
Newsletter Suggestion

Have an event, project, job opening, or interesting news item related to precision agriculture? Please suggest an item for our ISPA newsletter. We welcome contributions from members and associates. 

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Past Newsletters

ISPA Newsletter 8(10) November 2020: OFE-C Community Announcement, PA Definitions, Upcoming Events, Jobs
Nov 10, 2020
Virtual ICPA Webinar Series
We have concluded our series of nine webinars in the Virtual ICPA Webinar Series. The recorded webinars are available to ISPA members in good standing. You will need to login to view the recordings. 
Interested in On-Farm Experimentation?
On-Farm experimentation is a promising way to explore the local suitability of best practice recommendations with farmers. In a digital world of data abundance, however, the risks of drawing wrong conclusions are also more considerable than what they were. The on-farm experimentation community (OFE-C) of the ISPA intends to list, organize and make best on-farm experimentation practises (social, data, analytics, value creation) available to users. Signup using the OFE-C expression-of-interest form to be in the loop of very near future developments.
Nobel laureate shows the power of digital agriculture and on-farm experimentation
Michael Kremer got a share of the 2019 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his work on experimental approaches to alleviating global poverty. He notably showed innovative uses of randomized control trials to answer key development questions related to agriculture. Kremer recently gave a lecture at the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) to show how mobile technologies and digital agriculture can create innovations reaching out to smallholders as well. Kremer also addressed the role of higher-resolution weather information, customized pest-control advice and the opportunities to improve supply chains and extension services. His recently published work shows how information sharing through mobile telephony can improve yields and adoption of recommended inputs across sub-Saharan Africa and India. 
1st African Conference on Precision Agriculture - A Virtual Experience!

AfCPAAfCPA 2020 is now fully virtual! The event’s main program of invited speakers will be live-streamed December 8-10 to registrants around the world, and to participants of the 14 satellite sites located across Africa. Content will be recorded and available to registrants after the conference for a limited time.
AfCPA 2020 is building an enhanced virtual experience for all its registrants, speakers, and sponsors. As a fully digital event, AfCPA 2020 can maximize the inclusion of the global precision agriculture community, stimulate new ideas and partnerships, and strengthen the network needed to put precision agriculture in action in Africa.

Precision Ag Defined
The collection of translations of the definition of precision agriculture now includes Ukrainian. The collection includes now 14 translations. See more on the ispag.org website
Upcoming Events
29 JUN - 3 JUL 2025
15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Barcelona, Spain 
22-31 AUG 2025
XXXII ISSCT Centennial Congress
Cali, Colombia 
14-16 OCT 2025
11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture 
Chiayi, Taiwan
2-4 FEB 2026
International Crop Modeling Symposium (iCROPM2026)
Florence, Italy 
Do you have an event that would be of interest to our members? Send us an email to let us know.
Jobs Listing
Do you have a job you would like to post to the ISPA website? Please send your job announcement, a short description, and cutoff deadline for applications to info@ispag.org
Contribute to the ISPA Newsletter
Do you have a precision ag event, project, or news article that our members would be interested in? Please let us know. We post events, job opportunities, and news from members from around the globe. Email info@ispag.org or use the handy online form to submit your contribution

The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is a non-profit professional scientific organization.
The mission of ISPA is to advance the science of precision agriculture globally.
newsletter@ispag.org to suggest content for future newsletters or visit www.ispag.org for more about the Society