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Sanchez, S
Shroyer, K
Jonsson, A
Steen, K.A
Stočes, M
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Lindblom, J
Lundström, C
Ljung, M
Jonsson, A
Aberger, C
Wallenhammar, A
Jonsson, A
Ciampitti, I.A
Shroyer, K
Prasad, V
Sharda, A
Stamm, M.J
Wang, H
Price, K
Mangus, D
Jarolimek, J
Stočes, M
Ulman, M
Vaněk, J
Larsen, D
Skovsen, S
Steen, K.A
Grooters, K
Green, O
Jørgensen, R.N
Eriksen, J
Osann, A
Campos, I
Calera, M
Plaza, C
Bodas, V
Calera, A
Villodre, J
Campoy, J
Sanchez, S
Jimenez, N
Lopez, H
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Precision Crop Protection
Applications of UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicle systems) in precision agriculture
Precision Crop Protection
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Adoption Of Precision Agriculture In Sweden – The Case Of Soil Maps

Agriculture is facing great challenges in a world of changing climate and increased responsibility to find sustainable solutions to problems on both a local and a global scale, while agriculture at the same time faces higher costs for many inputs. Making decisions under such complex conditions is a delicate task. Precision agriculture is considered by many people as a tool to improve the efficiency of use of inputs and thereby improve resource utilization and reduction... J. Lindblom, C. Lundström, M. Ljung, A. Jonsson

2. Biological Soil Mapping - Infesttion By Plasmodiophora Brassicae And Soil Characteristics

Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a soilborne pathogen that causes severe yield losses in many Brassica crops. It is a increasing problem in many Brassica growing countries. The spores survive for 15-20 years and might cause significant yield losses (>10%), already when 20% of plant are infected. An infestation with a couple of thousands spores/g soil is considered to have the potential to give such significant losses.... C. Aberger, A. Wallenhammar, A. Jonsson

3. sUAVS Technology For Better Monitoring Crop Status For Winter Canola

The small-unmanned aircraft vehicles (sUAVS) are currently gaining more popularity in agriculture with uses including identification of weeds and crop production issues, diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, detection of chemical drift, scouting for pests, identification of biotic or abiotic stresses, and prediction of biomass and yield. Research information on the use of sUAVS have been published and conducted in crops such as rice, wheat, and corn, but the development of... I.A. Ciampitti, K. Shroyer, V. Prasad, A. Sharda, M.J. Stamm, H. Wang, K. Price, D. Mangus

4. Technology Support for Game Monitoring As a Tool for Damages Reduction of Field Crops

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) are increasingly becoming the main cause of field crops damage in Czech Republic and central Europe area. There are many reasons why wild boars population is growing. The major reason is most likely change in the composition of field crops. In some areas in particular there is focus on oilseed rape and maize, for which there are also recorded the biggest losses. One of the key discussion topics is the issue of estimation of animal quantities and its traceability.... J. Jarolimek, M. Stočes, M. Ulman, J. Vaněk

5. Autonomous Mapping of Grass-Clover Ratio Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Convolutional Neural Networks

This paper presents a method which can provide support in determining the grass-clover ratio, in grass-clover fields, based on images from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Automated estimation of the grass-clover ratio can serve as a tool for optimizing fertilization of grass-clover fields. A higher clover content gives a higher performance of the cows, when the harvested material is used for fodder, and thereby this has a direct impact on the dairy industry. An android application... D. Larsen, S. Skovsen, K.A. Steen, K. Grooters, O. Green, R.N. Jørgensen, J. Eriksen

6. Practical Prescription of Variable Rate Fertilization Maps Using Remote Sensing Based Yield Potential

This paper describes a practical approach for the prescription of variable rate fertilization maps using remote sensing data (RS) based on satellite platforms, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 constellation. The methodology has been developed and evaluated in Albacete, Spain, in the framework of the project FATIMA (http://fatima-h2020.eu/). The global approach considers the prescription of N management prior to the growing season, based on a spatially distributed N balance. Although the diagnosis of N... A. Osann, I. Campos, M. Calera, C. Plaza, V. Bodas, A. Calera, J. Villodre, J. Campoy, S. Sanchez, N. Jimenez, H. Lopez