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Pan, L
Paraforos, D
Pampolino, M
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Adamchuk, V.I
Pan, L
Ferguson, R.B
Pan, L
Adamchuk, V.I
Martin, D.L
Schroeder, M.A
Fergugson, R.B
Pampolino, M
Majumdar, K
Phillips, S
Arnall, D.B
Phillips, S
Penn, C
Watkins, P
Rutter, B
Warren, J
Tsoulias, N
Paraforos, D
Brandes, N
Fountas, S
Zude-Sasse, M
Moulay, H
Arnall, B
Phillips, S
Alshihabi, O
Angar, H
Nouiri, I
Soderstrom, M
Persson, K
Phillips, S
Fassinou Hotegni, N
Karangwa, A
Manyatsi, A
Frimpong, K.A
Amri, M
Cammarano, D
Lesueur, C
Taylor, J
Phillips, S
Achigan-Dako, E
Odoom, E
Frimpong, K.A
Phillips, S
Frimpong, K.A
Phillips, S
Aduramigba-Modupe, V
Fassinou Hotegni, N
Mishamo, M
Sogbedji, J.M
Hazzoumi, Z
Chikowo, R
Fodjo Kamdem, M
Adolwa, I
Phillips, S
Akorede, B.A
Suleiman, A.A
Murrell, T
Zingore, S
Muthamia, J
Adolwa, I
Mutegi, J
Zingore, S
Phillips, S
Biaou, A
Phillips, S
Precision A to Z for Practitioners
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Precision Nutrient Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Horticulture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Country Representative Report
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Extension or Outreach Education of Precision Agriculture
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results13 paper(s) found.

1. Analysis Of Water Use Efficiency Using On-the-go Soil Sensing And A Wireless Network

An efficient irrigation system should meet the demands of the growing crops. While limited water supply may result in yield reduction, excess irrigation is a waste of resources. To investigate water use efficiency, on-the-go sensing technology was used to reveal soil spatial variability relevant to water holding capacity (in this example, field elevation and apparent electrical conductivity). These high-density data layers were used to identify strategic sites where monitoring water availability... L. Pan, V.I. Adamchuk, D.L. Martin, M.A. Schroeder, R.B. Fergugson

2. An Approach to Selection of Soil Water Content Monitoring Locations within Fields

Increased input efficiency is one of the main challenges for a modern agricultural enterprise. One way to optimize production cycles is to rationalize crop residue utilization. In conditions where there is limited use of mineral fertilizers and without applying manure, plant residues may be used as an organic fertilizer as... V.I. Adamchuk, L. Pan, R.B. Ferguson

3. Nutrient Expert Software For Nutrient Management In Cereal Crops

Many countries in Asia have started replacing blanket fertilizer recommendations for vast areas of rice, maize, or wheat with more site-specific guidelines adapted to local needs. This process has been accompanied with a shift from traditional on-station research to on-farm development and evaluation of novel practices. A key challenge faced by the local extension agencies remains the complex nature of factors influencing nutrient requirements.  To aid in this process, the International... M. Pampolino, K. Majumdar, S. Phillips

4. Should One Phosphorus Extraction Method Be Used for VRT Phosphorus Recommendation in the Southern Great Plains?

Winter Wheat has been produced throughout the southern Great Plains for over 100 years.  In most cases this continuous production of mono-culture lower value wheat crop has led to the neglect of the soils, one such soil property is soil pH. In an area dominated by eroded soils and short term leases, Land-Grant University wheat breeders have created lines of winter wheat which are aluminum tolerant to increase production in low productive soils.  Now the fields in this region can have... D.B. Arnall, S. Phillips, C. Penn, P. Watkins, B. Rutter, J. Warren

5. Calculating the Water Deficit of Apple Orchard by Means of Spatially Resolved Approach

In semi-humid climate, spatially resolved analysis of water deficit was carried out in apple orchard (Malus x domestica 'Pinova'). The meteorological data were recorded daily by a weather station. The apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) was measured at field capacity, and twenty soil samples in 30 cm were gathered for texture, bulk density, and gravimetric soil water content analyses. Furthermore, ten trees were defoliated in different ECa regions in order to estimate the leaf... N. Tsoulias, D. Paraforos, N. Brandes, S. Fountas, M. Zude-sasse

6. Comparative Analysis of Different On-the-go Soil Sensor Systems

This study is part of the field of precision agriculture. This management mode is one of the great revolutions in the agriculture field, and it means better management of farm inputs such as fertilizers, herbicides, and seeds by applying the right amount at the right place and at the right time. To succeed in this, we should dispose of a tool that allows a precise assessment of the soil’s physical state. Thus, on-the-go soil sensors can be used as a creative tool to gain better... H. Moulay, B. Arnall, S. Phillips

