enable farmers to act and make changes that can enhance the farm’s economic and environmental sustainability. Experimental designs can be a barrier to the adoption of OFE. The conventional approach often involves randomized complete block designs with 3 to 5 replications in the field, which can be space-intensive and disrupt workflo... S. Srinivasagan, Q. Ketterings, M. Marcaida, S. Shajahan, J. Ramos-tanchez, J. Cho, , L. Thompson, J. Guinness, R. Goel |
1176. Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity As an Indicator of Failed Subsurface DrainsIt is estimated that 2,000 ha of cropland are taken out of production daily worldwide due to salinization and sodification. Salinity is estimated to result in economic losses of $27.3 billion U.S. dollars annually. Our project aimed to develop techniques for quantifying the severity of soil-water salinity and impacts on crop production in the Lower Arkansas River Valley (LARV) in Colorado. The Fairmont Drainage District (FDD) study site in the LARV is a furrow-irrigated, tile-drained area of ... A. Andales, A.J. Brown |
1177. Design of an Autonomous Ag Platform Capable of Field Scale Data Collection in Support of Artificial IntelligenceThe Pivot+ Array is intended to serve as an innovative, multi-user research platform dedicated to the autonomous monitoring, analysis, and manipulation of crops and inputs at the plant scale, covering extensive areas. It will effectively address many constraints that have historically limited large-scale agricultural sensor and robotic research. This achievement will be made possible by augmenting the well-established center pivot technology, known for its autonomy, with robust power inf... S. Jha, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D.J. Love, R.H. Grant, M. Crawford, C. Brinton, C. Wang, D. Cappelleri, A. Balmos |
1178. Participatory Irrigation Extension Programs to Increasing Adoption of Best Irrigation StrategiesFarmers in Alabama, Tennessee, and other US southeastern states lack experience in irrigation water management and adoption of the state-of-the-art technologies and practices to increase irrigation water use efficiency. Several federal and state-funded projects are being implemented to demonstrate and train farmers and consultants on irrigation scheduling strategies and variable rate irritation. Half a dozen on-farm demonstration sites are selected every year to evaluate, demonstrate, and tra... L. Nunes, E. Francisco, R. Prasad, B.V. Ortiz, E. Abban-baidoo , M. Worosz, M. Robinette , C. O'connor, A. Gamble |
1179. On-farm Evaluation of a Satellite Remote Sensing-based Precision Nitrogen Management StrategyImproper management of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in the cropping systems of the U.S. Midwest has resulted in significant N leaching into the Mississippi River Basin that flows to the Gulf of Mexico. The majority of the U.S. Midwest states need to develop a plan for a nutrient loss reduction strategy to decrease N and phosphorous loadings into waters and the Gulf of Mexico by 45% by 2050. In Minnesota, high nitrate concentration and loads have not been significantly reduced in surface and groun... J. Lu, Y. Miao, C.J. Ransom, F. Fernández |
1180. Rapid Assessment of Yield Using Machine Learning Models and UAV Multispectral Imagery for Soybean Breeding PlotsAdvances in precision agriculture in data collection, crop monitoring, screening, and management over the 10-15 years are revolutionizing on-farm agricultural research trials. In crop breeding plots, this approach is called "High Throughput Phenotyping", which uses innovative technology to extract phenotypic data for large populations. Remote sensing has become one of the commonly used platforms for rapid acquisition of imagery data at spatial and temporal scale. Particularly, the u... A. Dua, A. Sharda, W. Schapaugh, R. Hessel, S. Rai |
1181. Hardware Design, Validation & Integration of Wireless Data Communication Platform for Site Specific Liquid Application SystemAutonomous farming applications require real-time data handling of information gathered by diverse sensors on the platform. Transmitting dynamic information swiftly is crucial, but currently available systems often lack this capability, resulting in data loss. An urgent need exists for an instant wireless communication platform to capture, relay, and process data efficiently to the central hub for further processing. This study focuses on the development of a wireless data... K. Shende, A. Sharda |
1182. Predicting Soil Chemical Properties Using Proximal Soil Sensing Technologies and Topography Data: a Case StudyUsing proximal soil sensors (PSS) is widely recognized as a strategy to improve the quality of agricultural soil maps. Nevertheless, the signals captured by PSS are complex and usually relate to a combination of processes in the soil. Consequently, there is a need to explore further the interactions at the source of the information provided by PSS. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between proximal sensing techniques and soil properties and evaluate the feasibility... F. Hoffmann silva karp, V. Adamchuk, P. Dutilleul, A. Melnitchouck, A. Biswas |
