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MacDonald, L
Bosompem, M
Martin, D
Dua, S
Müller, M
Medici, M
Meon, S
Dokoozlian, N
McLaren, A
McClintick-Chess, J
Molin, J.P
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Liaghat, S
Mansor, S
Shafri, H
Meon, S
Ehsani, R
Azam, S
Noh, N
Mzuku, M
Khosla, R
Reich, R
http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, G
Smith, F
MacDonald, L
Lan, Y
Zhang, H
Yang, C
Martin, D
Lacey, R
Huang, Y
Hoffmann, W.C
Moulton, P
Bosompem, M
Kwarteng, J.A
Ntifo-Siaw, E
Büscher, P
Twickler, P
Marquering, D
Müller, M
Maack, D
Sanchez, L.A
Klein, L.J
Claassen, A
Lew, D
Mendez-Costabel, M
Sams, B
Morgan, A
Hinds, N
Hamann, H.F
Dokoozlian, N
Bosompem, M
Kwarteng, J.A
Acquah, H.D
Spekken, M
Molin, J.P
Romanelli, T.L
Ferraz, M.N
Ferraz, M.N
Molin, J.P
Anselmi, A.A
Molin, J.P
eitelwein, M.T
Trevisan, R
Colaço, A
Walsh, O.S
Belmont, K
McClintick-Chess, J
Marshall, J
Jackson, C
Thompson, C
Swoboda, K
Walsh, O.S
Belmont, K
McClintick-Chess, J
Maldaner, L
Molin, J.P
Canata, T.F
Colaço, A.F
Molin, J.P
Trevisan, R.G
Rosell-Polo, J.R
Escolà, A
Eitelwein, M.T
Trevisan, R.G
Colaço, A.F
Vargas, M.R
Molin, J.P
Bosompem, M
Hoffmann Silva Karp, F
Feritas Colaço, A
Gonçalves Trevisan, R
Molin, J.P
Spekken, M
Molin, J.P
Laamrani, A
Berg, A
March, M
McLaren, A
Martin, R
Tavares, T.R
Molin, J.P
da Silva , T.R
de Carvalho , H.W
Canavari, M
Medici, M
Rossetti, G
Sams, B
Aboutalebi, M
Sanchez, L
Dokoozlian, N
Bramley, R
Sams, B
Previtali, P
Mezger, J
Aboutalebi, M
Sanchez, L
Dokoozlian, N
Dua, S
Sharda, A
Precision Horticulture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Precision Horticulture
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Nutrient Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Horticulture
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
Precision Horticulture
Precision Crop Protection
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Filter results24 paper(s) found.

1. Spatial Variability Of Measured Soil Properties Across Site- Specific Management Zones

The spatial variation of productivity across farm fields can be classified by delineating site-specific management zones. Since productivity is influenced by soil characteristics, the spatial pattern of productivity could be caused by a corresponding variation in certain soil properties. Determining the source of variation in productivity can help achieve more effective site-specific management, the objectives of this study were (i) to characterize the spatial variability of soil physical properties... M. Mzuku, R. Khosla, R. Reich, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, F. Smith, L. Macdonald

2. Multisensor Data Fusion Of Remotely Sensed Imagery For Crop Field Mapping

  A wide variety of remote sensing data from airborne hyperspectral and multispectral images is available for site-specific management in agricultural application and production. Aerial imaging system may offer less expensive and high spatial resolution imagery with Near Infra-Red, Red, Green and Blue spectral wavebands. Hyperspectral sensor provides hundreds of spectral bands. Multisensor data fusion provides an effective paradigm for remote sensing applications by synthesizing... Y. Lan, H. Zhang, C. Yang, D. Martin, R. Lacey, Y. Huang, W.C. Hoffmann, P. Moulton

3. Is Precision Agriculture Feasible In Cocoa Production In Ghana? : The Case Of “Cocoa High Technology Programme” In The Eastern Region Of Ghana

  Ghana is the second largest producer of cocoa in the world supplying 25% of the world’s cocoa, thus cocoa production contributes significantly to the economy of ... M. Bosompem, J.A. Kwarteng, E. Ntifo-siaw

4. Early Detection of Oil Palm Fungal Disease Infestation Using A Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most destructive disease of oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could potentially reduce the market share of palm oil for Malaysia. Currently Malaysia produces about 50% of the world’s supply of palm oil. Early, accurate, and non-destructive diagnosis of Ganoderma fungal infection is critical for management of this disease. Early disease management of Ganoderma could also prevent great losses in production and... S. Liaghat, S. Mansor, H. Shafri, S. Meon, R. Ehsani, S. Azam, N. Noh

5. NIRS Sensor Controlled Total-Mixed-Ration For Nutrient Optimized Feeding Of Dairy Cattle

The exact regulation of dry matter, energy and ingredients in fodder rations provides a large advantage in order to optimize an economical animal nutrition. Feed mixer wagons are used to feed Gras and Maize silage together with other components. It can be used in combination with a transponder system for feed concentrate as well as for feeding of a total mixed ration. The online measurement system based on NIR-spectrometric sensors to measure DM-content and other nutrients should... P. Büscher, P. Twickler, D. Marquering, M. Müller, D. Maack

