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Harms, H
Uribe-Opazo, M.A
Han, Y.J
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Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Uribe-Opazo, M.A
Happich, G
Lang, T
Harms, H
Khalilian, A
Qiao, X
Payero, J.O
Maja, J.M
Privette, C.V
Han, Y.J
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Thematic And Profitability Maps For Precision Agriculture

Yield maps became economically feasible to farmers with the technological advances in precision agriculture. The evidence of its profitability, however, is still unknown and, rarely, yield variability has been correlated to profitable variability. Differently from... E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, M.A. Uribe-opazo

2. Spatial Modelling Of Agricultural Crops For Parallel Loading Operations

There is a trend in agricultural engineering towards high-performance harvesting machines with growing operating width and throughput. As much as performance and throughput are rising, the transportation units are characterized by increasing transportation volume. If harvesting and transport are combined in parallel operation (e.g. self-propelled forage harvester), the driver of the harvesting machine and the driver of the transport unit has to pay highest attention to the loading process.... G. Happich, T. Lang, H. Harms

3. Utilizing Space-based Technology for Cotton Irrigation Scheduling

Accurate soil moisture content measurements are vital to precision irrigation management. Electromagnetic sensors such as capacitance and time domain reflectometry have been widely used for measuring soil moisture content for decades. However, to estimate average soil moisture content over a large area, a number of ground-based in-situ sensors would need to be installed, which would be expensive and labor intensive. Remote sensing using the microwave spectrum (such as GPS signals) has been used... A. Khalilian, X. Qiao, J.O. Payero, J.M. Maja, C.V. Privette, Y.J. Han