1183. Quantifying Boom Movement in Agricultural Sprayer Booms Using Neural Networks for Real-world Field ScenariosApplication rate errors in self-propelled agricultural sprayers remain a significant concern, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of boom movement during actual field operating scenarios. This study introduces new objectives to quantify boom movement across commercial sprayers when operated by different individuals and compares these movements among various machines. The goal is to develop a metric that identifies potential improvement needs for boom height control system. The approac... T. Kaloya, A. Sharda, A. Dalal |
1184. Enabling Field-level Connectivity in Rural Digital Agriculture with Cloud-based LoRaWANThe widespread adoption of next-generation digital agriculture technologies in rural areas faces a critical challenge in the form of inadequate field-level connectivity. Traditional approaches to connecting people fall short in providing cost-effective solutions for many remote agricultural locations, exacerbating the digital divide. Current cellular networks, including 5G with millimeter wave technology, are urban-centric and struggle to meet the evolving digital agricultural needs, presenti... Y. Zhang, J. Bailey, A. Balmos, F.A. Castiblanco rubio, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D. Love, J. Zhang, M. Allen |
1185. All for One and One for All: a Simulation Assessment of the Economic Value of Large-scale On-farm Experiment NetworkWhile on-farm experiments offer invaluable insights for precision management decisions, their scope is usually confined to the specific conditions of individual farms and years, which limits the derivation of more broad and reliable decisions. To address this limitation, aggregating data from numerous farms of various crop growth conditions into a comprehensive dataset appears promising. However, the quantifiable value of this experiment network remains elusive, despite the common agreement o... X. Li |
1186. Machine Learning Model to Predict Total Nozzle Volume Delivery for Pulse Width Modulated Flow ControllersProduct flow rate in the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) variable rate technologies depends on the duty cycle. However, the actual product flow rate at any duty cycle depends on pressure rise, stable pressure during the cycle, fall time and pressure drop across the nozzle body. The current controller does not consider the pressure drops and the estimation of actual flow during each cycle at any duty cycle cannot be estimated with capturing high-frequency pressure data. Knowledge of volume delive... S. Dua, A. Sharda |
1187. Wheat Spikes Counting Using Density Prediction Convolution Neural NetworkVision-based wheat spikes counting can be valuable for pre-harvest yield estimation for growers and researchers. In this study, wheat spike counting convolutions neural networks were implemented to solve the problem of vision-based wheat yield prediction problem. Encoder-decoder style convolutional neural networks (CNN) were developed with a Global Sum Pooling (GSP) layer as its output layer and trained to produce a density map which predicts the pixelwise wheat spikes density. Thi... C. Liew, S. Pitla |
1188. Estimating Real-time Soil Water Content (SWC) in Corn and Soybean Fields Using Machine Learning Models, Proximal Remote Sensing, and Weather DataSoil Water Content (SWC) is crucial for precise irrigation management, especially in center-pivot systems. Real-time estimation of SWC is vital for scheduling irrigation to prevent overwatering or underwatering. Proper irrigation yields benefits such as improved water efficiency, enhanced crop yield and quality, minimized environmental impact, optimized labor and energy costs, and improved soil health. Various in-situ techniques, such as Time-domain reflectometry (TDR), frequency-do... N. Chamara, Y. Ge, F. Bai |
1189. Decision Making Factors of Precision Agricultural Practices in South DakotaA survey among South Dakota Farmers was conducted to document current nutrient management practices. The survey included questions regarding adoption and use of precision ag technologies in addition to information considered to create prescription maps for variable fertilizer and seeding rates. The survey collected demographic information from the producers. The presentation will also highlight how farm size, farm location, farmer/decision maker’s age and/or education level in... P. Kovacs, J. Clark, J. Schad, E. Avemegah |
1190. Enhancing Seeding Efficiency: Evaluating Row Cleaners with Computer Vision in Precision AgricultureIn precision agriculture, the effective sowing of seeds is crucial but often hindered by challenges like hair pinning, low soil temperatures, and heavy residue on the soil surface. To address these issues, row cleaners are employed to clear the path for seeder opener discs, ensuring a clean, uniform trench for seed placement. This study examines the performance of various row cleaner models and introduces a novel method for their automatic, quantitative evaluation using computer vision techno... F. Sidharth, A. Sharda, B.G. Berretta |
1191. Cotton Yield Estimation Using High-resolution Satellite Imagery Obtained from Planet SkySatSatellite images have been used to monitor and estimate crop yield. Over the years, significant improvements on spatial resolution have been made where ortho images can be generated at 30-centimeter resolution. In this study, we wanted to explore the potential use of Planet SKYSAT satellite system for cotton yield predictions. This system provided imagery data at 50 centimeters resolution, and we collected data 14 times during the season. The data were collected from two different cotton... M. Bhandari |
1192. Ohio State Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) Certificate Program for Digital Agriculture-moving from the Classroom to Online.Digital Agriculture encompasses Precision Agriculture, Precision Livestock Farming, Controlled Environment Agriculture, On-Farm Research, and Enterprise Agriculture. We started developing teaching modules focused on Precision Agriculture. To start with, we are creating a series of modules focused on Variable Rate Technology (VRT) and Variable Rate Application (VRA). These initial modules were distilled from existing for credit courses offered by FABE and other extension and professi... K. Trefz, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, R. Venkatesh |
1193. Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Aflatoxin Hotspots in Peanut Fields Using DSSAT CSM-CROPGRO-PEANUT-AFLATOXINAflatoxin contamination in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a persistent concern due to its detrimental effects on both profitability and public health. Several plant stress-inducing factors, including high soil temperatures and low soil moisture, have been associated with aflatoxin contamination levels. Understanding the correlation between stress-inducing factors and contamination levels is essential for implementing effective management strategies. This study uses the DSSAT CSM-CR... S. Maktabi, G. Vellidis, G. Hoogenboom, K. Boote, C. Pilcon, J. Fountain, M. Sysskind, S. Kukal |
1194. Balancing Water Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency: Evaluation of Alternate Wetting and Severe Drying TechnologyWith emerging water scarcity and rising fertilizer prices, it is crucial to optimize future water use while maintaining yield and nutrient efficiency in irrigated rice. Alternate wetting and moderate drying has proven to be an efficient water-saving irrigation technology for the semi-arid zones of West Africa, reducing water inputs without yield penalty. Alternate wetting and severe drying (AWD30), by re-irrigating fields only when the water table reaches 30 cm below the soil surface, may fur... J. Johnson, M. Becker, J.P. Kaboré, E.R. Dossou-yovo, K. Saito |
1195. Premier Strategy Consulting - Sponsor Presentation... C. Zhu |
1196. The Ohio State University - Sponsor Presentation... J.P. Fulton |
1197. University of Georgia's Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture - Sponsor Presentation... R.P. Ramasamy |
1198. Report from Finland - How We Speed Up Innovation Uptake in Agriculture in FinlandFinnish agriculture is rapidly digitalizing. While the number of farms is decreasing, those that remain are increasingly adopting new technologies. Finns have a tradition of being early adopters of mobile technologies, with the Finnish phone company Nokia being a notable forerunner. However, in agriculture, users tend to be more conservative, resulting in lower than expected adoption rates of Precision Farming. The reasons for this are not only financial but also related to the usability issu... H.E. Haapala |
1199. Veris Technologies - Sponsor PresentationVeris Technologies, Inc. designs, builds, and markets sensors and software for precision agriculture. ... T. Lund |
1200. History of Crop Canopy SensorsCrop canopy sensors for agricultural applications were commercialized in the early 2000s but some of the design requirements and important considerations goes back several more decades. The early use of optics in agriculture goes back to the World War II era where light detection devices were used to identify weeds for mechanically removal. Advancements that targeted elimination of weeds led to the development of the commercial WeedSeeker that used pulsed light rather than passive light... J. Schepers |