6. Effect Of A Variable Rate Irrigation Strategy On The Variability Of Crop Production In Wine Grapes In California

Pruning and irrigation are the cultural practices with the highest potential impact on yield and quality in wine grapes. In particular, irrigation start date, rates and frequency can be synchronized with crop development stages to control canopy growth and, in turn, positively influence light microclimate, berry size and fruit quality. In addition, canopy management practices can be implemented in vineyards with large canopies to ensure fruit zone microclimate... L.A. Sanchez, L.J. Klein, A. Claassen, D. Lew, M. Mendez-costabel, B. Sams, A. Morgan, N. Hinds, H.F. Hamann, N. Dokoozlian

7. Determinants of Ex-ante Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technologies by Cocoa Farmers in Ghana

The study was to identify the best predictors of cocoa Farmers willingness to adopt future Precision Agriculture Technology (PAT) Development in Ghana. Correlational research design was used. The target population was all cocoa farmers who benefited from Cocoa High Technology Programme (an initiative of distributing free fertilizer by government to cocoa farmers) in Ghana. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 422 out of 400,000 cocoa farmers in the six (6) out of the seven (7) cocoa... M. Bosompem, J.A. Kwarteng, H.D. Acquah

8. Site Specific Costs Concerning Machine Path Orientation

Computer algorithms have been created to simulate in advance the orientation/pattern of a machine operation on a field. Undesired impacts were obtained and quantified for these simulations, like: maneuvering and overlap of inputs in headlands; servicing of secondary units; and soil loss by water erosion. While the efforts could minimize the overall costs, they disregard the fact that these costs aren’t uniformly distributed over irregular fields. The cost of a non-productive machine process... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin, T.L. Romanelli, M.N. Ferraz

9. NIR Spectroscopy to Map Quality Parameters of Sugarcane

Precision Agriculture aims to explore the potential of each crop considering the differences within the field. One information that is considered the most important is the yield or the obtained income in the field. However, in the case of sugarcane, quality will also directly influence farmer’s income. Several studies suggest harvester automation aiming to monitor yield, but few consider the quality analysis in the process. Among the existing methods for measuring sugar content the one that... M.N. Ferraz, J.P. Molin

10. Positioning Strategy of Maize Hybrids Adjusting Plant Population by Management Zones

Choice of hybrid and accurate amount of plants per area determines grain yield and consequently net incomes. Local field adjustment in plant population is a strategy to manage spatial variability and optimize environmental resources that are not under farmer control (like soil type and water availability). This study aims to evaluate the response of hybrids by levels of plant population across management zones (MZ). Six different hybrids and five rates of plant populations were analyzed starting... A.A. Anselmi, J.P. Molin, M.T. Eitelwein, R. Trevisan, A. Colaço

11. UAV-based Crop Scouting for Precision Nutrient Management

Precision agriculture – is one of the most substantial markets for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Mounted on the UAVs, sensors and cameras enable rapid screening of large numbers of experimental plots to identify crop growth habits that contribute to final yield and quality in a variety of environments. Wheat is one of the Idaho’s most important cereal crops grown in 42 of 44 Idaho counties. We are working on establishing a UAV-based methodology for in-season prediction of wheat... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, C. Thompson, K. Swoboda

12. Sensor-based Technologies for Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency

 Limited reports exist on identifying the empirical relationships between plant nitrogen and water status with hyperspectral reflectance. This project is aiming to develop effective system for nitrogen and water management in wheat. Specifically: 1) To evaluate the effects of nitrogen rates and irrigation treatments on wheat plant growth and yield; 2) To develop methods to predict yield and grain protein content in varying nitrogen and water environments, and to determine the minimum nitrogen... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess

13. Processing Yield Data from Two or More Combines

Erroneous data affect the quality of yield map. Data from combines working close to each other may differ widely if one of the monitors is not properly calibrated and this difference has to be adjusted before generating the map. The objective of this work was to develop a method to correct the yield data when running two or more combines in which at least one has the monitor not properly calibrated. The passes of each combine were initially identified and three methods to correct yield data were... L. Maldaner, J.P. Molin, T.F. Canata

14. Spatial Variability of Canopy Volume in a Commercial Citrus Grove

LiDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors have shown good potential to estimate canopy volume and guide variable rate applications in different fruit crops. Oranges are a major crop in Brazil; however the spatial variability of geometrical parameters remains still unknown in large commercial groves, as well as the potential benefit of sensor guided variable rate applications. Thus, the objective of this work was to characterize the spatial variability of the canopy volume in a commercial orange... A.F. Colaço, J.P. Molin, R.G. Trevisan, J.R. Rosell-polo, A. Escolà

15. On-the-go Measurements of pH in Tropical Soil

The objective of this study was to assess the performance of a mobile sensor platform with ion-selective antimony electrodes (ISE) to determine pH on-the-go in a Brazilian tropical soil. The field experiments were carried out in a Cambisol in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. To create pH variability, increasing doses (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Mg ha-1) of lime were added on the experimental plots (25 x 10 m) one year before the data acquisitions. To estimate soil pH levels we used a Mobile Sensor Platform... M.T. Eitelwein, R.G. Trevisan, A.F. Colaço, M.R. Vargas, J.P. Molin

16. Prospects and Challeges to Precision Agriculture Technologies Development in Ghana: Scientists' and Extension Agents' Perspectives.