7. In-season Nitrogen Management for Wheat in Tunisia Using Proximal and Remote Sensing

While the cereal sector represents an important factor in the social and economic farming structure in Tunisia, the national wheat average yield is very low, estimated to 1.4 t/ha. However, the frequent spreading of nitrogen in large quantities to raise yields can lead to low use efficiency of N and groundwater pollution. In Sweden, digital tools using proximal and remote sensing for variable rate application (VRA) of nutrients were developed and widely used by farmers to optimize fertilization... M. Mechri, O. Alshihabi, H. Angar, I. Nouiri, M. Soderstrom, K. Persson, S. Phillips

8. Capacity Building of African Young Scientists in Precision Agriculture Through Cross-regional Academic Mobility for Enhanced Climate-smart Agri-food System: an Intra Africa Mobility Project on Precision Agriculture

Climate change is one of the main problems affecting food and nutrition globally, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Adapting to and/or mitigating climate change in the agri-food sector requires merging information technologies, genetic innovations, and sustainable farming practices to empower the agricultural youth sector to create effective and locally adapted solutions. Precision Agriculture applied to crops (PAAC), has been advocated as a strategic solution to mitigate/adapt agriculture at... N. Fassinou hotegni, A. Karangwa, A. Manyatsi, K.A. Frimpong, M. Amri, D. Cammarano, C. Lesueur, J. Taylor, S. Phillips, E. Achigan-dako

9. Analysis of Yield Gaps in Sub-Saharan African Cereal Production Systems

Food production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is one of the lowest and keeps declining across farmers’ fields season after season (Assefa et al., 2020; F Affholder, 2013). Yield gaps in cereal cropping systems have been reported by many researchers, attesting to the existence of huge variability in production levels of cereals such as corn, wheat, sorghum, rice and millet. across SSA. It is still unclear whether the yield gaps are similar in size or driven by similar factors across different... E. Odoom, K.A. Frimpong, S. Phillips

10. Transforming Precision Agriculture Education, Research and Outreach in Sub-saharan Africa Through Intra-africa Cooperation

Productivity and profitability of sub-Saharan (SSA) agriculture can be enhanced greatly through the adoption of precision agriculture technologies and tools. However, until 2020 when the African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) established the African Association for Precision Agriculture (AAPA), most SSA PA enthusiast worked in isolation.  The AAPA was formed to innovate Africa’s agricultural industry by connecting PA science to its practice and disseminate PA tailored to the needs... K.A. Frimpong, S. Phillips, V. Aduramigba-modupe, N. Fassinou hotegni, M. Mechri, M. Mishamo, J.M. Sogbedji, Z. hazzoumi, R. Chikowo, M. Fodjo kamdem

11. Operationalization of On-farm Experimentation in African Cereal Smallholder Farming Systems

Past efforts have concentrated on linear or top-down approaches in delivering precision nutrient management (PNM) practices to smallholder farmers. These deliberate attempts at increasing adoption of PNM practices have not yielded the expected outcomes, that is, increased productivity and nutrient use efficiency, at scale. This is because technologies generated by scientists with minimal farmer involvement often are not well tailored to the attendant agro-ecological, socio-economic, and cultural... I. Adolwa, S. Phillips, B.A. Akorede, A.A. Suleiman, T. Murrell, S. Zingore

12. Harnessing Farmers’, Researchers’ and Other Stakeholders’ Knowledge and Experiences to Create Shared Value from On-farm Experimentation: Lessons from Kenya

Achieving greater sustainability in farm productivity is a major challenge facing smallholder farmers in Kenya. Existing technologies have not solved the challenges around declining productivity because they are one-size-fits-all that doesn’t account for the diverse smallholder contexts. A study was carried out in Kenya by a multi-disciplinary team to assess the value of On-Farm Experimentation (OFE) to tailor technologies to local conditions. The OFE process begun with identification of... J. Muthamia, I. Adolwa, J. Mutegi, S. Zingore, S. Phillips

13. Potential for Improving African Smallholder Cereal Farming Using Sentinel-2A Spectral Reflectance

Cereal crops are critical for African smallholder farmers seeking to improve regional food availability, yet many struggle with low productivity from non optimal practices. This present study evaluated the possibility of using the satellite Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument data to inform management techniques tailored to African small-scale cereal farms’ local conditions. Improved practices maize, wheat, and rice plots were established respectively in Togo, Tunisia, and Tanzania... A. Biaou, S. Phillips