1201. R Shiny WorkshopThis 2-3 hour workshop will instruct the participants on the use of R Shiny Apps. This is an R software package that can be implemented with the aim of developing interactive tools. It doesn't matter if it is a simple web application that does just a couple of simple calculations or a complex application that processes and stores data, this promising package will allow us to achieve these results. In this workshop, we aim to help researchers and practiti... C. Hernandez, P. Magalhaes cisdeli, I. Ciampitti, G.N. Nocera santiago |
1202. Bayesian Modeling for Agricultural DataBayesian models are now used for applied data analysis almost as regularly as classic methods such as t-tests, regression, and ANOVA. Data generated from agricultural systems, whether from a designed experiment, on-farm trials, or opportunistic observations, can benefit from using Bayesian models. Bayesian statistics enables researchers to build bespoke statistical models tailored to the specific research question or application. Furthermore, Bayesian models enable fully probabilistic and sta... T. Hefley, F. Palmero, J. Lacasa |
1203. GIS-based Spatial Interpolation MethodsModern GIS software allows users to apply a range of spatial analysis models across a spectrum of analytical sophistication from simple (but informative) descriptive statistics to powerful explanatory models. In this workshop, we’ll examine spatial interpolation methods as one approach to predictive modeling that helps practitioners determine the value of an important agricultural or environmental variable where it hasn’t been measured using a control point dataset of known values... C. Hernandez, S. Hutchinson, T. Hefley |
1204. Object Detection 101: A Data-to-Deployment WorkshopMachine learning, specifically deep learning approaches, can be useful to detect, classify, and segment different objects using imagery collected from different devices. Currently, this technology is rapidly growing, and the need to address different agricultural tasks without intense labor can be solved with automation using deep learning. For example, different detection models including in the YOLOv5 family can exceed in detecting small and big objects. This beginner-friendly crash course ... I.A. Grijalva teran, B. Spiesman, B. Mccornack |
1205. Agriculture Robotics 101: “From Sub-Systems to Integration"In this workshop, we will explore the exciting world of agricultural robotics, where technology meets farming to address the challenges of modern agriculture. We will delve into the core sub-systems that power these robotic solutions and understand how they seamlessly integrate to revolutionize farming practices. We will learn about the system built by the SIMPL Project and go through its various sub-components. We will jump on to essential hardware selection for Ag robots for real-time appli... A. Sharda, N.K. Piya, R. Harsha chepally, J. Raitz persch |
1206. Symposium Welcome and Introductions... J. Lowenberg-deboer |
1207. How Does an Autonomous Tractor See the World... G. Bansal |
1208. Transforming Row Crop Agriculture: Harnessing Computer Vision and AI for Automation and Autonomy... A. Sharda |
1209. Swarm Farming is the Future... C. Rupp |
1210. Evolving Nexus of Academia, Industry, and Government to Advance and Realize the Benefits of Robotics in Crop Production Agriculture... E.M. Barnes, M. Scott, S.A. Shearer |
1211. Machine Vision, AI, and Robotics in Specialty Crop Production... M. Karkee |
1212. Can AI and Automation Transform Specialty Crop Production?... Y. Ampatzidis |
1213. Using AI to Estimate Vineyards and Vegetables Vigour and Yield... S. Fountas |
1214. I Call Shotgun: Uncovering Human-System/Robot Gaps in Emerging Technologies... Y. Salzer |
1215. Stakeholder Inclusion for Responsible Robotics: Who, How, and Why?... D. Rose |
1216. Field Crop Robots - Adoption and Farm Level Economics... M. Gandorfer |
1217. Africa Regional Meeting... K.A. Frimpong |
1218. Asia and Oceania Regional Meeting... S.K. Balasundram |
1219. Europe Regional Meeting... E. Gil |
1220. Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Meeting... R.A. Ortega |
1221. North America Regional MeetingAgenda: to discuss PA topics of common interest; to examine potential contributions of country representatives to the ISPA; to formulate suggestions to be examined by the Board for the development of the ISPA. For your information: What do country representatives do? The intent of Country Representatives is to have champions of ISPA spread all over the world. Country Representativ... A. Cambouris, K.A. Sudduth |
1222. On-Farm Experimentation Community MeetingMeeting Agenda: Updates for the OFE-C Newsletters Increased membership Conference Global OFE Network (GOFEN) Scientists AND Farmers Global Directory Discussion points OFE-C Outreach Country reps for the OFE-C / Entry point... L. Longchamps |
