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Agreement Reached with other Conferences

We are proud to announce that a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed on the 26th day of June, 2018 at the 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture in Montreal, Canada, by representatives of the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA), the European Conference on Precision Agriculture, the Latin American Conference on Precision Agriculture, and  the Scientific Conference on Precision Agriculture and Agro-informatics in Hungary. The MOU recognizes the regional conferences as affiliated to the ISPA and the need for the chairs to work collectively under the auspices of ISPA. It establishes a partnership and cooperation framework for mutual coordination ...

Business Meeting Minutes - On-Farm Data Sharing (OFDS) Community at ICPA

26 June 2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada   The meeting started at 6:35 pm with 11 people in attendance. After introductions, a discussion occurred about changing the focus of the OFDS Community from sharing of field-scale trial data collected on production farms to methods, protocols and analysis of on-farm experimentation.   The rationale for the change provided by Nicolas Tremblay and Tom Morris was that the proposed new Consortium for On-Farm Experimentation with leadership by Simon Cook would benefit from having a scientific home in ISPA, and because some of the objectives of the OFDS group have been shifted to an OFDS Working Group in ...

ISPA Members Presenting at 7th Precision Ag Summit

The theme of the 7th annual Precision Ag Action Summit is “Creating Certainty during Times of Volatility,” and reflects the current state of the agricultural industry. Dr. Terry Griffin, Treasurer of the ISPA, will deliver the keynote address on “The Evolution of a Revolution: Past, Present & Future of Precision Ag” describing the infancy of precision agriculture and how technology evolved into big data in agriculture. In addition to delivering the keynote address, Griffin will moderate the panel on “Farmers Who Know Precision Ag” with two North Dakota farmers. Griffin is following in the ...

January 2011 - Board of Directors Elected

MTA interim president Carrie Brocksmith presided over the Monticello Theatre Association annual meeting held at the Phoenix Playhouse at 1406 N. Market St. Monticello on Saturday, January 22. In addition to refreshments, the audience was treated to sketches by MTA members. A short business meeting preceded the election of officers for 2011. Those elected were: President - Lou Cicerello                    Board Member - Anne Reeser Vice President - Carrie Brocksmith     Board Member - Carolyn Walter Secretary - Edwina Finet&...

Let's Define Precision Agriculture

Today, several dozen definitions exist to define the term “precision agriculture”. Some of these definitions are more widely used than others. However, the public perspective on precision agriculture has been changing with time and the original definitions may no longer be representative of this change. Many of the authors of published definitions are members of the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA), and it will be a useful exercise to gather society-wide opinion on the proper definition. Please complete this short survey in an effort to develop a new definition and publish it on the front page of ...

Transition to data-driven decisions on the farm

The hard part of transitioning to data-driven decisions isn’t when the data supports what you already believe to be true. The difficult part is when the data analysis challenges what we think we already know.

Turing Prize

Fourteenth ICPA keynote speaker Dr. Yoshua Bengio was recently awarded the Turing Award often known as the “Nobel Prize of computing.” Dr. Bengio shares this honour with his colleagues Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun together known as the “Godfathers of Artificial Intelligence.” In Montreal, last June, Dr. Bengio entitled his speech “From data to decisions with artificial intelligence .” His presentation was a highlight of the conference. The ISPA Board wants to congratulate Dr. Bengio for this great achievement.