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Hüging, H
Unruh, R
Hoffman, E
Ye, D
Y. Inamasu, R
Yu, W
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M. Rabello, L
R. D. Pereira, R
C. Lopes, W
Y. Inamasu, R
V. de Sousa, R
Yu, W
Miao, Y
Hu, S
Shen, J
Wang, H
Berger, A.G
Hoffman, E
Fassana, N
Alfonso, F
Bareth, G
Jenal, A
Hüging, H
Xiong, X
Myers, D
DeBruin, J
Gunzenhauser, B
Sampath, N
Ye, D
Underwood, H
Hensley, R
Joshi, R
Khosla, R
Mandal, D
Unruh, R
Admasu, W.A
Unruh, R
Admasu, W.A
Mandal, D
Joshi, R
Khosla, R
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Implementation of a Controller Unit Based on the ISO 11783 Standard for Automatic Measurement of the Electrical Conductivity of the Soil

... L. M. rabello, R. R. d. pereira, W. C. lopes, R. Y. inamasu, R. V. de sousa

2. Evaluating Leaf Fluorescence Sensor Dualex 4 For Estimating Rice Nitrogen Status In Northeast China

Real-time non-destructive diagnosis of crop nitrogen (N) status is crucially important for the success of in-season site-specific N management. Chlorophyll meter (CM) has been commonly used to non-destructively estimate crop leaf chlorophyll concentration, and indirectly estimate crop N status. Dualex 4 is a newly developed leaf fluorescence sensor that can estimate both leaf chlorophyll concentration and polyphenolics, especially flavonoids. When N is deficient, N stress can induce... W. Yu, Y. Miao, S. Hu, J. Shen, H. Wang

3. Active Canopy Sensors for the Detection of Non-Responsive Areas to Nitrogen Application in Wheat

Active canopy sensors offer accurate measurements of crop growth status that have been used in real time to estimate nitrogen (N) requirements. NDVI can be used to determine the absolute amount of fertilizer requirement, or simply to distribute within the field an average rate defined by decision models using other diagnostics. The objective of this work was to evaluate the capacity of active canopy sensors to determine yield and N application requirements within a site at jointing stage (Feeks... A.G. Berger, E. Hoffman, N. Fassana, F. Alfonso

4. N-management Using Structural Data: UAV-derived Crop Height As an Estimator for Biomass, N Concentration, and N Uptake in Winter Wheat

In the last 15 years, sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been intensively investigated for crop monitoring. Besides known remote sensing approaches based on multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, photogrammetric methods became very important. Structure for Motion (SfM) and Multiview Stereopsis (MVS) analysis approaches enable the quantitative determination of absolute crop height and crop growth. Since the first paper on UAV-derived crop height was published by Bendig et... G. Bareth, A. Jenal, H. Hüging

5. Functional Soil Property Mapping with Electrical Conductivity, Spectral and Satellite Remote Sensors

Proximal electrical conductivity (EC) and spectral sensing has been widely used as a cost-effective tool for soil mapping at field scale. The traditional method of calibrating proximal sensors for functional soil property prediction (e.g., soil organic matter, sand, silt, and clay contents) requires the local soil sample data, which results in a field-specific calibration. In this large-scale study consisting of 126 fields, we found that the traditional local calibration method had suffered weak... X. Xiong, D. Myers, J. Debruin, B. Gunzenhauser, N. Sampath, D. Ye, H. Underwood, R. Hensley

6. Delineation of Site-Specific Management Zones using Sensor-based Data for Precision N management

Nitrogen is a critical nutrient influencing crop yield, but the common practice of uniform application of nitrogen fertilizer across a field often results in spatially variable nitrogen availability for the crop, leading to over-application in some areas and under-application in others. This imbalance can cause economic losses and significant environmental issues. Precision nitrogen application involves application of N fertilizers based on soil conditions and crop requirements. One approach for... R. Joshi, R. Khosla, D. Mandal, R. Unruh, W.A. Admasu

7. Delineating Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Management Zones

Agriculture irrigation strategies have traditionally been made without accounting for the natural small-scale variability in the field, leading to uniform applications that often over-irrigate parts of the field that do not need as much water. The future success of irrigated agriculture depends on advancements in the capability to account for and leverage the natural variability in croplands for optimum irrigation management both in space and time. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) management offers... R. Unruh, W.A. Yilma, D. Mandal, R. Joshi, R. Khosla