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Ghosheh, H
Chen, X
Cline, V
Carter, P.G
Cordero, E
Chabot, V
Goorahoo, D
Add filter to result:
Ghosheh, H
Miao, Y
Cao, Q
Cui, Z
Li, F
Dao, T.H
Khosla, R
Chen, X
Yao, Y
Miao, Y
Huang, S
Gnyp, M.L
Jiang, R
Chen, X
Bareth, G
Rice, K
Carson, T
Krum, J
Flitcroft, I
Cline, V
Carrow, R
Pierce, F
Perry, E.M
Young, S.L
Collins, H.P
Carter, P.G
Seepersad, G
Sampson, T
Seepersad, S
Goorahoo, D
Kablan, L
Chabot, V
Mailloux, A
Bouchard, M
Fontaine, D
Bruulsema, T
Cordero, E
Sacco, D
Moretti, B
Miniotti, E.F
Tenni, D
Beltarre, G
Romani, M
Grignani, C
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Precision Nutrient Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Carbon Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Weed Management Research Advancement In The Near East

  Precision weed control research received considerable attention since the introduction of global positioning systems (GPS). GPS and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies may assist with field monitoring, particularly; in deciding what weed species to monitor? What weed densities are bypassing critical thresholds? and where?  While advancements in precision agricultural research could be detected through the intensive publications in the developed world,... H. Ghosheh

2. Quantifying Spatial Variability Of Indigenous Nitrogen Supply For Precision Nitrogen Management In North China Plain

... Y. Miao, Q. Cao, Z. Cui, F. Li, T.H. Dao, R. Khosla, X. Chen

3. Developing An Active Crop Sensor-based In-season Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast China

  Crop sensor-based in-season N management strategies have been successfully developed and evaluated for winter wheat around the world, but little has been reported for rice. The objective of this study was to develop an active crop sensor-based in-season N management strategy for upland rice in Northeast... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M.L. Gnyp, R. Jiang, X. Chen, G. Bareth

4. Spatial Mapping Of Penetrometer Resistance On Turfgrass Soils For Site-specific Cultivation

Site-specific management requires site-specific information.  Soil compaction at field capacity is a major stress on recreational turfgrass sites that requires frequent cultivation. Spatial mapping of penetrometer... K. Rice, T. Carson, J. Krum, I. Flitcroft, V. Cline, R. Carrow

5. Performance Of The Veris Nir Spectrophotometer For Mapping Soil C In The Palouse Soils Of Eastern Washington

Recent advances in sensing technology have made measuring and mapping the dynamics of important soil properties that regulate carbon and nutrient budgets possible. The Veris Technologies (Salinas, KS) Near Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer is one of the first sensors available for collecting geo-referenced NIR soil spectra on-the-go. Field studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of the Veris NIR in wheat grown under both conventional and no-till management in the Palouse region of eastern... F. Pierce, E.M. Perry, S.L. Young, H.P. Collins, P.G. Carter

6. Precision Agriculture Techniques for Crop Management in Trinidad and Tobago: Methodology & Field Layout

Agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago has not advanced at the same rate at which new agricultural technology has been released. This has led to large-scale abandonment of crop lands as challenges posed by labor availability and their agronomic capability could not meet the technological demands for agricultural production, competitiveness and sustainability. There is an urgent need to develop technology-based agriculture models to meet the demands of a modern agricultural sector and to maintain its... G. Seepersad, T. Sampson, S. Seepersad, D. Goorahoo

7. Variability in Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer in Quebec

Optimizing nitrogen (N) fertilization is important to improve corn yield and to reduce N losses to the environment. The economic optimum nitrogen rate  (EONR) is variable and depends on many factors, including weather conditions and crop management.  The main objective of this study was to examine how grain corn yield response to N varies with planting date, soil texture and spring weather across sites and years in Monteregie, which is the most important with 64% of total area and 69%... L. Kablan, V. Chabot, A. Mailloux, M. Bouchard, D. Fontaine, T. Bruulsema

8. Deriving Fertiliser VRA Calibration Based on Ground Sensing Data from Specific Field Experiments

Nitrogen (N) fertilisation affects both rice yield and quality. In order to improve grain yield while limiting N losses, providing N fertilisers during the critical growth stages is essential. NDRE is considered a reliable crop N status indicator, suitable to drive topdressing N fertilisation in rice. A multi-year experiment on different rice varieties (Gladio, Centauro, and Carnaroli) was conducted between 2011 and 2017 in Castello d’Agogna (PV), northwest Italy, with the aim of i) establishing... E. Cordero, D. Sacco, B. Moretti, E.F. Miniotti, D. Tenni, G. Beltarre, M. Romani, C. Grignani