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ISPA Newsletter 12(2): 16th ICPA, Updates from the India and Republic of Benin Country Representatives, Upcoming Events, Jobs, and more
Feb 27, 2024
16th ICPA Sponsorship
Thank you to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for sponsoring the 16th International Conference on Precision AgricultureThe University of Nebraska is the named sponsor of the Outstanding Graduate Student Awards and will be at booths #19 and #48. Be sure to stop by during the conference!
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln was chartered as a land-grant university on February 15, 1869, to create opportunity for the state of Nebraska. A proud member of the Big Ten Conference, the Big Ten Academic Alliance, and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), Nebraska is classified within the Carnegie “R1: Doctoral Universities – Highest Research Activity” category. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
Learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities and the 16th ICPA Sponsors.
ISPA Country Representative - Nicodeme Fassinou Hotegni
Country Representatives serve to help promote ISPA by championing the ISPA mission and purpose globally, in particular, in the country they represent. ISPA is growing internationally so Country Representatives remain an important position to help ISPA best serve people, groups, governments and others, globally connecting them to science and experts.
Please join us in thanking ISPA Country Representative from the Republic of Benin, Nicodeme Fassinou Hotegni.
If you are interested in becoming a Country Representative, please email with your bio highlighting your experience in precision agriculture and your CV. ISPA requires that all Country Representatives are current members of the society. To become a member, please complete the membership form.
Precision Agriculture Events
The 3rd AfCPA is now accepting abstract submissions for the 2024 conference.
The abstract deadline: 15 May 2024
To learn more, please visit:
The 15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture has released their first conference newsletter.
View the newsletter pdf here.
To learn more, please visit:
Highlighting the Role of Agriculture and Geospatial Technology in Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals
Food security is a global challenge that aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 1 - “No Poverty”, SDG 2 - “Zero Hunger,” SDG 3 - “Good Health and Well-being,” SDG 13 - “Climate Action,” and SDG 15 - “Life on Land.”. To effectively address this issue, a convergence of agriculture and technology is crucial, incorporating precision agriculture, sustainable agriculture, bio-economy and advanced technologies such as machineries, Artificial intelligence-meachine learning and geospatial technology. Recent trends in food security worldwide have witnessed the adoption of technological advancements. However, it is important to consider biodiversity when implementing and adopting technological advancements. The integration of technology in agricultural practices aim to reduce chemical usage in farms, while increased production remains the main objective of smart farming and Precision Agriculture. By minimizing the use or implementing localized approaches for chemicals on farms, we can preserve soil-faunal diversity, which is at risk along with targets due to excessive applications of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. Geospatial technology plays a significant role by leveraging remotely sensed images acquired through satellites, aerial platforms, and GPS-tagged drones to enhance agricultural practices, improve crop growth and increase crop yields. Through geospatial technology, we can map and monitor soil and crop conditions, and effectively conserve, protect, and manage biodiversity on a global scale. The applications of remote sensing technology consider ecological and environmental parameters, soil factors, crop conditions, and plant-soil diversity to optimize yields and agricultural productivity. Additionally, the evaluation of various agricultural practices such as sustainable agriculture, bio-economy, using technology can contribute to increased yields, profitability, and biodiversity conservation as central components of these practices. This study emphasizes that achieving the SDG objectives is attainable through agriculture, which has direct and indirect connections to all SDGs. Geospatial technology plays a vital role in supporting the objectives at spatial and temporal scales by facilitating agricultural practices, ensuring food security, preserving biodiversity, monitoring soil and crop conditions, and promoting sustainable development.
Read the full article at:
Digital Agriculture Certification Course
Kick-off of the first edition of the Digital Agriculture certification course (AgroDigiLab) at the Université d'Abomey-Calavi
This intensive two-week training course started with a welcome address by Mr Pascal Marcolino, representative of the AUF- Benin, and a speech by Prof. Enoch Gbenato Achigan-Dako, Director of GBioS.
In his opening speech, Mr Pascal Marcolino stressed the importance of digitalisation in all sectors and urged participants to seize this opportunity to enrich their knowledge.
"Digitalisation has an impact on all areas. Make the most of this training to equip yourselves further," he said.
Several modules will be taught by outstanding trainers and researchers from the University of Abomey Calavi, AgroSfer and other institutions. The first module, entitled "Precision Agriculture and Drone Piloting", has already been launched and will continue over the next few days.
16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture
Whether you are arriving at Manhattan Regional Airport or Kansas City International Airport, make your way to Manhattan, Kansas USA this July for the 16th ICPA.
Learn more about Hotel and Travel Information here.
The 16th ICPA is a great opportunity for you and your company to gain exposure and grow your influence in the global precision agriculture market.
Please visit our website to learn more about our sponsorship packages.
Register today for the 16th ICPA! The conference offers Full Conference, Student Registration, and One-Day Registration rates.
See the full list of registration rate options and conference add-ons including workshops and post-conference tour here.
Upcoming Events
25-27 SEPT 2024
11th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
Bali, Indonesia
28-29 SEPT 2024
7th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures
Reading, England
15 OCT 2024
São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Precision Livestock Farming
São Paulo, Brazil
27-30 OCT 2024
International Workshop on Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging on Agriculture and Geo Applications
Abu Dhabi, UAE
3-5 DEC 2024
3rd African Conference on Precision Agriculture
Kigali, Rwanda
29 JUN - 3 JUL 2025
15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Barcelona, Spain
14-16 OCT 2025
11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture
Chiayi, Taiwan
Do you have an event that would be of interest to our members? Send us an email to let us know.
Jobs Listing
Do you have a job you would like to post to the ISPA website? Please send your job announcement, a short description, and cutoff deadline for applications to
Contribute to the ISPA Newsletter
Do you have a precision ag event, project, or news article that our members would be interested in? Please let us know. We post events, job opportunities, and news from members from around the globe. Email or use the handy online form to submit your contribution.
The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is a non-profit professional scientific organization. The mission of ISPA is to advance the science of precision agriculture globally.
Contact to suggest content for future newsletters or visit for more about the Society.