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H, V
Harper, D.C
Harsányi, E
Hock, M.W
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Shanwad, U.K
Patil, M.B
H, V
B.G , M
R, P
N.L. , R
S, S
Khosla, R
Patil, V.C
Shanwad, U
H, V
N.L., R
Kanannnavar, P.S
Swamy, S
Patil, M.B
Harper, D.C
Lambert, D.M
English, B.C
Larson, J.A
Roberts, R.K
Velandia, M
Mooney, D.F
Larkin, S.L
Samiappan, S
Henry, B
Moorhead, R.J
Hock, M.W
Rátonyi, T
Ragán, P
Sulyok, D
Nagy, J
Harsányi, E
Vántus, A
Csatári, N
Ragán, P
Harsányi, E
Nagy, J
Ágnes, T
Rátonyi, T
Vántus, A
Csatári, N
Nándor, C
Rátonyi, T
Harsányi, E
Ragán, P
Hagymássy, Z
Nagy, J
Vántus, A
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Nutrient Management
Unmanned Aerial Systems
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Adoption And Perceived Usefulness Of Precision Soil Sampling Information In Cotton Production

  Soil testing assists farmers in identifying nutrient variability to optimize input placement and timing. Anecdotal evidence suggests that soil test information has a useful life of 3–4 years. However, perceived usefulness may depend on a variety of factors, including field variability, farmer experience and education, farm size, Extension, and factors indirectly related to farming. In 2009, a survey of cotton farmers in 12 Southeastern states collected information... D.C. Harper, D.M. Lambert, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, S.L. Larkin

2. Precision Agriculture Initiative for Karnataka – A New Direction for Strengthening Farming Community

Strengthening agriculture is crucial to meet the myriad challenges of rural poverty, food security, unemployment, and sustainability of natural resources and it also needs strengthening at technical, financial and management levels. In this context... U.K. Shanwad, M.B. Patil, V. H, M. B.g , P. R, R. N.l. , S. S, R. Khosla, V.C. Patil

3. Precision Nutrient Management in Cotton- A Case Study from India

Cotton is being one of the important commercial crops in India, farmers have adopted cultivating hybrid cotton to achieve higher yield. In this context, cotton is becoming input intensive crop... U. Shanwad, V. H, R. N.l., P.S. Kanannnavar, S. Swamy, M.B. Patil

4. Plant Stand Count and Corn Crop Density Assessment Using Texture Analysis on Visible Imagery Collected Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Ensuring successful corn farming requires an effective monitoring program to collect information about stand counts at an early stage of growth and plant damages due to natural calamities, farming equipment, hogs, deer and other animals. These monitoring programs not only provide a yield estimate but also help farmers and insurance companies in assessing the causes of damages. Current field-based assessment methods are labor intensive, costly, and provide very limited information. Manual assessment... S. Samiappan, B. Henry, R.J. Moorhead, M.W. Hock

5. Evaluation of Strip Tillage Systems in Maize Production in Hungary

Strip tillage is a form of conservation tillage system. It combines the benefits of conventional tillage systems with the soil-protecting advantages of no-tillage. The tillage zone is typically 0.25 to 0.3 m wide and 0.25 to 0.30 m deep. The soil surface between these strips is left undisturbed and the residue from the previous crop remain on the soil surface. The residue-covered area reaches 60-70%. Keeping residue on the surface helps prevent soil structure and reduce water loss from the soil.... T. Rátonyi, P. Ragán, D. Sulyok, J. Nagy, E. Harsányi, A. Vántus, N. Csatári

6. Examining the Relationship Between SPAD, LAI and NDVI Values in a Maize Long-Term Experiment

In Hungary, the preconditions for the use of precision crop production have undergone enormous development over the last five years. RTK coverage is complete in crop production areas. Consultants are increasingly using the vegetation index maps from Landsat and Sentinel satellite data, but measurements with on-site proximal plant sensors are also needed to exclude the influence of the atmosphere. The aim of our studies was to compare the values measured by proximal plant sensors in the... P. Ragán, E. Harsányi, J. Nagy, T. Ágnes, T. Rátonyi, A. Vántus, N. Csatári

7. The Spread of Precision Livestock Farming Technology at Dairy Farms in East Hungary

During the survey, 25 dairy farms were examined in East Hungary in Hajdú-Bihar (H-B) County between 2017 and 2018 by methodical observation and oral interviews with the farm managers, about the spread of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) technologies. Among Holstein Friesian dairy farms in the County 60% were questioned, and the representativity was above 47 percent ins each size category. Nine precision farming equipment were examined on the farms: milking robot or robotic carousel milking... C. Nándor, T. Rátonyi, E. Harsányi, P. Ragán, Z. Hagymássy, J. Nagy, A. Vántus