1223. Precision Nitrogen Management Community MeetingAgenda Welcome to the meeting participants by Dr. Brenda Ortiz (Professor at Auburn University) 2022-2024 community leader and incoming leader Dr. Laila Puntel (Syngenta). Brief update of activities and opportunities for the upcoming years (Brenda Ortiz) Strategies to assess precision nutrient management educational needs and networking opportunities among community members and ISPA in general. Discuss possibilities for colla... B.V. Ortiz, L.A. Puntel |
1224. Precision Agriculture Economics, Profitability, Adoption, and Risk Community MeetingAgenda Update on Community Activities Update on membership Announcement and introduction of incoming Deputy Leader Discussion points GIATE Symposium session Other activities AOB ... K. Behrendt, M. Michels |
1225. African Association for Precision Agriculture Community Meeting... K.A. Frimpong, V. Aduramigba-modupe, N. Fassinou hotegni |
1226. Agriculture Data Coalition (ADC) MeetingThis is the Agricultural Data Coalition (ADC) annual meeting, open to anyone interested in learning more about the organization. The group will be reviewing the development progress made on the data repository and next steps under the grant sub-award. We will also provide updates on other projects and initiatives the organization is leading or involved in and review new opportunities. This meeting will also include the annual elections for the board of directors. Founded in 20... B.E. Craker |
1227. The Evolution of AI-Driven AgTechAI is poised to alter recent data-driven advancement in digital agriculture. When marrying real-time inferencing and autonomy, a new class of field machinery is emerging which is specifically tailored to crop care needs. Additionally, fields can be automated fields via control of water within the soil profile. Emerging carbon markets and increasing reliance on agriculture to provide the energy necessary to power our standard of living will increase pressure on our existing natural resource ba... S.A. Shearer |
1228. Outstanding Graduate Student AwardsSponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The purpose of this award is to recognize graduate student achievement, training, preparation and research in the area of precision agriculture. ... S. Phillips |
1229. Pierre C. Robert Scientist AwardThe Pierre C. Robert Precision Agriculture Award honors individuals who have made significant contributions to precision agriculture science and technology and who are presenting an oral or poster paper at the conference. ... S. Phillips |
1230. University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Sponsor Presentation... J.D. Luck |
1231. Welcome from Kansas State University... R.H. Linton |
1232. Welcome to the 16th ICPA... J.P. Fulton |
1233. Building a Collaborative Future: Enhancing ISPA's Global Presence and Regional ImpactJoin us for a thought-provoking panel discussion on "Building a Collaborative Future," and discover the steps ISPA is taking to enhance its global presence and add value to regional precision agriculture organizations and events. Our panelists will address the current perceptions of ISPA around the world and discuss strategic initiatives to broaden its reach and impact. ... S. Phillips, J.D. Luck, Y. Cohen, N. Fassinou hotegni, L.R. Amaral, S.K. Balasundram |
1234. 16th ICPA Program Check In... J.P. Fulton |
1235. Sentinel Fertigation - Sponsor PresentationSentinel’s N-Time software leverages imagery and agronomic data to provide nitrogen application scheduling and rate recommendations to agronomists and farmers. Recommendations from the system have demonstrated profitability improvements of $24/ac and Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) improvements of 30% in on-farm research studies since 2021. This presentation will discuss the function of N-Time, highlight the advantages of the management system it enables, and briefly discuss on-farm resea... J. Stansell |
1236. National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative - Sponsor Presentation... B.E. Craker |
1237. Introduction to the European Precision Application Task Force (EUPAF)... E. Gil |
1238. North Dakota State University - Sponsor Presentation... L. Schumacher, P. Flores, R. Sun, A. Reinholz |
1239. SurePoint Ag Systems - Sponsor Presentation... B. Downing |
1240. Welcome and Charge from ISPA Founder... R. Khosla |
1241. TEG Automation Solutions - Sponsor Presentation... V. Oliveira |
1242. Welcome from the Ohio State University... J.P. Fulton |
1243. Welcome from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln... J.D. Luck |
1244. Conference Summary... J.P. Fulton |
1245. Announcement of the Student Poster Award Winners... J.P. Fulton, R. Khosla, K. Frimpong, V. Prasad |
1246. Upcoming Events... J.P. Fulton |
1247. ISPA Officer Election Results... J.P. Fulton |
1248. Remarks from President Steve Phillips... S. Phillips |
1249. The Passing of the Gavel... J.P. Fulton, J. Lowenberg-deboer, S. Phillips |
1250. Oklahoma State University Department of Plant and Soil Sciences - Sponsor Presentation... R. Sharry |