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Valente, I.Q
Nafziger, E
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Ransom, C.J
Bean, M
Kitchen, N
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R.B
Fernandez, F.G
Franzen, D.W
Laboski, C
Nafziger, E
Sawyer, J
Shanahan, J
Michelon, G.K
Sanches, G.M
Valente, I.Q
Bazzi, C.L
de Menezes, P.L
Amaral, L.R
Magalhaes, P.G
Kitchen, N.R
Yost, M.A
Ransom, C.J
Bean, G
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R
Fernandez, F
Franzen, D
Laboski, C
Nafziger, E
Sawyer, J
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Decision Support Systems
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Field-scale Nitrogen Recommendation Tools for Improving a Canopy Reflectance Sensor Algorithm

Nitrogen (N) rate recommendation tools are utilized to help producers maximize grain yield production. Many of these tools provide recommendations at field scales but often fail when corn N requirements are variable across the field. This may result in excess N being lost to the environment or producers receiving decreased economic returns on yield. Canopy reflectance sensors are capable of capturing within-field variability, although the sensor algorithm recommendations may not always be as accurate... C.J. Ransom, M. Bean, N. Kitchen, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan

2. Optimized Soil Sampling Location in Management Zones Based on Apparent Electrical Conductivity and Landscape Attributes

One of the limiting factors to characterize the soil spatial variability is the need for a dense soil sampling, which prevents the mapping due to the high demand of time and costs. A technique that minimizes the number of samples needed is the use of maps that have prior information on the spatial variability of the soil, allowing the identification of representative sampling points in the field. Management Zones (MZs), a sub-area delineated in the field, where there is relative homogeneity in... G.K. Michelon, G.M. Sanches, I.Q. Valente, C.L. Bazzi, P.L. De menezes, L.R. Amaral, P.G. Magalhaes

3. Utilizing Weather, Soil, and Plant Condition for Predicting Corn Yield and Nitrogen Fertilizer Response

Improving corn (Zea mays L.) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate recommendation tools should increase farmer’s profits and help mitigate N pollution. Weather and soil properties have repeatedly been shown to influence crop N need. The objective of this research was to improve publicly-available N recommendation tools by adjusting them with additional soil and weather information. Four N recommendation tools were evaluated across 49 N response trials conducted in eight U.S. states over three growing... N.R. Kitchen, M.A. Yost, C.J. Ransom, G. Bean, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer