

Filtered by : Policy Manual

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Board of Directors

The board is composed of the following officers: President President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past-President Board service is an excellent opportunity for members to participate in the society in a leadership role.

ISPA Officer Elections

The International Society of Precision Agriculture holds elections in the summer of the International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Due to the nature of the board two to three offices will be open for nominations every two years. The position of Treasurer is a four-year post and that position will only have nominations accepted in the year the term expires for the current Treasurer.   Because the society's bank accounts are located in the United States, the ISPA Treasurer must be a United States resident.  Proximity to a U.S. Bank branch should be considered when submitting a ...


ISPA Leadership consists of the Board of Officers, Regional Representatives, Country Reps, and Community Leaders. 


The ISPA is legally registered and is an “official” entity. The ISPA is a non-profit professional scientific organization with the mission to advance the science and practice of precision agriculture globally.