The main objective of the research was to examine the prospects and challenges of developing and implementing precision agriculture (PA) in cocoa production in Ghana. A census of cocoa research scientists and a survey of cocoa extension agents (CEAs) in Ghana were taken. Five major challenges they perceived to pose serious challenges to the development and implementation of future Precision Agriculture Technologies (PATs), in their decreasing order of importance, were (a) farmer-demographic... M. Bosompem

17. Canopy Parameters in Coffee Orchards Obtained by a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner

The application of mobile terrestrial laser scanner (MTLS) has been studied for different tree crops such as citrus, apple, olive, pears and others. Such sensing system is capable of accurately estimating relevant canopy parameters such as volume and can be used for site-specific applications and for high throughput plant phenotyping. Coffee is an important tree crop for Brazil and could benefit from MTLS applications. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to define a field protocol for... F. Hoffmann silva karp, A. Feritas colaço, R. Gonçalves trevisan, J.P. Molin

18. UAV Images As a Source for Retrieval of Machine Tracks and Vegetation Gaps Along Crop Rows

The trend of acquiring equipment and obtaining high resolution remote sensed images by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been followed by sugarcane producers in Brazil, given its low cost. The images taken from fields have been used for retrieval of information like Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) from stereoscopy of overlapping images and spatial variance of biomass. In sugarcane production, driving deviations occur during planting because of manual steering inaccuracy, sliding of machines sideways... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin

19. Use of UAV Acquired Imagery As a Precision Agriculture Method for Measuring Crop Residue in Southwestern Ontario, Canada

Residue management on agriculture land is a practice of great importance in southwestern Ontario, where soil management practices have an important effect on Great Lakes water quality. The ability of tillage or planting system to maintain soil residue cover is currently measured by using one or more of the common methods, line transect (e.g. knotted rope, Meter stick) and photographic (grid, script, and image analysis) methods. Each of these techniques has various advantages and disadvantages;... A. Laamrani, A. Berg, M. March, A. Mclaren, R. Martin

20. Predicting Secondary Soil Fertility Attributes Using XRF Sensor with Reduced Scanning Time in Samples with Different Moisture Content

To support future in situ/on-the-go applications using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) sensors for soil mapping, this study aimed at evaluating the XRF performance for predicting organic matter (OM), base saturation (V), and exchangeable (ex-) Mg, using a reduced analysis time (e.g., 4 s) in soil samples with different moisture contents. These attributes are considered secondary for XRF prediction because they do not present emission lines in the XRF spectrum. Ninety-nine soil samples... T.R. Tavares, J.P. Molin, T.R. Da silva , H.W. De carvalho

21. Agricultural Robots Classification Based on Clustering by Features and Function

Robotic systems in agriculture (hereafter referred to as agrobots) have become popular in the last few years. They represent an opportunity to make food production more efficient, especially when coupled with technologies such as the Internet of Things and Big Data. Agrobots bring many advantages in farm operations: they can reduce humane fatigue and work-related accidents. In contrast, their large-scale diffusion is today limited by a lack of clarity and exhaustiveness in the regulatory framework... M. Canavari, M. Medici, G. Rossetti

22. Evaluation of a Single Transect Method for Collecting Grape Samples Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery for the Characterization of Overall Vineyard Performance

Commercial vineyards are streamed into different wine programs based on analysis of grape or juice samples collected from the field, but spatial and temporal variability can lead to sub-optimal tiering of grapes. This is a particularly difficult problem to overcome in the typically large vineyards of California’s Central Valley. Due to economic and laboratory constraints on sample collection, processing, and analysis, a single sample is often expected to represent the overall fruit quality... B. Sams, M. Aboutalebi, L. Sanchez, N. Dokoozlian, R. Bramley

23. Precision Tools for Monitoring Experimental Irrigation Treatments in California Vineyards

Precision farming techniques, such as zonal management and variable rate nutrient delivery, have been used to manage spatial variability in many crops. Wine grapes, and most permanent crops, have been slower than row crops or agronomic crops to take advantage of these techniques, though there are barriers to implementing these methods when compared to agronomic crops. The objective of this project is to show how a suite of monitoring and management tools can be used to evaluate the performance... B. Sams, P. Previtali, J. Mezger, M. Aboutalebi, L. Sanchez, N. Dokoozlian

24. Machine Learning Model to Predict Total Nozzle Volume Delivery for Pulse Width Modulated Flow Controllers

Product flow rate in the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) variable rate technologies depends on the duty cycle. However, the actual product flow rate at any duty cycle depends on pressure rise, stable pressure during the cycle, fall time and pressure drop across the nozzle body. The current controller does not consider the pressure drops and the estimation of actual flow during each cycle at any duty cycle cannot be estimated with capturing high-frequency pressure data. Knowledge of volume delivery... S. Dua, A. Sharda